中考英语总复习 专题十六 听力理解(题型专题探究+命题趋势+题型解法)(含解析) 人教新目标版

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中考英语总复习 专题十六 听力理解(题型专题探究+命题趋势+题型解法)(含解析) 人教新目标版_第1页
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中考英语总复习 专题十六 听力理解(题型专题探究+命题趋势+题型解法)(含解析) 人教新目标版_第2页
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中考英语总复习 专题十六 听力理解(题型专题探究+命题趋势+题型解法)(含解析) 人教新目标版_第3页
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题型专题探究专题十六听力理解1听力测试以考查基本技能为主,突出对语境的辨音能力、语句听力理解能力、口语功能项目的掌握和实际交流能力的考查。听力理解是领会语言语意的一项重要能力,听者要对听到的语言信号进行复杂加工,整个过程是一个非常积极、非常活跃的动态过程,是背景知识、语境和语言知识相互撞击、相互作用,对听力材料不断进行吸收,最终形成理解的过程。2中考对听力理解的考查重点是:(1)常用的日常交际用语;(2)对话的具体内容:人物、时间、数字、原因等;(3)对话的背景:对话发生的情境、场所、说话人的身份、关系,以及对话人的态度、观点等;(4)针对听力短文,综合分析材料中的信息得出结论,并根据听力材料进行分析、推理、判断。3考查的方式主要有:听音选图题;对话理解题;摘录信息题。题型1听音选图题“听对话,选择与其内容相符的图画”是近几年中考听力题中出现的新题型。该题型的命题形式为听五段对话,然后要求考生从所给的三幅图画中选出与所听到的对话内容相符的图画。该题型主要考查学生的观察能力、反应能力、抓住关键信息的能力。答好这种题型应注意:1在听录音之前,认真观察每幅图片,通过分析、比较所给的图片内容,找出每幅图片之间的异同点。2在听第一遍录音时,纠正对图片内容的错误理解,使句子所描述的内容与图片完全吻合。3第一遍初步确定答案后,在听第二遍录音时,进一步弄清录音内容,并与图片进行比较,以便核对答案。【例1】 (2012湖南长沙中考)根据所听到的内容,选择相应的图画。听力原文:1I keep a rabbit as a pet.I think it is lovely.2He can sing well while I can play the piano.3My English teacher is wearing a pink dress.4It is raining outside.5He often goes skating on weekends.参考答案:1.C2.A3.B4.A5.B题型2对话理解题对话理解题分短对话理解和长对话理解。前者每段对话对应一题,后者一段对话对应多题。答题时要注意以下方法技巧:1听前预览选项,了解一定的信息,并预测话题及内容。2在听的时候我们要注意抓住各小题中的地点、人名、时间或数字的变化,职业、关系等关键信息。3还要抓住表句意转折的but,表示否定的not,no,nothing等关键词。在听的过程中根据对话内容采用排除、推理、辨别等方法来判断正确答案。【例2】 (2012湖南长沙中考)听下面的对话,回答第6小题。6Where are they probably talked?AOn the playground.BIn the hospital.CIn the zoo.听下面的对话,回答第7小题。7What did Tim do after seeing the accident?AHe phoned the police station.BHe phoned the TV station.CHe phoned the radio station.听下面的对话,回答第8小题。8When will the meeting start?A:At 8:15. B:At 8:45. CAt 9:00.听下面的对话,回答第9小题。9Why cant the woman help the man?ABecause she doesnt know the man.BBecause she is new here.CBecause she doesnt take a bus.10What will the woman do after dinner?AGo to a movie. BPlay tennis. CGo for a walk.听下面的对话,回答11至12小题。11What does the man do?AA writer. BA worker. CA player.12How soon will the book be finished?AIn a month. BIn a week. CIn a year.听下面的对话,回答13至15小题。13Why does Tom want to borrow a book about culture?ABecause he is not interested in culture.BBecause he borrows it for his classmates.CBecause he will give a talk about culture.14How many books can Tom borrow at a time?ATwo. BThree. CFour.15When is the library open?AOn Saturday. BOn Sunday. COn Thursday.听力原文:听下面的对话,回答第6小题。6M:Look at the monkeys over there.They are so cute.W:Yes,I love monkeys,but I think pandas are cuter.听下面的对话,回答第7小题。7W:Did you call the TV station after you saw the accident,Tim?M:No.I phoned the police station.听下面的对话,回答第8小题。8W:Hurry up.Or we will be late for the meeting.M:Dont worry.Its 8:30 now.We still have 30 minutes.听下面的对话,回答第9小题。9M:Excuse me.Can you tell me if the bus goes to the train station?W:Sorry,I cant.Ive been in this town only for a few days.听下面的对话,回答第10小题。10M:Would you like to go to a movie after dinner?W:Id love to,but the tennis final is tomorrow and I need to practice tonight.听下面的对话,回答11至12小题。W:Are you busy these days?M:Yes,Im busy writing another book.W:Whats the book on?M:Its on sports.W:Great!How soon will you finish it?M:I think Ill finish it in seven days.听下面的对话,回答13至15小题。M:Excuse me,Miss Black!Are there any books about culture?W:Yes,here are some.M:Thanks.W:Are you interested in culture,Tom?M:Yes.I was asked to give a talk about culture.W:Oh,I see.M:How many books can I borrow at a time?W:Three.M:OK!Can I have a look at the books about geography?W:Sure.Theyre on the shelf over there.M:Mm.Id like this one about the Chinese geography.And Ill return them next Saturday.W:Oh,our library doesnt open on weekends.You may keep them for a week.M:OK.Thank you.