话题12 产品与发明

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话题话题12 12 产品与发明产品与发明话题概述话题概述 通过分析全国近几年有关“产品与发明”话题的书面表达可发现,考点主要涉及以下两个方面:介绍某类新科技产品。科技产品对人们日常生活的影响。基本信息的描述基本信息的描述1The tea was first drunk by Shen Nong nearly 5,000 years ago.几乎五千年前,神农第一次喝茶。2According to Chinese history,kites were first used by Han Xin.根据中国历史,韩信第一次使用风筝。3Abacus was created in China in the sixth century by a Chinese man.在十六世纪,在中国一个人发明了算盘。4Basketball was invented by a Canadian doctor in the 19th century.在十九世纪,一个加拿大博士发明了篮球。5The jeans were first made by a young man called Levis in America in 1853.在1853年,美国一个叫Levis的年轻人第一次做了牛仔裤。用途的描述用途的描述1Shoes with lights are used for seeing in the dark.带灯的鞋是用来在黑暗中看东西的。2Hot icecream scoop is used for serving really cold icecream.加热的冰激凌勺子是用来给真正的冷冰激凌加热的。3Special heels are used for changing the style of the shoes.特殊鞋跟是用来改变鞋子样式的。4The Internet is used for communicating and searching useful information.互联网是用来交流和搜索有用信息的。5In ancient China,sky lanterns were sent out to ask for help when people in trouble.在古代中国,孔明灯是人们在困境中,发送出寻求帮助的。影响或发展影响或发展1The pioneers of different inventions have changed the world greatly.(创造出)不同发明的先驱已经大大改变了世界。2It seems that electricity is really such a great invention that has changed peoples lives completely.电似乎真的是彻底改变人们生活的伟大发明。3WeChata new way to communicate,takes the place of short messages all of a sudden.微信一种新的沟通方式,突然间取代了短信。4In 1936 in Berlin,basketball became an event at the Olympics.在1936年的柏林,篮球成为奥林匹克的项目。开头句开头句1在我们日常生活中,拉链几乎处处用到。The zipper almost everywhere.2世界上有很多发明,但是我最喜欢的发明是电脑。There are the world,but my favorite invention is the computer.3手机在最近几年里被广泛使用。Mobile phones these years.is used in our daily livesmany inventions inare widely used中间句中间句1据说在他的一生中,他有2000多项发明。 he invented more than two thousand things during his life.2在六世纪和七世纪期间,茶被传到朝鲜和日本,很快变得非常受欢迎。The tea Korea and Japan during the 6th and 7th centuries and 3修建长城的目的是保卫国家和人民。The Great Wall the country and the people.4在全世界,篮球的普及程度在上升。The popularity of basketball around the world.5它被用来把卫星或宇宙飞船发送到太空。Its sending satellites or spaceships into space.6如果你在他们身上花费太多时间,会对你的身体有害。Its bad for your health if you too much time _ them.Its said thatwas brought tobecame popular quicklywas built to protecthas risenused forspendon结尾句结尾句1这将使我们的生活更享受和方便。Itll our life and convenient.2多么有用的一项发明啊! invention!3我希望我的梦想可以实现。I hope my dream 4发明是有趣的和令人兴奋的,每个人都可以成为发明家。Inventing is and everyone can be an inventor.makemore enjoyableWhat a useful will come trueinteresting and exciting


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