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Unit 2 cause a lot of pollution stop pollution a recycling centre waste products save energy be worried about spread over cities and villages造成大量的污染制止污染回收中心废弃物节约能源为忧虑/烦恼遍布城乡Translate the phrases into English. make sb. ill a danger to ones healthIts no use such ascollect wastenice / good / great idea使得某人生病对健康是一种危害是没有用的比如收集废弃物好主意 Which would you like to use? Why? plastic china Which would you like to use? Why? plastic bag cloth bag What would you do with rubbish? Why? throw away rubbish classification Which ways are good for the environment? Why? Which of the following things are green? Why or why not? What can we do with them? change waste into something useful Look at the pictures. Say which things are better for the environment and why.Made in China Made abroadIt is better for Chinese people to buy Chinese products than products from abroad because that saves energy. It is better to use a china cup than a paper cup because china cups are reusable, but paper cups can only be used once and then have to be thrown away. Look at the pictures. Say which things are better for the environment and why.It is much better to recycle used things than burn them. In this way, we can use less energy; also, burning pollutes the air. Read the passage quickly and answer the question.What suggestions does the passage make in general?Reduce, reuse and recycle. 1. Order food that you can finish.2. Use less electricity at home.3. Learn ways to recycle rubbish.4. Use paper cups and paper bags.5. Repair things.6. Divide rubbish into different groups.7. Collect waste or rubbish to raise money.8. Burn things to save energy.Read again and check () the suggestions that are mentioned in the passage. Lets see if youre green.Do you try to walk or ride a bike to school?Do you buy new clothes just because they are the latest fashions?Do you open the window instead of turning on air conditioning?Do you buy things locally produced instead of made abroad?Do you take your own cloth bag when shopping instead of using plastic bags?Do you sort the waste before throwing it away? Dont throw bottles away because itsbetter to recycle them.Do turn off lights so that you useless energy.Try to use recycled paper because itsaves energy.Make suggestions about how to be green. Give reasons using because, so and so that. Never destroy the flowers and trees in our school.Keep the school environment neat and clean.Dont throw away the waste everywhere.Save water. Turn off the lights in the daytime or when the classroom is empty.Work in pairs. Make a list of things you can do to make our school greener. 为配合你校创建“绿色健康学校”工作的全面展开,校学生会发起以“Make Our School Greener”为主题的英语征文比赛,请根据以下信息写一篇英文短文。文章题目和开头已给出。 1. 爱护校园内的花草树木; 2. 保持校园整洁,不乱扔废弃物; 3. 节约用水,离开教室前记得关灯; 4. 坚持锻炼,增强体质 ; 5. 礼貌待人,同学间相处融洽。 注意: 1. 词数80左右;开头已给出,不计入总词数。 2. 覆盖所有要点,可适当发挥,增加细节,以使行文连贯。 3. 参考词汇:爱护 protect; 乱扔废弃物 drop litter; 坚持 keep on doing Make Our School Greener In order to make our school green and harmonious to live and study in, we students should do many things. _ In order to make our school green and harmonious to live and study in, we students should do many things. First of all, never destroy the flowers and trees in our school. Besides, we should keep the school environment neat and clean, thus throwing away the waste should be forbidden. Meanwhile, try to save water if necessary and never forget to turn off the lights in the daytime or when the classroom is empty. Make Our School Greener Whats more, regular exercise can help us stay healthy and build up our body. We should also be polite to others, and try our best to get on well with each other. In short, whatever you do, please remember to lead a green and healthy life. If you understand it, youll necessarily benefit a lot from it. 希望源于绿色,美丽的地球是我们唯一的家园, 爱护地球, 保护环境是我们的责任。让我们一起行动起来,共同创建一个绿色校园。内容要点:1.