,*,Click to edit Master title style,按一下以編輯母片,第二層,第三層,第四層,Project Management Workshop,项目管理讲座,Morning,Project Management Workshop项目,Workshop Objectives,讲座目标,在培训的结束时,参与者将能够,:,At the end of the training,participants will be able to:,描述项目管理与综合管理上的不同,Describe the difference between project management and general management,定义项目以及项目的生命周期,Define Project and Project Life Cycle,理解项目,领导者,在这个项目中的所处的角色和承担的责任,Explain the roles and responsibilities of the project leader,列出管理一个项目的关键的成功因素,List the critical success factors for managing a project,区分不同类型的项目规划和项目规划步骤,Identify the different types of project planning and planning processes,利用项目管理软件和技巧来管控预算和进程,Control budgets and schedules by using project management tools and techniques,为突发事件及意外状况制定一个风险管理计划,Develop a risk management plan for contingency,Workshop Objectives讲座目标 在培训的结束,Course Content,课程内容,Definition of Projects,项目的定义,Difference between Project and General,Management,项目和一般管理的区别,Project Management Process,项目管理的步骤,Investment Appraisal投资评估,Project Life Cycle项目生命周期,Course Content课程内容 Definition,Definition,定义,What is a Project?,什么是项目?,Definition定义What is a Project?,Definition,定义,A Planned Undertaking,一个计划好的事业,Definition定义A Planned Undertak,Definition,定义,The application of,knowledge,skills,tools,and,techniques,to project activities in order to meet or exceed stakeholder needs and expectations from a project,while dealing with constraints on,budget,time,resources,and,technologies,.,在预算费用,时间,资源和技术有限的条件下为了达到或超过相关人员对项目的要求和期待对知识,技能,工具,技术等的应用。(即在一定时间内,满足一系列特定目标的多项相关工作的总称。),Definition定义,Project Similarities,项目的相同点,Define Goal,制定目标,Definite Time,制定时间,Resource Budget,资源预算,Project Similarities 项目的相同点,Project Differences,项目的不同点,Scale,规模,Technical Complexity,技术复杂度,Technological Uncertainty,技术不确定性,Project Differences 项目的不同点Scal,What are the Differences?,Project Management 项目管理,General Mangement 综合管理,VS.,What are the Differences?Pro,Project vs.General Management,项目管理,V.S,综合管理,Nature,性质,Focus关注点,Team Structure,组织架构,Measure of Success成功的衡量标准,Project vs.General Management,Investment Appraisal,投资评估,Conventional Method,常规方法,The Payback Method,回收期法,偿付方法,The Average Rate of Return Method,平均回收比率法,Discounting Method,折现法,The Net Present Value(NPV),净现值,The Internal Rate of Return(IRR),内部收益率,Project Planning,项目规划,Investment Appraisal投资评估Projec,Example 举例说明,Example 举例说明,The Payback Method,回收期法,Time taken to pay back the initial cost of the project,收回最初成本所用的时间,For projects that earn the same amount of net proceeds each year,假设项目每年赚的净收入是相同的,initial cost,最初成本,=,net proceeds,纯收入,Drawback,缺点,Takes no account of the,earning after the payback period for,the full life of the project,在整个项目中不考虑回收期后的盈利,Timing is ignored,时间的安排被忽略,The Payback Method回收期法Time tak,The Payback Method,回收期法,Suitable for investment projects that,适合投资的项目有,the cost is low and the project is completed in a short time,投资少,周期短,the investment is productive as soon as the initial cost is incurred一旦有初期成本投入就有高效的投资回报,the net proceeds are easily determined.有很确定的纯盈利,The Payback Method 回收期法,The Average Rate of Return Method,平均收益率法,The highest average rate of return is considered to be the most profitable,最高的平均收益率被认为是最盈利的,G,ross,Life of,proceeds /investment,=x 100%,Initial cash investment,总销售收入,/,投资期限,=x 100%,初期现金投入,The Average Rate of Return Met,Depreciation,is allowed for in the calculation by using the formula,折旧率也可以加到在这个公式里计算,Average annual Average annual,proceeds,depreciation,=x 100%,Initial cash investment,Average annual,年平均收入,年平均,折旧,=,x 100%,初期现金投入,The Average Rate of Return Method,平均收益率法,Depreciation is allowed for in,Drawback,缺点:,Comparable results can only be obtained when the life spans of the projects are the same,只有相同寿命期限的项目才能比较,The Average Rate of Return Method,平均收益率法,The Average Rate of Return Met,Net Present Value Method(NPV),净现值法,Discounts the expected future proceeds from a project to the present value of those incomes,从项目当前收入的现值中折扣预期的未来收益,If the net present value of the proceeds exceeds the initial cost,the investment will be profitable,如果净现值超过了初期投入成本则这个投资是可盈利的,Discounting rate to be applied,折扣率的应用,Current rate of interest;or,当前利率或者,Rate of interest that could be earned elsewhere if internal funds are used to finance the project,为项目提供融资的其他内部资金的利率,=,折现现值,项目的初期成本,(Discounted present value),(,Initial cost of the project,),Net Present Value Method(NPV),Internal Rate of Return Method(IRR),内部收益率法,IRR,(财务内部收益率)=The rate of interest that will reduce the proceeds from the project to the original cost,项目在整个计算期内各年财务净现金流量的现值之和等于零时的折现率(也就是使项目的财务净现值等于零时的折现率),Project is profitable if,项目只有在下列情况下才是盈利的,It equates with a reasonable return on capital invested or at least is more than the cost of borrowing the funds to finance the investment,只有当投入资本能够合理的回收或者至少高于借用于融资的资本,If the proceeds from the investment are not regular,如果投入的收益不稳定,the only way to find the internal rate of return is by trial,那么找到内部收益率的唯一方法是不断尝试摸索,Internal Rate of Return Method,其他注意事项Other Considerations,Sometimes difficult to estimate the future income from an investment project,我们经常