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guidelines, and CPC disciplinary Ordinance, and advance leaders can go up or down several Ordinance, and party leaders selection appointments work Ordinance, file, deep understand nine a is strictly prohibited, and nine a are of general discipline spirit real; strongly maintenance General work of seriousness, active create wind fresh are of general election environment, ensure general work successfully completed, To further strengthen the town leading bodies and cadres. By learning to think deeply, serious general importance and necessity of discipline had a more profound understanding. First of all, it is an iron discipline. Central Government nine, nine is strictly prohibited ahead of serious general discipline, designated high tension line, which itself reflects the General work of the party committees at all levels to attach great importance to, the purpose of which is the clear commitment to implement effective measures, with selection and appointment on the fight against corruption, with General discipline General wind fresh and healthy. Secondly, this is prevention. Some typical cases, we can see, individual cadres in the General work of speculative personal votes-buying, violations of general discipline, eventually paid a high price. Hengyang undermine the elections and canvassing illustrated, election bribery case in Nanchong disciplined, serious electoral necessity and importance of the discipline. And the general discipline of publicity to the public, widely reported, was early warning, early vaccination, telling officials what to do, what not to do, what to do and what not to do, and better education, warning cadres and constructing the discipline of defense in order to avoid similar problems. Also, is where the responsibility lies. Serious and important for general discipline, strong distribution team. As leading party cadres, lead, lead to the maintenance of general work discipline, this is an important political responsibility. Must be explicitly required discipline, jealous in honour, maintain your organizations image; promoting justice, play an exemplary role. Especially as the Township deputies, but also to give full play to their role, always in maintaining the general discipline of the front line, Jamie runs through the General wind down the whole process. (B) the general discipline of the serious, the correct treatment of advance and retreat left turn as a party member cadres, whether it is forward, back, left, is transferred, are the needs of your organization, your career needs and development needs. So, first with a broad mind to advance and retreat. Positions are undertaking jobs is to serve the people of power tools. Different positions for the partys cause, is important, equally important. For ability, and style you want applaud real comrades to important posts, for an energetic and promising young cadres into leading cheers for their advance and retreat left turn face, and at ease with that. Second is treated in a healthy state of mind, advance and retreat. While worldly matters take their turn, ancient, modern, to and fro. Metabolism of a cadre of succession, team, is to promote the career development of an objective need, there is no end of history. Every cadre should address squarely the nature, to think we also took over the former baton of leadership positions, regardless of the current position . For in-depth learning implement party of 18 big, and 18 session four in the, and v plenary spirit, implementation full strictly rule party requirements, solid grasp members team 谋学网地大高层建筑施工在线作业二一、单选题(共 20 道试题,共 80 分。)1. 某工程基坑采用桩锚支护结构,其作用是( )。. 保证基坑周边土体在基础施工前不滑坡;. 基础施工期有效降低地下水位;. 在基坑开挖和地下结构施工期间保证基坑周边环境的安全和本工程地下室施工的进行;. +;正确答案:2. 柱的临时固定后的校正主要是指( )。. 柱顶标高. 牛腿标高. 平面位置. 垂直度正确答案:3. 混凝土搅拌时间是指( )。. 原材料全部投入到全部卸出. 开始投料到开始卸料. 原材料全部投入到开始卸出. 开始投料到全部卸料正确答案:4. 组织时间间隙是指因组织因素要求( )在规定的流水步距以外增加必要的间歇时间。. 同一施工过程的两个施工段. 相邻施工过程的相邻施工段. 两个相邻的施工过程. 两个相邻的施工段正确答案:5. 普通粘土砖墙的砌筑,应选用( )。. 水泥砂浆. 混合砂浆. 粘土砂浆. 石灰砂浆正确答案:6. 关于在基坑侧壁采用截水帷幕,下列说法正确的是( )。. 隔断水的通道,水不能向坑内渗透;. 增加地下水的渗透路径长度和减小基底的渗流水力坡度,以减小渗透破坏发生的可能性;. 可有效的防止突涌的发生;. 只能作为截水使用,不能起到挡土墙的作用;正确答案:7. 沥青的延伸度是表示沥青的( )。. 粘性. 抗老化性. 塑性. 温度稳定性正确答案:8. 对于岩性为饱和黏性土的基坑工程,按照建筑地基基础设计规范(G500072002)规定,饱和黏性土应采用在土的有效自重压力下预固结的( )三轴试验确定抗剪强度指标。. 不固结不排水;. 固结不排水;. 固结排水;. 上述、均可;正确答案:9. 关于双代号网络图构成说法正确的是( )。. 工作线路. 工作和节点. 节点和线路. 节点、工作和线路正确答案:10. 某基坑安全等级为一级,基坑深度为5m,土质为软土,承载力特征值为100kp,根据建筑基坑支护技术规程(JGJ12099),可以采用下列哪种支护结构( )。. 地下连续墙. 逆作拱墙;. 土钉墙;. 水泥土墙;正确答案:11. 下列哪一种不是热处理钢筋的优点( )。. 高强度. 高韧性. 高塑性. 高粘结力正确答案:12. 下列哪种情况无需采用桩基础( )。. 高大建筑物,深部土层软弱. 普通低层住宅. 上部荷载较大的工业厂房. 变形和稳定要求严格的特殊建筑物正确答案:13. 