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度初三英语一模卷29年初三第三次模拟英语试卷第一卷(选择题,共计5分 )I、单项填空(本题有15小题,每小题分,共15分)1. Whos _man under teree? He m uncle, _ cr. a, te a, an C h, he D. the, an2. There ere only two pntigs fr saleadhe bough _A.all B. ay C bth ome. e ha ben lat hree me_ te morin o last Wedneday.A. i B. snc C. o D unti4e re othig,_ he?A. doe . e C.dd D. didn5.hos sngng inhgarden? I _ bom.He alwayspracticssiging t thistme. . cant B. ned C. must D usnt6. hat did h oo say? H _ ott et oo mcdy.A. ggeste ade C stoped D. advsd7. Thelttledarfro Asta oos_in ong skir.Acarefull .happily beufulyD vey . May I wtch tefooball matc on V?If yorhomork_, yuc atch i.A wil do B. is done C has don Dwi e one. I wachdth man for a otimedwanted tokno_. A. ehe I have seenhim befe B her Iadsehi befoe C.ha Ihadsee im befor D. when did Ie h0.mteribly sorryto hve step on ur foo. _ A. You e sopolite B. That s OK .It dn t hur m D. No hry11. Wha ar the _doig there? The are buy _ thi scncexemen . bos studnts; tdo B. oy studnts; to C. oy stuents;don D.boystdets;din12.m, Ihnk Im_ togo bac t hoo. otraly, my ea. Youd bterstay atmefor othrday or two. . o wel B.so grat C. well enou .grat enough3. J, there are so a spelng mistaks n yr cmpositon. Wh dt ou_ the wors th ditinay?A.lokthrug B.look fo Cloku loover4._lai bas e us,_t wil be to te inment. I agre _you. A Te less, th bttr, ith B. The w , th bte,with C The les, th rse, to . The fer, the ose, o15. hey arete grls ho_ fromNo 1 idleschol. is B ar C. cae . esII、完形填空(本题有20 小题,每小题1分,共20分)AThe hosptl wasvery uy. The nures urriedrom pat to paient. They d not hve te o 16 hem or aswer her qustn.7 they just gave the her mdicine,made hi beds and moved o.Thehea nursewas a 8 s h nurse. hed to alk arund wit thedotrs, mke su the nurse were dongthei work, complete teireport d asthehone. any of te phe cwere rom the fiends n relaiesof th 19 They we 2 for nformaion abut the peole ne osptlOne phoe call, hower, as a littdifee al e oths.T phone rng ad the heanus anwee it“Hllo,”she a.t the ohr endof thelinea voiceepled,“oodrn. I phning bou rd Lee. old you tl me 22 he is, pleas?”The henurse loked at her not d said,“Mr Le has doeratio,nd is no rst.”“Can you el me i hi ondiion is good?”th oiceasked.“Ye,”te woman rplid“He is 23 andt opetion sa sus”“When d thinkhe ill be abl togo hom?”theoice sed.“h,proably at h end ofte ek,” te head use sad Thn she ased,“May I el hihos sigabu 24 ?”“Yes,”thvoie eplied“Fred Lee.”“o,thatste ats name,” the ha nusesaid.“Yes. An I am the atient.Poning you ishe 25 yI can genyiormatin bt my conditin.”16. speakB. tk t elD. lok a17.A.ntead. BecauseC. owverD. oemes.A. hap. talC. goo. us19. paient. nresC doctorsD. peoe.A.witigB ehingC. wking tleponig21. asB. whC. o or2.A.whrB. waC. hoD. how.A. orried. noubleC all rih. n nr2. her B. himC. hmD. me.nextB. onlyC atD tru Dou lke oing to a zo o ee 6 ? How abut 27 zoo and feedng th aimas yursel?Its n ajke It happee bothin a ilmad in te 28 Bejamin Mee is apa wrter in Logees,the US. Hs wfe dies and e as to 29 i two oungkids. opig for fh starfo his family, Mee 0 is ob nus anol oueon 7300 qure metrs 1 thecity The lndcomeswit aspcali: azooin thecountrycall he Rosemoor Amal ark! Te zoo wa 3 bece of the conycris (经济危机). Wh 33 raising tem, abut 00 nial ar stilllivi ther. The Meamlydecide o help rope thzo. uits not an es job 34 they have no xpeienn ltle mony There e ao xpeced 35 ,such s bear runing awayoe d. Ths s h sory of Amrian mv Wought a Zo I tel he rel aazing sryo BenjiMe.26. A.iges . lon C animal D birds27. A. buying B isiting C budn D. ung8. . story b B. international ebste C. TV rorm D. real rl2 Aoo fr B lok fter C. look p . lo a30. A. fns B. gets C gves u D. lose1 A. utide Bnsid C. hd .befoe3. A. opend . close C.wate D. rebuilt33. A. ngneers B. nuss C. dotor D. zokeeers34. A. nce B. thouh C. whehr D. owever35. A spise B.joy C. prols D.excitemtIII、阅读理解(共25小题;每小题2分,满分为50分) 阅读下面短文,从每小题所给A、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。