人教版初中英语八年级上册Unit 1 Section A 1a—1c (共21张PPT)

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人教版初中英语八年级上册Unit 1 Section A 1a—1c (共21张PPT)_第1页
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人教版初中英语八年级上册Unit 1 Section A 1a—1c (共21张PPT)_第3页
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Unit 1Where did you go on vacation?(1a1c) Ok , boys and girls , nice to see all of you and welcome to my class .We have just ended a long summer vacation .So ,now I want to talk about your vacations as well as mine .Greeting and lead-in : I went to Beijing on my vacation.Where did you go on vacation? Free talk:Lets talk about the past events. stayed at home went to the Great Wall went to summer camp 去 夏令营 summer campPresentation Lets learn some WordsNew York City museum纽约城夏令营博物馆I went to .on my vacation go fishinggo camping go to the parkvisit museumsgo to the beach go to the mountainsVacation Activities stay at home 1a Match the activities with the pictures (a-g).1.stayed at home _2.went to New York City _3.visited my uncle_4.went to summer camp _5.went to the mountains _6.went to the beach_7.visited museums _ fbg dca e 1b Listen and number the people in the picture1-5. Tina 2. Xiang Hua 3.Sally 4. Bob 5.Tom2 354 1b Tapescript Conversation 1Xiang Hua: Hey, Tina. Where did you go on vacation?Tina: I went to the mountains.Xiang Hua: Cool.Tina: Where did you go, Xiang Hua?Xiang Hua: I went to New York City. 1b Tapescript Conversation 2Girl: Where did you go on vacation, Sally?Sally: Nowhere. I stayed at home.Girl: And where did you go, Brad?Brad: I visited my uncle.Conversation 3Boy 1: Where did you go on vacation, Tom?Tom: I went to summer camp. It was great. Where did he/she/they go on vacation ?He / She /They 1c Pairwork Lets review together .1. 你假期去哪儿了?2. 你假期去什么有趣的地方了吗? 是的,我跟我家人去了山西。Where did you go on vacation?-Did you go anywhere interesting on vacation?- Yes, I went to Shanxi with my family. The rules of the past form 1 played worked wanted needed2 decided lived improved 3 carry- carried study- studied worry- worried 5 go- went have- had see- saweat- ate buy bought take- took win- won hang-hung4 stop- stopped shop- shopped plan- planned 复 合 不 定 代 词 ( indefinite pronouns):something somebody someone anything anybody anyone nothing nobody no one everything everybody everyone In this class ,we have learned how to talk about our vacations by using simple past tense . The topic of unit 1 Where Did You Go On Vacation? I believe you can use it easily now . Meanwhile we also reviewed the rules of the past form and indefinite pronouns . Finally I hope all of you can make a learning plan and have a happy school life . DO a survey 1. Talk about your vacation with your partner.2. Preview the new words and phrases. Unit 1 Where Did You Go On Vacation?Key words and phrases: on vacation, visited museums/my uncle ,stayed at home, went to summer camp, went to New York CityTarget language: Where did you go on vacation? I went to -.


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