三年级下英语课件Unit 3 Food and Meals Lesson16_Breakfast,_Lunch_and_Dinner 冀教版

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三年级下英语课件Unit 3 Food and Meals Lesson16_Breakfast,_Lunch_and_Dinner 冀教版_第1页
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三年级下英语课件Unit 3 Food and Meals Lesson16_Breakfast,_Lunch_and_Dinner 冀教版_第2页
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三年级下英语课件Unit 3 Food and Meals Lesson16_Breakfast,_Lunch_and_Dinner 冀教版_第3页
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Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner 早上好、下午好,晚上好 Good morning Good afternoon Good evening night evening 区别 Evening 是“傍晚,晚间” 是指下午6点到晚上10点,一般是睡觉之前。 Night 是指“夜晚,黑夜”,指深夜,也指晚上10点至午夜的时间。下了班或过了正常工作时间是evening到了睡觉的时间便从evening 转为 night。 在早上、早下午、在晚上in the morningin the afternoonin the evening 吃早饭、吃午饭、吃完饭 have breakfast have lunch have dinner then 然后 Then , I go to school.然后,我去学校。 Then, I read a book.然后,我读书。 My day!In the morning, I have breakfast. I like vegetables and soup. I dont like fruit.Then I go to school. In the afternoon, I have lunch. I like rice and meat. Rice is okay.In the evening, I have dinner. My food is noodles. Noodles are delicious! My day!In the morning, I have_. I like _ and _. I dont like _.Then I go to school. In the afternoon, I have_. I like _ and_. _is okay.In the evening, I have _. My food is _. _ are delicious!


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