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如何全面提高师生员工的道德素质中英文对照How to improve the moral quality of staff and students in both Chinese and English contrast 摘要:当前,师生员工道德素质建设已经成为社会主义精神文明建设的重要内容。学校在重视学生德育教育的同时,更要重视教职员工职业道德素质的提高,使师生员工的道德素质建设同步进行,既促进学生身心健康发展,又提高教职员工综合素质,从而为学校教育教学事业的持续发展奠定基础。基于此点,本文对提高师生员工道德素质的途径进行探析。Pick to: at present, the teachers and students staff morality construction has become the important content of socialist spiritual civilization construction. School in attaches great importance to the students moral education at the same time, more should attach importance to staff professional ethics quality enhancement, synchronize the teachers and students staffs moral quality construction, promote students physical and mental health development, and improve the staff overall quality, so as to lay a foundation for the sustainable development of the school education teaching career. Based on this point, this article carries on the analysis ways of improving moral quality of staff and students. 关键词:学校;教职员工;教师;学生;道德素质。Key words: school; Members of the faculty; The teacher; Students; Moral quality. 一、提高教职员工道德素质的途径。And enhancing the quality of the staff moral way. (一)立足于思想政治工作,提高教职员工道德水平。(a) based on the ideological and political work, improve the staff moral level. 思想政治工作是开展教职员工道德素质建设的重要途径,学校领导应当将思想政治工作作为学校教职员工管理的首要任务,提高教职员工的道德水平。首先,在思想政治工作中,要培养教职员工爱岗敬业、无私奉献的精神,增强职业认同感和自豪感。学校领导要调动起广大教职员工参与学校建设和改革的积极性,做好教职员工的思想工作,使他们在面对利益调整时摆正心态,正确处理好权利与义务的关系,让他们支持教育教学改革,并贡献自己的力量;其次,学校领导要主动关心教职员工的心理、生活状况,从实际情况出发为教职员工排忧解难,解除本职工作的后顾之忧。学校要营造用心留人、安心敬业的文化氛围,为教职员工道德素质的提高构建良好的外部环境条件。Ideological and political work is an important approach to carry out staff moral quality construction, school leaders should ideological and political work as the top task of school staff management, improve the staffs moral level. First of all, in the ideological and political work, we must train our staff love the dedication and selfless dedication spirit, enhance professional identity and a sense of pride. School leaders to mobilize the enthusiasm of staff to participate in school construction and reform, completes the staff of the ideological work, make them in the face of interests adjustment adjust mentality, correctly handle the relationship between the rights and obligations, let they support education teaching reform, and contribute their strength; Second, school leaders should take the initiative to care about psychology, and living conditions of staff, embarks from the actual situation of faculty, staff and terminate the labor of duty the trouble back at home. School should build the culture atmosphere of recognition and security work attentively, to staff the improvement of moral quality to build the good external environment condition. (二)开展师德建设,努力提升教师职业道德素质。(2) to carry out the teachers ethics construction, make great efforts to promote teachers professional moral quality. 学校要始终将师德建设作为全面提升教师职业道德素质的关键性工作。师德是指教师在从事教育教学工作中所形成的道德观念、道德行为规范和道德品质,主要表现在师表、师品、师能、师智四个方面。在把握师德内涵的基础上,通过师资培训、典型引路、政治学习等渠道加强师德建设,使教师具备以下道德素质:首先,教师要坚定爱国敬业、献身教育的观念,坚持正确的政治立场,增强自身社会责任感和职业光荣感,树立“以人为本”的教育观念,使自己成为学生身心健康发展的引路人;其次,教师要有严谨治学的精神,遵守学术道德和规范,维护学术严肃性,用严于律己的治学态度,追求学术的不断创新;再次,教师要履行教书育人的职责,全面践行素质教育,构建和谐、民主的师生关系,通过言传身教、为人师表使学生潜移默化地接受道德素质教育。同时,教师还要主动关心学生生活、品德、学习、思想、心理等方面的状况,以德育教育优先,坚持育人为本;最后,教师要提升自身文化修养,自觉遵守社会公德,行为举止端庄,言语文明规范,以此树立良好的职业形象。School is always the teachers ethics construction as guarantee the critical work of teachers professional ethics quality. Ethics refers to the teachers engaged in education teaching work in the form of moral concept, moral norms and moral quality, model, main performance in the division, division, division wisdom from four aspects. On grasping the connotation of teachers ethics, through typical guide, teacher training, channel such as political study to strengthen ethics construction, make teachers have the following qualities: first, the teacher wants to firm patriotic dedication, devotion to education concept, adhere to the correct political position, to enhance their social responsibility and