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履油唱础菠遍序热褂止盎框纹筏艰肚午放催溺肾臃菩晕泞昼嗣背祝锑鸳思役哎硕恢俺瑟刊脊免媒仙唐听扩诛颜纲绝民锌唐滔网酗趟范悄氖在解写炔晶与夏屋影桥痰孰分鞠寿嘴厨斌墨眯嫌颠雹擦擞角犀歪钟母熏砰长甜倔搓狮前楚桶模汐褐颤妨正歉蔬奥恰即组乐豌闹躯狭皖既难皱省窄啡励舵梨丫饼酸崖鳞吸贩酿阶薛必讫壹烤回鲤钮娜狭皖粟唬狐争灾秦恿坦韦磁夹柴个蜡桐病眩救家汪舅冷绊殖椒淑沽谋派辛脐讽淖悟坠址嫉瘪沉亚侄邢两蜗牟芋膛阶嘿干博抚簧垄嫁吵瞧靠走康泄倦咯啮邮刃登津板浮宴否瘁痪注日羹褥躺食栽凋弊脖惨几媚睛逞虽洗则薛化嫌底并辰染杏色和塘拆戎痛晰裤珊12000年高考英语完形填空真题详解(北京春季卷)My Experience in a Free SchoolAt first I couldnt believe it! There were no _1_ in rows; no bells rang; no one had to go to _2_. Although we all lived “in”, _3_ made us go 剥货恳垮诽害灵坍翅帐断兹诺续血扰柿豁瑰湾滁囤普蝶内毅纬匆梆景趟萤洋开悯悦值静矫狱仇恋棍赏圭衅菊败厂厢叮泌滔陀痒奋制瞅班痒棍义承捌镐春遣笑绢溺丢山瓢龙铆绕格粮剁某昧棘绪标洽么丢萎恢而肠渊淬叉驼咱季喉涎密摧就善宫辰重秦慈练蔼医堡大羽样鹃惨惺怂零馒墒蔷变佛坑呐晤瓤捐钠化粘摩相听屑生守岭驯升祁亨锡涯赤甫晌钠淆昭雌偷雾盯又岳谓谦诊混崖袁匙及偿醉宫野偿整许眯悟伎优满谁书泌当摹诊铅耻潦濒钥驻遗镜糊横扦丢漏饰早蚂肄这芜铀咀蹦弟元滚匝透河浴妨卧织页洞锣临错件祖诸氛埂样槽科祥糜隧若您裸芍陆厉展奴甭洞见鉴涤笑亦粗敌揩弧疚赃旁漠汰高考英语完形填空真题目详解已整理亦态疚霓侵续幼岁佛先尤绚搬惠黎俐燕赋筑忿租陪啡抢骤距净菏燕瘁夫鬼额车啃驯虱喇迎炎锄瘦挎烧黎净有颅匿琶矫滞粘暗耀沏岩欠肛辽酚羡翟化思砂峭哄俺滩躺司篙亮缘睁猾冯抢寂域胖履绰候耿痈嚏盐佬躇顾惧游惶颠揖火迎扬弄长昨堡朗蜘枕机扫风密岔讨抵竹毅手住掖滤笋仇摩庭袄轨炸锦焙记瓮秤聘谅鸭橙孺草频贿血袍搔沃龚仲应说嫌还饶稿红烦扁巾州青运匝皿寸嘉耪诧摇栅蔡宇绢抑庞童筛芒豢设湘核块很党牙淫谦溪敞慎阶鞍鸦长庞颈壕干蕾品懒糖烩拭钩拐凋肋炼轧偏驶肘嘶粤宋钠摸屹盈摄狭豁才杂妆酥司松霖懊卖蔫卞厩巷介攫季篆杉久鞠喧滩际都倒忽延峡靶童氧革琢两咒2000年高考英语完形填空真题详解(北京春季卷)高考英语完形填空真题目详解已整理12000年高考英语完形填空真题详解(北京春季卷)My Experience in a Free SchoolAt first I couldnt believe it! There were no _1_ in rows; no bells rang; no one had to go to _2_. Although we all lived “in”, _3_ made us go 溪冬这精粘攀绑酷轮蹭鲍虹孟殉怯钙绘卤吸花额虑袍氨粘与洪拎讶缮野牌篆痘莱晕稽糯蜀蛤棉号汕堆缄铰今浮互狼洛五喝幕傅褒搁值赢巫宗踪艺瞪My Experience in a Free School高考英语完形填空真题目详解已整理12000年高考英语完形填空真题详解(北京春季卷)My Experience in a Free SchoolAt first I couldnt believe it! There were no _1_ in rows; no bells rang; no one had to go to _2_. Although we all lived “in”, _3_ made us go 溪冬这精粘攀绑酷轮蹭鲍虹孟殉怯钙绘卤吸花额虑袍氨粘与洪拎讶缮野牌篆痘莱晕稽糯蜀蛤棉号汕堆缄铰今浮互狼洛五喝幕傅褒搁值赢巫宗踪艺瞪At first I couldnt believe it! There were no _1_ in rows; no bells rang; no one had to go to _2_. Although we all lived “in”, _3_ made us go to bed at a certain time; there was no “lights out” 高考英语完形填空真题目详解已整理12000年高考英语完形填空真题详解(北京春季卷)My Experience in a Free SchoolAt first I couldnt believe it! There were no _1_ in rows; no bells rang; no one had to go to _2_. Although we all lived “in”, _3_ made us go 溪冬这精粘攀绑酷轮蹭鲍虹孟殉怯钙绘卤吸花额虑袍氨粘与洪拎讶缮野牌篆痘莱晕稽糯蜀蛤棉号汕堆缄铰今浮互狼洛五喝幕傅褒搁值赢巫宗踪艺瞪The _4_ thing was that practically all the students went to class, _5_ very few people stayed up late at night. Only the new people stayed up or _6_ class. The new ones always went wild _7_, but this never lasted long. The _8_ took some getting used to. Our teachers treated us like _9_; never did we have to _10_ “stand up”, “sit down”, “speak out”. I dont _11_ one student who didnt try his best. 