高二英语(选修六)unit 5 课时教案The fifth period Listening

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高二英语(选修六)unit 5 课时教案The fifth period Listening_第1页
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高二英语(选修六)unit 5 课时教案The fifth period Listening_第2页
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The fifth period ListeningListen to three volcanologists talking about frightening experience in their work life. The texts model ways to express feelings of anxiety and fear.1. First listening 1) Set Exercise 1. Remind students that they are required only to listen to names of the three scientists and to try to understand the gist of each recount.2) check answers. Ask students to recall what happened to each speaker, in general terms only, they are not expected to remember details at this stage.2.Second listening1) This time students will be listening for details. Stop the tape after each speakerand give students time to write their answers. Check answers before moving to the next speaker.2) At this point, you could ask students work in groups of three, each taking the role of one of the volcanologists and recounting the story to others in the group. Before they start, ask them for some useful expressions to talk about fear and anxiety. Write these on the board and suggest students use these in their recounts. Eg: I was very worried that I was trembling I was still terrified.I was so nervous that I was so anxious that3.Third listening This time the students are listening for a different kind of detail. They must listen for the expressions listed in Exercise 3 in order to identify who said what. These sentences model ways of expressing fear and anxiety.1) Having individual students read the sentences aloud to the class. Ask them to try to recall who said each one. Ask them to write their guesses in their books in the left-hand margin beside the expressions.2) Play the tape for students to identify the expressions and record the name of the speaker in the SB. It may be necessary to play the tape more than once. Checkanswers by playing the tape and stopping when one of the expression is heard.1. Ask students to check how many of their guesses were correct. The aim of this is to build students confidence by showing them how much they had understood even before they consciously listened for these expressions.4. Ex: speaking Think of a powerful natural force (such as an earthquake, flood, typhoon, storm) that you have experienced. You can use your imagination if you have not experienced any of these things. Tell your partner about your experience and how you felt. Use expressions from Exercise 3 in listening as well as other words and expressions you and your partner have thought of.单位:湖北省荆门市姓名:李国E_mail:liguo619


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