人教 九年级全一册Unit3复习(共37张PPT)

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人教 九年级全一册Unit3复习(共37张PPT)_第1页
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人教 九年级全一册Unit3复习(共37张PPT)_第3页
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How to ask the wayand show directions王春玲海林市新安朝鲜族镇中心学校 教堂_杂货店_电影院_剧院;戏院_房间_办公室_地板_餐馆_图书馆_超级市场_银行_公园_街道_大街_市场_邮局_房子;住宅_花园_区域;地方_地方;地点_一、Names of placeschurch drugstorecinemaroom officefloor restaurantlibrary supermarketbank parkstreet avenuemarket post officehouse gardendistrice placetheater 桥_机场_动物园_医院_电视台_ 公寓_购物商场_ 水池;水塘_海滩_ 野营;营地_博物馆_ 角落_走廊_ 教室_体育馆_ 宫殿_卧室;寝室_ 山;山脉_工厂_ 书店_ 一、Names of placesbridgezooTV stationmallbeachmuseumhallwaygymbedroomfactory bookstoremountaincamppoolpalacecornerclassroomapartmenthospitalairport 1. 轮船_ 2. 地铁_3. 火车_ 4. 出租车_5. 小船_ 6. 公共汽车_7. 小汽车_8. 索道_9. 自行车_10. 航班;班机_11. 飞机_二、Names of transportationship subwaytrain taxiboat buscar ropewaybike/bicycleplane/airplaneflight 三、Adv of places这里_ 2. 那里_ 3. 家_ 4. 一直_ 5. 在附近_ 6. 在任何地方_7. 在楼下_heretherehomestraightaroundanywheredownstairs 三、Adv of places8. 在楼上_9. 在户内_10. 在户外_11. 各地;到处_12. 在国外_13. 某处_14. 没有地方_ upstairsindoorsoutdoorseverywhereabroadsomewherenowhere 四、方位介词及短语Where is the post office?_ Bridge streeton 四、方位介词及短语Where is the post office?_ the hotel _ the bankbetween and 四、方位介词及短语Where is the post office?_ the bank_ the bank_ the bankbesidenext toon the left of 四、方位介词及短语Where is the post office?_ the bank_ the bankacross fromopposite 四、方位介词及短语 _ 2. _3. _ 4. _above behindbetween in 四、方位介词及短语5. _ 6. _7. _ 8. _in front of throughnext to on 四、方位介词及短语9. _ 10. _11. _ 12. _on the left on the rightunder across 五、出行方式1. 乘坐公共汽车_2. 乘坐地铁_3. 乘坐火车_take a /the busgo toby bus/ on a / the bustake a /the subwaytake a /the traingo toby subway/ on a / the subwaygo toby train/ on a / the train 五、出行方式4. 乘坐飞机_5. 乘坐出租车_6. 乘坐小船_go toby plane/ on a / the planego toby taxi/ on a / the taxigo toby boat/ on a / the boattake a /the planetake a /the taxitake a /the boat 五、出行方式7. 乘坐轮船_8. 骑自行车_9. 步行_take a /the shiptake a /the bikewalk togo toby ship/ on a / the shipgo toby bike/ on a / the bikego to on foot 六、Drills of asking for directions politely. 礼貌问路句型(以post office为例). H ow to ask the way politely.Excuse me, _Where is the post office? Is there a post office near here?Is there a post office around here? Can you tell me the way to the post office? Can you tell me how to get to the post office? Doyou know the way th the post office? Which is the way to the post office? 六、Drills of asking for directions politely. 礼貌问路句型(以post office为例). H ow to ask the way politely.Excuse me, _Could you please tell me where the post office is? Could you please tell me if there is a post office near? Could you please tell me if there is a post office around here?Could you please tell me how I can get to the post office? Could you please tell me whice bus I should take? Could you please tell me how far it is from here? Could you please tell me how long it takes? 七、Drills of showing directions1. 在同一条路上它就在那儿 _(2)它在前方五百米靠左边_(3) 它在路的尽头_Its over thereIts 500 meters along on the leftIts at the end of the road 七、Drills of showing directions1. 在同一条路上(4) 一直走到这条的尽头,你会看到它_G o on until you reach the end of theroad. You will see it 七、Drills of showing directions1. 