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春天市初中英语高效课堂专题研讨会材料(附优秀教案)20104参会须知1. 各位老师报到后注意保管好自己的物品,出行注意安全。2. 本次会议会场设在蒙山宾馆西楼二楼会议室。3. 本次会议人员较多,我们接待条件有限,敬请老师多多见谅配合会议安排。如有特殊要求敬请提前告知服务人员(如:非汉族老师在饮食方面的安排等)。4. 住在蒙山大酒店的老师须到蒙山宾馆就餐(从蒙山大酒店右转西行100米至新华书店南行50米即到),其他老师在所住宾馆就餐。5. 辛苦住汶河大酒店的老师,须会前20分钟从宾馆出发右行向北至“傅陆钢材销售处”,沿街前行过马路后,从“新天地装饰公司”处北行一段土路到“三枪电动车”销售处,再右行至“仁和堂药店”沿文化路向北即到,全程约500米,望老师们结伴同行注意安全。6. 就餐时间: 早餐: 7:00;午餐12:00;晚餐6:007. 会议时间: 6号下午1:30-5:40 ;7号上午8:00-12:008. 未尽事宜,敬请包涵。服务电话:13854944509春天市初中英语高效课堂专题研讨会日程表 Apr. 6th, 2010地点日期时 间内 容主讲人主持人蒙山宾馆会议室四月6日下午1:30-1:40会议内容简介1:40-2:20Unit 5 Section A (1a-Grammar Focus)2:30-3:103:20-4:00Unit 5 Section A (3a-3b-4)4:10-4:505:00-5:40Unit 5 Section B (1-2a-2b-2c-3b)四月7日上午8:00-8:408:50-9:30Unit 5 Section B (3a-3c-4-Self Check)9:40-10:2010:30-11:00分组研讨交流11:00-12:00市兼职教研员代表评课教 学 建 议注意: 1、遵守纪律,认真听会,积极参与研讨,按时到会、离会; 2、请保持会场干净整洁,将垃圾带出会场扔到垃圾桶内。Unit 5 If you go to the party, you will have a great time!Section A (1aGrammar Focus) 蒙阴县桃墟中学 任燕【教学目标】、知识目标:. 掌握if引导的条件状语从句. 学习重点词语、能力目标:. 谈论因果关系 . 提高学生的语言交际能力和与他人交往能力、情感目标:. 培养学生相互理解的能力. .培养学生养成健康、乐观、向上的人生观【教学重点、难点分析】 1 、重点:掌握if 引导的条件状语从句 2 、难点:if引导的条件状语从句,主句用一般将来时,从句用一般现在时【课前准备】老师:制作相关课件,录音学生:预习 【教学设计】Step One: Lead in the new lesson1. Show the songs: “love”, from the little tigers.T: If you meet them, what will you do? 2. Show the“wallet”to the students. T: If you find a wallet on the playground, what will you do?3. Show the picture: watch TV T: If you watch too much TV, what will happen?Step Two: Pictures from the textbook. Picture1:What is she going to do ? Picture2:If you wear jeans to the party, what will happen? Picture3:How is she going to go to the party? Picture4:What is he going to do ?Step Three: Practice the drills1. (1a). Match.2. (1b). Listen.3. Pairwork:A: Lets go to the party. What are you going to do?B: I think Im going to. A: If you do, you will. Step Four: A video about class party.Step Five: listen.1. (2a). Number the phrases in the order.2. (2b). Answer the questions.3. Pairwork : Fill in the blanks then ask and answer in pairs. Step Six: Write a composition. If you have lots of money, what will you do? Why?Step Seven: Homework. Make five sentences using “if ”and “will”Preview next lesson 3a-4.Unit5 If you go to the party, youll have a great timeSection A 1a-2c费县费城镇初级中学 陈元琴 I. Teaching aims(教学目标) 1.Knowledge aims (语言知识目标) (1)Key vocabulary: jeans, organize, have a great time, letin (2)Grammar:If-clause; eg. If you do, he teacher wont let you in. The present tense as future. eg. What will happen if you have the party today?2. Ability aims(语言能力目标)(1)Use “if-clause” freely. eg. If you do, you will have a great time.(2)Decision making. eg. I think Im going to the party with Karen and Ann. 3. Emotion aims (情感目标) (1) Help the students to show their love to others, especially the people in trouble. (2)Learn to give correct advice.II. Teaching key points(教学重点)1.The new vocabulary. 2. If-clause. 3.Decision makingIII. Teaching procedures(教学过程) Step1 Warming upA. Free talk.B. Sing a song. Ask the students to look at the screen and sing the song“If you are happy, clap your hands.”(Standing up and doing some actions while singing.)【设计思路】Free talk 给学生提供了充分的练习口语的机会,同时起到温故知新的作用;演唱课件上提供的歌曲不仅活跃了课堂气氛,激发了学生的学习兴趣,更为下面学习新知识做了铺垫。Step2 Leading-in 1. T: Are you happy now? (after singing, the teacher asks the Ss.) Ss: Yes. T: Im happy, too. Today Im your new English teacher. I know youre the best students . Im very happy to have a class with you. Are you happy with me? If you are happy, what will you do? (First the teacher makes a model.) T: If you are happy, what will you do? S1: If I am happy, I will(eg. sing a song/dance/play football). Ss: Work in pairs.