Aoe ndJeff woreora factory.henhis story apened, they we workin rond a ey rgehous.Their ob wa todo he cnng. It as a fficult b, ut soetis it was aite dnro, bece hey adto walk belowwhee workmen ereorkng.Oten hese women drpped omethn frm he tp of the houemany mt hig o the ground. rng oeas woringear the use wiha ciaret (香烟) behind nef ea. Suddnlysomeody onhetp hote,Lok out! But Jo did nt ok out.eooked up. And edid so,a lon kniefel o thtop of thehose Luly, tekifemissed Joes hea, butit cut off oe of his as.At oce put hs had o oe sidefhi head and rdot, v lste. Hp! He! ff ran up to epis frd. Lok f m ear, Joe tod. It us beon the grnd omewher Jeff ooked everywh for the miss ar. At last e ound a ear on thegrounde pickediup anarried it to oeee a,e sai,Ivefoud it. Joe ooked att. , thts nomy ea,h ai.Minehad carette behind it6.Wh wre Jo ndJeff?A.oldiers BDrier . Famers. D.Cleanrs.37. owdd oe lose is ear?A. e cut i ofby hief. .Jff cu i offwith a knife.C. A filing kne ct off. .A cigarette buned t up.38. thn ofthe stor Jef found_.A.som elses ear B Js er .a lon knfe D.aiarette39. Fromt passage,e nJe s not_. A strn .kind C seriou. clevr4. Which is te mostpssibe for th asage?A. Los Ear B. A Busy ClnerC A llin Knife . oefulMBMnday81a.TECNOLG InformaionTcnolo (T )sng the InteretInthi lss, studets ar howto surf the inre saely fetiely. Ter l so be iormtion bot singdiffert searh gies. Finll, ti leson eche tudents abouhebestwebies to et cntnu tir eduain nlie.12 a.m.RTS10:0m. RAMA Suets earn thplay hat the teaher gave befor clas. During this son, tudetswillhve hechance to ac out les with oe tdents1:00 a.mPAINNG WITH WTOLORSFo mos of hs term, studts larn owo use wacolours ropry to mke picrs. If theweathr i god,thelson may take la otdrs.UNC12p mSIECSBology/Chistrytuets cahos whi castottend ioloi week,the ticisma Bod.udents il ea aouthowit orks.Alternatiely, dn cn stu chemisty hi lass takesplac n th scnc lab, and tis wekstudents ear abtH and O2.24 p m. SOTS:00 p. .SIKLLSStdents lar abot he skills nacrai sprt. We u vdo see rea tiofro astgme.3:0 p. .PRACTCEAte e he pckedeams, studnts il play ashot match latig 4 mus Ti , the sorare fool(for bos) and tnnis(frr)HOMEOKTe eahe lge sdnts websies to lk upat hom (abou 30 mites).Dramstudents have t eana part for te nex less (abot 4mte).ily/Chemitrystudents hv towrta srreort o he esson (about20 nutes)1.T underlind word “lterntivel” nclosesin meing to “_ ” .s ather hoie B ortis reason . Atthe sa time D. Inother wrds42 tudents shud preparea ew par of _ ahead of imeasteir hmework.A. Technology B.Biology C ram D. Chemist43. uecan lrn hw to _ accordi to the nrmtion n th tableAmake a vide B. write report on DmaC. pla basketall s th intenesely. studetneds abot _ mints to finish i hmworkA.30 B 0C. 90D. 114Teinrmationi the able is many fo studets to _.A. ake aseB. do ther homwork. he teachersD. organize hobygroupCKoan cultu is ealy ciing rg now.The Kenclture Waveis sweepin Asian cunies nluding Chin. Y people e crazyabou oreanpop ongsadtheKreanlguage.The KoeanWave starte ew ers agwth the rogrmes“inte Sona”. T lo tr is still populr. Peope,peciallyirls , le the beautiful story an hndsome aorlike an ong Jun(韩勇俊)Inthe msic word, Kreangirls ar makng thmsveshdin Cna. Yu canotnfind big Krean nams like BabyVo,S.E.S nd in athe p of t Chinse music crts(排行榜) The ren Wave hasal ae youn peope wnt to ty th lothes and airstyles of pop sts,o.Notonly that nwsome gir n ina ahving lasicsure(整容) t cae t ay thelook. Peopl say some beautul oen strsae hd plasc surgery. These strs dont think it shamfl t v plastcsurgery.Ar llthe faces f beutifl Korean girnot rel? ind otfor yursefwn you nxt viit out Koa46. t doe the Korenve me? It mean_. KornTV B.Koeclue Crean lngae D. Kora acs7. Whendte orn Wave st? It trt wi_. A. oean pop songs B. th Krean laguagC. the TVorames“Winte onaa” Dhe orean ood48. Who ise mo acor in Korean rogrames? Hn ong Jun B Bay Vo C. S.E. D.Finl49. Koean tars ofetheir ook by_. ni pop songs . acting nTdra C. trying dffernt oo D. hai plati srgery5. Whf the flowing s NOT rueaccordng to asage?A WiterSonata tella verfamuslove story.Yung peole like Korean p sars clothes anhastyls.C. Ciee girlsalso ant totry platc surgery. oepop stars thn plasc suerys shaeful 阅读下列短文,根据短文内容判断下列句子正(T)误()。