参考答案:6.C7.A8.C9.B10.B11.A12.B13C14.B15.C题型3摘录信息题摘录信息题考查的是一种迅速的辨音释义,理解语义并对听到的信息作出迅速反应的一种能力。它不仅是指辨音能力,更重要的是对所听内容的理解能力。摘录信息题以填空题为主,对写的要求很高。因此,考生要做的第一步准备工作就是提高单词拼写的速度和准确性。尤其要重视对考试中常考场景相关词汇的总结。多年的经验以及研究结果告诉我们,故事发生的时间、地点、人物、谈话内容以及后果等场景词汇反复出现的比率很大。注意以下解题技巧:1在听之前了解所需填写的内容和所给句子,这有助于对短文内容的把握,以便在听的时候做到有的放矢。2第一遍,要将全文仔细地听一次,尽可能弄明白文章大意。第二遍听的过程中要做记录,比如地点、人物、时间、所发生的事件等。特别是时间,一般录音材料不会直接告诉具体时间,而是通过已知的相关时间推算出准确时间。所以第二遍听的时候,一定要用最快的速度填上去。3听完之后,还要结合题目进行思考和判断,依靠对短文具体细节的回忆,写出符合要求的答案。同时还应注意:(1)题目有无词数限制;(2)填写好之后的句子是否正确。【例3】 (2012湖南长沙中考)根据你所听到的内容,填写下面的表格,每空不超过三个单词。How to be healthyFirstWe should have _16_,or we may get sick._17_We should eat_18_ healthy food,like green vegetables and fruit.ThirdWe should_19_something healthier.FinallyWe should do sports often.Doing sports can make us _20_.听力原文:Health is very important.But dear friends,do you really know how to keep healthy?Here are some of my ideas.First,we must go to bed early and get up early,because it is good for our health.We should have enough sleep,or we may get sick.Second,we should eat plenty of healthy food,like green vegetables and fruit.We shouldnt eat too much meat or junk food.Third,we should drink something healthier,such as apple juice,milk and bean juice.Finally,we should do sports often.We can go to play basketball,and run with our friends.Doing sports can make us healthy and strong.These are my ideas about how to be healthy.Do you agree with me?参考答案:16.enough sleep17.Second18.plenty of19drink20.healthy and strong题型1听音选图题.根据所听到的内容,选择相应的图画。听对话,选择正确的答案或相应的图片。6Whats the girls favorite sport?7Whats the mans hobby?8How is Linda going to the cinema tonight?9Why will the boy be late for the party?10Where are the two speakers talking now?题型2对话理解题听对话,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听下面一段对话,做第1小题。1What time will they meet?AAt 6:30.BAt 6:13.CAt 6:00.听下面一段对话,做第2小题。2Whats wrong with the woman?AShe wants to buy a car.BShe is going to learn to drive.CShe wants to see a doctor.听下面一段对话,做第3小题。3How was Toms school trip last Saturday?AHe didnt have fun.BHe had great fun.CThe trip was fun.听下面一段对话,做第4小题。4What color is the mans ball?ABlue. BBlack. CBlack and white.听下面一段对话,做第5小题。5Where are the man and the woman talking?AAt a school library.BIn a hospital.CIn a fast food restaurant.听下面一段对话,做第6、7小题。6What are they going to do?AGo boating. BGo fishing. CGo camping.7Whats the weather like?AIts raining. BIts sunny. CIts snowing.听下面一段对话,做第810小题。8When will the talk be given?AToday. BNext week. CNext month.9How long has Gina learned computer?She has learned it for more than _.Aone year Btwo years Cthree years10What does Gina want to be when she grows up?AA computer programmer.BA computer engineer.CA manager.题型3摘录信息题听短文,摘录必要的信息,每空不超过3个单词。NewsI bought _1_Name _2_3_ ¥12Fit for _4_Main idea how to protect the environmentTime to discuss next _5_(2012湖南岳阳中考)The Voice Of The School(校园之声)What timeIts 6._ oclock now.Its time for you to have a break.WhatMusic can help you forget all the 7._.HowYou and your classmates must be 8._ to hear your favorite music.What kindWestern classical(经典的)music makes people feel richer and 9._ music makes people do things faster.WhoMost of 10._ like pop music best.(2012湖南郴州中考)A Talent ShowTimeOn April 28th.PlaceOn the 11._.Number of actsThere were 12._ acts.Li YingShe played a beautiful 13._ piece.Wang YueHe danced without 14._.Zhang Lei and his parrotThey sang a 15._ together.