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学习好资料欢迎下载普通高中课程标准实验教科书(人教版)英语必修IIUnit 2 The Olympic GamesThe First Period (Warming up & Pre-reading)Step One: Lead-inFree Talk: Have you ever seen the Olympic Game?What do you know about it?T: As we all know, there are Winter and Summer Olympics, and there are ancient and modern Olympic Games, too.Step Two: Warming upHow much do you remember of recent modern O G ?What do you know about the ancient O G ? Do you want to know some details about it?Go through the table on P9 and then finish it. ( Answers are in Ts Book P28)Step three: Pre-readingLet students discuss the questions in this part in pairs.Answers:1 Summer O G: running races, horse riding, weight-lifting, wrestling, sailing, Winter O G: skiing, ice skating, sledding, snowboarding 2 2008 BeijingThe Chinese team should unite and have more practices.3 It s a great honour; to hold the O G is a rich prize for the country; it can make the country known in the world, etc.Step Four: Language Points1. honest adj.Im quite honest.He is a honest man.Im 100 percent honest now.常用短语:Be honest with 对 说实话Be quite honest about it老实说(常用作插入语)Honestly speaking 坦 白 地讲It is honest of sb. to do sth.2. compete : compete for the medals 为而竞争 /比赛compete againstfamous players 与竞争/比赛compete withotherscompete in the 3000 meters race 在中比赛 /竞争3. host vtAs we all know, Beijing is to host the 2008 Olympic Games.When do you think China will host the World Cup?n.He was our host at the party.She was away, so her son acted as host.Step Five: AssignmentPreview the words and expressions of reading.The Second & the Third PeriodStep one: Lead-inBackground and some words of the O G . (Teache rs300k Page 26)1 Pausanias (Teachers Book Page 26)2 Olive Wreath (Teachers Book Page 26)3 the Olympic Flag The five rings represent the five continents: Afric, America, Asia, Europe and Oceania. At least one of the six colours of the flag appears in the national flag of every country in the world.4北京申办2008年奥运会口号New Beijing, Great Olympics” “新北京,新奥运”Great Olympics , Peoples Olympics and Hi-tech Olympics ”“绿色奥运,人文奥运,科技奥运”5奥运精神Swifter, higher, stronger 更快,更高,更强”Step Two:1 Ask Ss to look at the pictures and the heading in this part and guess what the text might be about. Then listen to the tape and try to get the general idea of it, and then see if it is the same as what they have guessed just now.(General idea: it tells us the differences and the similarities about the ancient and modern Olympics )2 Read the passage carefully and then try to find out the differences and the similarities.3 Read the passage carefully again and then try to do Exx. 1 & 2 of Comprehending.4 Ask the Ss to describe the modern and ancient O G in their own words.Step Three: Language Pointsl.interview vt. The boss of the company will interviewed you for himself this afternoon.n. I thank you very much indeed for this interviews.Give an interview to sb.Have an interview with sb.2. used to do过去常常,过去一直He used to go to the cinema once a week.I used to come to her used to doing / n. 习惯于Im used to getting up early and going to bed used to do 被用来(做某事)The knife is used to cut bread.3. How often表示频率How often do you go home?How often do you write to your parents?4. every +基数词+复数n. = every +序数词+单数n. “每”Every four days=every fourth dayEvery +other + 单数 n“每隔一”Every other day = every two days = every second days隔一天, 每两天Eg. They usually come home every two weeks.I go there every other day.5. admit vt.接受,承认,后十名词、动名词、that从句I admit my mistake.She admitted having broken the window.We admit that your advice is reasonable .be admitted as作为被接受She was admitted as a member of the admitted to 接受(上学等);允许某人进入 ” 主动机构为admit sb. to do He was admitted to the club.My brother was admitted to Peking University last year.A t that time , women were not admitted to universities.6. reach the standard。be admitted to the game注定式充当后置定语He hasnt kept his promise to write to his parents.He is often the first person to come and the last one to leave.There is nothing to worry about.7. as well as 也,又,同,和”He gives me money as well as advice.=As well as advice, he gives me mone y.除夕卜)We shall travel by night as well as by day.The boy is lively as well as healthy.I can do it as well as he does.(和 样好)8. as much asIt is as much your responsibility as mine.This is as much as to say that I am a liar.9. replace取代,代替Can anything replace a mothe rs love ?什么东西能取代母爱呢?