【设计思路】这是承上启下的过渡环节,通过教师的示范,学生很容易完成这个基础而又重要的句型的操练,同时对新授课的重点内容有了初步的学习和体验。2. T: If I am happy, what will I do? Ss: You will (Ss guess and give their answers. Maybe they provide many different answers.) T: Great. I will have a party. Would you like to come to my party?Ss: Yes, Id love to. T: If you go to the party, youll have a great time. Today well learn “Unit5 If you go to the party, youll have a great time.”(Write the title on the blackboard.) 【设计思路】师生交际,承上启下,自然导入新课。Step3 1a-1c 1.1a T: If you go to my party, what will you wear?If you go to my party, how will you go there?If you go to my party, who will you go with?Lets look at the pictures .Look at No.1, lets read together.A: I think Im going to the party with Karen and Ann.B: If you do, youll have a great time.T: How about other pictures? Lets try to say something. (Say together.)Now try to match the sentences in 1a.2. Listen and number the pictures.3. Listen again and match .Ss: Listen again and match the statements .T: Check the answers. Ask Ss to say the sentences.4.1c Pairwork 1) T: Look at the pictures and make conversations like this.(First the teacher gives a model on the screen.) A:I think Im going to stay at home. B: If you do, youll be sorry. Ss: Work in pairs. 2) A: I think hes/shes going to stay at home. B: If he/she does , hell /shell be sorry.【设计思路】 利用课件上提供的图片和例句,进一步练习decision making 和 if -clause. 而且进行了人称转换练习, 这样不仅激发了学生学习的兴趣和表达欲望,而且进一步操练重要句型,达到学以致用的目的。Step4 2a-2c 1.2aT: Now, Andrea and Mark are going to organize a class party. What are they talking about? Look at the screen, read the phrases together.Ss: Read the phrases together.T: Listen and number the order you hear.Ss: Listen and number.T: Check the answers. 2.2b Listen again and fill in the blanks.What will happen if they have the party today?Half the class _ _.What will happen if they have the party tomorrow?Students will leave early to_ _ _ _.What will happen if they watch a video at the party?Some students _ _ _What is Mark going to organize?Mark is going to organize the_ _.What is Andrea going to do?Andrea is going to _ _ _. Ss: Read through the sentences by themselves. Listen and fill in the blanks. T: Check and discuss the answers with the Ss.2c Pairwork Model 1. A: OK, when is a good time to have the party? B: Lets have it today/tomorrow. A: If we have it. , .Model 2. A: What shall we do at the party? B: Lets watch a video/ play party games. A: If we do, .What will happen if they have the party today?Half the class wont come.What will happen if they have the party tomorrow?Students will leave early to study for the test.What will happen if they watch a video at the party?Some students will be bored.What is Mark going to organize?Mark is going to organize the party games.What is Andrea going to do?Andrea is going to make some food.T: Make a model conversation with a student.Ss: Practice in pairs and then show them to the class.【设计思路】对2b的听力进行改编,弱化了其难度,可操作性强。Step5 Retell Try to retell the party plan according to the chart, using I (dont) think we will have the party today . If we do , .will/wont.OpinionsIfResultshave the party today.Half the class wont come.tomorrow.leave early to.on Saturday afternoonWe can all meet.watch a videobe bored.play party gamesbe happy.【设计思路】通过图表及句型,既对本课所学的知识进行了整合,又让学生进行了能力的提升。