单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,牛津译林,2011,课标版,9A Unit 5 reading 1,牛津译林2011课标版,1,校长开学典礼演讲稿3篇,随着九月初升的太阳,伴着五星红旗冉冉升起,新的学期又即将开始了,下面是XX给大家整理的校长开学典礼讲话稿,仅供参考。,校长开学典礼讲话稿(一)各位老师,亲爱的同学们:早上好!,在这美好的金秋九月,我们隆重举行甘肃农业大学XX 级新生开学典礼。首先,感谢同学们选择了甘肃农大!在此,我代表全校1500名教职工、15000名学生向大家的到来表示热烈的欢迎和衷心的祝贺!向辛勤培育你们的老师和家长表示诚挚的感谢和崇高的敬意!,甘肃农业大学是一所历史悠久的高等学府。学校前身是创建于1946年的国立兽医学院。69年来,经过一代又一代甘农人的顽强拼搏、艰苦创业,现已发展成为以农科为优势和特色,农、工、理、经、管、文等多学科协调发展的综合性大学,是农业部和甘肃省政府共建大学,也是国家中西部建设的重点大学。在长期的办学实践中,学校形成了“自强不息、奋发有为”的甘农精神,激励着农大学子不断追求卓越,创造辉煌。,甘肃农业大学是一所人才辈出的高等学府。建校至今,学校为国家培养了各类高级专门人才11万多人,涌现出了首位华人英国皇家科学院院士杨子恒、中国科学院院士尚永,丰、中国工程院院士南,Unit 5,Art world,Tan Duns music,Rea,din,g(1),校长开学典礼演讲稿3篇Unit 5,2,n.,作曲家,n.,音乐家,composer,musician,n.作曲家n.音乐家 composer musician,3,an Oscar,He,is known for winning an Oscar for,his music in the film,Crouching Tiger,Hidden Dragon.,an OscarHe is known for winnin,4,the award music,present,颁奖音乐,v.,颁发,Beijing 2008 Olympic Games,the award music present颁奖音乐v.,5,He uses both,traditional,and modern,musical instruments,.,adj.,传统的,n.,乐器,adj.,音乐的,He makes,music,with,common,objects,like,stones,and paper.,adj.,普通的,n.,物品,n.,石头,an ancient chinese bell,piano,He uses both traditional and m,6,1.,What is Tan best known for?,2.What kind of sounds does,Tan Dun like best?,Read and answer,He likes the sounds of nature.,He won an Oscar for his music in,the film Crouching Tiger,Hidden,Dragon.,Read and answer He won an,7,P1,P2-3,P4,P5-6,He breaks the boundaries and builds a bridge between the,East and the West.,Its about his basic information and achievements.,Tan Dun uses sounds of nature,in his music.,He is a world-famous composer.,Read and Match,P1P2-3P4P5-6He breaks the boun,8,Detailed reading,Tan Duns profile,(档案),Para 1:,1.Tan Dun wrote music for the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games.,2.Tan Dun is a world-famous actor.,composer,T,F,Detailed readingTan Duns prof,9,Para 2-3:,Tan Duns basic information,Year of birth:_,Place of birth:_,Interest(s):_,Job:_,Education:,studied music at a university in _,went on to study in _,Best known for:,winning an _for the music in a film,1958,Hunan,music,a composer,Beijing,the USA,Oscar,Para 2-3:Tan Duns basic info,10,A:When was he born?,B:,A:Where was he born?,B:,A:What is he interested in?,B:,A:Whats his job?,B:,A:What about his education?,B:,A:What is he best known for?,B:,Ask and answer in pairs,A:When was he born?Ask and ans,11,When did he go on to study in the USA?,In 1986.,In 1978,Tan entered the Central Conservatory of Music in Beijing.,Eight years later,he went on to study in the USA.There he got to know great musicians from around the world.,traditional Chinese music,modern Western music,All these things have made,a good influence on,Tan Duns later music,.,When did he go on to study in,12,Para 4:,control the speed of water flow;sound of nature;more,sounds of nature,instead of,more,controlling the,speed of water flow,Para 4:control the speed,13,Tan Duns Influence(Paras.5-6),the east,the west,Tan Duns Influence(Paras.5-6),14,Paras.6,All mix together to make a new type music,the past,the present,common objects,musical instruments,traditional Chinese music,modern musical instruments,Music,without boundaries!,Paras.6 All mix together to m,15,1958,central Hunan,composer,Music,Studied music at a university in_ Went to study in _,Winning an_ for the music in a film,Uses the sounds of _ a lot,Builds a bridge between_,Creates a new type of music,Beijing,the USA,Oscar,nature,the East and the West,A,I,_,_,_,1958central Hunan composerMus,16,What can you learn from this great man?,Discussion,What can you learn from this g,17,1.Listen to the tape,read the text over and over again.,2.Introduce Tan Dun to your friends.,3.Make a card about Tan Dun(including the main information).,Homework,1.Listen to the tape,read th,18,Bye bye!,Bye bye!,19,