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ABB 6KV高压开关柜安装调整施工工艺浅析敬承风(山东电力建设第二工程公司 山东省济南市工业北路297号)本程序为了确保ABB 6KV高压开关柜(ZS1/ZVC+)安装调整的正确性、安全性、可靠性,规定了6KV高压开关柜的安装工艺、顺序以及施工中应注意的事项。以有效的控制施工过程及质量,确保工程高质量的按期完工。This procedure specifies installation process, installation sequence and precautions during construction to ensure the correctness, safety and security of ABB 6KV HV Switchboard (ZS1/ZVC+) installation.1. 6KV高压开关柜安装调整的施工工艺流程图: Process flow chart of 6KV HV Switchboard installation and adjustment as below:施工准备Preparation for construction开关柜找正固定adjustment and fixation of switchboard开关柜吊装、运输、就位lifting ,transportation and location of switchboard柜体接地检查Check the earthing of switchboard 小母线配置Configuring of small bus bar母线连接Connecting of bus bar开关柜机械部件检查Checking for mechanical components in switchboard开关柜电气部件检查Checking for electrical components in switchboard8.2 施工准备2. 施工准备Preparation for construction2.1 施工前仔细审阅图纸,熟悉系统;了解并执行DEP63.10.08.11-CSPC中4.4.1对传导试验的要求Check drawings and comprehend the system before construction. Comprehend and conducted the Conductivity tests on main bus bar and earthing bar according to the requirements in Section 4.4.1 of DEP63.10.08.11-CSPC。2.2了解规范和标准的要求,掌握质量要求和验收标准,编写质量检验计划, 编写及准备符合DL/T标准的安装记录表;了结掌握ABB的安装和调试手册的要求Comprehend the requirements of specifications and standards, be familiar with the requirements of quality and standards of acceptance, compile quality inspection plan, compile and preparative form of DL/T standard shall be used to record the inspection and tests performed during installation of switchgear; Read and understood the contents of ABBs installation and commissioning manual.2.3 对施工人员进行安全、技术交底Tell the relative workers their real intentions about safety and technique.2.4 土建交接验收 Handover inspection for civil construction 检查土建已具备安装条件,并办理交接签证Check the condition for installation, and transact the visa of handover.现场安装工作开始时,配电室土建工作必须已施工完毕,照明充足且已送电,室内干燥通风,门、锁齐全;所有与盘柜、电缆施工有关的前期工作已完成;室内条件达到VDE 0670标准1000/ IEC 60694部分对环境的要求,包括室内温度不低于负5摄氏度On commencement of installation at site, the switchroom must be completely finished, provided with lighting and site electricity supply, lockable, dry and with facilities for ventilation .All the necessary preparations such as wall openings, ducts, etc.for laying of the power and control cables up to the switchgear must already be complete. Compliance with the conditions for indoor switchgear to VDE 0670 part 1000/IEC 60694, including the conditions for “minus 5 indoor” temperature class must be ensured.a. 配电室门、窗、墙壁、装饰棚应施工完毕,地面应抹平,室内干净整洁无杂物The doors, windows, walls and decorate booth shall be completed and the floor shall be smooth, clean and free of sundries.b验收土建地面水平度,误差应在ABB的文件NO.XZS1-1474 A1对地面水平要求的范围内。Check that the tolerances of the floor level do not exceed the floor level tolerances as per ABBs document NO.XZS1-1474 A1c 基础型钢安装牢固可靠, 并经验收合格Make sure that the base profiled bars are fixed and have been checked and accepted.d. 一、二次电缆进线孔符合设计要求及实际需用The entry of primary and secondary cable shall be in accordance with design and practical requirements.2.5 设备开箱检查Unpacking inspection设备开箱应有物资公司、制造厂及电仪专业人员参加The unpacking shall be witnessed by personnel from material department of manufacturer and electric I&C team.a. 设备型号、数量符合图纸要求The type and quantity of equipment shall be in accordance with requirements specified by drawings.b. 