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下川岛风电场风机设备齿轮油更换标准化作业指导书批准:_年_月_日审核:_年_月_日_年_月_日编写:_年_月_日作业负责人:张三作业时间:2012年03月18日08时30分至2012年18月05日12时00分下川岛风电场目 录1 工作任务第1页2 作业准备阶段第3页2.1 准备工作第3页2.2 召开班前会第3页2.3 填写并签发工作票第4页3 作业阶段第4页3.1 开工第4页3.2 危险点分析及安全控制措施第4页3.3 作业流程及工艺标准第6页3.4 竣工第7页4 结束阶段第8页5 附件第8页5.1 主要工器具第9页5.2 备品备件及材料第9页5.3 人员分工第9页1 工作任务本作业指导书针对下川岛风电场齿轮油更换工作。2 作业准备阶段2.1 准备工作序号内 容标 准备 注完成情况打“”1现场调查掌握现场实际情况。2技术准备安装报告及相关技术资料准备齐全。3工器具准备开工前一次性准备完毕。见附件5.14备品备件及材料准备开工前一次性准备完毕。见附件5.25通知厂家及相关专业厂家派人进行技术指导,相关专业进行配合2.2 召开班前会(详见班组日志)序号内 容标 准备 注完成情况打“”1设备检修人员分工作业人员分工明确。见附件5.32技术交底作业人员对交底内容清楚。3危险点分析及控制措施危险点分析及控制措施详尽并有针对性。2.3 填写并签发工作票认真填写工作票,并经工作票签发人进行审核签发,保证工作票的正确。3 作业阶段3.1 开工序号内 容完成情况打“”1工作许可人同工作负责人到现场交代工作票及安全措施后办理工作许可手续,工作负责人负责检查安全措施。2工作负责人带领工作班成员,列队宣读工作票,交代工作票内容及危险点,经作业班人员确定后在工作票中相应位置签名。3核对设备名称及作业范围。4根据现场实际情况及相关规定合理布置工器具、材料及吊装设备。3.2 危险点分析及安全控制措施序号危险点分析防范措施1人身触电将风机切换到服务模式,登塔前手动暂停风机2在地面控制柜下悬挂“禁止合闸,有人工作”警告牌3不得随意触碰控制柜电气元件,未经许可,不得随意对开关进行操作,专人监督工作。4高空坠落检修人员不得少于两人,且情绪稳定,无身体不适5不得两人在同一段塔筒内同时登塔6登塔必须配戴劳动防护用品,戴安全帽,穿劳保鞋,带安全带,防坠落装置7高空坠物零配件与工器具若随身携带,应单独放在工具袋内。工具袋应背在肩上或与安全绳相连。8进入机舱前关闭顶部塔筒平台窗口9进行维护作业时,风电机零部件及检修工具必须传递,不得空中抛接11机械伤害进入轮毂前必须锁定叶轮,进轮毂内必须关闭液压回路,并与随同人员确认12注意事项机舱机舱内的物品一定要放置牢固,防止坠落13操作人员在进入塔架平台后一定要将盖板扣好,随身物品应可靠携带14机舱 外更换人员一定要穿好安全衣,系好延长绳做好防坠措施15进行备件更换之前一定要将机舱柜的维护旋钮拨到维护位置,防止风机误偏航16在机舱外使用工具时应将工具用细绳拴好,防止工具坠落。17183.3 作业流程及工艺标准序号检修内容工 艺 标 准安全措施及注意事项完成情况打“”1停机处理,登塔至机舱带好安全帽,穿安全鞋,系好安全带,在塔底操作面板上按K5键盘停机,打开照明开关,“正常”转“维护”;登塔,到达机舱后将机组打到“维护状态”。在塔底操作把手上悬挂“禁止操作,有人工作”警示牌。2更换工序2.1用提升机将工具及齿轮油吊至机舱,做好准备工作。2.2用开口打开放油口堵头螺栓,打开放油阀。 图1 图22.3用盆接取旧油,再倒入油桶。2.4旧油取完后用专用清洗液清洗漏斗、盆、油桶;向齿箱加注专用清洗液,启动润滑泵站(手动接触开关)运行1分钟左右,重复几次,然后放掉清洗液。2.5通过齿箱空气虑清器向齿箱加油。齿轮油的加注量为1605L,加油量只要满足油位窗在静止状态40mm高度即可。油位太高会影响传动效率,甚至引起严重泄漏。1、提升机吊工具集油品时,注意将所吊物品绑扎好,避免高空坠落。2、取新油时一定要注意卫生,避免杂质进入3、注意旧油品的回收,避免污染。3清理现场,恢复状态,机组试运行打开叶轮锁定销,旋开急停按钮,“维护”转“正常”,负责人检查确认,下塔,取下“禁止合闸,有人工作”警示牌,恢复机组运行,观察运行情况。锁门,离开现场。必须经过检修负责人确认工作完毕后及所有人员无危险后方可恢复运行。3.4 竣工序号内 容备 注完成情况打“”1工作现场清理及工作班成员撤离现场。2办理安装报告签字手续。3负责人检查验收,待验收合格后,办理工作票终结手续。4 结束阶段序号内 容备 注完成情况打“”1召开班后会总结安全质量与故障经验反馈。2相关技术资料整理、归档。3维护后设备评价。5 附件5.1 主要工器具项 目名 称规 格数 量更换物品齿轮油180L安装工具内六方扳手公制球形内六角扳手9件套1套开口扳手1把漏斗2个油盆1个油桶25L3个辅助工具材料油抽子1个空齿轮油桶208L1个延长绳3根专用清洗液50L大布3匹5.2 备品备件及材料序号名 称规格/编码单位准备数量实际收回数量备 注1齿轮油升180L180L2个1135.3 人员分工序号作 业 项 目检修负责人作 业 人 员1将齿轮油及工器具使用吊车,吊入机舱,并做好换油的准备工作。张三李四2打开放油阀,使用接油桶,回收旧齿轮油。张三李四3使用清洗液清洗齿轮箱。张三何五4通过空滤想齿轮箱加油,按油位指示窗标示,加入规定的油品。张三王六,陈七5检查是否有泄漏张三李四6清理现场张三何五7启动风机观察齿轮油温等数据是否正常张三李四,何五the characteristics of services for leaders. Office property determines the features of Office information work. Before the decision, to collect information, provide the basis for scientific leadership decision; after the decision to collect various reflecting and implementation, provides support for leadership judgment and sound decision-making. Therefore, comrades from the policy makers working in the information point of view and research