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2018年12月英语六级考试真题及答案(完整版 第2套)Part I Writing (30 minutes)Directions:For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay on how to balance job responsibilities and personal interests. You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words._How to Balance Job Responsibilities and Personal InterestsIn todays highly competitive environment, the heavy workload makes people out of breath and leaves them no time for their hobbies. Therefore, learning to balance job responsibilities and personal interests is of great significance for modern people. Here are some suggestions which can help us achieve the balance. In the first place, we should be aware that although work duties are our first priority, it doesnt mean that we cannot explore personal interests. Secondly, its important to realize that beneficial activities off work help us get relaxed. We can transfer our focus from busy work by reading an interesting book or listening to music, thereby getting our intense nerves calm down. Whats more, find enough time to develop our hobbies by finishing the task on time. We should arrange our time reasonably and complete our daily work efficiently, which will give us more freedom to allocate time to pursue personal interests.In sum, it is absolutely do-able to strike a balance between full-time work and personal hobbies as long as we realize the benefit of cultivating培养 interests and the importance of reasonable time arrangement.Part II Listening Comprehension (30 minutes)Section ADirections:In this section, you will hear two long conversations. At the end of each conversation, you will hear four questions. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre.Questions 1 to 4 are based on the conversation you have just heard.1. A) Stop worrying about him.B) Keep away from the statue.C) Take a picture拍照、照相 of him.D) Pat on a smile for the photo.2. A) Gaining great fame名声、名望 on the Internet.B) Publishing a collection of his photos.C) Collecting the best photos in the world.D) Becoming a professional photographer.3. A) Surfing various websites and collecting photos.B) Editing his pictures and posting them online.C) Following similar accounts to compare notes.D) Studying the pictures in popular social media.4. A) They are far from satisfactory.B) They are mostly taken by her mom.C) They make an impressive album.D) They record her fond memories.Questions 5 to 8 are based on the conversation you have just heard.5. A) A journal reporting the latest progress in physics.B) An introductory course of modem physics.C) An occasion for physicists to exchange ideas.D) A series of interviews with outstanding physicists.6. A) The future of the physical world.B) The origin of the universe.C) Sources of radiation.D) Particle theory.7. A) How matter collides with anti-matter.B) Whether the universe will turn barren.C) Why there exists anti-matter.D) Why there is a universe at all8. A) Matter and anti-matter are opposites of each other.B) Anti-matter allowed humans to come into existence.C) The universe formed due to a sufficient amount of matter.D) Anti-matter exists in very high-temperature environments.Section BDirections: In this section, you will hear two passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear three or four questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D. Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre.Questions 9 to 11 are based on the passage you have just heard.9. A) She found herself speaking a foreign language.B) She woke up speaking with a different accent.C) She found some symptoms of her illness gone.D) She woke up finding herself in another country.10. A) It is usually caused by a stroke中风、行程 or brain injury脑损伤.B) It has not yet found any effective treatment.C) It leaves the patient with a distorted memory.D) It often happens to people with speech defects.11. A) British.B) Irish.C) Russian.D) Australian.Questions 12 to 15 are based on the passage you have just heard.12. A) Water sports.B) Racing in rivers.C) Stories about women swimmers.D) Books about swimming.13. A) She succeeded in swimming across the English Channel.B) She published a guide to Londons best swimming spots.C) She told her story of adventures to some young swimmers.D) She wrote a book about the history of swimwear in the UK.14. A) They loved vacationing on the seashore.B) They had a unique notion of modesty.C) They were prohibited from swimming.D) They were fully dressed when swimming.15. A) She designed lots of appropriate swimwear for women.B) She once successfully competed against men in swimming.C) She was the first woman to swim across the English Channel英吉利海峡.D) She was an advocate of womens right to swim in public pools.Section CDirections: In this section, you will hear three recordings of lectures or talks followed by three or four questions. The recordings will be played only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D. Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre.Questions 16 to 18 are based on the recording you have just heard.16. A) Build a machine that can detect侦查、发现 lies谎言.B) Develop a magnetic brain scanner.C) Test the credibility of court evidence.D) Win peoples complete trust in them.17. A) They are optimistic about its potential.B) They are sceptical of its reliability.C) They think it is but business promotion.D) They celebrate it with great enthusiasm.18. A) It is not to be trusted at all.B) It does not sound economical.C) It may intrude into peoples privacy.D) It may lead to overuse in court trials.Questions 19 to 21 are based on the recording you have just heard.19. A) Most of its residents speak several languages.B) Some of its indigenous languages are dying out.C) Each village there speaks a totally different language.D) Its languages have interested researchers the world over.20. A) They are spread randomly across the world.B) Some are more difficult to learn than others.C) More are found in tropical热带的 regions than in the mild温和 zones.D) They enrich and impact each other in more ways than one. 21. A) They used different methods to collect and analyze data.B) They identified distinct patterns of language distribution.C) Their conclusions do not correspond to their original