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美国大学新生入学ESL语言水平测试挑战赛样题一、 ESL Listening1.1. ESL Listening Sample Questions1.1.1. Level 1NOTE: The shaded sections of the Listening items are the audio passages that students hear. These passages will not appear on the students computer screen.Item Type: Recognizing simple social formulaeListen.RecordingPlease come in.Choose the correct pictureD.1.1.2. Level 2NOTE: The shaded sections of the Listening items are the audio passages that students hear. These passages will not appear on the students computer screen.Item Type: Recognizing instructions or directionsListen to the people talking.RecordingFemale voice:Excuse me, which bus goes to Central Park?Male voice:Well, the 22 goes there, but its better to take the 7express.It will be here in 10minutes.Which bus does the man say to take?A. The 7 express1.1.3. Level 3NOTE: The shaded sections of the Listening items are the audio passages that students hear. These passages will not appear on the students computer screen.Item Types: (1) Recognizing main ideas; (2) Recognizing instructions or directionsListen to the taped information from a college.RecordingThank you for calling T-R-A-I-L, or TRAIL, the taped registration and information line. The TRAIL system operates 24hours a day, 7days a week. If you want information about classes offered by the college, press1. If you want to register for specific classes, press2 and follow the instructions. You will have 15minutes to register. You must confirm your registration by pressing the zero key before you hang up or the computer wont accept your registration. If you have any questions, call the registration office at 555-4933. Press1 for information or2 to register now.1. What is the TRAIL system used for?B. To get information and register for classes2. What will happen if you do NOT confirm your registration?D. The computer will not accept your registration.1.1.4. Level 4NOTE: The shaded sections of the Listening items are the audio passages that students hear. These passages will not appear on the students computer screen. Italicized words indicate vocal emphasis by the speakers.Item Types: (1)Recognizing main ideas; (2)Recognizing details; (3)Recognizing detailsListen to the lecture from an art class.RecordingYesterday we got off the subject a bittalking about how artists can be difficult people; theyre seen as temperamental, too emotional, et cetera. Well, lets talk about where this image came from. Its a stereotype, of course: not all artists are temperamental. But the stereotype is very common today. We have studied Michelangelo, but I havent talked about how his personality is the model for the modern image of the artist. pause His paintings on the Sistine Chapel are some of the most famous works of art in the world. But, he didnt even want the job when it was offered to himhe considered himself a sculptor first, and didnt want to take time away from that. His sculpting was most important to him, and he almost refused the job. He was also famous for a quick and fiery temper, and didnt want to take suggestions about his work. He was extremely independent, fighting with powerful religious and political leaders who hired him to create works of art. So, to sum up, the modern image of the artist that we talked about yesterday is largely due to Michelangelo.Oh, I should add that this image weve been talking about is primarily a Western view of the artist. This stereotype of an artist is not so common in other parts of the world.1.What is the main idea of the lecture?2.According to the lecture, why was Michelangelo reluctant to paint the Sistine Chapel at first?3.Based on the lecture, which of the following is the most correct statement?二、 ESL Reading1.1.5. Level 1Item Type: Recognizing the main idea of a pictureLook at the picture.Which sentence describes the picture?1.1.6. Level 2Item Types: (1)Inferring meanings of words; (2)Locating explicit detailsRead the paragraph about the emporium in Galveston.Shoppers enter the emporium, which is on the ground floor, through the original 14-foot doors. You can eat a sandwich inside while sitting on a wooden seat at an umbrella-covered table, or you can buy meats and cheeses by the pound for a picnic on the beach. There is also a wide selection of Texas foods, beers, chocolates, books, baskets, and specialty coffees and teas. A wine room features Texas, U.S., and international wines.Adapted from Ann Gallaway, A Present from the Past. 1994 by Texas Highways.1. In the passage, what does the highlighted word emporium mean?2. What can you buy at the emporium?1.1.7. Level 3Item Types: (1)Recognizing main ideas; (2)Locating explicit details; (3)Inferring meanings of wordsRead the definitions from two different dictionaries.Radburn layout In town planning and urban studies, a planned urban layout, developed by Clarence Stein, applied in Radburn, New Jersey, USA in 1928, which separates pedestrians from cars and trucks by arranging superblocks of housing, shops, offices, schools, etc., around a central green. Each superblock has its outer roads, off which come service culdesacs. The central green or pedestrian space has pedestrian access only, either by underground passages or surface walks.Adapted from Audrey N. Clark, Longman Dictionary of Geography. 1985 by Longman, Inc.Radburn layout A style of residential layout pioneered at Radburn, New Jersey (USA) between 1928 and 1933 and later widely adopted in the planning of postwar housing areas in Britain, particularly in new towns and expanded towns. Its main features include the separation of pedestrian and car traffic, housing facing onto open space and gardens and with car access to the rear, loop roads, and cul-de-sacs. In the British postwar new towns, the Radburn principles were clearly evident in the detailed plans of neighborhood units.Adapted from John Small and Michael Witherick, A Modern Dictionary of Geography. 