he Quelizabeth andhr siste ga avery diferen charact :lizabeth was very srious dtdy; Marre w outging and headstrong Bu y e cose assisters. Whn they alssonsat home wit thi govnessrion Cawford,Mrgaretwsofen naughy. Elizabeth alwas prected er evry te henshe rk rule. Whenthy grew up,Mrat hs s loetores ad nappyriage.The Queen gvehe lot f elpMgaret wsoe o t few pepe h couose th temer with thQueen ven s an adult, she wuld omieshot at her. Onceshe thrw a dishcloth a Elzaeths face wh thyhad a picic. But they neve qurefrln. o een Eiabeth, it s a sanss hat her ster eve ond lastng rsonal happines.1. Eabth a eriosand hastrong. 5.he ord govere mens家庭女教师. 53. B Elizath an Marae had an nppy fmily lifccding t the story. 5.Thueen an er sitr uiteiffeent acers. 55. he to sisters ad very od rlatinp. EA:Clifn Plice Station Can Ihelpyou?B:Yes. Its aboum dghe, any. She ent toscol this mrning, and she hasntarived y, an ts eln oclock and:Jut a moment, Mrs?B: 56 A:How ol is Mandy?B: 5 :Andhatos shelookike?B: 5 A:An was she wering?B: 59 A:el o ourbet n her. Wl elephoneyousoo as sible.B: 60 A. Shes wearing a red coat , brown trousers and black shoes .B. Thank you. Goodbye.C. Mrs. Read. 57 Birth Road.D. She likes singing and drawing . Her favorite sport is swimming.E. Shes six .F. Shes got blue eyes and long hair G. With pleasure.2019年初三第三次模拟英语试卷第一卷(选择题,共计85分)第一卷(选择题,共计65分 ) 123591得分评卷人二.完形填空 (共0小题;每小题分,满分为分);16-35小题167181922224527283031323345一. 单项选择 ( 共1小题;每小题1分,满分为15分 );得分评卷人三.阅读理解(共2小题;每小题2分,满分为50分);36-0小题337894414234445464748051345556758596第二卷(非选择题,共计35分)得分评卷人四. 用所给词或短语的适当形式填空(共0小题,每小题1分,满分为10分)mgic; spech; exctd ; be o o; mkesm sense ;so ; loothrough ; hrow away ; as wll a ; ncrage6. yu diideth wasino this to recycle nd thins t_?62. Accorngto the localpopl, itsa spcial nd _ pce.63. ver evenig, m mth _ magazins at home.64. Liu Xiang _ at frtt ain for thehighjm.5. o matter howI tried o ed it, the enencesti did not_. Ia work n elibray n Im _ abe toread bo6. Hurry up!Your train _eve.8.I nk Dng Yapng isa god stdent_ a god laer.6. Peopl makeshort _ and ie tnk forheir foo on hanksgivingDay70. In my oion, mamade wondersare _ taaturl ones.得分评卷人五.阅读理解填词(共10小题;每小题1分,满分为0分) 718小题Its a cmmon chool y at Souhen Cross Sol near thefmus KruerNational ark in South ic.Teahrsand pupilsdosit in clasrom I 7 ,they troug h forst or i unde the ee.The shoolteaches students althe sas 7 a t rst o the contrs schools, ut the teachig metho arecompetey diffeent. outhrn rss uss naureas ateachn tool. hetaers an theiruilg out ino natreanrkwth aima anplaThesecan be ue to study a 3 frommath dsoialcincs languages. Te hool is in an are whenias live wl andcanbhunte T get t clas, stuet tavel a roadt 7 te fores tt wil animals use as well.e clasro for smal prescooler s att diffrent fro the eofthe soo. Foam, te first lssonof he dayis mths, bt theteahing methods ver 75 I this choolyu wontha a tac saying “Counhw manyappls Janhs bk.” Actll, the chilren vsita rbyriver to coun he umbrf mars lft by nals his ay heycan see owmanydiffeent iml come t 76 durinthe nit.e studnta 77 encouag tacre f te injure andsmll nimas f hey find ad nimal in he ara, teysudy ee the anmf thefoo chin,and theyalsostud 7 and wy it ied.he hadmaseray, “We mst m 9 peopl ndand what wre doin to h e 0 . We ned tocare fr plan.”71. I . s 73.a 74. 7.s 6 d 7. a 78 h 7 m 80. 得分评卷人六.书面表达 (共15分)根据中文和英文提示词语,写出意思连贯、符合逻辑、不少于6词的短文,所给英文提示词语(仅供选用),请不要写出你的真实校名和姓名。生活中每个人都有过与他人分享的体验,如分享一本有趣的书、一段难忘的经历、一个闪光的想法现在,某英文报纸就分享(Shaing)话题征文,请你投稿。描述一次你与他人分享的经历,并谈谈你的感受。提示词语:sharewith;exerince; interest; ar; change; enourge; enjy; hapiness; cnfident要求:1. 80词左右。 2. 文中不得出现真实姓名及校名。Sharig


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