参考答案 专题十六听力理解专题提升演练题型115 BBABB610 BBCAC题型215 ACACC 610 BABAB题型31a(new)book2.Man and Nature3.Price4.middle school students5.Monday (afternoon)6.ten/107.problems8.very happy/happy9.fast10.middle school students/the students/students11.playground12.twentyone(21)13.guitar14.music15.cute song附:听力原文题型11My father goes to work by car.2The 30th Olympic Games were held in London in 2012.3We usually start to have lessons at half past seven in the morning.4I enjoy cooking very much.5Its sunny today.6M:Jill,whats your favorite sport?W:Football.I like playing football best.7M:Did you go hiking last Sunday?W:Yes,what about you?M:I went fishing.Thats my hobby,you know.8M:Linda,how are you going to the cinema tonight?W:Oh,Im going there by bike.9M:When is your birthday?W:Tomorrow.Can you come to my party,Bob?M:Id love to.But Im afraid I will be a little late.I must have a guitar lesson first.10M:Excuse me.May I borrow a story book Harry Potter?W:Sure.Here you are.题型2(Text 1)M:Tina,lets go to the concert together.W:OK,when shall we meet?M:lets meet at 6:30.(Text 2)M:Youd better go to see a doctor soon.W:Thank you.Ill go as soon as my husband drives his car here.Hell take me there.(Text 3)W:Hi,Tom,how was your school trip last Saturday?Did you have fun camping?M:No,I didnt.My grandpa was ill.I was taking care of him.(Text 4)M:Hi,Amy,please pass me the ball.W:Which one?The blue one?M:No,the blue one is Lisas.Mine is black and white.(Text 5)W:Hello,can I help you?M:Yes,Id like a small French fries and a medium Coke.How much are they?W:They are eight yuan.(Text 6)W:What bad weather!Its raining again.M:En.Raining again?I cant stand it.We cant go fishing because of the bad weather.W:What a pity!(Text 7)M:Gina,Mr Ma will give a talk in the City Library next week.Would you like to go with me?W:Who is Mr Ma?M:Oh,he is the manager of a big computer company.You said you were interested in computers.W:Yes,I like it very much.I have learned it since last year,and I want to be a computer engineer.M:Im sure your dream will come true.W:Thank you!题型3(Text 1)Hello,everyone!Heres the news for you.I bought a new book named Man and Nature in the nearby bookshop.The price of the book is 12 yuan.I think the book is very interesting and it is fit for us middle school students.It tells us how to protect the environment.I am sure youll enjoy it.Lets read the book first and discuss it on Monday afternoon next week.(Text 2)Boys and girls,its ten oclock now.Its time for us to have a break.Here comes “The voice of the school”I think you must be tired after class.What do you think of listening to music at this time?Music can help you be more active.And listening to music can help you relax.Its true that we can learn better when were relaxed.Music can help you forget all the problems.So its really helpful for your next class.You and your classmates must be very happy to hear your favorite music.You can sing and dance to music.Scientists believe that the sound of western classical music makes people feel richer.Fast music makes people do things faster.Isnt that interesting?Haha.but I think most of the middle school students like pop music best.OK,now lets enjoy the most popular song “Baby” from Justin Bieber.(Text 3)Good morning.This is our school news.On April 28th,we had a talent show on the playground.It was a great success.There were twentyone acts.Li Ying won the prize for the best performer.She played a beautiful guitar piece.Wang Yue was the quietest performer.He danced without music.It was so amazing!Zhang Lei and his parrot got the prize for the funniest act.They sang a cute song together.Thank you for your listening.9


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