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考试学资学习网押题八年级英语首字母填空Passage 1 New Bug Hits MexicoMexican people have a tradition of greeting each other with handshakes andkisses on the cheek. But recently, government officals asked people to stop doing this.They have also closed school and museums, and advised people tos(1)athome.What is swine flu?Swine flu is a disease that causes respiratory(吸的)illness in pigs. It spreads to people in two ways. They catch the virus 病毒)after being with infected pigs,or they get it from an infected person.The d _(3)spreads in the same way as human flu, through coughs and sneezes, or by touching a contaminated surface被污染的表面)and then touching the nose or monuth. However , it cannot be spread by eating pork.People who have c(4) swine flu will have fever, a cough, a sorethroatand body aches. In most casses, the infection makes people unwell but their lives willnot be in danger.Health experts advise people to w(5)their hands frequently,tocovercoughs and sneezes and to stay at home if they feel ill.Passage2 Global Handwashing Day(lr球洗手日)Wednesday, October 15th,2008 is the first Global HandwashingDay.Manypeople w(1)their hands with soap (肥皂 ) on the day. They aref(2)twenly countries.Experts传家)say it is important for people to wash their hands with soap atsome critical moments,such as before e(3) and after usingthe toilet.B(4)they can get germs(H 菌)on their hands when they do those things.Then their hands can make their eyes and noses d(5) andmake people ill.1 / 8They say that soap is helpful in washing hands. It can help remov就 除)germs and leave a pleasant s(6).The experts also give the right way to wash hands. First put your hands into thewater and make them w(7). Then cover them with soap andrub(摹)in into alla(8). Rub for at l(9)twenty senconds. Next put yourhands under running water and make them clean. At last,dry them with ac(10)colth.Global Handwashing Day can help people keep healthy.Passage3 A Beautiful SmileWhen I was 13 years old, a boy gave me an important gift. It was as(1).It was the early autumn of my first year at a j(2)high sclool,andmy oldschool was far away. As a result, no one k(3)who I was. I wasvery lonely,and afraid to make friends with a(4)Every time I heard the other students talking and laughing,I felt my heart break.I couldnt talk to anyone about me.Then one day,my classmates talked happily with their friends,but I sat at mydesk. I couldnt talk to anyone about my problem, and I didnt want my parents toworry about me.Then one day,my classmates talked happily with their friends,but I sat at mydesk unhappily as usual. At that moment, a boy e(5)the classroom.I didntknow who he was. He passed me and then turned b(6). Helooked at meand, without a word,smiled.Suddenly , I felt the touch of something bright and friendly. It made mef(7)happy,lively and warm.That smile c(8)my life. I started to talk with the other students andmadefriends. Day by day,I because c(9)to everyone in my class. The boywith the lucky smile has because my best friend now.2 / 8One day, I asked him why he smiled, but he couldnt remember smiling at me!It doesnt matter because all the dark days have g(10). Now Ibelieve that the world is what you think it is. If you think you are lonely,you might always be alone.So smile at the world and it will smile back.Passage 4Food is very important. Everyone needs to e(1)well if he or shewantsto have a strong body. Our minds also need a kind of food. This kind of food isk(2). We begin to get knowledge even when we are very young.Smallchildren are i(3) in everything around them. They learnsomethingw(4)they are watching and listening. When they are getting older,they beginto r (5) story books,science books, anything they like. When they findsomething new, they love to ask questions and t(6) to find out theanswers.What is the best w(7)to get knowledge? If we learn b(8)ourseves,we will get the most knowledge. If we are a(9)getting answersfrom others and do not ask why, we will never learn well. When we study in the rightway,we learn more and understand m(10).Passage 5Everyone needs friends. We all like to feel c(1)to someone. Itis niceto have a friend to t(2),laugh,and to do things. Certainly,sometimeswe-need to be alone. We dont always want people a(3). But wewouldf(4)lonely if we never had a friend.Sometimes friends move away. Then we feel very s(6). We missthemvery much, but we can call them and write to them. And we can make new friends. Itis surprising to find out h(7) much we like new people when we getto knowthem.There is more good n(8)for people who have friends. They livelongerthan people who dont. why? It could be that they are happier. B(9) happyhelps you stay well. Or it could be just knowing that someone cares. If someonec(10)about you,you take better care of yourself.3 / 8Passage6One day , the d(6)saw one of the photes. The face was familial悉). “ Isthat my mother? ” she moved closer and read the w(7): I stilllove you Shecried. When she got home,it was early morning. She knocked on the door. The dooro(8)itself. She rushed to her mothers bedroom. Her motherwas sleeping.She woke her mother up, “ Its me! Your daughter is back home”! The daughter asked,“Why is the door ont locked? A thief could get in ”. The motheranswered softly,“ The door has never been locked since you lef”t.The door of p(10)love for their children will never be closed.Passage 7Mr . Baker worked in a small town. Two weeks a(1), his friendshelped himto find a job in New York. So he and his wife were going to movei(2) abuilding in the big city. Mr. Baker wanted to live in a room on the first floor and hecould go for a walk in the beautiful garden aften s(3). But hiswifth(4) to live on the second floor.