,Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,-,*,TRAINING the TRAINER,An Infopeople Workshop,Cheryl Gould,gouldcinfopeople.org,Spring 2003,1,-,TRAINING the TRAINERAn Infope,Agenda,Purpose of Training,Qualities of a good trainer,Needs Assessment and Objectives,Designing&Developing Training Materials,Delivery,2,-,AgendaPurpose of Training2-,Why Offer Training,Your training goals should support the goals of your organization,overall purpose(s),long range visions,broad,3,-,Why Offer TrainingYour trainin,Purpose of Training is to Produce Change In,Skills,how to,steps,Knowledge,critical thinking,decision making,Attitudes,ethics/values,behavior,4,-,Purpose of Training is to Prod,Skills Required to be a Trainer,Subject matter expertise,Design,instructional design,apply learning principles,Material production,graphics,layout,media creation,computer experience,Presentation,voice,personality,technical expertise,5,-,Skills Required to be a Traine,Personal Qualities to Look For in a Trainer,Self-confidence,Awareness of environment,Ability to build bridgesrelate old to new,Organizational skills,Desire to learn,Ability to listen,Sense of humor,Communication&theatrical skills,Flexibility,Patience,Cool head&warm heart,6,-,Personal Qualities to Look For,Training or Teaching?,Facilitatoror Expert,Real-Life orTheoretical,Active orPassive,You do itor Watch Me,What would or Heres how to use it.you do?,7,-,Training or Teaching?F,Training Process:ADDIE,A,nalysis,formal/informal needs assessment,determine goals&objectives,D,esign,determine the content,determine delivery method,D,evelopment,create the materials,I,mplement,deliver the content,E,valuation,results based on objectives,8,-,Training Process:ADDIE Analys,Why Do A Needs Assessment?,Find the gap in SKA:,SKA=Skills,Knowledge&Attitude,Gap=what they know minus what they need to know,Determine if training is the answer,Determine objectives of training,What should they do better to improve job performance or service to the public?,9,-,Why Do A Needs Assessment?Fin,Assessment Methods,Informal,observation,pre-class surveys,group discussions,Formal,interviews,task analysis,focus groups,surveys,10,-,Assessment MethodsInformal10-,Needs Assessment Tips,Choose a subgroup if unable to survey all,Contact those most relevant to the training first,be careful not to bias input,Focus on participant outcomes after training,Do mini needs assessment before each training,11,-,Needs Assessment TipsChoose a,Objectives(SMART),S,pecific,state desired results in detail,M,easurable(observable),use verbs that describe what trainees will learn,A,ction,describe an action that the trainee will perform,R,ealistic,achievable,T,ime frame,how long will it take the trainees to learn the skill?,12,-,Objectives(SMART)Specific12-,Evaluations,Evaluate based on objectives,Did the participants:,learn what you had planned?,implement what they learned?,improve their job performance or service to the public?,13,-,EvaluationsEvaluate based on o,Considerations for Teaching Adults,Are they READY,sufficient skills,see a need to learn,How will it effect their daily job life,personal benefits,Practical practice,hands-on exercises,real-life scenarios,Knowledge sharing/Participation,ask questions,encourage discussion,Relate training to something they know,14,-,Considerations for Teaching Ad,Read,Hear Words,Watch still picture,Watch,moving,picture,Watch,demonstration,Do a site visit,Do a,dramatic,presentation,Simulate a real experience,Do the real thing,Visual,Kinesthetic,(Experiential),Verbal,10%of what they,read,20%of what they,hear,30%of what they see,50%of what they hear,and see,70%of what they,say or write,90%of what,they say as,they do a thing,“,Cone of Experience”,People generally remember:,Adapted from Wiman&Meirhenry,.Educational Media,1960 on Edgar Dale,15,-,ReadHear WordsWatch still pict,Design Starts from Your Objectives,Brainstorm the topic,Eliminate what isnt necessary to match your needs assessment and objectives,what they already know,more than they need to know now;),Consider limitations due to,facilities,length of training,delivery method,how quickly the training needs to happen,16,-,Design Starts from Your Object,Options for Sequencing Materials,Storyboard,Outline,Powerpoint,Index cards,Sticky notes,17,-,Options for Sequencing Materia,Organizing the Presentation,Set the stage,introductions(you&them),agenda,breaks,bathrooms,get“buy-in”by telling them what and why,Content,logically organize the main points(in chunks),add sub-points to each chunk,include Visual Aids,Exercises,Handouts,End,summary,questions,other learning opportunities,18,-,Organizing the PresentationSet,For,Every Chunk,Tell them,what,you are going to teach and,why,they care,big picture/overview,how it fits into their work life with examples,Teach them,show them how,do an exercise,ask/receive questions,Get them to personalize,by having them:,say how they will use it,consider p