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Unit 12 Life is full of the unexpected 一、 教材分析(一)、Section B该课时分2个模块:1第一模块是思维( 1a)与口语(1b)训练;2第二模块就April Fools Day 话题进行听力( 1c-1d)与口语( 1e)训练。二、 三维目标1知识目标: 学会正确运用过去完成时态表达在“过去的过去”发生的事情。2能力目标:能在具体语境中正确运用过去完成时。3情感目标:培养学生良好的行为习惯.三、 教学重点重点词汇用法及过去完成时的用法。四、 教学难点过去完成时及所学时态的综合运用。五、 教学策略任务型教学法以及小组合作六、 教学准备多媒体七、 教学环节I. 课堂导入Step I Revision1 Revise the article in Activity 3a on page 70 by asking several students to read it2 Dictate some words and phrases:3 Check the homeworkII. 课堂讲授Step 1aRead the instructions to the students Remember to read the sentence in the brackets Point to the chart with the three headings Nouns, Verbs and Adjectives Read the words in the brackets to the students and help the students to understand the meanings of nouns, verbs and adjectivesGet a student to read the sample answers to the class before they start say, Fool call also be a verb Ask the students to complete the chart on their ownCorrect the answers by asking three students to read their answers to the classStep 1bAsk a student to read the instructions to the classAsk another student to read the example on the rightWork in pairs now Tell your partner about something that has happened to you recently Note to use two or more phrases from the list in Activity la Get tile students to talk in pairs Move around the classroom checking their work and offering language support as neededAfter they all finish talking, ask some pairs to say their conversations to the classStep 1cSay something about April Fools Day to the studentsCall the students attention to the four pictures Ask the students what is happening in each pictureAsk four different students to describe the pictures Read the instructions to the classPlay the tape the first time The students only listen Then play the tape again Ask the students to write each boys name in the correct box Check the answers by asking different students to tell their own answersStep 1dRead the instructions to the class There are six phrases in the box Your task is to find out who says each of the phrases, Dave, Nick or Joe after listening to the same recording And write D for Dave, N for Nick and J for Joes on the short lines before the phrases Look at the first one The answer has been given as a samplePlay the recording the first time The students only listen Then play the recording again Ask the students to write the letters in the blanks Ask six different students to report their answers to the class Check the answers with the classStep 1eThis activity provides oral practice using the target languageFirst play the recording again Pause after each sentence and get the students to repeatDo it at least twiceAsk a student to read the instructions to the class Then have them look at the sample conversation on the right Ask a pair of the students to read and try to continue itThen ask the students to work in pairsEach pair makes two conversations using information from the earlier activitiesMove around the room as they work, offering help as needed Ask one or two pairs to say their conversations to the classStep Homework1 Write something that has happened to you recently Use two or more phrases from the list in Activity 1a2 Write a conversation in Activity 1e八、 课堂练习用动词的适当形式填空1. We _had painted_ (paint) the house before we moved_ (move) in.2. That rich old man _had made_ (make) a will before he died(die).3. They _had studied_ (study) the map of the country before they _left_ (leave).4. The robbers _had run away_ (run away ) before the policemen arrived (arrive).5. I _turned off_ (turn off) all the lights before I _went_ (go) to bed.6. Paul went (go) out with Jane after he _made _ (make) a phone call.7. Tom _said_ (say) he had read_ (read) the book twice.8. Our plan _failed_ (fail ) because we _had made_ (make) a bad mistake.9. When the chairman _finished_ (finish) speaking, he _left_ (leave)the hall.10.The Reads were having (have) lunch when I _got_(get) to their house.九、 板书设计Unit 12 Life is full of the unexpected. costume, show up, exhausted, embarrassed, empty, fool, April Fools Day, go off, stay upWhen I got there, I found that he had fooled meAfter an hour, the other kids showed up, and I realized that my brother had fooled meBy the time I got to match class, I was exhausted because I had stayed up all night studyingI found out that my friend had fooled me八、 教学反思本课主要采用直观教学、任务型教学和小组合作法,使学生在讲授、启发的基础上,让学生通过小组合作完成学习任务,达到教学目标,同时培养学生的合作意识和创新精神。4


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