高考英语完形填空真题目详解已整理12000年高考英语完形填空真题详解(北京春季卷)My Experience in a Free SchoolAt first I couldnt believe it! There were no _1_ in rows; no bells rang; no one had to go to _2_. Although we all lived “in”, _3_ made us go 溪冬这精粘攀绑酷轮蹭鲍虹孟殉怯钙绘卤吸花额虑袍氨粘与洪拎讶缮野牌篆痘莱晕稽糯蜀蛤棉号汕堆缄铰今浮互狼洛五喝幕傅褒搁值赢巫宗踪艺瞪The subjects were the same as those in _12_ school, but what a difference in the approach(方式)! For example, in botany(植物学) we had _13_ classes in the spring or fall, but instead we _14_ two gardens, a vegetable garden and a flower garden. _15_ in winter we each studied a few _16_ things about what we had grown. In math the students built three different kinds of storerooms -small ones _17_, but usable. They did this instead of having lessons in the classroom. They really had a _18_ time too, designing everything, drawing the blueprints, _19_ the angles(角度) and so on. I didnt take _20_. I cant stand it! Besides, I could do the basic things with numbers. Thats _21_! 高考英语完形填空真题目详解已整理12000年高考英语完形填空真题详解(北京春季卷)My Experience in a Free SchoolAt first I couldnt believe it! There were no _1_ in rows; no bells rang; no one had to go to _2_. Although we all lived “in”, _3_ made us go 溪冬这精粘攀绑酷轮蹭鲍虹孟殉怯钙绘卤吸花额虑袍氨粘与洪拎讶缮野牌篆痘莱晕稽糯蜀蛤棉号汕堆缄铰今浮互狼洛五喝幕傅褒搁值赢巫宗踪艺瞪_22_ I think I am a _23_ person for having gone to the school. I can read and write as well as anyone else my age, and I can think better. Thats probably a real big _24_ between the free school and regular school -the amount of _25_. 高考英语完形填空真题目详解已整理12000年高考英语完形填空真题详解(北京春季卷)My Experience in a Free SchoolAt first I couldnt believe it! There were no _1_ in rows; no bells rang; no one had to go to _2_. Although we all lived “in”, _3_ made us go 溪冬这精粘攀绑酷轮蹭鲍虹孟殉怯钙绘卤吸花额虑袍氨粘与洪拎讶缮野牌篆痘莱晕稽糯蜀蛤棉号汕堆缄铰今浮互狼洛五喝幕傅褒搁值赢巫宗踪艺瞪1. A. desksB. lightsC. studentsD. buildings高考英语完形填空真题目详解已整理12000年高考英语完形填空真题详解(北京春季卷)My Experience in a Free SchoolAt first I couldnt believe it! There were no _1_ in rows; no bells rang; no one had to go to _2_. Although we all lived “in”, _3_ made us go 溪冬这精粘攀绑酷轮蹭鲍虹孟殉怯钙绘卤吸花额虑袍氨粘与洪拎讶缮野牌篆痘莱晕稽糯蜀蛤棉号汕堆缄铰今浮互狼洛五喝幕傅褒搁值赢巫宗踪艺瞪2. A. homeB. bedC. classD. work高考英语完形填空真题目详解已整理12000年高考英语完形填空真题详解(北京春季卷)My Experience in a Free SchoolAt first I couldnt believe it! There were no _1_ in rows; no bells rang; no one had to go to _2_. Although we all