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学 校工农小学班 级四年一教 师冯志军教学内容Lesson 5 What about Flowers?(花怎么样?)教学目标(三个维度)1.知识与技能:能够听说、认、读、拼写单词store ,robot ,watch,flower,present ,grandma句型 Where are you going ? To the I want to buy a. Whataboutanewwatch? Icantbuyawatch. Watchescosttoomuch.2.过程与方法:运用创设情境的方法使学生在快乐中学习单词和句子。通过教学活动让学生感受到英语与我们的生活密切联系,从而培养学生运用英语进行交际的能力。3.情感态度与价值观:通过学习询问对方意见、在商店里对话。培养学生口语对话能力。由谈论Ken的生日到买一些礼物来馈赠自已的好友,表达朋友之间的友谊礼物虽轻友谊重。延伸到要记住父母、长辈的生日,再到小红帽的故事,告诉学生孝亲敬老是中华民族的传统美德,在活动体验中教育学生关心他人,关心长辈,感恩父母。教学重点有关场所的问答及征求对方意见的用语。教学难点costtoo much句型的应用德育渗透点由谈论Ken的生日到买一些礼物来馈赠自已的好友,表达朋友之间的友谊礼物虽轻友谊重。延伸到要记住父母、长辈的生日,再到小红帽的故事,告诉学生孝亲敬老是中华民族的传统美德,在活动体验中教育学生关心他人,关心长辈,感恩父母。教具学具准备PPT, 视频,录音教学过程(详实过程)Step1: Warming up(组织教学,创设氛围。)1、Greeting: T: Hello! Everybody. Ss:Hello!Mr. FengT: How are you?Ss: Fine, Thank you. 2、Sing a song.Where are you going?T: Boys and girls. Lets sing a song Where are you going?(日常对话引入,创设良好学习的氛围。简单的日常对话,缓和紧张的气氛,激活学生英语思维。轻松熟悉的歌曲,打破了紧张的气氛,使学生很快进入自然的学习状态。歌曲中的有关场所的问答与本节课中的重点内容在同一环境之中为顺利开展本课教学和下一环节的复习内容做了铺垫。)Step 2: Preparation 复习导入Review the dialog on page 36&37. (复习上节课课文内容)1、Now lets review the story, Ok? T: In the story, where is Jess going? (PPT)S: To the store. T: What does Jess want to do? T: What does Lili suggest?1. T: So can you act this story? Who can be Lili? Who can be Ken? Who can be the policeman? (Act the first and second story)2. 2、T: Ok, lets go on the story. Look! Where are they? S: Its in the store. T: Who is the woman?S: Salesperson. T: What does the salesperson say? S: May I help you? T: Jess says: Im looking for a robot. 3. So can you act this story? Who can be the salesperson? Who can 4. be Lili? (Act the story)5. T: Wow, thats nice. You are super stars. (核心语言教学要基于对文本的充分理解和深度挖掘。复习文本时,学生们带着问题和任务回顾故事。提问和复习形式层层递进,使不同层次的学生都有所收获。)Step3:Word Fun 创设小情景,学习单词,练习句型6. 1、T: Look!I have a present,too.7. there are many things in it. Guess what are they?8. 2、T:I want to buy a present for Ken, but I dont know a good idea. Can you give me an idea?9. (练习句型:what about?)3、Gold Eye:游戏练习单词4、在我们的班级里也有个要过生日的同学,你会做什么为他呢?(练习句型I want to buy )(德育渗透:通过班级中同学即将过生日,让同学之间相互了解,加深彼此之间的同学情,同时教育学生礼物虽小,当情义是无价的。)Step4 Talk together.(小对话学习)1. Listen and answer the questions. (第一幅图)Q:Who are they? What are they talking?2. Listen and repeat.(听并且复述)3. Check Up p40(练习句型where are you going? To the)4、Listen and answer the questions. (第二幅图)Q:Do they want to buy a new watch? Why?Who does Jess want to buy this present?5、 Listen and repeat. (听并且复述)6、Practice(练习句型_cost too much.)If Jess has 30$.She can buy_.She cant buy_,_cost too much.(将书中场景和人物贯穿呈现、学习、练习核心语言的始终,并适时地将书本知识与学生实际相联系,引导和帮助学生将所学运用到生活。)Step5、Fill in the dialog and Act(创编故事)T:Do you know Mothers Day is coming? Mothers Day is a holiday celebrated on second Sunday in May. It is a day when children honor their mothers with cards, gifts, and flowers. Lets make a dialog.(通过要过母亲节,学生进行编对话并表演) A: Hello. B:Hi.A: Where are you going?B: To _. You know,Mothers Day is on Sunday. I want to buy _ a present.A: What about _?B: _cost too much.A: What about _?B:Great. Lets go.(德育渗透:教师告诉学生母亲节就要到了,每年的五月第二个星期日被定为母亲节,这一天孩子们会给母亲送上不同的礼物,懂得感恩。让学生根据教师给的情景和基本句型进行创编,使学生大敢开口,勇于表演,树立自信,培养学生学习的积极态度并培养学生的语言运用能力和创新能力。)Step6 Read and Act绘本故事阅读T: 丽丽买了什么?买一本书是一个很好的建议,买什么书好呢?让我来看一看吧!-格林童话1.看图猜故事 Who are they?what are they talking?2.听录音回答问题: Where is Little Red Riding Hood going ? What does she want to do ? What does the wolf suggest(建议)? What does Little Red Riding Hood buy at last最后?3.跟读模仿4.角色扮演(绘本故事阅读部分,我安排了看图猜故事,听音模仿、角色朗读,进一步熟悉课文,并校正语音。这次机会更多地留给基础的同学,让他们也体会到成功的喜悦。)5、你喜欢小红帽吗?她是一个怎样的孩子?(德育渗透:由谈论Ken的生日到买一些礼物来馈赠自已的好友,表达朋友之间的友谊礼物虽轻友谊重。延伸到要记住父母、长辈的生日,再到小红帽的故事,告诉学生孝亲敬老是中华民族的传统美德,在活动体验中教育学生关心他人,关心长辈,感恩父母。)Step 7 Homework作业1. Listen and read P38、P39(听音跟读作业)2. Copy the sentences:(核心句型抄写作业)3.Rreview P42 (预习作业)T:Ok! This is todays homework. Then give your mothers surprise on Mothers Day.OK?(从听说读写的角度设计作业,体现了作业的多样性和实效性。同时,引导学生带着好奇心预习下一课时的内容。)板书设计Lesson 5 What about Flowers?Where are you going? To the store. flowerWhataboutanewwatch? grandma Icantbuyawatch. Watchescosttoomuch.Lesson 5 What about Flowers?教学实录平房区工农小学冯 志 军


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