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Lesson 5 Love is a fallacy para 41-59n Para.41n Look,Isaid to petey when I got back Monday morning . I threw open the suitcase and revealed the huge ,hairy, gamy em object that my father had worn in his Stutz Bearcat in1925 .n 星期一上午我回到学校对皮蒂说:”你瞧!“我蒙的打开皮箱,那件肥大、毛茸茸、散发着怪味的东西露了出来,这就是我父亲1925年在施图茨比尔凯汽车里穿过的那件浣熊皮大衣。Throw openThrow open: (1) to open sth suddenly and forcefully 突然打开 (2) to open up 开放E.g.n All this leads me to pose a hypothetical ,haptkl question which I throw open to floor for debate. 所有这些都让我提出一个假设问题,为此我将开放一个讨论的平台。Other phrasesOther phrases:n throw open to 开放n throw open the door to 欢迎,竭诚招待HairyHairy: hri adj. 多毛的;毛状的;长毛的(1)having or covered with hair 多毛的E.g.E.g.n Hairy dog 多毛的狗 (2)hazardous hzds and frightening美惊险的,危险的;令人毛骨悚然的 n Hairy root 毛状根,发根n Hairy crab 大闸蟹n Gamy :Gamy : em n adj. 勇敢的;味道强的;猎物多的 (1) (used of the smell of meat) smelling spoiled or tainted 变质的,气味强烈的E.g.E.g.n Some diners dan are turned off by the heritage hertd turkeys slightly gamy flavor. But most sing its praises. 有人不喜欢传统血系火鸡稍微有些难闻的味道,但大多数人都赞不绝口。 (2)willing to face danger 有勇气的,不屈不挠的 Eg:A gamy little mare mr that loved to run. 一只喜欢奔跑的无畏的小母驴。n The Stutz BearcatThe Stutz Bearcat was a well-known American sports car of the pre and post World War One period. n Para.42n Holy Toledo tli:du ! said Petey reverentlyreverently rvrntli . He plungedplunged plnd his hands into the raccoon coat and then his face. Holy Toledo! he repeated fifteen or twenty fifteen or twenty times.times.n “太好了太好了!”!”皮蒂恭敬的说。他把两只手插进那件皮大衣,皮蒂恭敬的说。他把两只手插进那件皮大衣,然后把头也埋了进去。然后把头也埋了进去。“太好啦太好啦!”!”他不断地重复了一二他不断地重复了一二十遍。十遍。Holy ToledoHoly Toledo :an interjectional compound (like holy cow! holy smoke!) to express astonishment, emphasis, etc.R Reverentlyeverently : : with reverence; in a reverent manner 虔诚地, 恭敬地Plunge into :Plunge into : 投入;跳入;突然或仓促地开始某事E.g.E.g.n As soon as the meeting started, they plunged into an argument. 会议一开始他们就辩论起来。Other phrasesOther phrasesn plunge oneself into sth. 投入做某事n plunge itself into isolation 处境孤立n Para.43Para.45n Would you like it? I asked. n “你喜欢吗你喜欢吗?”?”我问道。我问道。n Oh yes! he cried, clutching the greasygreasy grisi peltpelt plt to him. Then a cannycanny kni look came into his eyes. What do you want for it?n “哦,喜欢哦,喜欢!”!”他高声叫着,把那满是他高声叫着,把那满是油腻的油腻的 毛皮毛皮紧紧地搂紧紧地搂在怀里。接着他眼里露出在怀里。接着他眼里露出机警的机警的神色,说着:神色,说着:“你要什么换你要什么换呢呢?”?”n Your girl I said, mincingmincing mns no words. n “你的女朋友,你的女朋友,”我毫不讳言地说我毫不讳言地说。G Greasyreasy : : grisi adj. 油腻的;含脂肪多的;谄媚的containing an unusual amount of grease or oil Phrases n greasy hamburgers 油腻的汉堡n greasy spoon 低级小饭馆;经济小吃店 n greasy wool 含脂原毛,汗羊毛 Pelt Pelt : : plt n. the skin of a dead animal with or without the fur or hair on it 死动物的生皮,带毛的兽皮CannyCanny : : kni (adj.) (adj.) showing self-interest and shrewdness in dealing with others 精明的,谨慎的;节约的E.g.E.g.n But only until canny web users figured out the way to share files anonymously nnmsli . 