6第三课时 Section B

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第 三 课 时 Section B ( 1a-1e ) 第 三 课 时 基础知识回顾 -2-综合能力提升 Section B ( 1 a-1 e ) .英 汉 互 译1.取 得 好 成 绩 get good grades 2.进 行 大 量 的 锻 炼 get lots of exercise 3.再 学 一 门 外 语 learn another foreign language 4.eat healthier food 吃 更 健 康 的 食 物 5.make the soccer team 组 建 足 球 队 .用 方 框 中 所 给 单 词 的 适 当 形 式 填 空foreign,take,make,health,grade1.I m going to take piano lessons.I like music.2.I m going to be a teacher.I have to get good grades .3.Tim is going to learn a foreign language this year. 4.The boys want to make a soccer team.5.If you want to be healthy ,you must get enough exercise. 第 三 课 时 基础知识回顾 -3-综合能力提升 Section B ( 1 a-1 e ) .根 据 汉 语 意 思 完 成 句 子 ,每 空 一 词1.我 打 算 学 另 外 一 门 外 语 。I m going to learn another foreign language.2.这 听 起 来 像 是 个 不 错 的 主 意 。It sounds like a good idea.3.这 个 周 末 你 打 算 练 习 打 篮 球 吗 ? Are you going to practice playing basketball this weekend?4.你 能 告 诉 我 如 何 取 得 好 成 绩 吗 ?Can you tell me how to get good grades ?5.我 的 新 年 计 划 是 努 力 学 习 数 学 。 My New Year s resolution is to study math hard. 第 三 课 时 基础知识回顾 -4-综合能力提升 Section B ( 1 a-1 e ) .单 项 填 空( B )1.I want to get to keep healthy.A.many exercisesB.much exerciseC.lot of exerciseD.a lot of exercises( D )2.What s your New Year s ?I m going to eat more vegetables.A.idea B.jobC.subject D.resolution 第 三 课 时 基础知识回顾 -5-综合能力提升 Section B ( 1 a-1 e )( A )3.I m going to travel to New York next week. .A.Sounds interestingB.Sounds interestedC.Sound interestingD.Sound interested ( C )4.My mother promises a gift for me.A.buy B.buysC.to buy D.buying( A )5.We are planning to Beijing next year.A.to go B.go C.goes D.went 第 三 课 时 基础知识回顾 -6-综合能力提升 Section B ( 1 a-1 e ) .补 全 对 话A:Hello,Frank!1. F B:I m going to help in a pet shop near my home.A:2. D B:Yes,I do.And I m going to be a vet( 兽 医 ) when I grow up.A:3. B B:To be a good vet,I m going to study hard and go to a good university.A:Sounds great!By the way,I m going camping tomorrow.4. A B:Sure,I d love to!5. C A:I m not sure,but take a rain jacket,just in case( 以 防 万 一 ).Let s meet at 6:00 a.m. tomorrow. B:OK!See you tomorrow! 第 三 课 时 基础知识回顾 -7-综合能力提升 Section B ( 1 a-1 e )A.Would you like to go with me?B.How are you going to do that?C.Do you think it s going to rain tomorrow?D.Do you love animals?E.What are you going to study at a university?F.What are you going to do this weekend?G.When are you going to start?


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