hypotheses.D) There is no conclusive决定性的 account说明、解释 for the cause of language diversity多样性、多元化.Questions 22 to 25 are based on the recording you have just heard.22. A) Its middle-class中层阶级、中等的 is disappearing消失.B) Its wealth is rationally distributed.C) Its population is rapidly growing.D) Its cherished dream is coming true.23. A) Success was but a dream without conscientious effort.B) They could realize their dreams through hard work.C) A few dollars could go a long way.D) Wealth was shared by all citizens.24. A) Better working conditions.B) Better-paying jobs.C) High social status.D) Full employment.25. A) Reduce the administrative costs.B) Adopt effective business models.C) Hire part-time employees only.D) Make use of the latest technology.Part III Reading Comprehension (40 minutes)Section ADirections:In this section, there is a passage with ten blanks. You are required to select one word for each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank following the passage. Read the passage through carefully before making your choices. Each choice in the bank is identified by a letter. Please mark the corresponding letter for each item on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre. You may not use any of the words in the bank more than once.Surfing the Internet during class doesnt just steal focus from the educator;it also hurts students whore already struggling to _F_26_ grasp_ the material. A new study from Michigan State University, though, argues that all studentsincluding high achieverssee a decline in performance when they browse the Internet during class for non-academic purposes.To measure the effects of Internet-based distractions during class, researchers _C_27_evaluated_ 500 students taking an introductory psychology class at Michigan State University. Researchers used ACT scores as a measure of intellectual _A_28_aptitude (天才、天资)_ Because previous research has shown that people with high intellectual abilities are better at _E_29_filtering_ out distractions, researchers believed students with high ACT scores would not show a _M_30_significant_ decrease in performance due to their use of digital devices. But students who surfed the web during class did worse on their exams regardless of their ACT scores, suggesting that even the academically smartest students are harmed when theyre distracted in class.College professors are increasingly _K_31_raising_ alarm bells about the effects smartphones, laptops, and tablets have on academic performance. One 2013 study of college students found that 80% of students use their phones or laptops during class, with the average student checking their digital device 11 times in a _O_32_typical_ class. A quarter of students report that their use of digital devices during class causes their grades to _N_33_suffer_.Professors sometimes implement policies designed to _H_34_minimize_ students use of digital devices, and world where people are increasingly some instructors even confiscate (没收)tablets and phones. In dependent on their phones, though, such strategies often fail. One international study found that 84% of people say they couldnt go a day without their smartphones. Until students are able to _L_35_resist抵抗、抗拒_ the pull of social networking, texting, and endlessly surfing the web, they may continue to straggle in their classes.A) aptitude B) eradication C) evaluated D) evaporated E) filtering F) grasp G) legacy H) minimize I) obscure J) obsess K) raising L) resist M) significant N) suffer O) typicalSection BDirections:In this section, you are going to read a passage with ten statements attached to it. Each statement contains information given in one of the paragraphs. Identify the paragraph from which the information is derived. You may choose a paragraph more than once. Each paragraph is marked with a letter. Answer the questions by marking the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2.A Pioneering Woman of Science Re-Emerges after 300 YearsA) Maria Sibylla Merian, like many European women of the 17th century, stayed busy managing a household and rearing children. But on top of that, Merian, a German-born woman who lived in the Netherlands, also managed a successful career as an artist, botanist, naturalist and entomologist (昆虫学家).B) She was a scientist on the level with a lot of people we spend a lot of time talking about, said Kay Etheridge, a biologist at Gettysburg College in Pennsylvania who has been studying the scientific history of Merians work. She didnt do as much to change biology as Charles Darwin, but she was significant. C) At a time when natural history was a valuable tool for discovery, Merian discovered facts about plants and insects that were not previously known. Her observations helped dismiss the popular belief that insects spontaneously emerged from mud. The knowledge she collected over decades didnt just satisfy those curious about nature, but also provided valuable insights into medicine and science. She was the first to bring together insects and their habitats, including food they ate, into a single ecological composition.D) After years of pleasing a fascinated audience across Europe with books of detailed descriptions and life-size paintings of familiar insects, in 1699 she sailed with her daughter nearly 5, 000 miles from the Netherlands to South America to study insects in the jungles of what is now known as Suriname. She was 52 years old. The result was her masterpiece, Metamorphosis Insectorum Surinamensium.E) In her work, she revealed a side of nature so exotic, dramatic and valuable to Europeans of the time that she received much acclaim. But a century later, her findings came under scientific criticism. Shoddy(粗糙的)reproductions of her work along with setbacks to womens roles in 18th- and 19th- century Europe resulted in her efforts being largely forgotten. It was kind of stunning when she sort of dropped off into oblivion(遗忘), said Dr. Etheridge. Victorians started putting women in a box, and theyre still trying to crawl out of it.F) Today, the pioneering woman of the sciences has re-emerged. In recent years, feminists,historians and artists have all praised Merians tenacity(坚韧), talent and inspirational artistic compositions. And now biologists like