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学易教育高中英语语法之强调句型“强调”就是使句子的某一部分比一般情况下显得更加重要。英语表达中,要强调句子的某一成分,一般可用强调句型“It is (was) +that (who) +句子的其余部分”。It在句中无意义,只起引出被强调部分的作用。被强调的部分指人时,除可用that外,还可换用who(强调宾语指人时也可用whom)。使用强调句型时,应注意以下事项:一、去掉强调结构It is (was) that(who)后,剩下的词仍能组成一个完整的句子。这是判断是不是强调句型的关键。试比较:1. It is strange thathe didnt come yesterday.2. It is you and Tomthat didnt come yesterday.显然,句1去掉It is that 后,句子结构不完整,是主语从句;句2去掉It is that 后,句子变为you andTom didnt come yesterday. 仍是一个表意完整的句子,这是一个强调句。再如:1. It is what you dorather than what you say _matters.(05天津)A.that B. what C.which D. this答案A。这是一个强调主语的强调句型,去掉强调结构,剩下的是Whatyou do rather than what you say matters. 表意完整。2. That was really asplendid evening. Its years _I enjoyed myself somuch.A.when B. that C.before D.since (05安徽)答案D。由强调句型的判断方法可知,该句不是强调句型。It指时间,句意为:好几年我没有这么高兴了。since的意思是“自从那个时候起”。二、如果强调时间、地点、原因或方式状语时,不可用when, where, why或how,而仍用that。试比较:It wasbecause of the accident why he was late. (误), It was because of theaccident that he was late. (正)。又如:1. Itwas not until midnighttheyreached the camp site. (08重庆)A. that B.when C.while D. as答案A。该题强干扰项是B,考生容易因强调时间状语untilmidnight而误选。2. It was after hegot what he had desired _he realized it was not soimportant.(06辽宁)A.that B.when C.since D. as答案A。该句强调时间状语从句after he got what he haddesired,题干意思是“得到他所梦寐以求的东西后他才意识到一切都不那么重要”。不要误选B。3. It was in NewZealand _ Elizabeth first met Mr. Smith. (08全国II)A. that B.how C.which D. when答案A。强调地点状语in New Zealand.三、注意强调句型的否定句和疑问句形式,在这方面很容易因弄不清句子结构而错选。如:1. I just wonder _that makes him so excited.(06山东)A. why it does B. what hedoes C. how itis D. what it is答案D。正常语序的强调句型容易看出,但要注意它的变体。如果把该题变换一下语序:it is what that makes him soexcited,不难看出这是强调句型的特殊疑问句形式,强调了疑问代词what,因为wonder后宾语从句,故用了陈述语序。2. It was not until she got home _Jennifer realized she had lost herkeys.A. when B. that C.where D.before(06全国卷二)答案B。如果去掉强调结构,该句是一个“not until”句型:Jennifer didnt realize she hadlost her keys until she got home. 要强调时间状语until she gothome,这时要把主句中的否定词not放在was之后。四、强调主语时,that或who后面的谓语动词的形式仍然取决于原句中的主语;be的变化只有is和was两种形式,如果要表示现在时将来时的其它各种形式时,就用It is, 表达过去时的各种形式时,用It was.一般要与谓语动词的时态一致。如:1. It is I who/ that am an English teacher.2. It is the boy who/ that speaks English best in theclass.3. It was on Sunday that he gave George this ticket.4. It is the little girl who/ that has broken the glass.五、在复习中有可能把It is/ wasthat句式都误认为是强调句型的几种情况:1、把具有实际意义的指示代词it后面接is/wasthat误认为是强调句式。- Where did you get to know her?(07山东)- It was on the farm _ we worked.AthatBthereCwhich Dwhere答案D。该句易误作强调句型,所以A是强干扰项。这里where we worked 是定语从句,修饰the farm。It指“与她相识”这件事。该题很容易受思维定势的影响而拒绝选D,因为平日教学老师一再强调,用强调句型时即使强调地点状语,也不能用where而用that。该句如果要用itwas that强调句型的话,可改写为“It was on the farm where we worked that I gotto know her.”2、把it指时间、天气、距离、环境等后接be的情形误以为是强调句型。It was twenty miles from our city to the village _the accidenthappened.A. that B.when C. then D.where答案D。本题貌似It wasthat强调句型,其实不然。句中It表示距离,where 引导地点状语从句。3、把It is/ wasthat结构的主语从句误认为是强调句型。The Foreign Minister said, “_our hope that the two sides willwork towardspeace.”(04北京)A. This is B. There is C. Thatis D. It is答案D。如果选A和C,指示代词This和That在句中找不出指代的内容,选B意义不通。故选D。虽然选It is后题干中出现了Itis that结构,但这不是强调句型。很明显,题干中的that从句应是主语从句,所缺的是形式主语。_ is our belief that improvements in health care will lead to astronger, more prosperous economyA. AsB. That C. This D.It (06浙江)答案D。如果去掉It is that, 中间的ourbelief就无法处理,因此该句不是强调句型,而是一个复合句,It是形式主语,that引导真正主语。强调句型It is/ was that/ who主要用来强调句子的主语、宾语、状语或表语。如果要强调谓语动词,应该用代动词do及其变形does或did,这三种形式常用在谓语动词之前,以加强语气。它一般只能强调现在时与过去时。如:I do wish I could. 我真希望我能。He does look well. 他的确看起来气色很好。You did give me a fright. 你真把我给吓了一跳。跟踪训练:一、单项填空1. - He got hisfirst book published. It turned out to be a bestseller.