Haga clic para modificar el estilo de ttulo del patrn,Haga clic para modificar el estilo de texto del patrn,Segundo nivel,Tercer nivel,Cuarto nivel,Quinto nivel,英语时间介词课件,1,in,o,n,He had lunch _ noon,at,Click on the right preposition,inonHe had lunch _ noonatCli,2,at,in,Christmas is _ 25th December,Click on the right preposition,on,atinChristmas is _ 25th Dece,3,in,o,n,Santa comes to town _ Christmas,at,Click on the right preposition,inonSanta comes to town _ Chr,4,at,o,n,He was born _ 1987,Click on the right preposition,in,atonHe was born _ 1987Click,5,in,o,n,The bus is,leaving _ two oclock,at,Click on the right preposition,inonThe bus is leaving _ two,6,at,o,n,Click on the right preposition,America was discovered _ 1492,in,atonClick on the right preposi,7,at,o,n,She goes to the beach _ Summer,Click on the right preposition,in,atonShe goes to the beach _,8,in,o,n,He arrived home _ midnight,at,Click on the right preposition,inonHe arrived home _ midnigh,9,at,in,They had fun _ his birthday,Click on the right preposition,on,atinThey had fun _ his birth,10,at,o,n,Valentines Day is _ February,Click on the right preposition,in,atonValentines Day is _ Feb,11,at,in,She got a present _ Christmas,D,ay,Click on the right preposition,on,atinShe got a present _ Chri,12,in,o,n,They visited the zoo _ the weekend,Click on the right preposition,at,inonThey visited the zoo _ th,13,at,o,n,She goes shopping _ the morning,Click on the right preposition,in,atonShe goes shopping _ the,14,at,in,They play chess _,S,unday,Click on the right preposition,on,atinThey play chess _ Sunday,15,at,in,They went to the disco _ Saturday night,Click on the right preposition,on,atinThey went to the disco _,16,