高一英语课件:Module2reading(外研必修1) (2)

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高一英语课件:Module2reading(外研必修1) (2)_第1页
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高一英语课件:Module2reading(外研必修1) (2)_第2页
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高一英语课件:Module2reading(外研必修1) (2)_第3页
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Which teacher would you like to have? Why? Teaching Aims1. Improve the Ss ability in reading.2. Get the Ss to know what are the good qualities of a teacher.3. Train the Ss to grasp the meaning of the words from the context. amusingenergeticintelligentnervousorganisedpatientseriousshystrict adj. 有趣的,可笑的adj. 精力充沛的adj. 聪明的adj. 紧张的,焦虑的adj. 有组织的,系统的adj. 耐心的adj. 严肃的adj. 害羞的adj. 严格的 intelligent kind lively nervous organised patient popular serious strict stupid energetic shyDecide if they are positive (+) or negative (-). + +-+- To get general ideas youngbeautifulkind seriousstrict good-looking energeticyoung What is the main idea of the passage My New Teachers?The passage introduces three new teachers and the students impressions of them. Para. 1 Mrs. Chen is a strict but good teacher because her teaching is well organized and clear. Mr. Wu is a good teacher because he is good-looking, energetic and humorous. Mrs. Li is a good teacher because she is kind, patient and tolerant. Para. 2Para. 3 To get detailed information True or False1. Mrs Li explains grammar clearly and I can follow her.2. Mrs Li makes me feel stupid when I make mistakes.3. With Mrs Lis help, I begin to do better in English.4. Mrs Chen is very strict and some students dont like her.5. Mr Wu is rather good-looking, so all the students like him.TFT TF 1) Whats that girls first impression of Mrs Li?Her first impression of Mr Li was that shewas nervous and shy.2) Why do all the students like Mrs li s lessons now ? Because she is kind,and patient . she explains english grammar so clearly that even I can understand. Para.23) What do students think of Mrs Chen? Shes very strict and serious and doesnt smile much. 4) Why do most students in the class like Mrs. Chen?Her teaching is well organized and clear. Para.35) How old is Mr Wu and how is he? He is about 28. He is energetic and rather good-looking.6) What does he do when he gets excited? He talks loudly and fast, and waves his hands about a lot when he gets excited. 7) What does he do when his students get tired? He tells jokes when the students get tired. Name Subject Person-ality ExamplesMrs Li English kind,patient Explain grammar clearly, avoid making students feel stupid. Name Subject Person-ality ExamplesMrs Chen Physics serious, strict, organi-ed and clear Not smile much, none dare to be late, explain exactly what is happening. Name Subject Appea-ance Perso-nality ExamplesMr Wu Chinese 28, good-looking Energ-etic, amus-ing Talk loudly and fast,wave his handsabout a lot, tell jokes sometimes. Group workUse the above words to describe your new teachers ! Homework Collect more information about your teachers. Try to use some of the words we have learnt in this period.


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