闪光对焊主要用于( )。. 钢筋网的连接. 钢筋的搭接. 竖向钢筋的连接. 水平钢筋的连接正确答案:14. 当屋面坡度大于15%或受振动时,防水卷材的铺贴要求为( )。. 平行屋脊. 垂直屋脊. 中间平行屋脊,靠墙处垂直屋脊. 靠墙处平行屋脊,中间垂直屋脊正确答案:15. 脚手架的一步架高度一般为 ( )。. 0.9m. 1.2m. 0.6m. 1.8m正确答案:16. 按照基坑支护结构极限状态可分为承载能力极限状态和正常使用极限状态,下列属于正常使用极限状态的是( )。. 支护结构达到最大承载能力;. 土体失稳;. 基坑周边环境破坏;. 支护结构的变形已妨碍地下结构施工;正确答案:17. 某基坑土方量为V1,基础体积为V2,土的最初可松性系数为Ks,最后可松性系数为Ks,则回填土方量(松散状态)为( )。. (V1-V2)/Ks. (V1-V2)/Ks/Ks. (V1-V2)/Ks. (V1-V2)/Ks/Ks正确答案:18. 流水节拍的概念是指( )。. 、 一个施工过程在一个施工段上的持续时间. 一个施工过程在两个施工段上的持续时间. 一个施工段上两个施工过程的持续时间. 一个施工段上三个施工过程的持续时间正确答案:19. 先张法张拉单根粗钢筋所用的千斤顶为( )。. L千斤顶. Y千斤顶. L或Y. 锥锚式千斤顶正确答案:20. 当柱平放起吊抗弯强度不足时,柱的绑扎起吊方法应采用( )。. 斜吊法. 直吊法. 旋转法. 滑行法正确答案: 地大高层建筑施工在线作业二二、多选题(共 5 道试题,共 20 分。)1. 属于大体积砼结构裂缝防止措施的是()。. 合理选择和控制砼的用料. 提高外加剂掺用量. 分段施工和分层浇筑. 提高砼振捣的质量. 加强砼的养护和测温正确答案:2. 高层钢结构焊接顺序有()。. 全方位对称. 结构对称. 间断焊. 节点对称正确答案:3. 下列哪些是评价单位工程施工进度计划质量的指标。( ). 主要施工机械的利用程度. 劳动生产率. 资源消耗的均衡性. 工期. 施工机械的数量正确答案:4. 高层建筑施工用脚手架有()。. 扣件式钢管脚手架. 碗扣式钢管脚手架. 门型综合式脚手架. 外挂脚手架正确答案:5. 在泥浆护壁成孔灌注桩和地下连续墙的施工中,都要在孔中注满泥浆,泥浆的主要作用是(). 保护孔壁不坍塌. 在钻孔过程中可降温. 维持稳定液面的作用. 保证槽孔位置准确. 钻孔过程中可润滑携渣连续钻进正确答案: construction, according to County Organization Department XX County members education training contact conference system (Luo Group sent (2016) 3rd,) requirements, according to CPC articles and Central about members education work requirements, combined full town actual, special developed 2016 years members education training work programme. A, and guideline insisted to full learning implement implementation science development views for guide, in-depth learning implement party of 18 big, and 18 session four in the, and v plenary and XI General Secretary series important speech spirit, insisted apply, and to with promoting learn, to improve general members thought political quality; firm set caught party must tube members, and tube members first caught education of thought awareness, close to members of thought and work actual, to building members regular education work mechanism, promote members play pioneer model role; Firmly strengthen partys governing ability construction, construction of the advanced nature and purity of the main line, adhere to enhance grasping party building work consciousness, strengthening the self-construction of the party organizations as the fundamental starting point for the towns economic and social development to provide a strong ideological and political guarantee and powerful organizational guarantee. Second, targets 2016 the partys main task is to fully implement the education and training of XX County party member education and training implementation of 2015-2018 (Lo (2015) 121th) further strengthening the work of party member education and training requirements, training of town the majority of grass-roots party members generally. Starting in May 2016, through multiple channels in various forms in a planned, systematic, focused organization of party members education and training. (A) the party generally enforce the idea. Through education and training, and persuading party members to the ideal and belief, strengthen their party spirit ideas, consciously practice the core value system of socialism, and further enhance the road of socialism with Chinese characteristics confidence, theoretical system of confidence and confidence. (B) recruiting ability greatly. Through education and training, boosting knowledge structure transformation and promotion of party members, party members using the Marxist stand, viewpoint and methods ability to analyse and solve problems, to adapt to the new situation and new tasks. (C) the exemplary role of party members to operate effectively. Through education and training, promoting member in production, work, study, and give full play to the exemplary role in serving the community, actively striving to take the lead in learning, take the lead in striving for success, leading service among the masses and lead law, the lead model for the righteous. (D) the construction of grass-roots organizations strong impetus. Through education and training, so that the overall quality of party members and reaching people at the service capacity significantly increased creativity, cohesion and combat effectiveness of grassroots party organizations to be promoted. Three, content and measures based on the town of different types, members of different levels and posts the actual demand, the hierarchical classification of party members education and training. Insist on town planning with external counselling, please come in and combine with down, party spirit education and competence-oriented, integrated system of party


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