Step6 Make a survey T: If you have a lot of money, what will you do? Make a survey and then give your report to the class. SurveyNames Things to doTombuy a car for his parents Ss: Write down the passage. If Tom has a lot of money, he will buy a car for his parents._【设计思路】这是由听说升华到写的环节,不仅提高了学生的运用语言表达自己观点的能力,同时又对学生进行了情感教育:爱家人、爱社会、乐于助人,树立正确的人生观。Step7 Sum up T: What have we learnt this class?Ss: Discuss and then sum up what they have learned this class. T: Show some sentences on the screen and then ask the students to find the rules.If you stay at home, you will be sorry.If you go to the party , you will have a great time .If he stays at home, he will be sorry.If he goes to the party , he will have a great time . S1: if 引导的条件状语从句用一般现在时,主句用一般将来时。 T: In if-clause we use the Simple Present Tense, and we can use the Future Tense in main clause. 【设计思路】学生讨论总结,教师补充归纳,师生互动,总结语法。重在培养学生观察和总结归纳的能力。Step8 Do Exx.Fill in the blanks.1. If you _(go) to the party , you _(have) a great time !2. If you _(wear) jeans , your teachers _(not let) you in.3. If Jim _(drink) milk every day , he _(be) more healthier .4. If she_ (not come) tomorrow , I _(visit) her with my mother. 【设计思路】把本节课的知识点设计成针对性的练习题,即巩固了所学内容,又便于查漏补缺,补偿教学。Step9 Homework Finish or write a poem like this: If I study hard , I will learn English well .If I learn English well, my father will be happy .If my father is happy, he will have a party .If he has a party , I will invite Jenny .If Jenny comes to the party , shewill_ 【设计思路】作业的设计既是对本课重点句型的训练,也是对下一节课知识的预习。注重基础的同时,注重趣闻性。 Unit5 If you go to the party, youll have a great time. Section A 3a4春天第六中学 李庆艳教学目标(一)知识目标1. 词汇:take away, clean-up, flower.2语法:if引导的条件状语从句。(二)能力目标灵活运用含有if 引导的条件状语从句来谈论规则和计划。 (三)情感目标通过了解云南旱灾及越来越多的地区遭受沙尘暴等环境问题,让学生树立热爱自然、保护自然的意识。 教学过程Step I: Free talkShow a picture of a party, talk about the party rules.(复习祈使句的同时,引入3a。)Step II: Reading1. Scan reading: Answer the two questions. My ID card is lost, can I go to the party? If I bring snacks to the party, what will happen?2. Fast reading: Fill in the chart. (The left column)DontIf you do, the teachers willwear jeansnot let you inleave the gym during the partyask you to leavePleaseIf you dont you cant3. Careful reading: complete the sentences. (The right column) 4. Listen to the tape and repeat5. Read 3a by themselves. Try to imitate the pronunciation. Then ask several students to read.6. Retell 3a according to the chart above.7. Pairwork:1).Show a picture of a girl with jeans, and make a model with the students. (将课本中3a和3b中的对话整合成为一个对话。)A: Can I wear jeans to the party?B: No, you cant.A: What will happen if I do?B: If you wear jeans to the party, the teachers wont let you in.2).Show another three pictures: snacks, ID card and friends from other schools. Ask them to choose one to ask and answer in pairs. A: Can/ Should I .?B: Yes/ No, .A: What will happen if I do/ dont?B: If you., .will.8. Language points: let .in让某人进来.take away拿走,带走Take the snacks away=Take away the snacks.Take them away. Take away them.你能把你的包从沙发上拿走吗?_那是我的钢笔,别把它拿走。