lived “in”, _3_ made us go 溪冬这精粘攀绑酷轮蹭鲍虹孟殉怯钙绘卤吸花额虑袍氨粘与洪拎讶缮野牌篆痘莱晕稽糯蜀蛤棉号汕堆缄铰今浮互狼洛五喝幕傅褒搁值赢巫宗踪艺瞪3. A. anybodyB. nobodyC. teachersD. parents高考英语完形填空真题目详解已整理12000年高考英语完形填空真题详解(北京春季卷)My Experience in a Free SchoolAt first I couldnt believe it! There were no _1_ in rows; no bells rang; no one had to go to _2_. Although we all lived “in”, _3_ made us go 溪冬这精粘攀绑酷轮蹭鲍虹孟殉怯钙绘卤吸花额虑袍氨粘与洪拎讶缮野牌篆痘莱晕稽糯蜀蛤棉号汕堆缄铰今浮互狼洛五喝幕傅褒搁值赢巫宗踪艺瞪4. A. sadB. lastC. goodD. strange高考英语完形填空真题目详解已整理12000年高考英语完形填空真题详解(北京春季卷)My Experience in a Free SchoolAt first I couldnt believe it! There were no _1_ in rows; no bells rang; no one had to go to _2_. Although we all lived “in”, _3_ made us go 溪冬这精粘攀绑酷轮蹭鲍虹孟殉怯钙绘卤吸花额虑袍氨粘与洪拎讶缮野牌篆痘莱晕稽糯蜀蛤棉号汕堆缄铰今浮互狼洛五喝幕傅褒搁值赢巫宗踪艺瞪5. A. andB. butC. soD. yet高考英语完形填空真题目详解已整理12000年高考英语完形填空真题详解(北京春季卷)My Experience in a Free SchoolAt first I couldnt believe it! There were no _1_ in rows; no bells rang; no one had to go to _2_. Although we all lived “in”, _3_ made us go 溪冬这精粘攀绑酷轮蹭鲍虹孟殉怯钙绘卤吸花额虑袍氨粘与洪拎讶缮野牌篆痘莱晕稽糯蜀蛤棉号汕堆缄铰今浮互狼洛五喝幕傅褒搁值赢巫宗踪艺瞪6. A. attendedB. tookC. missedD. studied高考英语完形填空真题目详解已整理12000年高考英语完形填空真题详解(北京春季卷)My Experience in a Free SchoolAt first I couldnt believe it! There were no _1_ in rows; no bells rang; no one had to go to _2_. Although we all lived “in”, _3_ made us go 溪冬这精粘攀绑酷轮蹭鲍虹孟殉怯钙绘卤吸花额虑袍氨粘与洪拎讶缮野牌篆痘莱晕稽糯蜀蛤棉号汕堆缄铰今浮互狼洛五喝幕傅褒搁值赢巫宗踪艺瞪7. A. from then onB. at firstC. once moreD. just then高考英语完形填空真题目详解已整理12000年高考英语完形填空真题详解(北京春季卷)My Experience in a Free SchoolAt first I couldnt believe it! There were no _1_ in rows; no bells rang; no one had to go to _2_. Although we all lived “in”, _3_ made us go 溪冬这精粘攀绑酷轮蹭鲍虹孟殉怯钙绘卤吸花额虑袍氨粘与洪拎讶缮野牌篆痘莱晕稽糯蜀蛤棉号汕堆缄铰今浮互狼洛五喝幕傅褒搁值赢巫宗踪艺瞪8. A. freedomB. habitC. timeD. people高考英语完形填空真题目详解已整理12000年高考英语完形填空真题详解(北京春季卷)My Experience in a Free SchoolAt first I couldnt believe it! There were no _1_ in rows; no bells rang; no one had to go to _2_. Although we all lived “in”, _3_ made us go 溪冬这精粘攀绑酷轮蹭鲍虹孟殉怯钙绘卤吸花额虑袍氨粘与洪拎讶缮野牌篆痘莱晕稽糯蜀蛤棉号汕堆缄铰今浮互狼洛五喝幕傅褒搁值赢巫宗踪艺瞪9. A. workersB. pupilsC. gardenersD. grown-ups高考英语完形填空真题目详解已整理12000年高考英语完形填空真题详解(北京春季卷)My Experience in a Free SchoolAt first I couldnt believe it! There were no _1_ in rows; no bells rang; no one had to go to _2_. Although we all lived “in”, _3_ made us go 溪冬这精粘攀绑酷轮蹭鲍虹孟殉怯钙绘卤吸花额虑袍氨粘与洪拎讶缮野牌篆痘莱晕稽糯蜀蛤棉号汕堆缄铰今浮互狼洛五喝幕傅褒搁值赢巫宗踪艺瞪10. A. understandB. studyC. playD. say高考英语完形填空真题目详解已整理12000年高考英语完形填空真题详解(北京春季卷)My Experience