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Unit 4 Why dont you talk to your parents? 第 一 课 时 Section A 1a-2d (P25-26)课 堂 小 测课 后 作 业课 前 预 习 课 前 预 习【 单 词 】1. 允 许 ;准 许 v. _ 2. 有 毛 病 ; 错 误 的 adj._ 3. 午 夜 ; 子 夜 n._ 4. 猜 测 v. _5. 协 议 ; 交 易 n._ allow wrongmidnightguess deal 课 前 预 习【 短 语 】6. too much homework _ 7. allow me to do _8. surprise sb _9. get into a fight _10. until midnight _11. be not good at doing_12.on the phone _ 和 某 人 打 架太 多 作 业允 许 我 去 做 某 事使 某 人 吃 惊直 到 午 夜不 擅 长 某 事用 电 话 交 谈 ; 在 通 话 课 前 预 习13.had a fight with _14.so that_ 15.look through my things _16.be angry with _ 17.a big deal _和 .有 一 场 战 争因 此 看 我 的 东 西因 .生 气一 个 大 任 务 课 前 预 习【 句 型 】18. - Why don t you go to bed earlier this evening? _19. Thanks for your advice._- 你 今 晚 早 些 时 候 为 什 么 不 睡 觉 ?谢 谢 你 的 建 议 。 课 堂 小 测一 、 根 据 中 文 意 思 或 首 字 母 提 示 , 用 单 词 的 适 当形 式 填 空 , 每 空 一 词 。1. I want to drink beer but my parents don t _(允 许 ).2. John often works till m_.3. What s the time? I don t know. There s something _ (有 毛 病的 )with my watch.4. It is a great _(协 议 , 交 易 )5. Let s _(猜 测 ) what s in the box. allow midnightwrongdealguess 二 、 根 据 中 文 提 示 完 成 句 子 , 词 数 不 限 。6 . 我 父 母 不 允 许 我 抽 烟 。My parents don t _ smoke.7 .-你 为 什 么 不 开 心 ? - 我 和 我 最 好 的 朋 友 吵 架 了 。 -Why are you unhappy? I _ with my best friend.8 .说 大 声 以 便 其 他 人 能 听 得 见 。Speak loudly _ others can hear you.课 堂 小 测allow me togot into a fightso that 课 堂 小 测9. 我 该 怎 么 办 ? -你 应 该 打 电 话 给 他 道 歉 。-What should I do? You should _ and say _.10. 谢 谢 你 的 建 议 。 _ your advice.call himsorryThanks for 课 堂 小 测三 、 单 项 选 择 。( ) 1.There s _ homework. It s _ difficult. A. too much; much too B. much too; too many C. too many; too much D. too much; too many( ) 2 _ we got up early, we were still late for the bus. A. Although B. So C. But D. BecauseAA 课 堂 小 测( ) 3. Thank you for _ me.A. help B. to help C. helps D. helping( ) 4. I didn t know you had come back _ you called me. A. after B. until C. as soon as D. because ( ) 5. Look! Your father is talking _ the phone.A. in B. at C. under D. onDBD 课 后 作 业一 、 单 项 选 择( ) 1. I feel hungry now. Why not _ for lunch with me?A. go B. did you go C. to go D. do you go( ) 2. You look pale(苍 白 ). What s wrong? I _. A. have a fever B. am happy B. C. am healthy D. am well( ) 3. He has a sore throat. What should he do? He _ drink more water. A. will B. might C. could D. wouldAAC 课 后 作 业( ) 4. My parents want me _at home every night. A. stay B. staying C. to stay D. stayed ( ) 5. My mother _ allow me _ out at night. A. don t; go B. doesn t; to go C. not; to go D. doesn t; goCB 课 后 作 业二 、 翻 译 句 子1. 老 师 不 许 我 们 上 课 讲 话 。_2. 我 仍 然 生 Dick的 气 。_3. 尽 管 她 有 错 , 但 是 并 不 是 什 么 大 事 。_Teachers dont allow us to talk in class.I m still angry with Dick.Although she is wrong, it is not a big deal. 课 后 作 业4 . 你 可 以 打 电 话 跟 他 说 对 不 起 。_5 . 我 不 想 在 电 话 上 谈 论 这 件 事 。_6 . 她 不 想 让 我 吃 惊 。_You can call him and say sorry. I don t want to talk about it on the phone.She doesn t want to surprise me. 课 后 作 业三 、 完 形 填 空 Last week, I got a letter from Tom. He told me that he was really 1 because he couldn t make any friends. He didn t have anyone to talk to. He felt lonely. Sometimes, he cried. He didn t know 2 to do. Maybe he is a little quiet and doesn t know how to make friends with 3 . Do you have similar problems to Tom s? If yes, please take my 4 .First, go out. Don t just stay at home or you can t meet new faces. Then you will have 5 chances to make friends with others. 课 后 作 业 So please go out to the parties, the clubs or camps. These are good places for you to 6 new people. Second, be brave(大 胆 的 ). Don t be afraid to talk 7 in front of people. Try to show what you do well in. Start a conversation by talking about your 8 , favorites and so on. People may be interested in you. Finally, try. Try to 9 about others and be a good listener. This is the most 10 in a friendship. So if you show your kindness and care to others, you will be able to find a good friend soon. 课 后 作 业( ) 1. A. happy B. upsetC. excited D. relaxed( ) 2. A. how B. when C. where D. what( ) 3. A. other B. the other C. others D. another( ) 4. A. action B. advice C. information D. message( ) 5. A. less B. fewer C. more D. mostBDCBC 课 后 作 业( ) 6. A. know B. reply C. promise D. lose( ) 7. A. aloud B. slow C. personally D. quietly( ) 8. A. reasons B. talents C. service D. articles( ) 9. A. talk B. discuss C. ask D. care( ) 10. A. serious B. famous C. common D. importantAABDD 课 后 作 业四 、 阅 读 理 解 ( A篇 ) Are you upset? Do you have any problems? Come on! Just write an e-mail to Dr. King. He will give you the most useful advice! His e-mail address is .Name problem Dr. Bean s adviceEric Too thin 1. Try to eat more healthy food. 2. Take much exercise. 3. Get enough sleep. 课 后 作 业Molly Want to be good at English You can read more English books, see English movies, listen to English songs and so on.Daisy A little fat Don t eat so much meat and junk food but vegetables and fruit. Doing sports is a good way to lose weight. 课 后 作 业Leo Argued with a good friend Call him/her and talk to him/her.Pete Too much homework and no time to study You could make a daily plan for homework. Try to improve it day by day. Then you ll find more time to study.Fiona Not enough money for an iPad Find a part-time job. 课 后 作 业( ) 1. The passage shows _ people s problems.A. five B. six C. seven D. eight( ) 2. _ wants to be good at English.A. Leo B. Pete C. Molly D. Eric( ) 3. To solve her problem, Daisy could_. A. eat more food B. get enough sleep C. find a part-time job D. exerciseBCD 课 后 作 业( ) 4. You get Dr. Bean s advice by _ him.A. emailing B. visitingC. calling D. helping( ) 5. Which of the following statements is NOT true?A. Fiona wants to buy an iPad.B. Molly isn t good at English.C. Pete wants more time to play.D. Leo got into a fight with his friend.DC


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