Construction of new rural social endowment insurance system Thoughts8905

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Construction of new rural social endowment insurance system Thoughts8905_第1页
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Construction of new rural social endowment insurance system Thoughts8905_第3页
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Construction of new rural social endowment insurance system Thoughts Abstract: A new type of rural old-age insurance, two thousand years has sunrise and sunset, widows and the needy, old and sick can not be free from crafts to farmers in China is big happy event. We must raise awareness, change their ideas and the right to define the scope of the insured, reasonable to raise endowment funds to ensure the timely and full payment of pensions, and strengthening financial management and supervision to ensure the livelihood of the partys policies to the letter. Keywords: scientific concept of development of rural old-age insurance September 1, 2009, the State Council issued Regulations on the new rural social old-age insurance to carry out the pilot guidance (hereinafter referred to as guidance), marks the new rural social pension insurance (hereinafter referred to as the new farmers insurance), experimental work The official launch of the farmers a sense of security will soon become a reality. The arrival of a new farmers insurance for 2000 years, is always sunrise and sunset, widows and the needy, old and sick can not be free from crafts to farmers in China is big happy event. It marks the ancient Chinese farmers rely entirely on old-age model of the family will soon become history, its significance comparable to formally abolished in 2006 lasted several thousand years of imperial grain tax (agricultural tax). The major benefit of agricultural policy is to implement the scientific development concept and building a socialist new countryside of major initiatives, is to narrow the gap between urban and rural areas and promoting social fairness and justice of the inevitable choice is to stimulate domestic demand, to respond effectively to the practical requirements of the international financial crisis, the promotion of Chinas rural economic development and social harmony will play a significant role, with epoch-making significance. First, raise awareness, change their ideas is a prerequisite for the establishment of new farmers insurance First, from a strategic height and long-term perspective plan for a new farmers insurance, to increase awareness of the importance of rural old-age problems. This mainly refers to all levels of government and village committees in rural old-age should have a correct understanding of the issue, must not be regarded as an old-age pension is still an own affairs. Aging is a general trend is irresistible, the family pension are weak and difficult to sustain. According to statistics, the countrys aging population will reach 144 million, an average annual increase of 2 million people, the elderly population accounts for 11% of the total population. Imagine, if not from now on to the farmers of material accumulation, in another two or three decades, farmers of the pension problem may become a threat to social stability in rural areas the number one problem. Silver hair wave will not only impact on cities and towns, even violently impact on the social security base is relatively weak in rural areas. How to prevent the rural elderly in poverty, flood control than poverty, after the arrival of the rescue more important. We must have a clear understanding that should be enough. Therefore, we must fully understand the establishment of rural old-age security system, the significance of, existing problems and potential crises, must not hold the attitude does not matter to remove people in their thinking and understanding has long been the level of the problem of rural old-age one-sided understanding. The second is from the actual situation of the rural population to change the traditional concept of retirement to adapt to the new pension mechanism under the conditions change. As industrialization and urbanization speeds up, old-age patterns are changing, old-age pension consequent need for change in the concept. First, the change is entirely relying on the concept of retirement for future generations and establish a multi-channel multi-mode old-age beliefs, such as relying on the community, rely on their own, rely on the land, etc., that could ease the pressure on old-age home; second, to change the concept of old-age pension only sons can to break the gender division of maintenance responsibilities, so that old-age daughter and son shared responsibility; the three to change live together until old age, regardless of the concept of separation. Live together, separated only to facilitate their needs, responsibilities and obligations does not change the relationship. Children should always respect and support parents the elderly. Furthermore, it should further strengthen the respect and care for the younger generation in the old sense, and strive to maintain the family pension system, in order to meet the greater impact of aging create a pool of human resources and conditions. Second, the correct definition of the scope of the insured is the basis for the establishment of new farmers insurance Guidance provides that: the age of 16 years of age (excluding in-school students), did not participate in the basic old-age insurance for urban workers, rural residents are able to voluntarily participate in the new domicile of agricultural insurance. The new emphasis on agricultural insurance policy concessions to attract the rural school-age residents of the voluntary insured, not to engage in mandatory orders. Rural residents who took part in the basic old-age insurance for urban workers (such as migrant workers to participate in old-age insurance for urban workers), in principle, participate in the new farmers insurance; rural residents have to participate in the new farmers insurance, but also migrant workers required to participate in the basic old-age insurance for urban workers, and can stop payment of a new farmers insurance premium, the new farmers insurance personal accounts be preserved; the rural population due to changes in employment and housing, etc., in different stages, a variety of old-age insurance system, the state will develop the convergence policy to ensure rural residents old-age insurance benefits. Meet the conditions of the rural population to join the new agricultural insurance should be offered himself voluntarily submit an application and pay grade each year to confirm. At present, the portion of rural residents participated in the basic old-age insurance for urban employees, or enjoy the social security for farmers whose land is requisitioned, the rural households practicing family planning incentives to help the rural five guarantees, social and special care, the rural minimum living security, reservoir Resettlement supporting policy and other treatment the State Council, relevant departments should formulate relevant policies, and without lowering standards, without prejudice to the principle of vested interests of rural residents to properly work out a new farmers insurance with these systems, policy convergence in order to ensure wide coverage of the new security. 