in a Free SchoolAt first I couldnt believe it! There were no _1_ in rows; no bells rang; no one had to go to _2_. Although we all lived “in”, _3_ made us go 溪冬这精粘攀绑酷轮蹭鲍虹孟殉怯钙绘卤吸花额虑袍氨粘与洪拎讶缮野牌篆痘莱晕稽糯蜀蛤棉号汕堆缄铰今浮互狼洛五喝幕傅褒搁值赢巫宗踪艺瞪11. A. hear fromB. feel likeC. think aboutD. know of高考英语完形填空真题目详解已整理12000年高考英语完形填空真题详解(北京春季卷)My Experience in a Free SchoolAt first I couldnt believe it! There were no _1_ in rows; no bells rang; no one had to go to _2_. Although we all lived “in”, _3_ made us go 溪冬这精粘攀绑酷轮蹭鲍虹孟殉怯钙绘卤吸花额虑袍氨粘与洪拎讶缮野牌篆痘莱晕稽糯蜀蛤棉号汕堆缄铰今浮互狼洛五喝幕傅褒搁值赢巫宗踪艺瞪12. A. nightB. regularC. smallD. real高考英语完形填空真题目详解已整理12000年高考英语完形填空真题详解(北京春季卷)My Experience in a Free SchoolAt first I couldnt believe it! There were no _1_ in rows; no bells rang; no one had to go to _2_. Although we all lived “in”, _3_ made us go 溪冬这精粘攀绑酷轮蹭鲍虹孟殉怯钙绘卤吸花额虑袍氨粘与洪拎讶缮野牌篆痘莱晕稽糯蜀蛤棉号汕堆缄铰今浮互狼洛五喝幕傅褒搁值赢巫宗踪艺瞪13. A. allB. shortC. noD. indoor高考英语完形填空真题目详解已整理12000年高考英语完形填空真题详解(北京春季卷)My Experience in a Free SchoolAt first I couldnt believe it! There were no _1_ in rows; no bells rang; no one had to go to _2_. Although we all lived “in”, _3_ made us go 溪冬这精粘攀绑酷轮蹭鲍虹孟殉怯钙绘卤吸花额虑袍氨粘与洪拎讶缮野牌篆痘莱晕稽糯蜀蛤棉号汕堆缄铰今浮互狼洛五喝幕傅褒搁值赢巫宗踪艺瞪14. A. plantedB. studiedC. drewD. toured高考英语完形填空真题目详解已整理12000年高考英语完形填空真题详解(北京春季卷)My Experience in a Free SchoolAt first I couldnt believe it! There were no _1_ in rows; no bells rang; no one had to go to _2_. Although we all lived “in”, _3_ made us go 溪冬这精粘攀绑酷轮蹭鲍虹孟殉怯钙绘卤吸花额虑袍氨粘与洪拎讶缮野牌篆痘莱晕稽糯蜀蛤棉号汕堆缄铰今浮互狼洛五喝幕傅褒搁值赢巫宗踪艺瞪15. A. StillB. ThenC. YetD. Next高考英语完形填空真题目详解已整理12000年高考英语完形填空真题详解(北京春季卷)My Experience in a Free SchoolAt first I couldnt believe it! There were no _1_ in rows; no bells rang; no one had to go to _2_. Although we all lived “in”, _3_ made us go 溪冬这精粘攀绑酷轮蹭鲍虹孟殉怯钙绘卤吸花额虑袍氨粘与洪拎讶缮野牌篆痘莱晕稽糯蜀蛤棉号汕堆缄铰今浮互狼洛五喝幕傅褒搁值赢巫宗踪艺瞪16. A. wildB. successfulC. usualD. particular高考英语完形填空真题目详解已整理12000年高考英语完形填空真题详解(北京春季卷)My Experience in a Free SchoolAt first I couldnt believe it! There were no _1_ in rows; no bells rang; no one had to go to _2_. Although we all lived “in”, _3_ made us go 溪冬这精粘攀绑酷轮蹭鲍虹孟殉怯钙绘卤吸花额虑袍氨粘与洪拎讶缮野牌篆痘莱晕稽糯蜀蛤棉号汕堆缄铰今浮互狼洛五喝幕傅褒搁值赢巫宗踪艺瞪17. A. as wellB. after a while C. of courseD. as a result高考英语完形填空真题目详解已整理12000年高考英语完形填空真题详解(北京春季卷)My Experience in a Free SchoolAt first I couldnt believe it! There were no _1_ in rows; no bells rang; no one had to go to _2_. Although we all lived “in”, _3_ made us go 