_9. Grammar1).Read the three sentences and sum up the grammar.What will happen if I do?If you wear jeans, we wont let you in.If you bring food to the party, the teachers will take it away.2) Exercise: Fill in the blanks with the right forms of the given words.If it _(not rain), I will go bike riding.If you dont go to the party, he _(not go), either.If he _(come) here, please let me know.Step III: Groupwork 1. Show a picture of a school clean-up, make a model:A: What will you do if you go to the school clean-up?B: If I go to that one, I will do some cleaning.C: What will he/she do if he goes to the school clean-up?D: If he/ she goes to that one, he will do some cleaning.2. Show the pictures of the old peoples home visit and the childrens hospital visit, ask them to choose one and practice in groups of four.Step IV: Tasks1. Make sentences according to the key words and the pictures about the environment. (造句的同时,为下一步的写作做铺垫。)2. Write a proposal to call on everyone to protect the environment. (先小组讨论,每人至少说一条,组长记录并汇报,看哪个组写的最多。)Step V: Homework1. Put up the proposal somewhere everyone can see. And do as you say.2. Write down your and your friends plans of this weekend with the drills: If . , .will.(at least three sentences)Unit 5 If you go to the party, youll have a great time! Section A (3a-4) 沂南 刘晓莉【教学目标】知识目标:1. Words: take away clean-up flower 2. if条件状语从句与祈使句能力目标:会用if条件状语从句与祈使句讨论规则情感目标:让学生通过学习,自觉遵守学习及生活规则。【重难点】1. if条件状语从句2. Target languages: Dont wear jeans. Please bring your ID card. If you , will/wont/should If you dont, will/wont/can/t【教学过程】I .Warm up1. Sing a song “If you are happy”.2. Pairwork参考句型:A: What will you do if you go to ? B: If I go to , Ill II. Pre-readTask 1 Talk about school rules.参考句型:Dont in class.DontPleaseactivitieswearbringTask 2 Pairwork.According to the chart above, practice the conversation in pairs.参考句型:A: What will happen if you ? B: If I , the teachers will/wont , I will/wont III .While-readTask1 Read 3a carefully and fill in the chart.DontIf you , the teachers /you PleaseIf you dont,Task 2 Listen and read.Task 3 Retell 3a according to the chart above.IV. Post readTask 1 PairworkPractice the conversation in pairs according to 3a.参考句型:A: Are you going to the school party?B: Yes, I am. Im going to wear jeans.A: You cant do that.B: What will happen if I do?A: If you wear jeans, the teachers wont let you in.Task 2 Pairwork参考句型:A: I m going to the school party.B: Me, too. Lets bring some snacks and ice cream.A: Oh, we cant do that.B: Really? Why not?A: If we bring some snacks and ice cream, the teachers will/wont.V. ProductionTask 1 Write your school rules like 3a. You can discuss in groups. Task 2 Make a report.VI. SummaryVII. Homework1. Review Section A.2. Preview Section B (1-2c).3. Write a short passage about your family rules.新目标英语八年级下册第五单元第三课时教学设计Unit5 Section B(1-2c,3b)春天付庄中学 许秀玲教学目标: 1 知识目标:1.正确运用if 引导的条件状语从句 2.运用情态动词should提建议。2 能力目标:能用if 引导的条件状语从句作出假设,用will谈论结果。3 情感目标:本课时围绕Michael 是否加入足球队展开话题,最后得出钱不是万能的结论,让学生明白现在就是学习的大好时光,努力学习,接受教育是最现实的。教学策略和方法:通过pairwork和groupwork,鼓励学生善于运用发散思维。教学重点、难点:重点句型:If I travel around the world, I will be happy. If I go to college, I will never become a great soccer player. (2) 正确使用should给别人提建议。课前准备:制作多媒体课件Teaching Procedures:Step 1. Brain stormIf I_, I will/wont_.Step 2. Presentation1. Show some phrases to the students and get them to go through them.Get the Ss to make up the dialogues by using the phrases above and speak out their ideas.Get the Ss to act the dialogues out.2. Have a discussion in groups:If you have a chance, will you join the NBA?Then tell out their ideas.3. Questions for Ss and interview Yao Ming on the phone. 