PEP小学英语四年级上册 Unit 4 My home B Read and write教学设计

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Unit 4 At the farm B Read and write教学设计一、教学目标:1能力目标:(1)能够在图片的帮助下读懂短文,在语境中理解新词garden, goat, eat的意思。(2)能够看图读懂,理解文章的大意。掌握一定的阅读技巧,提升阅读能力。(3)按照意群并以正确的语音,语调朗读短文。2知识目标:(1)能掌握本单元四会单词及句子:These are Those are.的仿写。(2)能够在有意义的语境中仿写核心句型。(3)独立完成简单的英语句子输出,学会写话。3情感、策略目标:(1)情感态度:让学生多吃新鲜的蔬菜和水果,保持身体健康。(2)学习策略:培养学生通过听获取信息的能力,增强学生说的能力,学会合作、交流。二、教学重难点:1重点:四会内容的掌握。2难点:(1)阅读技巧的提升和英语的输出作用。(2)个性化的书写活动。教学过程: 一 Preparation (1)打招呼 Good morning, children. Lets have a song.(2) (PPT)Enjoy a song” Old Macdonald has a farm”(师生同唱)二Prereading1.复习动物(1)T:In the song, they are some animals. Moo here moo there. What are these?Ss: these are cows.T:read together (these are cows.)(2)出示pptSs: hens. They are hens.T:maybe the boys can ask: What are these? The girls can answer: They are hens. Lets try.(3) 出示pptT:What are those? Ss: They are horses.T:those are horses over there.词卡教读,并简单讲解。(4)出示ppt学生自问自答。2.复习蔬菜Old Macdonald has many animals. He also has some vegetables. All of the vegetables are in the vegetable garden.教读vegetable garden(1) carrots两人一问一答。(2) potatoes两人一问一答。(3) green beans 小组问小组答。(4) tomatoes小组问小组答。3 let chant三 Inreading T: Old Macdonald has a son, Mr. Macdonald. He has a big farm. The May Day is coming. He wants a guider. If you want to be the guider, you should make a breakthrough.出示ppt,闯关规则. Are you ready? Take out your paper1.第一关. Fast readingWhat mentioned in the text? ( )短文里提到哪些事物?A. Vegetable B. Animals C. Fruit (水果)2. 第二关second reading Can you see these on the farm?你能在农场找到并勾出它们吗?Vegetable: potatoes carrots green beans tomatoesAnimals: cows sheep hens cats(how do you know)3. 第三关再读课文,完成以下题. What do the goats love to eat? (山羊喜欢吃什么?)T: the goats love to eat carrots. (讲解eat.并进行简单造句)师示范I love to eat apples. What do you love to eat?Ss: I love to eat (tomatoes, potatoes, green beans, carrots.)T: great! I love to eat them,too. (PPT)情感教育。4. Listen and imitate.5.第四关 小组合作每人一句进行看图说话,后两幅可由两个人完成,一问一答。合作最好的小组将得5张农场通行证。找小组上台展示。四post-reading1.Lets write老师示范。2.学生书写。3.纠错,生互查。五 homework1. Make your farm.制作自己的农场。2. Write down their names.为自己的农场制作简介。3 .introduce the farm to your friends.向朋友介绍自己的农场。


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