设备完好无损伤变形,附件、备件及专用工具齐全、完整;柜内安装设备型号规格符合设计及规范The equipments shall not be with any damage; the quality and quantity of accessories, spares and special tools shall be in accordance with requirements. The type and specification of equipments to be installed in switchboard shall be in accordance with requirements of design and specification.c. 出厂技术资料齐全。A full set of technical documents is required.2.6 加工制作安装用垫铁及小滚杠 Fabrication of iron packs and rolling sticks for installationa. 垫铁大小在40mm50mm左右,厚度为0.5mm2mm不等, 垫铁要平整,无尖角毛刺,数量应满足施工要求The iron packs shall be about 40mm50mm and 0.5mm2mm in length. The iron packs shall be even and smooth without burr and the quantity shall meet the requirements of construction.b. 准备20根200mm长12mm圆钢Prepare 20 pieces of 12mm round steel in length of 200mm. 2.7 检查运输路径,确定合适的吊装方案 Check the transportation route, confirm the appropriate lifting scheme.a. 运输道路应平坦,无障碍物The road shall be flat without barriers.b. 吊装口应满足盘柜尺寸要求The size of lifting orifice shall match the corresponding switchboards.2.8 配电室准备工作 Preparation for electric distribution room清扫配电室地面,依据图纸用墨线打出每列柜的平齐线及端线Clean the floor of electric distribution room, mark the base lines of each row of switchboards according to drawings.a. 基础型钢上不得有焊渣、水泥等妨碍柜体安装的杂物Surface of the base profiled bar shall be free of welding slag, concrete etc. foreign objects which may affect installation of the switchboard.b. 两列柜的端线要同时打出The base lines of the two rows of switchboards shall be marked at one time.c. 墨线清晰,无重影,用30米钢卷尺核实与图纸要求一致The base lines shall be clear without double trace, and shall be checked to be in accordance with drawings with a 30-meter-long steel tape.3开关柜运输、吊装Transportation and lifting of switchboard3.1 开关柜运至现场后,按安装顺序吊运至配电室 The switchboards shall be lifted into the electric distribution room according toinstallation sequence after arrival in the site.a. 运输过程中车辆驾驶要平稳,封车牢固可靠,且不能损伤设备The vehicle shall be driven reposefully during transportation, the encapsulation shall be fast and reliable without any damage to equipments.b. 吊装由起重工配合,统一指挥The lifting shall be carried out by crane operators guided by supervisor.3.2 开关小车与开关柜一体来货时,应将小车移出,放至不妨碍施工的位置 If the moveable breakers are supplied together with switchboards, they shall be removed first to where they cannot obstruct construction.a. 用专用运输手车移动开关小车The moveable breakers should be moved by special tools.b. 开关小车集中放置,罩上塑料布防护The moveable breakers shall be collected together and covered with waterproof cloth.3.3 用专用拖车或滚杠将开关柜体移至安装位置。开关柜摆放顺序应符合图纸要求 Move the switchboards to expected installation position by special trailer or rolling stick.The switchboards shall be put into place according to the designed sequence.4 开关柜找正固定 Adjustment and fixation of the switchboards4.1 将开关柜端部第一块盘用小滚杠和撬棍移动,使其柜边与所打墨线完全重合。再用线坠测量其垂直度,不符合规范要求时,在柜底四角加垫铁调整,达到要求后,将柜体与基础型钢螺接固定。 Move the first panel on the end of one row by rolling stick or crowbars, make the edges of switchboard to superpose to the lines which have been marked on the floor. Measure the verticality with a string plummet and use iron packs for adjustment where any deviation is found. The switchboard shall not be bolt-connection onto base profiled bar until it is placed into correct position.a. 柜体垂直度1.5/1000H,H为柜高,应至少测量两个面The verticality of switchboards shall be less than 1.5/1000H (H = height of the switchboards) and the height shall be measured along two faces of switchboards at least.b. 盘柜在基础上的固定宜按厂家要求采用螺接方式,紧固件均采用镀锌件,平垫、弹簧垫齐 全;连接正确无遗漏;(当采用螺栓连接困难时也可采用焊接方式固定)Panel shall be bolt-connected to the foundation. Fasteners shall be galvanized and plat pad and spring shall be complete. Connection is correct and to not leave out.4.2 用上述同样方法将本列末端柜找正,但先不要牢固,在首末两柜前面中上部拉上线绳,使线绳与柜距离在40-50mm左右,以线绳为基准,将成列柜找直。