从我做起,从现在做起,积极参与校园绿化;2.保持校园干净,不乱涂乱画,不随地扔垃圾等;3. 提倡绿色生活, 减少浪费。 (80词左右) How to make a green school? As we know, the school is like our home. Protecting it is our duty. Lets try our best to build a green school!First, protect the school environment from now on. We should take an active part in making our school greener. Second, we should keep our school clean. Never draw everywhere and never throw litter about. Third, we should live a kind of green life. Reducing the waste is important to protect the environment.In a word, everyone should make a contribution to making our school more beautiful. “保护环境,人人有责”,请以How to Be a Greener Person 为题,写一篇有关环保的短文,并适当发表你的看法。(80 词左右) How to Be a Greener Person? Its our duty to protect the environment around us. The three Rs reduce, reuse and recycle are important. I think wed better not buy bottles or boxes which people can only use once. We should turn off the lights when we are not using them. We can give old clothes to others to reuse them. When we go shopping, wed better take a cloth bag instead of using plastic bags. We shouldnt throw things away if they can be reused, repaired or recycled. Its important for us to protect animals and plants. We should prevent the factory from pouring waste water into rivers, lakes and so on. If everyone is doing that, our world will become more and more beautiful. Enjoy a song Colors of The Wind.Its the theme song of the film Pocahontas (风中奇缘) (1995). The songs lyrics speak of respecting nature and living in harmony with the Earths creatures. The song presents the viewpoint that the earth is a living entity where humankind is connected to everything in nature. 1. How green are you? Language pointsgreen在这里的意思是“环保的” 。如:The power of the Green movement in Germany has made that country a leader in the drive to recycle more waste materials. 德国环保运动的影响力使得该国率先发起了回收利用更多废品的运动。Our children are being educated to be green in everything they do. 我们的孩子所受的教育是凡事都要注重环保。 (2013大连) In a green school, everyone agrees to be _ about the environment. A. nervous B. careful C. honest D. rudeB green做形容词, 还有“绿色的;长满绿色植物的;无经验的;未成熟的”意思。如:She wore a light green skirt. 她穿着一件浅绿色的裙子。 The football team is green for a match. 这个足球队没有比赛的经验。The young man is still green at his job. 这个年轻人对自己的工作尚无经验。These tomatoes are still too green to pick. 这些番茄还未成熟, 不能摘采。知识链接 2. Do you turn off the lights when you leave the room? turn off 关掉Do you mind if I turn off the light? 我把灯关掉你不反对吗?Please turn off the electric power. 请把电源关掉。Quick, turn off the gas; the milk will boil over. 快把煤气关掉,牛奶要溢了。I have to get up and turn off the radio. 我必须起床关上收音机。 turn off 意为“关掉(水源、煤气、电源等)”,反义词是turn on turn up 调高(音量) turn down 调低知识链接 Im reading now. Please tell him _ the TV a bit. A. turn up B. turn off C. to turn down D. to turn onThe music from the radio sounds so beautiful. Could you please _ the radio a little, Mum? (2009南通) A. turn on B. turn off C. turn up D. turn downCC 请你把书桌上的收音机关掉好吗?(2010无锡) Would you mind _ _? 离开课室时请关灯。(2013广州中考) Please _ _ the lights when youleave the classroom. turning off the radio on the desk turn off turn off 还有“转弯,使改变方向”的意思We turned off the highway at the first exit. 我们在第一个出口离开了高速公路。Turn off at the signpost for the town. 在路标处拐弯去往城里。知识链接 3. And what do you do with the bottles when they are empty? do with 处理I dont know what to do with it. 我不知道这件事该怎么处理。What will you do with these imported goods? 你们准备如何处理这些进口货? do with 还有“忍受、相处、有关”等意思We cant do with such carelessness. 我们不能容忍这种粗枝大叶的作风。 We are difficult to do with the new comer. 我们很难与新来的那个人相处。 I have nothing to do with him. 我跟他无任何关系。知识链接 我们将怎样来处理这个问题呢?他的工作和政府没有任何关系。What are we going to do with the problem? His job has nothing to do with the government. 4. Do you divide the waste into things to recycle and things to throw away? divide v. 分开;划分Divide the cake into four parts. 把蛋糕分成四份。The river divides here and forms two streams. 河流在这儿分开, 形成两条小河。