单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Unit 10,Professional Women and Domestic Violence,Contents,1.About the author,Background of the Text:1).2).,3.Questions,Word Distinctions,Oral Translation 1).2).,Written Translation 1).2).3).,Further questions for discussion,About the author,Hillary Johnson is a frequent contributor to Working Woman magazine.,1.Background of the Text,美国前总统尼克松曾经说过,每一个美国人的首要权利就是免于家庭暴力。这是40年前说的话了,但是今天,家庭暴力仍然严重。,造成家庭暴力日益严重的因素很多,首先是来自家庭的影响,施暴者多生长于暴力充满的家庭,他们从小目睹父亲殴打母亲,长大后效法;其次是社会因素,男人酗酒、吸毒、赌博是产生家庭暴力的温床,还有文化方面,特别是电影、小说对催生家庭暴力的负面影响;再就是经济因素,家庭生活拮据,尤其是在整个经济不景气的大环境下,家庭暴力会更多。,2.Background of the Text,妇女往往是家庭暴力的受害者。据报道,美国每9秒钟就有一个妇女被丈夫或同居者殴打,每年全国受家庭暴力伤害的妇女有400万,被家庭暴力摧残致死的妇女有6000多人。为了拯救越来越多的被虐待妇女,妇女们自发组织起家庭暴力协防中心,在全国各地建立了成千上万个“妇女庇护所。为了逃出来的妇女的平安,这些庇护所一般都设在秘密地点,任何外人不得探视。,美国绝大多数州都公布了各种禁止令来制止男性们的施暴行为或威胁行为,明文规定公然违反禁止令属于犯罪行为,其法律后果可能是数年的牢狱之灾和其他的附带刑事责任。美国一些州以一般的伤害罪来起诉施暴者,而有的州公布独立的法律,把家庭暴力专门界定为一种新罪。为了应付日益增多的家庭暴力事件,一些州的警察被赋予了广泛的自由裁量权,只要有足够的理由相信虐待行为确已发生,他们就有权实施逮捕。有些州采取了强制性起诉的政策,也就是说,一旦决定立案,检察官就必须向法院提起控诉。,1.Questions,1.What scene will usually appear in your mind when you come across the phrase “domestic violence?,2.Why does the author say that domestic violence is a secret for a large number of middle-or upper-class women,many of them professionals?,3.What does the sentence“Women of means are just as trapped as women on welfare mean?,4.Why is it hard for professional women to believe that battering is happening to them?,5.Can you give the reason why women who earn more or are more successful than their partners can be more vulnerable targets than women of like status to their husbands?,6.How did Holmes get involved with a violent man?,2.Questions,7.Give an account of how Holmes husband abused her.,8.Who are loath to seek help from womens shelters,professional women or poor women?,Where do they usually look for help?,9.What do professional women usually lose if they sever ties with their abusers?,10.What other harms can domestic violence bring to professional women aside from the physical,and emotional toll?,11.Why do prospective employers of professional women hate to hire them if they make a frank,admission of an abusive relationship?,12.Does the author believe that the professional women are smarter in dealing with domestic,violence than blue-collar women?,Word Distinctions,1),deter;defer,选择以上适当的词填空:,My bank has agreed to _ the repayments on my loan while Im still a student.,These measures are designed to _ an enemy attack,Can we_making a decision until next week,High prices are_ many young people from buying houses.,2),be intent on/upon;with intent to do,选择以上适当的词填空:,He is _getting promotion,and no one is going to stop him.,The suspect fired a weapon _kill his wife.,The students were all_ their preparation for the final exam.,He entered the building _ to steal.,1.Oral Translation,Put the following Chinese expressions into English,1反家庭暴力 2婚姻暴力,3自杀倾向 4性侵害经历,5妇女权益保护法 6冷暴力,7被虐妇女 8婚内强奸,2.Oral Translation,Put the following Chinese sentences into English,1)尽管在婆家受到虐待,但每次她母亲来看她,她都装作没事一样。,(don a mask of),2)幸运的是,这座城市有许多文化古迹,它肯定能被评上魅力城市之一。,(be blessed with),3)有如此多的孩子暴力犯罪,是因为他们常年被虐待和无视而变得残忍。(brutalize),4)我无法原谅他在这种情况下使用暴力。(condone),5警察威胁我,不让我声张。(intimidated me into),6观众对裁判的判罚极为愤怒,冲进了球场。,7我没见过玛丽专情于一个男人,她太喜欢同时与几个人恋爱了。,(settle down with),8)我们应该加强平安措施,制止商店扒手行窃。(deter),1.Written Translation,Put the following Chinese paragraph into English:,美国社会学家 A.Straus 对家庭暴力现象做过许多调查研究。他发现,男性也会成为家庭暴力的受虐者。在过去的十年里,男性殴打女性的比例下降,而女性攻击男性的比率反而上升了。其它研究结果也说明了这点。据美国司法局统计,在1994年里,百分之五十五的家暴受害者是男性。第十三届世界社会学大会报告说,1992年,美国丈夫虐妻的比率为百分之四点六,而妻子虐待丈夫的比率却为百分之九点五。,2.Written Translation,Put the following quotes into Chinese:,The family you came from isnt as important as the family you are going to have.,-D.Herbert Lawrence,British writer,To make a lasting marriage we have to overcome self-centeredness.,-Grorge Goreon Byron,British poet,The family is one of natures masterpieces.-George Santayana,Happy are the families where the government of parents is the reign of affection,and,obedience of the children the submission to love.-Francis Bacon,Marriage may be compared to a cage the birds outside despair to get in and those within despair to get out -Michel de Montaigne,3.Written Translation,Translate the Following Passage into Chinese:,Look at the worlds worst trouble spots and you cant fail to notice they have one thing in common:tit-for-tat attacks between warring parties.Escalation of violence is incredibly destructive,yet we humans find it very difficult to break the vicious cycle.It seems we are not good at conflict resolution.Perhaps we could learn a lesson or two from the spotted hyena.,Spotted hyenas are highly sociable.Like other animals that live in close-knit groups,they dont always get along.But spotted hyenas dont hold a grudge.Within about 5 minutes of a fight,the erstwhile combatants can often be seen playing,licking or rubbing one another,or engaging in other friendly acts to dissipate the tension.,Further questions for discussion,1.What would you ac