- When was _? (07浙江) - _ was in 2000 when he was still incollege.A. that; ThisB. this; It C. it;This D. that; It2. It is not who isright but what is right _is of importance.(07重庆)A. which B.it C.that D. this3. It was along theMississippi River _Mark Twain spent much of hischildhood.A. how B.which C. that D.where(08天津)4. Was it in the room_Mr. Johnson lived _the exhibition was held?A. that; that B. where; that C.where; where D. that;where5. It was _ theold clock that the old man spent the whole morning athome.A.repairingB. repaired C. torepairD. in repair6. It is in StevenSpielbergs first film, Jaws, _ a big white shark attacksswimmers _ arespending theirholidays in a small village by the sea.A. where; whoB. which;that C. that;that D. where; that7. -You seemed tohave been impressed by his songs.-Well, not exactly so. It was his way of singing_ his voicethat really impressed me.A. rather than B. as well as C. but alsoD. together with8. When was _youmet with the famous scientist?A. it that B. it C. theplace D. the place that9. It was the photoof mine _was taken _stood the high tower.A. which; that B. that;that C. that; where D. who;that10. Is it the years_you worked in the factory _have a good effect on yourliteraryworks?A. that; where B. that; that C.when; where D. when; that11. Were all thethree people in the car injured in the accident? No,_only the two passengers who got hurt. A. it wasB. there was C. there wereD. there had12. It was _ theexam results were known _ a lot of time on computergames.A. until; did the boy begin to regret having wastedB. not until; that the boy began to regret to havewastedC. not until; that the boy began to regret wastingD. until; did the boy begin to regret to waste答案及解析:15DCCBA 610CAACD 1112 AC1.D。第一个空that代指前面那件事,意思是“那是什么时候”?后一个空是用 it 强调句型来强调,意思是“那是在2000年他还在读大学的时候(他出版了他的第一本新书)”,句中when引导的是定语从句,强调句型中的“that he got his first bookpublished”省略了,2. C。考查itisthat强调句型。题干意思是“不是谁是对的而是什么是对的尤为重要”。强调结构中缺少强调连词,故选C。3. C。强调地点状语along theMississippi River,该题强干扰项是D。考生往往受惯性思维的影响,见到地点,马上考虑到表示地点的副词where.4.B。识别强调句型不难,但极有可能在第一个空填that, 而误选D。其实被强调的部分还含有一个where引导的定语从句,修饰room. 第二个空选that构成强调句型。5.A。此为一强调句型,被强调的repairing the old clock在原句中充当省略了的介词in的宾语。6.C。该题考查强调句型与定语从句混合运用时连接词的辨析。第一空所选that为强调句之连词,第二空所选that为定语从句之关系代词。7.A。该题考查强调句中被强调部分之间的连接词用法。由句意“是他的演唱方式而不是他的歌声给我印象深刻”可知A为正确选项;as well as,together with两项虽然结构上也对,但不符合not exactlyso。8.A。这是特殊问句的强调结构,疑问词是被强调的部分。9. C。这是个强调句型,强调 “thephoto of mine”, 所以第一个空填that; 第二个空填where, 引导地点状语从句,表明拍照的地点,这个状语从句用的是倒装语序。10.D。考查强调句型。命题人为了增加句子结构的复杂性,又插上了定语从句。为了便于理解句子,可以把句子还原为两个单句,可以看出“when you worked in thefactory”是用定语从句来修饰被强调的主语the years.11.A。考生很可能误选C。因为考生想表达“不,只有两个人受伤”,很可能用There be结构表达“有”。但是本句实际采用了强调结构,强调“only the two passengers”,故选A。12.C。考查强调句型和非谓语动词的用法。从题干看,这是一个强调句,被强调的是not until引导的状语从句,句子用陈述句语序;动词regret在此表示后悔做了某事,用regret doing / having donesth。二、用强调句型itis/ was that/ who强调划线部分1. She didnt knowher mother was ill in bed until she came home fromwork.2. Did his father dieduring the Second World War?3. Who brokethe window?4. How did yousucceed?5. He is ateacher now.6. I boughtyou the dictionary.7. I am toblame.8. You arewrong.9. I am looking forhim.10. He told me thenews at the gate.答案:1. It was not untilshe came home from work that she knew her mother was ill inbed.2. Was it during theSecond World War that his father died?3. Who was it thatbroke the window?4. How was it thatyou succeeded?5. It is a teacherthat he is now.6. It was foryou that I bought the dictionary.7. It is I who/ thatam to blame.8. It is you who/that are wrong.9. It is him whom/that I am looking for10. It was at thegate that he told me the news.


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