外研版九年级英语上册Module12 单元测试题

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3九年级(上)Module 12 能力测试.句型转换1. Peter would like to wear his own clothes. (对划线部分提问) Peter like to wear? 2. Both you and I like playing computer games. (改为否定句) you I like playing computer games. 3. We should change some school rules. (改为被动语态) Some school rules changed by us. 4. Members are allowed to use English-English dictionaries. (对划线部分提问) members allowed ?. 选择最佳答案。( ) 1.There are many tall buildings on _ sides of the street.A. each B. every C. all D. both( ) 2. The word “usual” begins with _ “u” and ends with _ “l”. A. a; a B. an; an C. a; an D. an; a( ) 3. _Greens are having _ lunch when I went in. A. The; / B. / ; a C. / ; / D .The ; a( ) 4. _ live in the same bedroom. A. I, Ann and Sue B. Ann, I and Sue C. Ann, Sue and I D. Sue, I and Ann( ) 5. I found _not easy to learn to use a computer. A. it B. that C. what D. them ( ) 6. Our team _ won the cup of football match of this year among primary schools. A. had B. has C. have D. having ( ) 7. The police _ hoping that therell be no trouble at the concert. A. is B. are C. was D. /( ) 8. Mother spent _ money _ this coat, but its _ large for me. A. too much; in; much too B. too much; on; much too C .much too; in; too much D. much too; on; too much.完型填空One afternoon just before Christmas, an old man was walking through the city center. The_1 were all filled with good things and crowded with 2 shoppers. Suddenly he saw a dirty boy sitting on the ground crying bitterly. When the kind old man asked him why he was crying, the little boy told him that he had 3 the ten penny piece that his uncle had 4 him. At once the old man took out a handful of 5 . He 6 out a shiny new ten penny piece and handed it to the child. “Thank you very much.” said the little boy, drying his 7 . He cheered up at once.An hour or so 8 , the old man was 9 his way back home by the same road. To his surprise he saw the dirty boy in the same place, crying bitterly as before. He went up to the boy and asked him if he has also lost the ten penny piece he had just given him. The boy told him he had not lost the coin 10 he still couldnt find the first one. “If I could find my own piece,” he said sadly, “I could have twenty penny piece now.”( ) 1. A. streets B. parks C. houses D. shops( ) 2. A. angry B. sad C. surprised D. cheerful( ) 3. A. spend B. lost C. left D. paid( ) 4. A. owned B. given C. lent D. found( ) 5. A. toys B. coins C. sweets D. pounds( ) 6. A. left B. made C. gave D. picked( ) 7. A. nose B. eyes C. clothes D. hands( ) 8. A. past B. ago C. before D. later( ) 9. A. crossing B. giving C. making D. leaving( )10.A. so B. and C. as D. but . 补全对话A: What do you plan to do this weekend?B: (1)A: I hear theres going to be a basketball match this Sunday. Tom and I are going to watch it. _ (2)B: Of course. Basketball is my favourite. But I have no ticket for the match. What a pity!A: Youre lucky. I have two tickets . _ (3)B: Great ! (4)A: Lets meet at the bus stop at half past five. B: I think there must be a big crowd of people there. (5)A: OK. See you at five oclock.B: See you.参考答案: . 1. What, would 2. Neither nor 3. should, be 4. What, are, to, use. 1-5 DCACA 6-8 BBB. 1-5 ADBBB 6-10 DBDCD. 1. I have no idea. 2. Would you like to go? 3. Lets share them together. 4. When and where shall we meet? 5. What about making it a little earlier?


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