从第二面柜起,依次将每面柜找正找直,并边连接边固定,最后去掉线绳,将末端柜重新找正,连接固定好。 Adjust the switchboard on the other end of the row according to the foresaid approach excluding the bolt-connection. Draw a string in front of the top half of the two end switchboards, and the distance between the string and switchboards shall be kept as 40-50mm. Adjust all switchboards in the row to a beeline according to the string and adjust every individual switchboard from the second one. After adjustment finished, weld each edge of switchboards and then remove the string, and re-adjust and bolt-connection the two end switchboards at last.盘柜在固定之前,应检查好盘柜的一、二次电缆进线孔应该与土建预留的电缆进线孔一致对应Before bolt-connection the each panel, it shall be verified that the cable entry in the panel matches with the cable entry slot provided in the floor of the switchgear for both power and control cables .It shall be ensured that the slot in the floor is not restricted by the panel.a. 线绳严禁触动,一经触动,须重新核实No contact with the string shall be allowed during adjustment otherwise it shall be readjusted.b. 相邻两柜顶部水平度误差2mm,成列柜顶部水平度误差5mmThe horizontal tolerance on the top of two adjacent switchboards shall be less than 2mm and that of all switchboards in a row shall be less than 5mm.c. 相邻两柜边不平度应1mm,成列柜面不平度5mmThe unevenness of the edge on two adjacent switchboards shall be less than 1mm and that between the surfaces of all switchboards in a row shall be less than 5mm.d. 柜间接缝间隙2mmThe clearance of joint between two switchboards shall be less than 2mm.e. 所有连盘紧固件均采用镀锌件,螺栓露扣长度一致,在2-5扣之间,连接部位及螺栓穿向宜统一The material of all connecting fasteners shall be galvanized and the revealed length of all bolts shall be the same and the revealed point shall be between 2-5 threads.4.3用上述方法找正固定好第二列柜子The second row of switchboards should be adjusted and fixed according to the foresaid approach.4.4盘柜在基础上如采用焊接固定时,安装完成后应进行防锈、防腐处理: 盘柜在基础上安装完成后的焊接位置应补刷防锈漆,等完全干后再通刷一边与盘柜颜色相同或相近面漆 Take antirust and anticorrosion treatment to the foundation before panel installation:Welding position during foundation installation shall be brushed with antirust paint and be refreshed with top coat which color is the same or familiar with that of the panel after antirust paint is completely dry.5. 母线连接 Connection of the bus bar5.1核实母线规格、数量符合要求,两进线相序相位是否一致Check whether the type and quantity of the bus bar meets the requirements and whether the phase of the two lines is consistent to each other.a. 主母线及柜内分支母线制作工艺符合ABB要求The fabrication process of bus bar and sub-bus bar shall comply with the requirements as per ABB.b. 母线相序标示清楚正确,柜内分支母线相序排列符合规范The phase of bus bar shall be marked correctly and legibly and the arrangement of phases of sub-bus bars shall comply with specifications.5.2根据ABB资料要求穿接母线 Entry of the bus bar Follow ABBs instruction manuala. 根据成列盘柜的特点选定母线穿入的位置Select an appropriate entry for the bus bar according to the properties of switchboards in a row.b. 穿母线时用力要均匀、一致、柔缓,应尽量避免损坏母线的绝缘护套及穿墙套管The bus bar should be pulled uniformly, softly and slowly to avoid damage to the insulation sleeve.c. 母线搭接面用白布蘸酒精擦拭干净,均匀涂抹电力复合脂The interface of the bus bar connection shall be cleaned with white cloth sodden with alcohol and then be evenly coated with electric complex grease.5.3母线连接Connection of bus bara. 所有紧固螺栓必须是镀锌件,平垫、弹簧垫齐全All bolts shall be galvanized and supplied together with a full set of flat and spring underlayment.b. 