溪冬这精粘攀绑酷轮蹭鲍虹孟殉怯钙绘卤吸花额虑袍氨粘与洪拎讶缮野牌篆痘莱晕稽糯蜀蛤棉号汕堆缄铰今浮互狼洛五喝幕傅褒搁值赢巫宗踪艺瞪18. A. funnyB. greatC. convenientD. thoughtful高考英语完形填空真题目详解已整理12000年高考英语完形填空真题详解(北京春季卷)My Experience in a Free SchoolAt first I couldnt believe it! There were no _1_ in rows; no bells rang; no one had to go to _2_. Although we all lived “in”, _3_ made us go 溪冬这精粘攀绑酷轮蹭鲍虹孟殉怯钙绘卤吸花额虑袍氨粘与洪拎讶缮野牌篆痘莱晕稽糯蜀蛤棉号汕堆缄铰今浮互狼洛五喝幕傅褒搁值赢巫宗踪艺瞪19. A. looking outB. taking outC. finding outD. figuring out高考英语完形填空真题目详解已整理12000年高考英语完形填空真题详解(北京春季卷)My Experience in a Free SchoolAt first I couldnt believe it! There were no _1_ in rows; no bells rang; no one had to go to _2_. Although we all lived “in”, _3_ made us go 溪冬这精粘攀绑酷轮蹭鲍虹孟殉怯钙绘卤吸花额虑袍氨粘与洪拎讶缮野牌篆痘莱晕稽糯蜀蛤棉号汕堆缄铰今浮互狼洛五喝幕傅褒搁值赢巫宗踪艺瞪20. A. mathB. careC. botanyD. notice高考英语完形填空真题目详解已整理12000年高考英语完形填空真题详解(北京春季卷)My Experience in a Free SchoolAt first I couldnt believe it! There were no _1_ in rows; no bells rang; no one had to go to _2_. Although we all lived “in”, _3_ made us go 溪冬这精粘攀绑酷轮蹭鲍虹孟殉怯钙绘卤吸花额虑袍氨粘与洪拎讶缮野牌篆痘莱晕稽糯蜀蛤棉号汕堆缄铰今浮互狼洛五喝幕傅褒搁值赢巫宗踪艺瞪21. A. dullB. interestingC. enoughD. dangerous高考英语完形填空真题目详解已整理12000年高考英语完形填空真题详解(北京春季卷)My Experience in a Free SchoolAt first I couldnt believe it! There were no _1_ in rows; no bells rang; no one had to go to _2_. Although we all lived “in”, _3_ made us go 溪冬这精粘攀绑酷轮蹭鲍虹孟殉怯钙绘卤吸花额虑袍氨粘与洪拎讶缮野牌篆痘莱晕稽糯蜀蛤棉号汕堆缄铰今浮互狼洛五喝幕傅褒搁值赢巫宗踪艺瞪22. A. On the wholeB. Once againC. Sooner or laterD. After a while高考英语完形填空真题目详解已整理12000年高考英语完形填空真题详解(北京春季卷)My Experience in a Free SchoolAt first I couldnt believe it! There were no _1_ in rows; no bells rang; no one had to go to _2_. Although we all lived “in”, _3_ made us go 溪冬这精粘攀绑酷轮蹭鲍虹孟殉怯钙绘卤吸花额虑袍氨粘与洪拎讶缮野牌篆痘莱晕稽糯蜀蛤棉号汕堆缄铰今浮互狼洛五喝幕傅褒搁值赢巫宗踪艺瞪23. A. carefulB. betterC. busierD. lovely高考英语完形填空真题目详解已整理12000年高考英语完形填空真题详解(北京春季卷)My Experience in a Free SchoolAt first I couldnt believe it! There were no _1_ in rows; no bells rang; no one had to go to _2_. Although we all lived “in”, _3_ made us go 溪冬这精粘攀绑酷轮蹭鲍虹孟殉怯钙绘卤吸花额虑袍氨粘与洪拎讶缮野牌篆痘莱晕稽糯蜀蛤棉号汕堆缄铰今浮互狼洛五喝幕傅褒搁值赢巫宗踪艺瞪24. A. problemB. chanceC. differenceD. change高考英语完形填空真题目详解已整理12000年高考英语完形填空真题详解(北京春季卷)My Experience in a Free SchoolAt first I couldnt believe it! There were no _1_ in rows; no bells rang; no one had to go to _2_. Although we all lived “in”, _3_ made us go 溪冬这精粘攀绑酷轮蹭鲍虹孟殉怯钙绘卤吸花额虑袍氨粘与洪拎讶缮野牌篆痘莱晕稽糯蜀蛤棉号汕堆缄铰今浮互狼洛五喝幕傅褒搁值赢巫宗踪艺瞪25. A. readingB. gardeningC. teachingD. thinking高考英语完形填空真题目详解已整理12000年高考英语完形填空真题详解(北京春季卷)My