译林版牛津小学英语Unit 7It’s late教案

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Unit7 Its late.课题:Its late 课型:新授课教学内容:单元Part EFG教学目标:1、熟练地陈述自己一天的作息时间,并询问朋友的时间安排。2、掌握E部分对话,并进行拓展表演。学会向别人提出建议:Its time to, Shall we ?3、了解辅音字母n和p在单词中的发音。4、会唱英文歌曲Go to school.重点难点:E部分短文教学过程:Step 1. Review1. Greetings. T: Hello, group xxx2. Introduce Daily life and review the sentencesT: Do you know Harry Potter? (Show the picture of Harry Potter) Today, Harry Potter comes to Zhong Shan Primary School. He has some presents for you. Do you want to know his daily life? You can ask him. Ss: What time do you? (Talk with Harry Potter)T: This is Harry Potters daily life. Lets talk about his daily life. One acts Harry Potter, the others ask him. (Do a model with a student.)Ss talk about Harry Potters daily life. (Show magic school)T: Look, Harry Potter goes to his Magic School. Its very nice and big. Do you want to have a look?Ss: Yes.T: But Harry Potter said, you must pass three exams, then you can go to the Magic School. Do you have confidence?Step 2. Teach part G1. Counting T: Now, lets start. (Show 闯关行动开始!) Exam one: Counting!(Show 闯关行动之一: Counting.)T: Please read the rule. (Show the tips)Choose several students to do a model.(Ss stand up, if one is wrong, the others say youre out!)T: Stand up, please. Lets play this game together.Ss stand up and play this game together.(Show: Congratulations! 闯关成功!)2. Maths lesson T: Exam two: a Maths Lesson (Show 闯关行动之二:Maths lesson) (Show some Maths exercises)T: Boys and girls. You can count the numbers. Can you read these numbers and say the results? Open your books, lets read.Ss Read page58 together. T: Practice in two, please. Choose some students to practice in pairs. Teach: one hundred (Show some minus formulas)Choose some students to practice in pairs. Chan drills: Ask and answer in pairs one by one.(Show: Congratulations! 闯关成功!)Step 3 Teach part E(Show 闯关行动之三:Act)1. Read the dialogue T: Look, Yang Ling and Nancy are Harry Potters friends. What are they talking about?(Show some questions)Ss read the questions.Ss watch the cartoon.Ss answer the questions.Read the dialogue after computer.Read it together.2. ActT: Now, can you act this dialogue? Practice in two.Ss practice.Choose some pairs of students to act.T: Look at these pictures, every two students chooses one picture to act.Ss act the pictures.1:两个学生在打球,其他同学约他一起回家。2:小朋友要看电视,妈妈说太晚了,该睡觉了。3:星期天,大家约好一起去超市,正在商量怎么去。(Show: Congratulations! 闯关成功!)Step 4. Teach Part G: Sing a songT: Lets have a rest: Listen to a song.Ss listen to the song.Ss sing after PC.Ss sing it together.T: Look, the Magic Train is coming. Lets go to Harry Potters school and sing a song. Ss: (Sing a song)Step 4. Teach Part F(Show a photo of Magic School)T: Oh, here we are. Look at Harry Potters School. Its big!(Show some photos)T: Look, whats this? Ss: Its a “panda”. (Show the word)T: Yes, whats his name? Who can ask him? (Show “name”)Ss: Whats your name? PC: My name is Peter. (Show “Peter”) Im your new friend. (Show “new”)T: Oh, the pandas name is Peter. Its your new friend. Look at these words, can you find the same letter? (Say it in Chinese again.)Ss: “n”, “p”.T: How to pronounce? Read after me. (Show the phonetic symbols)Ss: (Read after T)(Show the sentence)T: Can you read it?Ss read.T: (Show some other words: pen, pencil, nice, no)T: Can you find some other words? Ss: (Get cards)Step 5. Complete the exercise paper.T: Take out the exercise paper. Choose the phrases to complete the sentences.Step 6. Ending1. Find the winnerT: Group xxxx, how many cards do you have?Ss: We have T: Group xxx is the winner. Congratulations!2. Homework.a. Listen to Unit7 part A and part E.b. Complete the exercise book P30.c. Play the game in part G.d. Find some words include(包含) /n/and/p/.Blackboard:Unit 7 Its lateWhat time do you? I at Whats the time? Its Its time to Shall we go by ?


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