“ Theres enough sunlight, I think. And we can watch the f(5)inthe gardenby the windows,” said the woman . Mr.Baker thought she was right and agreed withher. I(6)was Saturday. All their friends came to help them.They weret(7) and hungry,and Mrs. Baker got nice food ready. They held aparty. They ateand drank a lot. Then they kept singing and dancing. It l(8)along time.Passage 8 Most Americans HobbiesPassage 9Mike Robinson is a 15-year-old English schoolboy. His s(1)Clare is14. Atthe moment, Mike and Clare are at a school in Sydney,one of theb(2)citiesin Australia. They have been there for two years. They like the school, but they knowthat soon they will leave and r(3)to England with their parents.The Robinsons are a happy family and love seeing the world. Mike andClarehave learnt to speak French, German and a little C(8). The twochildren have4 / 8friends all o(9)the world. But they are glad that they aregoing to retuinto England.Passage 10“ Dreams may be more important than sleep. We all need tod(1),” somescientists say.Some people get new ideas about their work from dreams. They may have beent(6)about their work all day. These thoughts can carry ove鹰 人 )into dreams.Sometimes we wake u(7)with a good feeling from a dream. Butoftenwe cant remember the dream. Dreams can disappeart肖失)quickly from meory(记忆).Too much dreaming can b(8)harmfu府害的).Them(9)we sleep,the longer we dream. The mind is hard at work when we dream. That is why we mayhave a long sleep and still wake up t(10).Passage 11Passage 12There are four people in my family. Every day my parents are very busy t (1) to make money in order to pay the high tuition(学费)for my brother and me.They hardly say I love you or send f (3) to each other. Besides, myfather has a bad temper脾气).It is easy for him to lose his temper w4 4)hes very tired from the hard work. I didnt know whether there was love betweenthem u(5) one spring. At that time, my father suddenly gotbadly sick .Mymother had to stay with him in the hospital for a month. When they returned fromthe hospital , they both looked very w(6) as if both of themhad aserious illness.After they were back, my mother helped my father walk slowly on the countryroad every day in the morning and dusk. H(7), after twomonths myfather still couldnt walk by h (8) All of us were worried about him.5 / 8Dad, how are you f(8) now? I asked him one day.Susan, dont worry about me. ” he said i(9) a low voice“. I justlikewalking with your mom. I like this kind of life. ” Reading his eyes, I knowhe loves my mother very much.Once I thought love m(10) flowers, presents and sweet kisses.Butfrom this experience, I understand that love is inside, making life strong and warm.Passage 13School education徽:育)is very important and useful. Yet no one can l 1 everything at school and a teacher cant teach his students e 2 they want toknow. His job is to s 3 his students how to learn. He teaches them how to readand how to think. So the students can learn much more by t 4 .It is more i 5 to know how to study by oneself. Its quite easy to learnsomething, but its difficult to u 6 it to solve problems. Great inventors do notget everything from school, but they still can invent many things and change theworld a l 7 .How can the inventors do all of this? Thats b 8 they know how to study. Alot of things are not taught in the classroom. They get a lot of knowledge by reading o9 school. They work hard and never g 10 up all their lives.Passage 14Our school has a big library. It has many b1on differentsubjects.Students can r2_ books and magazines in the reading-room. Theycan alsob3_ books from the library. But they must return t4_ ontime. If theylose the books, they must p5_ for them. Miss Yang works in thel_6.She is very helpful and kind to the students.One morning she was working at the desk w7_ Li Ping hurried in.She toldMiss Yang that she couldnt f8_ the library book “ Red Star OverChina” . Atthat moment Lucy came into the library w9Li Pings book. Shefound it in6 / 8the classroom. Li Ping was very happy. She thanked Lucy and said thatshe would bemore c_10from then on.Passage 15I have lived in the countryside since I was a child. There were many k 1 ofbirds there when I was young. Every morning, lots of sparrows liked singing and j 2in the trees outside my window, while the swallows were busy flying out to f 3food for their babies. Sometimes in the afternoon, I could even see eagles f 4in the sky.After twenty years, many of them cannot be seen now. I can seldom see theeagles o 5 the swallows. The n 6 of the sparrows is getting smaller. Onlysome of t 7 sing in the morning.Without the birds around, we wont feel happy any more. So we must p 10them. Why dont we do something to help today?Passage 11.stay 2. sick 3. disease 4. caught 5. washPassage 21.wash 2. from 3. eating 4. Because 5. dirty 6. smell 7.wet 8.areas 9. least 10. cleanPassage 3 1.smile 2. junior 3. knew 4. anyone 5. entered 6. back 7.feel 8.changed 9. closer 10. gonePassage 4 1.eat 2. knowledge 3. interested 4. while 5. read 6. try 7.way 8.by 9. always 10. morePassage 5 1.close 2. talk 3. around 4. feel 5. get 6. sad 7. how 8.news 9.Being 10. caresPassage 6. poor 2. died 3. looking 4. corner 5. back 6. daughter 7.words 8.opened 9. happy 10. parentsPassage 7 1.ago 2. into 3. supper 4. hoped 5. flowers 6. It 7. tired 8.lasted 9.answer 10. fall7 / 8Passage 8. 1.dinner 2. out 3. born 4. three 5. another 6. change 7.higher 8.givesPassage 9. sister 2. biggest 3. return 4. international 5. offices 6. sent 7.away 8.Chinese 9. over 10. agreedPassage 10. 1. dream 2. sleep 3. every 4. because 5. find 6. talking 7.up 8. be9. more 10. tiredPassage 11. 1.blind 2.heard 3.darkest/dark 4.round 5.works6 .through 7.things 8.ears 9.able 10.foodPassage 12. 1.trying 2. flowers 3. when 4. until 5. weak 6.However7 . himself 8. feeling 9. in 10 meantPassage 13. 1. learn, 2. everything, 3. show, 4. themselves, 5.important,6. use, 7. lot, 8. because, 9. outside, 10. givePassage 14. 1. books 2. read 3. borrow4. them 5. pay 6. library 7.when8. find 9. with 10. carefulPassage 15. 1. kinds 2. jumping 3. find 4. flying 5. or 6. number7. them8. enough 9. kill 10. protect


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