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必修 5 Unit3 Life in the future 学案Taskl.Read and find the main idea of each partPart 1 (para1 ) before the journey Part 2 (para 2) journey to the future worldPart 3 (para 3 &4)experience in the future world.This is an e-mail written by a man who has taken a trip to the future by the time capsule.Task2.Choose the best an swers1. Li Qiang was un settled for the first few days because. AA. he was un certa in about what might happe n duri ng the future tourB. he had nt decided whether to take the risk of experiencing the future tourC. he could nt wait to take the future tourD. he became so excited whe never he thought of the future tour2. How did he go i nto the future? AA. The Future Tours tran sported him into the future in a time capsule.B. His pare nts compa ny drove him there.C. He went into the future by himself.D. A guide led him there.3. Put the sentences in right order accord ing to the text. Da. I was tran sported into the future by a comfortable time capsule.b. I arrived at a strange-looking house and everything in it made me surprised.cwon a time travel journey to the year AD3008.d.I had my first try to master a hoveri ng carriage.A. cabd B.bdac C.dacb D.cadb4. Which of the follow ing is true accord ing to the text? CA. The gree n tablets made the author feel n ervous and un certa in.B. The strange-looking house was small but bright and clean with a brown floor and soft lighting.C. Build ing a gree n wall in the house was to provide much-n eeded oxyge n for the house.D. The seats in the capsule were very comfortable but later hard to tolerate.5.It is obvious that Li Qiang wrote this e-mail to his parents. DA.before travelli ng into the year AD3008B.duri ng the journey to the year AD3008C. whe n he won the prize last yearD.after flying into the year AD3008Task3. Read the passage aga in, discuss which cha nges to life in AD3008 are good or bad and give reasons for your choices. Then please finish the chart.(Page19 in your text book)Task4.Fill in the bla nksLi Qiang won his prize to travel to the future. At first he felt very n ervous and un certa in. The company Future Tours transported him into the future in a time capsule.Confused (confuse) by the new surroundings, he was hit (hit) by a lack of fresh air. His head ached. The air seemed thin, as though its combination (combine) of gases had little oxygen left. Wang Ping advised him to put on a mask and hurried him through to a small room to rest. He lost sight of Wang Pi ng when they reached what looked like a large market because of too many carriages flying (fly) by in all direct ions.Afterwards, he was showed into a stra nge-look ing house and had a sound sleep there.Good cha nges and reas onsBad cha nges and reas onsTime travelcan travel to differe nt times as you wishafter- effects of travelTran sportcan move swiftlydisorganized; difficult to find wayHousessave liv ing spaceshort of spaceTownsbusy; look like marketseasy to get lostAir qualityown family oxyge n supplypoor quality in public places


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