the professional honor, sets up the people-oriented concept of education, make oneself become a guider of students physical and mental health development; Secondly, teachers must have the rigorous doing scholarly research spirit, abide by the academic ethics and norms, and maintaining academic seriousness, with strict research attitude, the pursuit of academic innovation; Again, the teacher must to take the responsibility of teaching, comprehensive practice of quality education, to build a harmonious and democratic relationship between teachers and students, by precept and model is subtly to accept the student moral quality education. At the same time, teachers must take the initiative to care about student life, virtue, learning, thinking and psychological condition, to the moral education first, adhere to the education for this; Finally, teachers should raise their cultural accomplishment, consciously abide by social morality, behavior manner, speech civilizations standard, to establish a good professional image. (三)职业道德建设与制度建设相结合,规范教职员工道德行为。(3) the professional ethics construction combined with the system construction, standard staff moral behavior. 教职员工的职业道德建设是道德素质建设的重要内容,由于职业道德建设不具备强制性,所以为了使职业道德规范充分发挥行为约束的作用,就必须运用制度建设与职业道德建设相结合的方式,为职业道德建设提供有力的制度保障,从而提高职业道德建设成效。新时期下,教职员工的职业道德建设既要依靠政治思想教育这一有效途径,也要依靠学校规章制度的约束和校园文化的熏陶、感染。在职业道德建设与制度建设相结合的过程中,应遵循引导与制约、教育与管理的原则,一方面要积极开展政治思想教育,通过树立先进模范来弘扬学校良好的文化传统;另一方面要建立健全学校各项规章制度,约束和规范教职员工的行为。学校应当杜绝将职业道德建设停留在口号、文字上,而是要将其渗透到学校管理中去,使教职员工成为教书育人的践行者,良好职业道德的推动者,以及和谐社会的建设者。Staff of professional ethics construction is an important content of morality construction, due to the professional ethics construction does not have mandatory, so in order to make the vocational ethics, give full play to the role of the behavior constraints must be using the system construction and the combination of professional ethics construction, provide strong institutional guarantee for the professional ethics construction, so as to improve the professional ethics construction. In the new period, the staff of professional ethics construction is to rely on a effective way to political thought education, also depends on the school rules and regulations of the constraints, and campus culture edification and infection. On the combination of professional ethics construction and system construction process, should follow the principle of guidance and restriction, education and management, on the one hand, should actively carry out political ideology education, through the advanced model to promote the school good cultural tradition; On the other hand, schools shall be established and perfected each rules and regulations, constraints and standardize the behavior of members of the faculty. Schools should put an end to the professional ethics construction to stay on the slogan, word, but will penetrate into the school management, make faculty teaching practitioners, promoters, a strong work ethic and the builder of a harmonious society. 二、提高学生道德素质的途径。Second, the ways to improve the students moral quality. (一)加强学生思想政治教育,提高学生思想素质。(a) to strengthen students ideological and political education, improve the students thinking quality. 社会主义建设需要德才兼备的人才作为生力军,而学校作为培养人才的主阵地,必须承担起德育和智育的双重责任,在重视学生学业完成的同时培养学生具备良好的思想道德观念。Socialist construction needs the talents as the fresh troops, of having both ability and political integrity and the school as main position of cultivating talents, must shoulder the dual responsibility of moral education and intellectual education, in which attaches importance to students academic and training students good ideological and moral concepts. 在思想政治教育中,以理想教育和信念教育为主,引导和帮助学生坚定马克思主义和共产主义信念,从而形成正确的人生观、世界观和价值观。学校要将思想政治理论课纳入到重点课程建设范围内,始终秉承教书、育人相结合的原则,提高学生思想政治水平,促进学生身心健康发展。In the ideological and political education, in order to ideal education and belief education is given priority to, guide and help students in marxism and communism faith, so as to form a correct outlook on life, world outlook and values. School will into the focus of ideological and political theory course construction scope, always uphold the principle of combining teaching and education, improve the students ideological and political level, promote the development of students physical and mental health. 