1995 by E. Arnold.1. Based on the two passages, the most important feature of the Radburn layout is the2. Which information appears in both dictionaries?3. As it is used in the first paragraph, the highlighted word surface means1.1.8. Level 4Item Types: (1)Applying concepts in the passage to new situations; (2)Recognizing the main idea of a paragraph; (3)Locating explicit details; (4)Inferring the meaning of words or phrases; (5)Inferring style, tone, intended audienceRead the passage about psychology.Social InfluenceOf the many influences on human behavior, social influences are the most pervasive. The main influence on people is people. When we hear the term social influence, most of us think of deliberate attempts of someone to persuade us to alter our actions or change our opinions. The television commercial comes to mind. But many of the most important forms of social influence are unintentional, and some of the effects we humans have on one another occur by virtue of the simple fact that we are in each others physical presence.In 1898 a psychologist named Triplett made an interesting observation. In looking over speed records of bicycle racers, he noticed that better speed records were obtained when cyclists raced against each other than when they raced against the clock. This observation led Triplett to perform the first controlled laboratory experiment ever conducted in social psychology. He instructed children to turn a wheel as fast as possible for a certain period of time. Sometimes two children worked at the same time in the same room, each with his own wheel; at other times, they worked alone. The results confirmed his theory: Children worked faster in coaction, that is, when another child doing the same thing was present, than when they worked alone.Soon after Tripletts experiment on coaction, it was discovered that the mere presence of a passive spectator (an audience rather than a coactor) was sufficient to facilitate performance. This was discovered accidentally in an experiment on muscular effort and fatigue by Meumann (1904), who found that subjects lifted a weight faster and farther whenever the psychologist was in the room. Later experiments have confirmed this audience effect.It appears that coaction and audience effects in humans are caused by the individuals cognitive concerns about competition and the evaluation of performance that others will make. We learn as we grow up that others praise or criticize, reward or punish our performances, and this raises our drive level when we perform before others. Thus, even the early studies of coaction found that if all elements of competition are removed, coaction effects are reduced or eliminated. Similarly, audience effects are a function of the subjects interpretation of how much he is being evaluated.Adapted from Ernest R. Hilgard, Richard C. Atkinson, and Rita L. Atkinson, Introduction to Psychology. 1975 by Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc.1.Which of the following would be an example of the coaction effect?2.What is the main idea of the last paragraph?3.According to the passage, Tripletts experiment of 18984.As it is used in the passage, what does the highlighted phrase comes to mind mean?5.Where would you most likely find this passage?三、 ESL Grammar/Usage1.1.9. Level 1Item Type: Word orderOur children enjoy this garden. _ it every day.A. They visit1.1.10. Level 2Item Types: (1) Word order in Wh-questions; (2) Simple past tenseSPEAKER A: This soup is too spicy. (1) _ so much pepper?SPEAKER B: Maybe the cook (2) _ it was hot pepper.1.D. Why did the cook use2.B. didnt know1.1.11. Level 3Item Types: (1) Punctuation; (2)Two-word and phrasal verbs; (3)Modal verbsTEACHER: In addition to your textbooks, there are a couple of other materials you need to buy for this course. Because you will be writing weekly (1)_ I want you to have a notebook that you can (2)_ to me every Friday. Make sure that the size is 8 1/2 by 11, not a smaller one. You also need a set of index cards. You will be taking notes on books that you will read, and you will write your notes on these cards. One set (3)_. Any questions?1.B. journals,2.D. turn in3.A. should be enough1.1.12. Level 4Item Types: (1) Passive voice verbs; (2) Punctuation conventions: parentheticals; (3) Conjunctions; (4) Noun clauses; (5) Noun clausesThe lion (1)_ the king of beasts, but in fact, this king doesnt do much to deserve the title. Lions live in groups; each group, or pride, of lions consists of one dominant male and several females and their offspring. However, all the (2)_ is done by the lionesses, the females. Males spend their time (3)_ what they have killed. Occasionally, males may have to scare off possible threats to the group, but for no more effort than this, they get to eat first, and to eat until they are full. Male lions are also guilty of what (4)_ not very kingly behavior. When a new male takes over the pride, he will usually kill all the cubs of the male that formerly led the pride. This ensures that only his own offspring will survive. This may seem brutal, but it is how (5)_. Perhaps we might want to reconsider calling the lion the king of beasts.1.D. has often been called2.A. workthe stalking, chasing, and killing of prey3.A. either sleeping while the females hunt or eating4.B. we would probably call5.C. nature works


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