Dr. Etheridge are digging into the scientific texts that accompanied her art. Three hundred years after her death, Merian will be celebrated at an international symposium in Amsterdam this June.G) And last month, Metamorphosis Insectorum Surinamensium was republished. It contains 60 plates (插图)and original descriptions, along with stories about Merians life and updated scientific descriptions. Before writing Metamorphosis, Merian spent decades documenting European plants and insects that she published in a series of books. She began in her 20s, making textless, decorative paintings of flowers with insects. Then she got really serious, Dr. Etheridge said. Merian started raising insects at home, mostly butterflies and caterpillars. She would sit up all night until they came out of the pupa (桶)so she could draw them, she said.H) The results of her decades worth of careful observations were detailed paintings and descriptions of European insects, followed by unconventional visuals and stories of insects and animals from a land that most at the time could only imagine. Its possible Merian used a magnifying glass to capture the detail of the split tongues of sphinx moths (斯芬克斯飞蛾)depicted in the painting. She wrote that the two tongues combine to form one tube for drinking nectar (花蜜). Some criticized this detail later, saying there was just one tongue, but Merian wasnt wrong. She may have observed the adult moth just as it emerged from its pupa. For a brief moment during that stage of its life cycle, the tongue consists of two tiny half-tubes before merging into one.I) It may not have been ladylike to depict a giant spider devouring a hummingbird, but when Merian did it at the turn of the 18th century, surprisingly, nobody objected. Dr. Etheridge called it revolutionary. The image, which also contained novel descriptions of ants, fascinated a European audience that was more concerned with the exotic story unfolding before them than the gender of the person who painted it.J) All of these things shook up their nice, neat little view, Dr. Etheridge said. But later, people of the Victorian era thought differently. Her work had been reproduced, sometimes incorrectly. A few observations were deemed impossible. Shed been called a silly woman for saying that a spider could eat a bird, Dr. Etheridge said. But Henry Walter Bates, a friend of Charles Darwin, observed it and put it in book in 1863, proving Merian was correct.K) In the same plate, Merian depicted and described leaf-cutter ants for the first time. In America there are large ants which can eat whole trees bare as a broom handle in a single night, she wrote in the description. Merian noted how the ants took the leaves below ground to their young. And she wouldnt have known this at the time, but the ants use the leaves to farm fungi (菌类)underground to feed their developing babies.L) Merian was correct about the giant bird-eating spiders, ants building bridges with their bodies and other details. But in the same drawing, she incorrectly lumped together army and leaf-cutter ants. And instead of showing just the typical pair of eggs in a hummingbird nest, she painted four. She made other mistakes in Metamorphosis Insectorum Surinamensium as well: not every caterpillar and butterfly matched.M) Perhaps one explanation for her mistakes is that she cut short her Suriname trip after getting sick, and completed the book at home in Amsterdam. And errors are common among some of historys most- celebrated scientific minds, too. These errors no more invalidate Ms. Merians work than do well- known misconceptions published by Charles Darwin or Isaac Newton, Dr. Etheridge wrote in a paper that argued that too many have wrongly focused on the mistakes of her work.N) Merians paintings inspired artists and ecologists. In an 1801 drawing from his book, General Zoology Amphibia, George Shaw, an English botanist and zoologist, credited Merian for describing a frog in the account of her South American expedition, and named the young tree frog after her in his portrayal of it. It wouldnt be fair to give Merian all the credit. She received assistance naming plants, making sketches and referencing the work of others. Her daughters helped her color her drawings.O) Merian also made note of the help she received from the natives of Suriname, as well as slaves or servants that assisted her. In some instances she wrote moving passages that included her helpers in descriptions. As she wrote in her description of the peacock flower, The Indians, who are not treated well by their Dutch masters, use the seeds to abort their children, so that they will not become slaves like themselves. The black slaves from Guinea and Angola have demanded to be well treated, threatening to refuse to have children. In fact, they sometimes take their own lives because they are treated so badly, and because they believe they will be born again, free and living in their own land. They told me this themselves. P) Londa Schiebinger, a professor of the history of science at Stanford University, called this passage rather astonishing. Its particularly striking centuries later when these issues are still prominent in public discussions about social justice and womens rights. She was ahead of her time, Dr. Etheridge said.36. Merian was the first scientist to study a type of American ant.K37. The European audience was more interested in Merians drawings than her gender.I38. Merians masterpiece came under attack a century after its publication.E39. Merians mistakes in her drawings may be attributed to her shortened stay in South America.M40. Merian often sat up the whole night through to observe and draw insects.G41. Merian acknowledged the help she got from natives of South America.O42. Merian contributed greatly to peoples better understanding of medicine and science.C43. Merian occasionally made mistakes in her drawings of insects and birds.L44. Now, Merians role as a female forerunner in sciences has been re-established.F45. Merian made a long voyage to South America to study jungle insects over three centuries ago.DSection CDirections:There are 2 passages in this section. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre.Passage On


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