直到有谨慎的用户建议匿名共享文件网络流量才开始恢复。n MinceMince : : mns (1) v. make less severe or harsh 矫揉做作地说;走小碎步 (2) v. cut into small pieces 切碎 n. food chopped into small bits 切碎物n mince the garlic 把大蒜切碎n a mince of mushrooms 肉蘑菇n “Your girl,” I said, mincing no words.ParaphraseParaphrasen I said directly and forcefully, “I want your girl.” n Para.46Para.49n Polly? he said in a horrified horrified whisper. You want Polly? n “波利?波利?”他他吃惊吃惊了,结结巴巴地说,了,结结巴巴地说,“你要波利?你要波利?”n Thats right. n “是的。是的。”n He flung flung fl the coat from him. “Never,” he said stoutlstoutly statli . n 他把皮大衣往旁一他把皮大衣往旁一扔扔,毫不妥协地毫不妥协地说说 “ “那可不行。那可不行。” ”n I shruggedshrugged. Okay. If you dont want to be in the swimbe in the swim, I guess its your business.”n 我我耸了耸耸了耸肩膀说:肩膀说:“好吧,如果你不想好吧,如果你不想赶时髦赶时髦,那就随你的便好了。,那就随你的便好了。”H Horrifiedorrified hrfad (adj. ) :stricken with horror 惊骇的;带有恐怖感的Horrify Horrify (v.): fill with apprehension or alarm; cause to be unpleasantly surprised 惊骇;使战悚E.g.E.g.n They were horrified by the outrage atred before their eyes. 他们被亲眼所见的暴行吓得呆住了。FlingFling : : fl v. throw with force or recklessness 掷,抛;n He flung the coat from him.ParaphraseParaphrasen He throw the coat away from him.n Stoutly Stoutly : : statli n adv. in a resolute manner 坚决地;刚强地;不妥协的n Eg: He said stoutly. ParaphraseParaphrasen He said firmly.Be iBe in the swimn the swim : : (1) 合时髦;合潮流;熟悉内情;积极参加活动 (2) 积极参加社交活动E.g.E.g.n Although Im retired, voluntary work keeps me in the swim of things. 我虽已退休,但仍做些义务工作,以便了解当前的情势。n Para.50n I sat down in a chair and pretended to read a book, but out out of the cornerof the corner of my eye I kept watching Petey. He was a torn man. First he looked at the coat with the expression of waif waif wef at a bakery window. n 我在一把椅子上坐了下来,假装读书,暗暗地瞟着皮蒂。我在一把椅子上坐了下来,假装读书,暗暗地瞟着皮蒂。他神情不安,用面包店窗前的流浪儿那种馋涎欲滴的神情他神情不安,用面包店窗前的流浪儿那种馋涎欲滴的神情望着那件皮大衣。望着那件皮大衣。n Out of the corner of the eye: 眼角是余光n Tear : Tear : v. to divide with doubt, uncertainty, etc.; agitate; tormentn He was a torn man. ParaphraseParaphrasen He was agitated dtetd (焦虑的;不安的) and torn, not knowing what was the right thing to do.Waif Waif : wef n. (esp. lit) an uncared-for or homeless child or animalna pitiful little waif 可怜的流浪儿E.g.E.g.nThe old lady loved cats, and took any waifs and strays into her home. 这位老太太爱猫,凡是无主的猫,她都带回家养着。n Para.50n Then he turned away and set his jawset his jaw d resolutelyresolutely. Then he looked back at the coat, with even more longing in his face. Then he turned away, but with not so much resolution this time.n 接着扭过头去,坚定地咬紧牙关。过了一会儿,他又回过接着扭过头去,坚定地咬紧牙关。过了一会儿,他又回过头来把目光投向那件皮大衣,头来把目光投向那件皮大衣,脸上露出更加渴望的神情,脸上露出更加渴望的神情,等他再扭过头去等他再扭过头去,已经不那么坚决了,已经不那么坚决了。set his jaw 咬紧牙关咬紧牙关resolutelyrz,ltliadv. 坚决地;毅然地Phrases:resolutely oppose 坚决反对Resolutely Curb kb 坚决遏制Resolutely Refused 坚决拒绝Eg: He redeemed rdim his honor by resigning resolutely. 