在同一条路上(5) 就沿着这条街走,直到过了林海街就是_Just go along/ down the street until you pass by Linhai street 七、Drills of showing directions2. 需要拐弯沿着这条街 _ 在第二个十字路口向右转 _ 在第二个转弯处向右转_G o along the roadTake the second crossing on the rightTurn right at the second crossing/ turning 七、Drills of showing directions2. 需要拐弯(2) 穿过桥,当你看到一个邮局时,向左转_G o across the bridge, turn left when you see a post office 七、Drills of showing directions3. 乘车很远,你最好乘一辆公交车。 _(2) 1路公交车到那儿。_Its very far, youd better take a busThe No.1 bus will take you there 七、Drills of showing directions3. 乘车(3)在人民路下车。_(4)公交车站在路的对面。_G et off at People RoadThe bus stop is on the other side of the road 七、Drills of showing directions4. 路程(1)走着需要十分钟的路程。_(2) 乘坐公交车需要十分钟的时间。_Its about ten minutes walkIt takes ten minutes to walkIt takes about ten minutes to take a busIts about ten minutes ride 七、Drills of showing directions4. 路程(3) 乘公交车到那儿会花费你十分钟的时间。_It takes you ten minutes to get there by bus 七、Drills of showing directions5. 强调地点它在邮局和银行之间。 _ _(2) 穿过公园,它在你的右边。_Its between the post office and the bankG o through the park, its on your right 七、Drills of showing directions5. 强调地点(3) 你能看到赛马场就在你的右边。_(4) 你不会错过它。_Youll see it in front of youYou cant miss it 七、Drills of showing directions5. 强调地点(5) 你会找到它的。_(6) 林海路上有一个大的超市。_Yo will find itThere is a big supermarket on Linhai Road 七、Drills of showing directions6. 不知道对不起,我也不知道。我是一个陌生人/新来者。你最好去问那边的警察。_Im sorry, I dont know, either. Im a stranger/ new comer here. Youd better ask the policeman over there 八、练习 Look at the picture. Theres a school in the picture. Its _ School Street. The book store is _ the school. The bank is _ the school. The pay phone is _ the school and the hospital. Can you see the post office? Its _ _the school. There is a supermarket. Its _ _ _ the park. on behind betweenfromacross offrominnext to 九、中考链接A: Excuse me. Can you tell me where I can buy some stamps?B: Sure. You can go to the post office.A: (1)_?B: G o down this street. Its on the left next to a library.A: (2) _?B: Yes. Its a little far from here. Youd better take a bus.A: (3) _?B: No. 5 bus.A: (4) _?B: it takes about twenty minutes.A: Thank you.B: (5) _.Could you tell me where the post office ishow to g t thereWhere is th post officH w can I g t t he post officeIs it farWhich bus shall I takeHow long does it takei can take me thereWou are welcomeN t at all problemThats right from here to get there 十、写作 黄教授的美国朋友Tom要到中国考察,Tom得知黄教授生病住院,决定一下飞机就到医院看望黄教授。假设你是黄教授的儿子黄磊,请根据下面的示意图给Tom写一封电子邮件,告诉他出机场后到达医院的路线。 要求:80词左右。 ChildrensHospitalPeoplesHospitalHongxingSupermarket Post OfficeFirst AvenueApple School Second Avenue ParkAirportZooStreetNew Longstreet ChildrensHospitalPeoplesHospitalHongxingSupermarket Post OfficeFirst AvenueApple SchoolSecond Avenue ParkAirportZooStreetNew LongstreetDear Tom, I am very happy youre coming to visit my father. Now let me tell you the way to the Peoples H ospital.You need to take a taxi from the airport. G o down Long Street and turn left at the zoo. The go along the Second Avenue and turn right at New street. G o down New Street and turn left at H ongxing Supermarket. The hospital is just across from the supermarket. I hope to see you soon.Yours,H uang Lei


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