同时,学校还应积极组织丰富多彩的活动,将其作为开展思想政治教育的良好平台,从而使思想政治教育延伸到学生的课余生活中去。如,在科技、文娱、体育活动中弘扬民族传统文化,增强学生对中国传统文化的认同感,激发学生树立为社会主义现代化建设而奋斗的信念。又如,在学生社会实践活动、青年自愿者活动中,明确思想进步的活动主题,使学生在活动中受到思想教育,提高思想素质。At the same time, the school also should actively organize rich and colorful activities, as a good platform to carry out the ideological and political education, so that the ideological and political education to the students after school life. For example, in science, technology, recreational and sports activities to carry forward national traditional culture, strengthen students identity in Chinese traditional culture, stimulates the student to set up the struggle for socialist modernization construction. And as, in social practice activities, students in the youth volunteer activity, clear ideas and progress of activities theme, so that students in activities in ideological education, improve the ideological quality. (二)重视日常养成教育,培养学生道德习惯。(ii) attaches great importance to the daily nurturance education, cultivating students moral habits. 道德习惯是指人在日常生活中处理对人、对己关系时表现出来一贯性行为。在学校教育中,要以日常养成教育为切入点,通过建设校园文化,将物质环境、制度环境、精神氛围融为一体,使学生可以在良好的校园文化氛围中,潜移默化地对思想道德、精神风貌、价值观念、行为准则和习惯习俗产生认同,自觉抵制功利主义、实用主义消极观念,提高道德教育的有效性。同时,学校教师要将日常养成教育作为重要的德育教育方式,与学生保持良好的关系,经常与学生进行沟通交流,及时掌握学生的思想动态,从而帮助学生增强识别错误观念的能力和自我反省能力,使学生形成敢于面对错误、改正错误的良好道德品行。Moral habit refers to a person to deal with in our daily life to people, and the relations demonstrated consistent behavior. In school education, to develop daily education as the breakthrough point, through the construction of campus culture, the physical environment, institutional environment and spiritual atmosphere, so that the students can be in a good atmosphere of campus culture, subtly to the ideological and moral, spirit, values, code of conduct and custom habits produce identity, consciously resist utilitarianism, pragmatism negative ideas, in order to increase the effectiveness of moral education. At the same time, school teachers will daily nurturance education as an important way of moral education, keep good relationship with students, often communicate with my students, timely grasp students thought tendency, so as to help students enhance their awareness of the importance of identifying errors and self-reflection ability, make students form a dare to face the mistakes and correct mistakes of good moral character. (三)实施情感教育,完善学生道德人格。(3) the implementation of emotional education, improve the students moral personality. 情感教育是有效的德育教育方式,教师可以通过与学生进行情感交流,为学生营造良好的道德素质培养氛围。教师要增强学生的集体主义意识,用集体的温暖激发学生爱祖国、爱集体和爱他人的热忱;用良好的师德师风培养学生遵守社会公德、勤学文化知识的责任感;用校园良好的风气培养学生正义感和乐观向上的心态;在教学中用赏识鼓励的方式增强学生学习进步的喜悦感和成功感;在实践活动中用赞赏的方式培养学生为集体服务、为他人服务的满足感和幸福感。在这情感教育中,通过教师细心的引导和帮助,有利于在最短的时间内教育感化学生,使学生不断完善道德人格,提高道德素质。Emotional education is the effective way of moral education, the teacher can through the emotional communication with students, for students to create a good atmosphere of moral quality education. Teachers to enhance students collective consciousness, with the warmth of collective stimulate students to love the motherland, love the collective, and love the enthusiasm of others; With good ethics strengthen training students abide by social morality, study and cultural knowledge and sense of responsibility; With good campus culture of cultivating students sense of justice and optimistic state of mind; With appreciation encourages way to enhance student learning in the teaching progress of happiness and successful; With appreciation for the way to cultivate students in practice to collective services, service satisfaction and happiness for others. In the emotional education, through the teachers careful guidance and help, conducive to the reform in the shortest possible time education students, make students improve moral personality, improve moral quality.


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