应根据母线的规格型号选用螺栓,螺栓的穿向宜朝向维护侧The bolts shall be selected in accordance to specification and type of the bus bar and their installation direction shall be such that it will be convenient for maintenance.c. 紧固螺栓后用力矩扳手检查扭力应在ABB安装手册要求的范围内Check the fastened bolts with a spanner to make sure that the wrest force is in the range required by the ABB installation manual.d. 螺栓露扣长度应一致,在2-5扣之间,并按照DEP63.10.08.11-CSPC 3.2.1的要求进行传导试验The revealed length of all bolts shall be the same and the revealed point shall be between 2-5 threads. Perform conductivity tests as per Section 3.2.1 of DEP63.10.08.11-CSPC.5.4紧固母线固定金具及支柱绝缘子、穿墙套管Fastening of the anchor clamp and the insulation of the bus bara. 母线金具不构成闭合磁路The anchor clamp of the bus bar shall not form a close loop.b. 所有紧固螺栓为镀锌件,且螺栓露扣长度一致All bolts shall be galvanized and the length of revealed thread shall be the same.5.5加装搭接端子护套,相色应匹配,方向应统一The connection terminals shall be covered with sleeves whose color shall match the terminals and direction shall be uniform.5.6检查母线对地及相间距离Check distance between the bus bar and the earth, and distance between phases respectively.6kV母线对地及相间距离应大于100mmThe distance for 6kv bus bar shall be more than 100mm.6. 小母线配置Configuration for small bus bar atop the switchboarda. 小母线选用符合厂家及设计要求The selection of small bus bars shall be in accordance with requirements of manufacturer and design.b. 小母线在端子排的排列应依据图纸The arrangement of small bus bars on terminal block shall be in accordance with the drawings.7.柜体接地检查Inspection of earthing of the switchboardsa. 严格遵照设计接地施工。并按照DEP的要求进行传导试验Perform the earthing according to design requirements stringently. Perform conductivity tests as per Section 3.2.1 of DEP63.10.08.11-CSPC.b. 柜体应与基础槽钢可靠连接The switchboard shall be connected with base channel steel reliably.c. 装有电器可开启门的接地用软导线应将门上接地螺栓与柜体可靠连接For switchboard equipped with moveable door, the earthing bolts on the door shall be connected with the switchboard reliably using a soft lead.d. 接地刀接地软线压接紧固,连接可靠The earthing switch and earthing flexible wire shall be connected rigidly.e. 小车与柜体间的接地触头应接触紧密,导通良好,通断顺序正确 小车进车时,其接地触头应比主触头先接触;出车时,接地触头比主触头后断开The earthing feeler between the breaker and the switchboard shall contact with the earth tightly and in good condition of conduction with correct sequence of on-off.When the breakers are moving into the switchboard, its earthing feeler shall act earlier than the main feeler; When the breakers are moving out of switchboard, its earthing feeler shall be parted from the earth later than main feeler.8. 开关柜机械部件检查Checking for mechanical components of switchboards.8.1开关柜找正固定好后进行的外观检查Appearance inspection of the switchboard shall be carried out after its adjustment and fixation.a. 柜面油漆无损伤及脱落No damage or desquamation of paint is allowed on the surface of switchboards.b. 元件设备安装牢固,二次配线整齐美观The components shall be installed into place tightly and the second wiring shall be in order.c. 所有绝缘件外观应完好,无裂纹及破损 The appearance of all insulation components shall be in good condition without any crack and damage.d. 所有紧固螺栓均齐全、完好、紧固All earthing bolts shall be in good condition and be installed tightly. e. 柜内照明装置齐全The illumination equipments inside switchboards shall be in good condition without any shortage.f. 仪表、继电器的防震设施齐全,可靠Equipments for shockproof of instruments and relays shall be in good condition.8.2 进出小车检查机械动作及闭锁情况,分合接地刀检查其动作、闭锁情况The breakers shall be checked for the mechanical actions and closedown when they are moved out and located in the switchboards. Turn on and off the earthing switch and check the condition of its action and closedown.a. 