1). Is Yao Ming happy as a professional basketball player?2). Does he have any problems?3). What does he say to us ?Step3 Listening PracticeShow the pictures in activity 1 of Section B , ask the students to predict the consequences. Talk about the pictures. Finish 2a and 2bStep 4 WritingIf you are Michael , will you join the Lions? Please write a letter to the Agent and tell your plan .Step 5 Intension workPlease write down your problems, and ask others for suggestions.Step 7. Homework Preview 3a in Section BGrade EightUnit 5 If you go to the party, youll have a great time!SectionB 3a-3c-4-self check春天第十一中学 马承春Knowledge aims: 1. Learn the new words and expressions. make a living, against, charity ,chance ,all the time, injured ,lawyer ,tonight ,mobile, have a difficult time doing sth. 2.Master the use of “if” clause.Ability aims: 1. Learn reading and writing strategies. 2. Improve the abilities of listening, speaking, reading and writing.Emotion aims: By reading and writing, learn to face everything pros and cons.Important and difficult points:1.Improve the abilities of listening, speaking, reading and writing.2.Express your opinions with “if” clause.Teaching Steps:Step 1 Warm up1. Watch a basketball match. Lead in “if” clause and talk with the students. 2. Before practicing in groups of four, give them a model and some key sentences to help them. ( P38 4, P39 Self check 2 )Step 2 Pre-read1. Learn the new words and expressions by saying the sentences:Im a teacher, but if I have a chance to change my job, I will make a living as a lawyer. If I am a lawyer, I will be able to make more money. And if I make more money all the time, I will give some to the charity or help the injured people. Are you for or against my ideas?2. Lead in the article.Show the pictures of Liu Xiang. Talk about him.Step 3 While-readTask 1 Fast readingScan the article and find out the main idea of it.( ) Whats the main idea of the article?A. Some professional athletes are happy, but others arent. B. Professional athletes have many problems.C. Tell us reasons for and against becoming a professional athlete. D. Becoming a professional athlete is a dream job.Task 2 Careful readingRead the article carefully and fill in the chart.Reasons for becoming a professional athlete.Reasons against becoming a professional athlete.You can make a lot of money .People will follow you everywhere.Youll be able to _ _ _ doing something _ _.People will watch you _ _ _ .This makes life _.If you become _ , people_ _ _ _ will know you.If you play sports _ _ _ , your job will sometimes be very _. Many athletes_ _.Many athletes _ money _ schools and _, and do a lot of work _ _ people.If you become _, youll have a difficult time _ who your real _ are.This is a great _ that many people do not have. Many famous people complain that they are not _. They say they were _ before they became _ and _. Task 3 Reading aloud First listen and follow, then read aloud in groups.Task 4 Intensive reading 1. In groups, read the article again, and find some important and difficult language points. The teacher walks around the class to help the students. 2. First let the students sum up, then the teacher give more explanations if necessary. Get the students to try to remember them. 3. Do Exercises.Step 4 Post-read Task 1 Retell the article Read the article again, then try to retell it according to the chart. Task 2 Reading and writing strategies Sum up reading and writing strategies.Step 5 Writing Task 1 Reading 3c Read 3c by themselves.Task 2 Speaking In groups, talk about their dream jobs and the reasons for or against them, referring to the chart. Task 3 Writing Write an article about their dream jobs. Share one of the art


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