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Unit 3 How do you get to school 检测试题 (人教新目标版七年级下)( ) 1. I often go to work _. A. ride my bikeB. by bikeC. by a bikeD. on bike ( ) 2. _ does he get to school? He usually rides his bike to school. A. HowB. WhatC. WhenD. Why( ) 3. 14 is _ 10 _ 18.A. between; and B. between; to C. from; to D. from; and( ) 4. _ does it take you to finish _ the book?About 2 weeks.A. How long; to read B. How far; to read C. How often; reading D. How long; reading ( ) 5. How far does Nina live from here?Her home is _ from here.A. ten minutes farB. ten minutes drive C. ten minutes walkD. ten minutes by car ( ) 6. It takes them three hours _ their homework every day.A. doB. doingC. to doD. does( ) 7. How far is it from Beijing to Shanghai?_.A. six hundred kilometerB. six hundred kilometersC. six hundreds kilometerD. six hundreds kilometers( ) 8. Then the early bus _ them _ school.A. takes; toB. takes; withC. takes; ofD. takes; from( ) 9. I usually walk to school, _ sometimes I ride a bike.A. soB. and C. butD. /( )10. _? She goes to work by boat.A. Where does she go to workB. When does she go to workC. Why does she go to workD. How does she go to work( )11. Whats thirty and fifteen? Its _.A. eightyB. forty fiveC. twenty-eightD. forty-five( )12. I usually go to work _ bike but today I go to work _ a bus.A. by; byB. by; inC. in; inD. in; by( )13. Rick is _ boy.A. a 11-year-oldB. an 11-years-oldC. an 11-year-oldD. a 11-years-olds( )14. What time is it? Its _. A. sixteen past oneB. seventy to two C. WednesdayD. December 12th( )15. How long does it take?It takes _.A. half an hourB. a hour C. two hourD. half a hour二、完形填空:先阅读短文,然后从每小题所给的四个选项中,选出一个可以填入短文相应空白处的最佳答案。(20分)How do you get to school? Do you walk 1 ride a bike? Do you go by bus or 2 train? For many students, it is 3 to get to school. But for the students in a small 4 in China, it is difficult. There is a very big river 5 their school and the village. There is no bridge and the river runs too quickly for boats. So these students go on 6 ropeway to cross the river to school.One 7 boy, Mingming, 8 the river to school every day. But he is not afraid. “I love to play with my classmates. And I love my teacher. Hes 9 a father to me.”Many of the students and villagers 10 leave the village. It is really their dream to have a bridge. Can their dream come true?( ) 1. A. and B. orC. butD. then( ) 2. A. inB. onC. takeD. by( ) 3. A. easyB. difficultC. hardD. afraid( ) 4. A. cityB. homeC. villageD. family( ) 5. A. betweenB. alongC. toD. from( ) 6. A. aB. anC. thoseD. /( ) 7. A. 10-years-oldB. 10-year-oldC. 10-years-oldsD. ten years old( ) 8. A. acrossB. crossingC. crossD. crosses( ) 9. A. loveB. beC. likeD. as( )10. A. alwaysB. neverC. usuallyD. often三、阅读理解:先阅读短文,然后从每小题所给的四个选项中,选出一个与短文内容相符的正确答案。(20分)( ) 4. How long does it take Wu Honggang to go to school? A. One hour.B. 5.5 hours.C. A morning.D. Half an hour.( ) 5. What does Wu Honggang sometimes do after school? A. He does morning exercises.B. He plays basketball with his classmates. C. He plays the guitar.D. He does his homework. BMany people like to travel by plane, but I dont like it because an airport is usually far from the city. You have to get there early and wait for hours for the plane to take off and it is often late. You cant open the windows. You cant choose the food. Planes are fast, but they still take hours to go out of the airport and into the city.I like traveling by train. I think trains are safe. Railway stations are usually in cities. When you are late for a train, you can catch another one. You can walk around in the train and open the windows. You can see many interesting things on your way. I know it takes a little more time.I also like cars. You can start your journey when you want to, and you dont need to get to a railway station or a bus stop. Also you can carry many things with you in a car. But sometimes there are too many cars on the road.( ) 1. Why do many people like to travel by plane?A. Because it is fast.B. Because it is safe. C. Because you can walk around in the plane.D. Because it is cheap.( ) 2. Which is NOT the good thing about the train?A. It is safe. B. It takes a little more time.C. You can open the windows. D. You can walk around in the train.( ) 3. If you want to take a lot of things with you, what do you take to go out? A. A bus. B. A car. C. A train. D. A bike.( ) 4. What is the bad thing about the car?A. You neednt go to a station. B. You neednt go to a bus stop.C. There are too many cars on the road.D. You can start your journey when you want to.( ) 5. What does the writer think of the train?A. He thinks it is safe. B. He thinks it isnt fast.C. He thinks it is expensive.D. He thinks it takes a lot of time to go to and get out of the airport.四、根据首字母提示完成下列句子,每空一词。(10分)1. Fifty and thirty is e .2. Our school has two h students.3. The students in one small village often c the river to school. 4. He usually takes the s_ to work.5. Does your father d to work every day?6. Thirty m is half an hour.7. My father and my grandparents are v_ in the village.8. He always t to his classmates in class.9. There is no b and the river runs too quickly for boats.10. Do you think their d can come true?五、情景交际:根据对话内容,写出所缺单词。(10分)A: (1) do you go to school every day?B: I go to school (2) bus.A: How (3) does it take?B: It takes (4) thirty minutes. Do you live (5) from our school?A: Yes, it takes me forty-five minutes.B: (6) do you live?A: Rose Street.B: (7)_ do you get to school?A: Well, (8) I walk to the bus stop, then I take the No.2 bus.B: Uh-huh.A: I take a bus to the subway (9) . Then I take the subway.B: Yeah.A: Next I take a bus to the bus stop (10) 21st Street. Finally I walk.六、根据汉语填入恰当英语内容完成句子,每空一词。(10分)1. 他们从不离开他们的村庄而去大城市。They never their village big cities.2. 她对我来说像个大姐姐一样。 She is a sister me.3. 你觉得北京之旅怎样? What do you the trip to Beijing?4. 你住的离汽车站有多远? How far do you the bus station?5. 那是好的锻炼,祝你一天开心! Its good . a good day!七、书面表达。(15分)外籍教师Richard想了解一下你所在班级学生的到校方式。假如你是李华,请以“The way I go to school”为题目,写一篇短文,向Richard介绍自己的到校的方式。提示:(1)How do you go to school? (2)Why do you prefer (喜欢) to go in that way?_The way I go to schoolIm Li Hua. I go to school on foot. I have several reasons for that. First, my home is two kilometers away from school. It takes me about 20 minutes to get there. Second, walking to school is a kind of exercise. Its good for my health. Third, its pretty safe to walk to school because there is a lot of traffic on the road at this time of day. So I prefer going to school on foot. Its really a good choice.


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