小车滚轮与轨道配合间隙均匀,小车推拉灵活轻便不摆动The clearance between the wheels of breakers and tracks shall be uniform. The breaker shall move neatly without vibration.b. 安全隔离板开闭灵活,无卡涩The safety isolation board shall be opened and closed neatly without block.c. 小车在柜内试验位、工作位定位及闭锁准确可靠。小车在柜内非试验(工作)位不能合闸The breaker shall act correctly and reliably in both test position and work position while it shall not be closed in the position not for test or work.d. 小车进出与接地刀闭锁正确可靠,接地刀分合灵活,指示正确The breakers shall move in and out in a correct and reliable way. The interlock of earthing switch shall be in good condition and the switch shall be turned on and off neatly with correct indication.e. 接地刀与电缆室仓门闭锁良好可靠The interlock of earthing switch and the door of cable room shall be in good condition.8.3 检查同种特定类型的小车在开关仓内的互换情况 Interchanging of specific breakers of the same type in switch rooma. 相同类型的小车在其匹配的开关仓内能够互换The breakers of the same type can be interchanged in the suited switch room.b. 互换性能良好,小车推拉灵活,触头及二次插头接触良好The breakers can move neatly after interchanging and the contact of feeler and plug shall in good condition.9. 开关柜电气部件检查Checking for electrical components of switchboards9.1 检查各种电气触点接触紧密,通断顺序正确。Check all electrical contact points for compactness and the correct on/off sequence. a. 一次触点上涂抹红导电脂,检查触指压痕应清晰、均匀Daub the primary contact point with red electric tallow and check the contact impression to confirm whether they are clear and even.b. 检查触头插入深度、备用行程及触指压力符合厂家规定The inserted depth, spare travel and contact pressure of the feeler shall be in accordance with the regulation of manufacturer.c. 检查动、静触头中心偏差应2mmThe center deviation of dynamic and static contacts shall be no more than 2mm.d. 开关辅助接点及电气联锁接点动作顺畅,接触可靠The assistant contacts of switch and the electric interlock contacts shall work smoothly.e. 小车与柜体间的二次回路连接插件应接触良好The plugs of secondary loop connecting the breakers and switchboards should be in good condition. 9.2 检查带电部分对地距离Check the distance between electriferous parts and the earth.a. 一次部分对地距离100mmThe distance between the primary parts and the earth shall be no less than 100mm.b. 二次部分对地距离4mmThe distance between the secondary parts and the earth shall be no less than 4mm.9.3对照施工图检查二次接线是否正确,元件配置是否符合设计要求The secondary wiring shall be checked for correctness according to the drawing, and the configuration shall meet the requirements of design.a. 用万用表检查接线是否正确The wiring shall be checked with a multimeter.b. 元器件标识齐全All components shall have appropriate identification.c. 元件配置符合设计要求。The configuration of all components shall comply with the requirements of design.9.4 如果密封箱因电缆安装影响而拆除,相邻两盘和盘底应采取措施进行密封If the gland plate needs to be permanently removed for installation of cables, the space between the bottom of two adjacent panels and the floor shall be sealed.参考文献:1 GB50171-92电气装置安装工程盘、柜及二次回路接线施工及验收规范GB50171-92Code for construction and acceptance of switchboard outfit complete cubicle and secondary circuit electric equipment installation engineering2 DL/T5161.2002电气装置安装工程质量检验及评定规程DL/T5161.2002The quality inspection and assess regulation for electrical equipment installation3 厦门ABB厂家说明书Manufacturers manual of ABB4 DEP63.10.08.11-CSPC 电气装置与设备的现场调试与维护 DEP63.10.08.11-CSPC Field commission and maintenance of electrical installations and equipment


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