3, reasonable to raise pension funds are the key to the establishment of new farmers insurance Financing is to establish a new rural social endowment insurance system, the key issues, lack of funds for rural social endowment insurance system is seriously lagging behind the key reason. Guiding opinions states: new type of rural social endowment insurance funds should be individual contributions and collective benefits, government subsidies of three parts. The individual contribution is a new farmers insurance an important source of financing The new farmers insurance is a social insurance system, unlike the poor counter poverty and social relief system, the implementation of rights and obligations of the principle of adapting the individual contributions is a prerequisite for the enjoyment of the treatment. In addition to the implementation of the new farmers insurance system, have already reached the age of 60 years old and older rural residents, participate in the new farmers insurance of the rural population should be required to pay pension premiums. Guiding opinions provisions of the standard fee for one year is currently set to 100 yuan, 200 yuan, 300 yuan, 400 yuan, 500 yuan 5 grades. Individual contributions, currently located 100-500 yuan five grades, local governments can also be based on the actual need for additional grades, and by farmers pay according to their own choice. Last year, roughly equivalent to 100 yuan per capita net income of the farmers a little more than 2% for the less developed areas and the affordability of low-income farmers; 500 is roughly equivalent to last years National Rural per capita net income of 10%, but in developed areas only is equivalent to 5% -6%, for higher-income farmers to choose. Local governments can pay an additional grade of local conditions, either to low-added can also be added to the high. Rural residents voluntary, self-pay principle payment once a year, according to the income of different years to choose a different pay grades. Local governments can encourage the development of appropriate policies to guide qualified young farmers to choose a higher standard payment, long-term payment in order to improve the level of their future pension. Countries based on per capita net income growth of farmers of timely adjustments to pay grades. Government subsidies are a new type of rural social endowment insurance, a reliable guarantee for the financing of Most prominent feature of the new farmers insurance is for the Government to provide subsidies to rural residents of the insured. Government subsidy is divided into two parts: First, the Government granted a full subsidy for basic old-age pensions, in which the central government on the central and western regions by the central authorities were given a full basic pension subsidies, subsidies for the east half; second, local governments insured people pay subsidies to facilitate the participants to mobilize the enthusiasm of the farmers to help the poor people insured and to increase the accumulation of individual accounts. Local government subsidies to the standard of not less than 30 yuan per person per year; the selection of a high standard of pay grade may be given appropriate incentives; right of persons with disabilities in rural areas with severe problems such as payment groups, local governments on their behalf to pay some or all of the minimum standards pension insurance. Central and local farmers will increase the security of the new investment, not only fill import, then fill exit. The so-called added entry, that is, the farmers pay part of the insured to give financial assistance; so-called fill Export , a new farmers insurance pension is part of the treatment to give financial assistance to pay. The central government is mainly responsible for fill export, that is determined by the State Council, a unified basic pension part of the central and western regions to give a full subsidy, on the eastern region, 50% government subsidy. Subsidy base 55 yuan per person per month, or 660 yuan per year. Local financial subsidy policy points, added entry and fill export in two parts. Fill entry in concrete terms, there are three policies: First, an individuals contribution to rural residents make up at least 30 yuan per person per year, are included in their personal accounts, as in the future be issued with personal accounts pension base. Second, local governments in accordance with overpayment of more than fill principle, the selection of a higher grade standard to pay, give appropriate encouragement. Third, people with disabilities in rural areas with severe problems such as payment groups, local governments on their behalf to pay some or all of the minimum standards for pension insurance, but also personal accounts. This provides an effective solution to the pilot level of economic development among regions, farmers income levels and different levels of government financial resources and greater contradictions. Tonic export also has three conditions: First, the State Council to determine the basis for a unified pension part of the eastern region should arrange for 50% of the subsidies. Second, local governments can improve the basic pension based on the actual situation in the standard. The third is to pay more than a certain number of years, local governments may be appropriate to an extra basic pension. The collective benefit of the new farmers insurance a necessary complement to the financing of Collective ownership of rural land, rural collective economic organizations of the total income of its members, the village collective has the responsibility to rural old-age security for the villages to provide economic support. Conditions of the village collective should be given to the insured person pay supplement the standard of democracy established by the village committees. Encourage other economic organizations, social