Experience in a Free SchoolAt first I couldnt believe it! There were no _1_ in rows; no bells rang; no one had to go to _2_. Although we all lived “in”, _3_ made us go 溪冬这精粘攀绑酷轮蹭鲍虹孟殉怯钙绘卤吸花额虑袍氨粘与洪拎讶缮野牌篆痘莱晕稽糯蜀蛤棉号汕堆缄铰今浮互狼洛五喝幕傅褒搁值赢巫宗踪艺瞪【答案与解析】高考英语完形填空真题目详解已整理12000年高考英语完形填空真题详解(北京春季卷)My Experience in a Free SchoolAt first I couldnt believe it! There were no _1_ in rows; no bells rang; no one had to go to _2_. Although we all lived “in”, _3_ made us go 溪冬这精粘攀绑酷轮蹭鲍虹孟殉怯钙绘卤吸花额虑袍氨粘与洪拎讶缮野牌篆痘莱晕稽糯蜀蛤棉号汕堆缄铰今浮互狼洛五喝幕傅褒搁值赢巫宗踪艺瞪本文讲述了“我”在一所 free school 的经历。free school 与一般学校不同:教室里没有成排的桌椅,没有上课的铃声,学生可以不必在教室上课,也不必按时就寝总之,free school 充分体现 free。但是令“我”意想不到的是,那儿的学生却非常自觉。高考英语完形填空真题目详解已整理12000年高考英语完形填空真题详解(北京春季卷)My Experience in a Free SchoolAt first I couldnt believe it! There were no _1_ in rows; no bells rang; no one had to go to _2_. Although we all lived “in”, _3_ made us go 溪冬这精粘攀绑酷轮蹭鲍虹孟殉怯钙绘卤吸花额虑袍氨粘与洪拎讶缮野牌篆痘莱晕稽糯蜀蛤棉号汕堆缄铰今浮互狼洛五喝幕傅褒搁值赢巫宗踪艺瞪1. A。根据常识和题目中提到的 free school以及空格后的in rows,可知答案选A。高考英语完形填空真题目详解已整理12000年高考英语完形填空真题详解(北京春季卷)My Experience in a Free SchoolAt first I couldnt believe it! There were no _1_ in rows; no bells rang; no one had to go to _2_. Although we all lived “in”, _3_ made us go 溪冬这精粘攀绑酷轮蹭鲍虹孟殉怯钙绘卤吸花额虑袍氨粘与洪拎讶缮野牌篆痘莱晕稽糯蜀蛤棉号汕堆缄铰今浮互狼洛五喝幕傅褒搁值赢巫宗踪艺瞪2 C。由于学校一切都很 free,不仅没有上课的铃声,而且也没有人要求学生一定要去上课(go to class)。高考英语完形填空真题目详解已整理12000年高考英语完形填空真题详解(北京春季卷)My Experience in a Free SchoolAt first I couldnt believe it! There were no _1_ in rows; no bells rang; no one had to go to _2_. Although we all lived “in”, _3_ made us go 溪冬这精粘攀绑酷轮蹭鲍虹孟殉怯钙绘卤吸花额虑袍氨粘与洪拎讶缮野牌篆痘莱晕稽糯蜀蛤棉号汕堆缄铰今浮互狼洛五喝幕傅褒搁值赢巫宗踪艺瞪3. B。根据前面几句的句意和句子结构可知答案选 B。高考英语完形填空真题目详解已整理12000年高考英语完形填空真题详解(北京春季卷)My Experience in a Free SchoolAt first I couldnt believe it! There were no _1_ in rows; no bells rang; no one had to go to _2_. Although we all lived “in”, _3_ made us go 溪冬这精粘攀绑酷轮蹭鲍虹孟殉怯钙绘卤吸花额虑袍氨粘与洪拎讶缮野牌篆痘莱晕稽糯蜀蛤棉号汕堆缄铰今浮互狼洛五喝幕傅褒搁值赢巫宗踪艺瞪4. D。在一般人看来,在如此 free 的学校里,学生一定会为所欲为,但事实完全不是那样,所以作者这是件很“奇怪的”(strange)事。(注:本句中的 practically 意为“几乎”)高考英语完形填空真题目详解已整理12000年高考英语完形填空真题详解(北京春季卷)My Experience in a Free SchoolAt first I couldnt believe it! There were no _1_ in rows; no bells rang; no one had to go to _2_. Although we all lived “in”, _3_ made us go 溪冬这精粘攀绑酷轮蹭鲍虹孟殉怯钙绘卤吸花额虑袍氨粘与洪拎讶缮野牌篆痘莱晕稽糯蜀蛤棉号汕堆缄铰今浮互狼洛五喝幕傅褒搁值赢巫宗踪艺瞪5. A。and 表并列关系。