他毅然辞职,以挽回自己的声誉。n Para.50 his head swiveled swiveled swvl , desire waxing waxing wks , resolution waning waning wen . Finally he didnt turn away at all; he just stood and stared with mad lustlust lst at the coat. n 他看了又看,越看越爱,慢慢地决心也就减弱了。最后他他看了又看,越看越爱,慢慢地决心也就减弱了。最后他再也不扭过头去,贪婪地盯着那件皮大衣。再也不扭过头去,贪婪地盯着那件皮大衣。n Back and forth his head swiveled, desire waxing, resolution waning. ParaphraseParaphrasen His head turned back and forth (looking at the coat then looking away from the coat). Every time he looked his desire for the coat grew stronger and his resolution not to give away Polly became weaker.ExplanationExplanation n “Desire waxing” is balanced against “resolution waning”. n 将结构相同或基本相同但意义完全相反的语句放在一起已达到加强语气的效果。n Eg: We prefer to die a hero, rather live a slave. 不自由,毋宁死。Swivel : swvl v. move round ; turn on a pivot 旋转旋转E.g.This forces a driver to swivel shoulders and head, so that before opening the door you can see if there is a bike coming from behind. 这就迫使司机不得不旋转肩膀和头部,以便在开门之前可这就迫使司机不得不旋转肩膀和头部,以便在开门之前可以看清是否有人骑自行车从后面过来。以看清是否有人骑自行车从后面过来。n Wax Wax : : wks v. esp. of the moon to grow gradually largerv. esp. of the moon to grow gradually largerWaneWane : : wen v. to grow gradually smaller or less after being full or complete v. to grow gradually smaller or less after being full or complete 逐步变小,逐步变小,变少;逐步衰落变少;逐步衰落搭配搭配:1. On the wane 1. On the wane 逐渐减少,衰败逐渐减少,衰败EgEg:By the 5th century, the power of the Roman Empire was on the wane.By the 5th century, the power of the Roman Empire was on the wane.到到5 5世纪时,罗马帝国逐渐衰落。世纪时,罗马帝国逐渐衰落。 2. Wax and wane (月的)盈亏圆缺,(月的)盈亏圆缺,盛衰盛衰; E.g. The moon E.g. The moon waxes and waneswaxes and wanes every month. every month. 月亮在每个月有盈有亏。月亮在每个月有盈有亏。Mad lust Mad lust lst : : frantic, insane, overmastering desire 疯狂的欲望n Finally he didnt turn away at all; he just stood and stared with mad lust at the coat. ParaphraseParaphrasen Finally he didnt turn his head on to another side. He just stood there, looking with great longing at the coat.ExplanationExplanationn Hyperbole. n Its an exaggeration to describe his great longing for the coat as “mad lust”. n Para.51n “It isnt as though I was in love with Polly,” he said thickly. “Or going steady or anything like that.” n “我和波利好像不是在谈恋爱,我和波利好像不是在谈恋爱,”他含含糊糊地说。他含含糊糊地说。“也说不上经常也说不上经常约会或有诸如此类的事情。约会或有诸如此类的事情。” ” n ParaphraseParaphrasen Petey Burch is trying to rationalize rnlaz (使合理化 ) his action. He is trying to find an excuse to justify his action. In his mind he has decided to accept the coat and give up Polly. n Para.52n Thats right, I murmured murmured mm .n murmurmurmur:speak softly or indistinctly 低声说话n Eg:n He turned and murmured something to the professor. 他转过身,小声对教授说了些什么。Love is a fallacyThank YouThank You


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