把放回(原位)He replaced the book on the shelf after reading.replace with“用替换”The gate was broken so we replaced it with a new one.Step Four: Fill in the blanksThe Olympic Games are the biggest sports meeting in the world. There are two kinds of OG One is, and the other is . Both of them are held every years. All countriescan take part if their athletes reach the the games.Women are not only to join in but . A is built for the competitors tolive in, a for competitions. A seats for those who watch the games. I ts a great honor to host the OG. It s just a competition to host the Olympics to win an Olympic medal .The olive wreath has-been by medals. But its still about being able to.Answers: the Summer O G the Winter O G .,four, standard to be admitted to , allowed, playing a very important role, special village, stadium , gymnasium as well as , as much, as, replaced, run faster, jump higher and throw further,Step Five: consolidation. Listen to the text and try to catch the meaning of every sentence.Step six: AssignmentDo all the Exercises Page11-12 ( learning about language)Retell the text according to the passage that is intep 4.Preview using language.The Fourth Period (Discovering Useful Structure)Teaching Procedures:Step One: RevisionRead the new words of Unit 2 again Ask some students to retell .Check the answers to the homework.Step Two: Discovering useful structures1 Show Ss the following sentences, then change them into PassivecVce. (Pay attention to its basic form: be + P.P.)I do my homework.I have finished my homework.I -doing my homework.I ll do my homework.2 Read the example on P13 first and make one poster, using the passive voice.Teaching: The future passive voice Page 87, Grammar.Step Three: PracticeDo Ex2 & Ex3 Page 13 , then check the answers and give some explanations to the exercises.Step Four: AssignmentExercises for Using Structures on Page 49-50Remember the usage of the future passive voice.Preview Using Language.The Fifth Period ( Reading &Speaking )Teaching Procedures:Step One: RevisionCheck the answers to the homeworkRevise the usage of the future passive voice.Step Two: Reading1 Introduce the main idea of the reading to the Ss:仅供参考:The story is about a princess who runs very fast, she races to marry the man that can run faster than her. In order to win the race, a man asks for help from the Goddess of Love.2 Listen to the passage while reading and then answer the following questions:Who was Atlanta ?What was she good at ?Who did she want to marry ?Who was Hippomenes?How could he win Atlanta ?4 Listen again and do the True or False Qs on P14.5 Get some Ss to tell the main idea of the passage.6 Discuss: What do you think would happen to Hippomenes ?How would you end the story if you were the writer?Step Three: Language Points1 marry sb.Be/get married to sb.He married a rich girl last month.She was married to a young engineer.2 promisen. Remember to carry out your promise. Clouds give promise of rain.v. The manager promised me an immediate reply. (promise sb. sth.)You must promise ( not) to do it again. (promise to do )He promises me to study harder. (promise sb. to do )They promised us that they would come. (promise sb. that.)常用短语: make a promise break a promise keep/carry out a promiseStep Four SpeakingDo Ex 1 (P15)Ss can ask each other as these:Which do you like ? .or- -.?Are you interested in?The Ss who have the same interests sit together and talk about their interest. It can be like this:Why do you like this sport/music/?When do you begin to like it?Whats enjoyable about the hobby?What have you learned from the hobby?Ask some Ss to act their dialogues out.Step Five HomeworkDo Talking( Page 48) and Speaking Task(P52)The Sixth Period (Listening)Teaching Procedures:Step One Listening (P15)Read the sentences in part 2, then listen to the tape to choose the best answer.(Parti) Ss read the sentences first to make sure they understand every sentence, then listen to the tape to finish it.Listen again to finish Part 3.Step twoListen to the text of READING TASK and write the answers to the table on P52.Ask some students to read out their answers.Pick out some useful expressions and difficult sentences and explain them to the students .Step three Listening (P48)Listen to the tape, and then answer the questions. Page 48, workbookCheck the answers and play the tape again.Step four Listening Task Page 51Do Ex.1 of the listening task.Check the answers.Step five AssignmentPreview Reading & Writing on Page 16the Seventh period (writing)Teaching ProceduresStep 1.First read the requirements on page 16. Make sure the Ss know what to do . (The purpose is to help somebody else interested in the same hobby )Step 2.Teacher can give a sample to be served as a reference.Step 3.Ss discuss the five Qs on P16, then ask some one to give out what they discussed .(T help them to organize their writing )Write a short article about what they discussed and read it oStep 4. ut in the class. T make comments on them.Step 5. HomeworkDo writing Task on Page53.


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