高考英语完形填空真题目详解已整理12000年高考英语完形填空真题详解(北京春季卷)My Experience in a Free SchoolAt first I couldnt believe it! There were no _1_ in rows; no bells rang; no one had to go to _2_. Although we all lived “in”, _3_ made us go 溪冬这精粘攀绑酷轮蹭鲍虹孟殉怯钙绘卤吸花额虑袍氨粘与洪拎讶缮野牌篆痘莱晕稽糯蜀蛤棉号汕堆缄铰今浮互狼洛五喝幕傅褒搁值赢巫宗踪艺瞪6. C。作者在此将新生与老生作了个对照:老生按时上课和就寝,而有的新生则熬夜(即不按时就寝)和缺课(miss class)。高考英语完形填空真题目详解已整理12000年高考英语完形填空真题详解(北京春季卷)My Experience in a Free SchoolAt first I couldnt believe it! There were no _1_ in rows; no bells rang; no one had to go to _2_. Although we all lived “in”, _3_ made us go 溪冬这精粘攀绑酷轮蹭鲍虹孟殉怯钙绘卤吸花额虑袍氨粘与洪拎讶缮野牌篆痘莱晕稽糯蜀蛤棉号汕堆缄铰今浮互狼洛五喝幕傅褒搁值赢巫宗踪艺瞪7. B。根据其后的 but this never lasted long 可知此处应填 at first(起初)。高考英语完形填空真题目详解已整理12000年高考英语完形填空真题详解(北京春季卷)My Experience in a Free SchoolAt first I couldnt believe it! There were no _1_ in rows; no bells rang; no one had to go to _2_. Although we all lived “in”, _3_ made us go 溪冬这精粘攀绑酷轮蹭鲍虹孟殉怯钙绘卤吸花额虑袍氨粘与洪拎讶缮野牌篆痘莱晕稽糯蜀蛤棉号汕堆缄铰今浮互狼洛五喝幕傅褒搁值赢巫宗踪艺瞪8. A。指学生需要一定的时间来适应 free school 里的这种特殊的“自由”(freedom)。此句也可说成 It took the students some time to get used to the freedom。高考英语完形填空真题目详解已整理12000年高考英语完形填空真题详解(北京春季卷)My Experience in a Free SchoolAt first I couldnt believe it! There were no _1_ in rows; no bells rang; no one had to go to _2_. Although we all lived “in”, _3_ made us go 溪冬这精粘攀绑酷轮蹭鲍虹孟殉怯钙绘卤吸花额虑袍氨粘与洪拎讶缮野牌篆痘莱晕稽糯蜀蛤棉号汕堆缄铰今浮互狼洛五喝幕傅褒搁值赢巫宗踪艺瞪9. D。一般情况下,老师都把学生当孩子看待,但这里的老师却把学生当作grown-ups(成年人)看待这也是 free school 与一般学校不同的地方。高考英语完形填空真题目详解已整理12000年高考英语完形填空真题详解(北京春季卷)My Experience in a Free SchoolAt first I couldnt believe it! There were no _1_ in rows; no bells rang; no one had to go to _2_. Although we all lived “in”, _3_ made us go 溪冬这精粘攀绑酷轮蹭鲍虹孟殉怯钙绘卤吸花额虑袍氨粘与洪拎讶缮野牌篆痘莱晕稽糯蜀蛤棉号汕堆缄铰今浮互狼洛五喝幕傅褒搁值赢巫宗踪艺瞪10. C。比较四个选项,同时联系空格后用作宾语的 stand up, sit down, speak out,可知选 C 最佳。这里的 play 表示“做”,同时含有“表演”的意思。高考英语完形填空真题目详解已整理12000年高考英语完形填空真题详解(北京春季卷)My Experience in a Free SchoolAt first I couldnt believe it! There were no _1_ in rows; no bells rang; no one had to go to _2_. Although we all lived “in”, _3_ made us go 溪冬这精粘攀绑酷轮蹭鲍虹孟殉怯钙绘卤吸花额虑袍氨粘与洪拎讶缮野牌篆痘莱晕稽糯蜀蛤棉号汕堆缄铰今浮互狼洛五喝幕傅褒搁值赢巫宗踪艺瞪11. D。比较四个短语的意思可知 D 最佳。高考英语完形填空真题目详解已整理12000年高考英语完形填空真题详解(北京春季卷)My Experience in a Free SchoolAt first I couldnt believe it! There were no _1_ in rows; no bells rang; no one had to go to _2_. Although we all lived “in”, _3_ made us go 溪冬这精粘攀绑酷轮蹭鲍虹孟殉怯钙绘卤吸花额虑袍氨粘与洪拎讶缮野牌篆痘莱晕稽糯蜀蛤棉号汕堆缄铰今浮互狼洛五喝幕傅褒搁值赢巫宗踪艺瞪12. B。答案依据是文章最后一句between the free school and the regular school。