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人教版PEP小学英三年级下册Unit6 At the zoo教学设计A Lets talk【教学预案】一、教材内容:PEP Book3 Unit6 At the zoo A Lets talk& Lets practise二、教材解析:Lets talk 部分主要学习使用“Look atIt hasIts so”介绍动物的特征。Lets practise 借助动物文具复习巩固A部分中I have及生词small,big.三、教学目标:1、听懂会说“Look atIt hasIts so”2、听说认读一些形容词small,big,long,short.四、教学难点:1、对句型It has的掌握。2、“so”的用法及在句子的意思。五、教学准备:一些动物图片,动物玩具,动物头饰,课件六、教学过程:Step one:Warm-up1. GreetingsT: Good morning,children.Ss: Good morning,Miss Meng.T:How are you today,children?Ss:Fine. What about you?T: Im fine.2. Enjoy a song.T:Whats the song about?Ss:Animals.T: Where are the animals?Ss: At the zoo.T: Do you like animals?Ss: Yes.Step two: PresentationT: Ok. Today well go to the zoo. Before we go to the zoo, well do some guessing game.1.教授tail。 出示图片(一条猴子的尾巴),T:Can you guess whats this?Ss:尾巴。T:Its a tail.教读tail。出示整张图片(猴子)T:Its the monkeys.(引导学生说出tail板书)师用手比划长,引导学生说出:The monkey has a long tail.出示图片(小鱼尾巴)T:Whats this?Ss: Its a tail.T: Whose tail?Ss: The fish.T: Yes. It has a (用手比划出短,引导学生)Ss:It has a short tail.师板书It has a并领读2T: Well, lets see some animals at the zoo. The first one is (出示大象图片,引导学生说出elephant) The elephant is(用手作大状,引导学生说出big)We can also say(边做大状)“Its so big.”领读。出示小老鼠图片,引导学生说出This is a mouse. Its small. (用手作小状)Ss:Its so small.板书Its so并领读3.Practice。T:Look at these animals. You can use the sentences to describe them. Such as: Look at the Its soOne minute to prepare. 找生上台展示。4.T:Ok. Miss White and her children go to the zoo. Lets see what about Miss White and her children.播放视频。 T:Ok. Children, can you tell me which animal do Miss White and her children see at the zoo?Ss: The elephant.T: Ok. Now read and point follow the tape.师领读课文。5.Read by yourself and then tell me whats the elephant look like?T:Whats the elephant look like?Ss:Its so big. It has a long nose and a short tail. It has small eyes and big ears.(生说的同时师做夸张的动作)6.小组内对话练习。7.分角色朗读对话。Step three: Practice1.T: Lets do some practice. I have many animals.(出示动物头饰) You can using these sentences to describe yourself.师示范。For example(师带上小猪头饰):Im a pig. I have a big nose and two big ears.Ill give you there minutes to prepare.2.Show time.S1: Im a rabbit. I have long ears and a short tail. I have red eyes.S2:Im a panda. Im black and white. I have big eyes and small ears.I have short tail.S3:Im a mouse. I have small eyes, small ears and small nose. I have a shot tail.3.Read and match. 找学生起来读句子并连线。4.Introduce your favorite(最喜欢的)animal to your friends. Using these sentences:Look at theIts so big/small/funny/lovely(可爱的)beautifulLook!It has师做示范:Look at the panda.Its so lovely.Look! It has small ears and big eyes. It has a short tail(师边说边指着熊猫玩具)There minutes to prepare. Talking in your group.T:ITs time for your showing.S1: Look at the monkey. Its so funny. Look! It has big ears and small eyes. It has a long tail. It likes bananas.S2:Look at the elephant. Its so big. Look! It has a long nose and a short tail. It has small eyes and big ears.S3: Look at the dog. Its so beautiful. Look! It has big ears and small eyes. It has a short tail.T: I have many pictures for you.师出示ppt,展示可爱动物图片,生发出wow的惊叹声。待添加的隐藏文字内容3T: The animals are very lovely. But look at these ones.T: How pity!They are killing the animals. For the animals, what should we do?S1我们应该组织他们。S2:我们应该保护动物,爱护动物。T: Yes. We should ptotect animals. Because animals are our friends.HomeworkIntroduce one of your favorite aniaml to your friends.【课后感言】热身活动是一种课前营造学习英语的氛围,引发学生学习英语动机的活动,我采用歌曲的形式创造了浓厚的氛围,所以学生英语的兴致就很高。呈现新知(Presentation),我创设了恰当的情景(去动物园),是学生在情景汇总感知语言,理解语言。操练(Practice),充分利用小组合作的练习方式,说说做做,分角色朗读等方式练习句型。巩固阶段,我根据所学知识让学生在真实情景或类真实情境中表演课文、改编对话、情境表演等巩固了所学知识,达到了活学活用的目的。在评价阶段,我没有及时给予学生奖励,没有使学生的积极性更高涨。由于准备不是很充分,选的课又是与前面没有关联的内容,单词部分学生们掌握的不牢,直接影响了句型的掌握,没有达到理想的效果,部分同学句型掌握不牢固。【课堂赏析】本堂课循序渐进的,一环扣一环,复习-导入-练习-强化-总结等,有逻辑顺序,是按照学生的认知顺序、和认知能力进行的。思路清晰,准备充分。教师和学生之间有互动,课堂气氛活跃,且秩序井然。教师教态较自然,声音洪亮,有亲和力。 不足在于:第一,重点句型掌握不是很牢固。第二,没有及时给予奖励。第三,练习不是很充分。


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