四年级上册英语课件-Lesson 14 Is the cat fat or thin |接力版

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四年级上册英语课件-Lesson 14 Is the cat fat or thin |接力版_第1页
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Lesson 14Is the cat fat or thin ? Is the cat fat or thin? 这只猫是胖还是瘦?这只猫是胖还是瘦?Its fat. 它是胖猫。它是胖猫。Is the boy hungry or thirsty? 这个男孩是饿了还是渴了?这个男孩是饿了还是渴了?Hes thirsty. 他渴了。他渴了。Is it a radio or a TV? 这是收音机还是电视机?这是收音机还是电视机?Its a TV. 这是电视机。这是电视机。Is it a tree or a flower? Its a tree. Is it a dress or a skirt? Its a skirt. Is it a picture or a book? Its a book. Is it a hat or a cat? Its a hat. Is it a ship or a boat? Its a boat. Is it a bus or a taxi? Its a taxi. Homework1. 学习新单词。学习新单词。2. 使用本课重点句型造句。使用本课重点句型造句。Thank you!


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