I hope this disagreement does not divide us. 我希望意见不同不至于使我们分裂。 (2011山东济宁) 根据句意完成已给出首字母或汉语提示的单词,使补全后的句子意思通顺、语法正确。The class is too large, well have to d_ it into eight groups.(2013.白银) A year has four seasons and it _ twelve different star signs. A. divide into B. is dividing into C. divided into D. is divided intoivide D 5. Do you take your own bag when shopping and not ask for a plastic bag? plastic adj. 塑料的;可塑的;不真实的These plastic bowls are very light. 这些塑料碗很轻。The mind of a young child is quite plastic. 儿童的思想颇具可塑性。I cannot stand the TV hosts plastic smile. 我不能忍受那个电视节目主持人不自然的笑容。 购物时带着自己的购物袋,不用塑料袋。Take your own shopping bag when you go shopping. Dont use plastic bags. plastic n. 塑料;塑料制品The pipes should be made of plastic. 这些管子应该是用塑料制作的。Certainly, more and more new plastics will come forth before long. 当然,不久会有越来越多的塑料制品被生产出来。知识链接 6. Reduce means “use less”. reduce adj. 减少;减低;缩小The factory should try to reduce the production cost. 该厂应该设法降低生产成本。 The driver reduced the driving speed. 司机减低了车速。They have reduced the price by ten percent. 他们已降价10%。 (2012年连云港市中考)_ ( 减少空气污染) is everyones duty.Reducing / To reduce air pollution reduce to 下降到 I will buy the coat if it is reduced to 20 yuan. 如果那件衣服降到20元,我就买。 reduce by 下降了 The price was reduced by 10 percent. 价格降低了10%。知识链接 7. cloth bag cloth n. 布;布料How much cloth does it take to make a dress? 做一件连衣裙要多少布料?Youd better wrap it in a piece of cloth. 你最好用一块布把它包起来。Pass me a dish cloth, please. 请递给我一块洗碗布。 cloth 的用法 cloth主要用作不可数名词,没有复数形式,但如果指有特殊用途的布(如抹布、擦桌布等)则为可数名词,其复数形式为cloths。表示“一块布”时,一般要借助量词a piece of。 辨析 clothes, cloth, clothing clothes 统指各种衣服,谓语动词是复数; cloth指布,为不可数名词;clothing是集合名词,为衣服、服装的总称,用于单数形式。Our clothing protects us against the cold. 我们的衣服用以御寒。知识链接 用 cloth, clothes, clothing 填空 1). Yesterday her mother bought herself a suit of _ 2. Those people lack food and _ 3. Were collecting food and _ for the poor. 4. She has a lot of _ in her bedroom. 5. She bought some _ to make herself a dress. 6. He is washing his _. clothes clothingclothingclothesclothclothes 8. We throw tons of rubbish away each year, ton n. 吨;大量Each stone weighs about two and a half tons. 每块石头重约二吨半。How many tons does this elephant weigh? 这头大象重多少吨?I bought tons of fruit while it was cheap. 我在水果便宜时买了许多。 tons of 许多, 无数的, 一大堆A blue whale eats four tons of food each day. 一只蓝鲸每天要吃四吨的食物。We had tons of fun at the party. 在派对上, 我们玩得真高兴。I have tons of things to do. 我有一大堆事要做。知识链接 9. We cannot hope for rapid change, but lets take these simple steps rapid adj. 快速的;迅速的He made such rapid progress that his parents were very glad. 他取得了如此快的进步, 他的父母都很高兴。The area has seen a rapid population growth. 该地区人口激增。 rapidly adv. 迅速地;很快地 根据首字母提示, 写出相应的单词。 With the teachers help, he made r_ progress. rapid 辨析 fast, quick与rapid 1). 表示人的动作之迅速,三者都可用,有时可换用。 a fast / rapid / quick typist 打字快的打字员2). quick 通常表示某一动作来得突然或时间持续很短,有时还含有匆忙之意(但通常不指动作的频率)。 He had a quick look at it. 他匆匆地扫了一眼。知识链接 3). rapid 比另外两词要稍正式些,通常指突然或急速(且连续不断)的动作。 I heard my name among those rapid words. 在那些急促不断的话语中, 我听到了我的名字。另外 rapid 还有一个特殊用法,即指一种有益的高速度(相比之下,fast 和 quick 有时指无益的急速)。He made rapid progress in English. 他在英语方面取得了很快的进步。 step n. 步骤;措施;台阶;步伐We should take steps to prevent war. 我们应当采取措施制止战争。He went up the door steps. 他上了大门的台阶。Take two steps forward and two steps back. 向前跨两步, 再向后退两步。He was so tired that he was unable to take another step. 他累得一步也走不动了。 【2013浙江丽水】Being honest is the first _ if you want to make friends with others. A. step B. time C. job D. hand【解析】step意为“步骤”,time意为“时间;次数”,job意为“工作”,hand意为“手”。本句句意:如果你想和其他人交朋友,诚实是第一步。所以选A。 A follow (in) sb.s steps 步某人的后尘keep step with 跟上out of step 不协调, 跟不上; 不合拍step by step 一步步地, 逐步地, 逐渐地take steps 采取措施watch ones step 小心行事, 当心知识链接 (2009 山东德州) Dont worry about our spoken English. We will work hard to improve it _ this term. A. hand by hand B. arm in arm C. one by one D. step by step D


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