8A U8 reading1& reading 2

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8A U8 reading1& reading 2_第1页
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8A U8 reading1& reading 2_第3页
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There was an earthquake in Taiwan in 1999. Many people lost their lives in the earthquake, but a boy called Timmy survived. Lets listen to the story to see what happened to him. Then answer the questions below.An earthquake 1. What was Timmy doing when the earthquake started?2. How did people feel ?He was sleeping.People screamed in fear and ran in all directions.Questions 3. What happened to the building?4. Where was Timmy when the shaking stopped?Pieces of glass and bricks fell down. Then the walls began to come down.It was dark and silent around him and he didnt know where he was. He was trapped. 5. How did Timmy feel?6. What did Timmy do while he was waiting for help?When he found that he was trapped, a moment of fear went through his mind but he told himself to calm down.He started to pull himself slowly through the dark.7. How was he saved?People quickly moved away the bricks and and saved him. B. Timmy and the earthquakeMatch the words on the left with the meanings on the right.shakescreamcome downsilentat lastsafe finallyfall to the groundgive a loud high crynot in dangermove quickly from side to side,up and down,etc.quiet B2. Matching the pictures with the captions. Then put the pictures into the correct order. I saw the bright daylight.I was trapped.The walls came down.I screamed for help.Some people ran out of the building.The earth started to shake. I screamed for help. Some people ran out of the building. I saw the bright daylight. The earth started to shake. I was trapped. The walls came down. 1 2 345 6 write down “T” or “F”.1 .Timmy was asleep when the earthquake started. _ 2 . At first,Timmy heard a loud noise like thunder. _3 . People ran in the same direction in the street. _TFF 5 . There was not enough space for Timmy to pull himself through. _6 . People found Timmy soon after he was trapped. _4 . Timmy was trapped in a dark place after the earthquake stopped. _T TF Fill in the blanks with the words below.beating bricks calm fear mind nervous pulled safe saved sleeping thunder trappedWhen the earthquake hit Taiwan in 1999, Timmy was _. He heard a loud noise like_. Then the noise became lounder, like bombs under the ground. People screamed in _. sleepingthunder _.Then pieces of glass and_ fell down.When the noise and shaking stopped, Timmy was _ and could not get out. He felt _ and his heart was_. A moment of fear went through his _. Then he tried to _ down and _ himself slowly through the dark. Finally, people came and heard his cryfor help. They moved away the bricks and _ him. Timmy was _ at last.nervous savedbricks trappedmindcalm pulledfearbeating safe Read after the recorder and retell the story at the beginning: during the earthquake: after the earthquake: finally: at the beginning be sleeping a slight shake a loud noise thunder people scream frightened during the earthquakereal noise: bombs under the groundpeople: things: run in all directions, tried his best to run outpieces of glass and brickswere falling down walls came down dark around him shouted for help told himself to calm downbe alivehe was trappedafter the earthquakea moment of fear went through his mindnoise 晃动We felt a slight shake before the earthquake started. When the earthquake came, what happened to the earth? At first, I felt a slight shake. The earth started to shake. Finally, the noise and shaking ended. shaking n. a slight shake give sb. a good shake all of a shake(发抖) start to shake shake ones head shake down the apples n.v. shake v.& n. shaking n. shook 1) At first, the slight _ of the house made Timmy frightened. 2) When the earthquake really started, the earth _. 3)我们必须在使用前摇匀这药。 We must _ this medicine before using it. shake/shakingshookshake 3. People screamed in fear. (line5 ) in fear 害怕地,恐惧地 相似的结构还有: in trouble 有麻烦的 in need 需要帮助的 in danger 处于危险之中 in hunger 饥饿的 e.g. People screamed in fear. 