welfare organizations and individuals, in particular the village collective economy after the reform of the economic organizations to provide assistance for the insured person fee. Fourth, to ensure timely and full payment of pensions is to build the ultimate goal of a new farmers insurance Of rural social old-age insurance payments can not be timely and full payment can be put in place, is the new type of rural social endowment insurance system is the key to implement. At least 60 years of age, not on a monthly basis to enjoy the basic old-age insurance for urban workers, the treatment of elderly people in rural areas, you can receive a monthly pension. The new farmers insurance system is implemented, it had reached the age of 60 years of age, not on a monthly basis to enjoy the basic old-age insurance for urban workers, treatment, free of charge, and can directly receive a monthly basic pension, the cost of all payments from the government budget; but are consistent with the conditions of children should be insured insured pay. This is a family tradition and old-age related laws and regulations in the new farmers insurance policy is all about. Payment credited to my children of the insured individual accounts for their own future pension payments, rather than for their parents. Reposted elsewhere in the paper for free download http:/ The new farmers insurance pension entitlements from the basic pension and individual pension accounts of two parts, to pay for life. One basic pension. Can be paid monthly, in the same area each eligible according to the same standards of rural elderly receive. Of the central government to determine the basis of the pension standard 55 yuan per person per month; local governments according to local conditions to improve standards of basic pensions, long-term contribution of the insured rural residents to be an appropriate basis for an extra pensions, improve the processing made part of the funds by local governments. States under the economic development and price changes, and so on the basis of timely adjustments to the level of pension. 2 is a personal pension accounts. Can be paid monthly, account issued standards for the individual account divided by the total storage volume 139. This is based on Chinas current population over the age of 60 to calculate the average survival period of the experience factor. The algorithm is also with the current basic old-age insurance for urban workers pension algorithm is the same as personal accounts, which is conducive to the employment of migrant workers pension rights of mobile conversion interface. For example: If an individuals contribution choice grade 300 yuan per year, the local government to subsidize 50 yuan per year, payment for 30 years, with an average annual interest rate of 3%, to 60 years old when the cumulative storage of personal accounts amounted to 16,651 yuan, divided by 139, the monthly Pensions in personal accounts 120. Eligible to receive pension treatment of older persons in rural areas, by me or their immediate family on behalf of an application each year to receive the treatment conditions and criteria approved. Administrative village as the villagers agent can be a designated officer or apply for enrollment procedures, but must be signed by the parties confirmed, and shall not charge any fees. Township police station handling agency in conjunction with audit participants, recipients of the residence, age, survival, etc., county, approved by the handling agency, and proof of payment issued to the insured person insured (certificate, card). The handling agency records should be carefully insured rural residents to receive treatment for conditions for payment and the establishment of the insured files, long-term safekeeping. Establish a unified national security information management system for the new farmers, and into the social security information management system construction, and gradually achieve the provincial level, centralized data management. The early management of information, paper files, electronic files should be established at the same time. To vigorously promote the social security card, card to facilitate the insured person to pay the insured to receive treatment and check my messages. The insured person died, whether it has already begun to receive pension, or not yet begun to receive pensions, their personal accounts in the fund balance, including individual contributions, grants and other collective funds, can be inherited according to law; but government-subsidized funds from the public financial expenditure, but also old-age security for the insured individual farmers subsidies, so this part of the balance can not inherit and continue to be used for other longevity elderly pension payment reflects the economic principles of social interaction. 5, strengthen management and supervision of funds is to establish a reliable guarantee for the new farmers insurance The new farmers insurance fund is the rural population, life money, we must ensure that the Fund security first. As the new agricultural insurance is still in the pilot stage, the main items of social security laws and regulations are not sound, does not have a standardized method of operation. To ensure that the new farmers insurance fund safe and rational use of, whether it is government subsidies, an individuals contribution collectively funded subsidies and other socio-economic organizations, all social security funds into the financial accounts, and expenditure management, a separate account, accounting; the new farmers insurance of pension entitlements are charged against the new farmers insurance fund. The new farmers insurance handling agency funded by the financial department at the same level of work based on actual needs and standard of reasonable arrangements for the expenditures into the budget may not be extracted from the new farmers insurance fund. A unified national agricultural insurance fund of new financial accounting system, summing up the experimental work will be formulated on the basis of experience, before that, the pilot counties (cities, districts, and banner) should be in accordance with current national Social Insurance Funds financial accounting system requires that good The new farmers insurance funds financial management. The new farmers insurance fund and increasing the value achieved in accordance with relevant regulations. How to manage and operate better to raise a new farmers insurance funds to enable it to preserve and increase the value of the rural minimum living security


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