issues, the basic premise of this is doing a good job. At present and for a time, information report focuses on, the citys economic and social development of, new ideas, new initiatives, new experiences, new issues, important social conditions and public opinion, major emergencies and of economic and social development orientation, the sign problem and forecast information. Second, to strive to improve the quality of information. Quality is the life of information, a good piece of information to help decision making, a distortion of the information could lead to wrong decisions. Improve the quality of information, our focus is accurate, full and deep, precise, fast on hard work. Quasi, is to ensure the authenticity of information and improve the relevance of information. Information submitted to the Government departments at all levels, must come from objective reality and reflect things as they are, must be realistic and must not have any false contents, not to misrepresent and false positives, as well as news, more news. Full is to pay attention to the comprehensiveness of the information, all-round, wide-ranging and multi-angle to collect and report information, reflecting not only the phenomenon also reflects the essence. Deep is the information depth. Should be good through the phenomena of nature, things hidden behind deepmatters to in half months within to municipal government feedback results; on situation complex, and workload big of supervision matters, to in January within will implementation situation to municipal government feedback; on proposed clear time requirements of, to in provides time within settles and report; on NPC Representative recommends, and CPPCC members proposal to handle a, and feedback a pieces, not drag not pressure. To implement the reporting system, on the County (district) and departments of supervision, supervision of the Municipal Government will inform the quarterly summary, not paying attention to the supervision work attitudes, finger-pointing, giving work to some extent, give notice of criticism. To improve the appraisal system, the future system of government supervision examination once a year, the city government offices will County (district) and the sector ranked, informed the assessment results, give recognition to outstanding achievements. 2, stick to the Center, improving quality, good job information. Complete control of information is both levels of Government, for decision making and to guide the work of the important means of leading organs with practice, social, the masses, improved style of important content. Timely, accurate information to the municipal government, and departments at all levels is an important work of the Office. At work, one is to highlight9


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