人们害怕地尖叫起来。e.g. They got lost in the forest. They had to try different ways in fear. 他们在森林里迷路了,他们不得不害怕地尝试不同的路。4. Some ran out of the building. (line5) run out of 从跑出e.g. Some students run out of the classroom. 一些学生从教室里跑出来。 5. I tried my best to run out too, but I could not. try ones best 竭尽全力I am not sure, but Ill try my best. 我没把握,不过我将尽力而为。 Well try our best to help you. 我们将尽量帮助你。 We will try our best to satisfy you. 我们将尽力使您满意。 6. People were running in all directionsin all directions 向各个方向The crowd disappeared in all directions. 人群朝四处散去。 When the fire broke out in the cinema, the people lost their heads and ran in all directions. 当电影院失火时,人们惊慌失措四处乱跑。 in all directions Miss Geng is _ _ her school. The birds are shocked flying in all directions.walking inthe direction of 7. Then the walls began to come down too! (line8)come down 崩塌,坍塌e.g. The building began to come down. 这个楼开始坍塌了。 3 _fall down, come downPieces of glass and bricks fell down(掉落) .The walls began to come down (倒塌).fall - fell-fallen 8. “ I m trapped,” I said to myself. (line1 1 )be trapped 被困住,受困 He was trapped on that island for a long time. 他曾被困在那个岛上很长时间。 Someone was trapped in the lift the other day. 那天有人被困在电梯里。 9. A moment of fear went through my mind, but I told myself to calm down since I was still alive. (line1 2 )a moment of fear 片刻的恐惧go through my mind 掠过脑海我的脑中掠过一阵恐惧 calm down 冷静下来,平静下来 calm v. 使平静,使镇静 n. 平静,宁静 adj. 平静的,镇静的 e.g. Just calm down a bit! 你先静一静! calm down 平静下来,冷静下来I wont talk to you until you calm down.等你冷静下来的时候我再和你谈。 I told myself to calm down. 我告诫自己要冷静下来。 The sea calmed down. 海上已风平浪静了。 Can you translate the following sentences?calm1) 动词, 使平静,使镇静。 calm down 平静下来,镇静下来Mother soon calmed the baby.母亲很快让孩子平静下来。We waited inside until things calmed down.我们一直在里面等待,直到事情平息。 2)形容词,平静的,镇定的You should keep calm even in face of danger.即使遇到危险你也应该保持镇定。3)名词,平静,宁静I like the calm of the summer evening.我喜欢夏日黄昏的宁静。 10. I was trying to find my way out, find ones way out 找到出路e.g. 他想要找到出路。 He wants to find his way out.10. They quickly moved away the bricks. move away 搬走,移走e.g. 请把那个桌子和那把椅子搬开。 Please move away the desk and the chair. 1 1 . Then I heard shouts from excited people. excited 意为“兴奋的,激动的” exciting 意为“令人兴奋的,令人激动的”Eg: 我们听到这个令人兴奋的消息很激动。We are excited at the exciting news. 请点击 1. Frightened by the loud noise, the children looked at each other _ (害怕地).2. The small animals in the forest _ (四处逃窜) when they saw a tiger coming.ran in all directionsI. Fill in the blanks.in fear 3. We _ (正在尽全力) to protect wild animals.4. The fans _ (尖叫) all the time during the concert.5. I _ (平静下来) after listening to the beautiful music.6. Five workers _ (被困) in the mine for 10 hours last month.screamedare trying our bestcalmed downwere trapped 7. Traffic _ (事故) killed many people every year.8. The little girl _ (尖叫) when she saw the snake.9. People in Tibet build their homes with wood and stones instead of _ (砖头).10. There was a flood in the _ (南方) part of China because of the _ (大) rain.accidentsscreamed brickssouthernheavy II. Translation.1. 地震开始的时候,她正在睡觉。When the earthquake _ , she _. 2. 人们在疯狂奔逃时,一块块的玻璃 和砖块直往下掉。People _ while pieces of glass and bricks _ . startedwas sleeping were running wildly were falling down 3. 我正在努力找出路时,这时突然听到 我的上方有声音。I _ my way out when I suddenly heard some noise above me. 4. 我听到了兴奋的人们的呼喊声。 I heard _. was trying to find shouts from excited people5. 我感到一阵轻微的颤动传遍我全身。 I felt a _ my body.slight shake through Suppose there would be an earthquake, what should we do to keep ourselves safe?(Group work) If an earthquake happened, what shall we do? If at school: 1. Hide under a desk or table. 2. Follow teachers advice. If at home:Hide under a heavy table or bed. If on a road:1. Use something hard (硬的) to protect your head.2. Avoid the buildings. Dont rush out without order.Never try to use the lift.Stay calm!If we are in a high building


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