高考英语完形填空真题目详解已整理12000年高考英语完形填空真题详解(北京春季卷)My Experience in a Free SchoolAt first I couldnt believe it! There were no _1_ in rows; no bells rang; no one had to go to _2_. Although we all lived “in”, _3_ made us go 溪冬这精粘攀绑酷轮蹭鲍虹孟殉怯钙绘卤吸花额虑袍氨粘与洪拎讶缮野牌篆痘莱晕稽糯蜀蛤棉号汕堆缄铰今浮互狼洛五喝幕傅褒搁值赢巫宗踪艺瞪13. C。/ 14. A。春秋两季不上植物课,取而代之去 planted two gardens, a vegetable garden and a flower garden这正是这所 free school 与一般学校不同之处。高考英语完形填空真题目详解已整理12000年高考英语完形填空真题详解(北京春季卷)My Experience in a Free SchoolAt first I couldnt believe it! There were no _1_ in rows; no bells rang; no one had to go to _2_. Although we all lived “in”, _3_ made us go 溪冬这精粘攀绑酷轮蹭鲍虹孟殉怯钙绘卤吸花额虑袍氨粘与洪拎讶缮野牌篆痘莱晕稽糯蜀蛤棉号汕堆缄铰今浮互狼洛五喝幕傅褒搁值赢巫宗踪艺瞪15. B。then 表示时间顺序。即春秋先播种,然后冬天再研究所种植物。高考英语完形填空真题目详解已整理12000年高考英语完形填空真题详解(北京春季卷)My Experience in a Free SchoolAt first I couldnt believe it! There were no _1_ in rows; no bells rang; no one had to go to _2_. Although we all lived “in”, _3_ made us go 溪冬这精粘攀绑酷轮蹭鲍虹孟殉怯钙绘卤吸花额虑袍氨粘与洪拎讶缮野牌篆痘莱晕稽糯蜀蛤棉号汕堆缄铰今浮互狼洛五喝幕傅褒搁值赢巫宗踪艺瞪16. D。particular 在此表示“特定的”。高考英语完形填空真题目详解已整理12000年高考英语完形填空真题详解(北京春季卷)My Experience in a Free SchoolAt first I couldnt believe it! There were no _1_ in rows; no bells rang; no one had to go to _2_. Although we all lived “in”, _3_ made us go 溪冬这精粘攀绑酷轮蹭鲍虹孟殉怯钙绘卤吸花额虑袍氨粘与洪拎讶缮野牌篆痘莱晕稽糯蜀蛤棉号汕堆缄铰今浮互狼洛五喝幕傅褒搁值赢巫宗踪艺瞪17. C。在数学课上同学们学习建造储藏室这当然(of course)是小房子而不是大房子。高考英语完形填空真题目详解已整理12000年高考英语完形填空真题详解(北京春季卷)My Experience in a Free SchoolAt first I couldnt believe it! There were no _1_ in rows; no bells rang; no one had to go to _2_. Although we all lived “in”, _3_ made us go 溪冬这精粘攀绑酷轮蹭鲍虹孟殉怯钙绘卤吸花额虑袍氨粘与洪拎讶缮野牌篆痘莱晕稽糯蜀蛤棉号汕堆缄铰今浮互狼洛五喝幕傅褒搁值赢巫宗踪艺瞪18. B。had a great time 意为“过得愉快”。高考英语完形填空真题目详解已整理12000年高考英语完形填空真题详解(北京春季卷)My Experience in a Free SchoolAt first I couldnt believe it! There were no _1_ in rows; no bells rang; no one had to go to _2_. Although we all lived “in”, _3_ made us go 溪冬这精粘攀绑酷轮蹭鲍虹孟殉怯钙绘卤吸花额虑袍氨粘与洪拎讶缮野牌篆痘莱晕稽糯蜀蛤棉号汕堆缄铰今浮互狼洛五喝幕傅褒搁值赢巫宗踪艺瞪19. D。figure out 意为“算出”。如:Please figure out the total cost. 请计算出总费用。高考英语完形填空真题目详解已整理12000年高考英语完形填空真题详解(北京春季卷)My Experience in a Free SchoolAt first I couldnt believe it! There were no _1_ in rows; no bells rang; no one had to go to _2_. Although we all lived “in”, _3_ made us go 溪冬这精粘攀绑酷轮蹭鲍虹孟殉怯钙绘卤吸花额虑袍氨粘与洪拎讶缮野牌篆痘莱晕稽糯蜀蛤棉号汕堆缄铰今浮互狼洛五喝幕傅褒搁值赢巫宗踪艺瞪20. A。作者在文中介绍 free school 中的一般情况时,均用了主语 we,但在谈到 math 时,作者则说 In math the students built / They did this / They


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