,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,*,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,食品安全基本知识ss,食品安全基本知识ss,1,Content,Introduction,Economic and social impact of food contamination,Biological contamination,Chemicals and toxicants in food,ContentIntroduction,2,知识预测,了解你对食品安全基本知识有多少认识?,知识预测了解你对食品安全基本知识有多少认识?,3,是或非?,污染是指存在食品中的天然有害物质(),两位或以上人士进食同样的食物后出现相同的疾病便确定是集体食物中毒(),潜在危害性食品通常是干的、含蛋白质,以及酸性非常高的食品(),学龄前的儿童可能比成人更容易因进食污染食物而生病(),Food Safety from Farm to Table,是指整个食品加工过程的安全性(),是或非?污染是指存在食品中的天然有害物质(),4,基本概念,食品安全,Food Safety,污染,Contamination,危害,Hazard,绝对安全性,Absolute safety,相对安全性,Relative safety,基本概念食品安全 Food Safety,5,What is food safety?,The toxicant and injurant could not exist in food,which may harm or threaten the health of population and their offspring.,食品中不应含有可能损害或威胁人体健康的,有毒、有害,物质或因素,从而导致消费者急性或慢性,毒害,或感染,疾病,,或产生危及消费者及其后代健康的,隐患,。,The degree of confidence that food will not cause sickness or harm to the consumer when it is prepared,served and eaten according to its intended use.*,What is food safety?The toxic,6,Define:Food Safety,Protecting the food supply from microbial, chemical (ie rancidity, browning) and physical (ie drying out, infestation) hazards or contamination that may occur during all stages of food production and handling-growing, harvesting, processing, transporting, preparing, distributing and storing. The goal of food safety monitoring is to keep food wholesome.,Define:Food SafetyProtecting t,7,Foodborne illness or food poisoning is caused by consuming food contaminated with pathogenic bacteria, toxins, viruses, prions or parasites. Such contamination usually arises from improper handling, preparation or storage of food. Foodborne illness can also be caused by adding pesticides or medicines to food, or by accidentally consuming naturally poisonous substances like poisonous mushrooms or reef fish. .,Foodborne illness or food pois,8,Access to,safe food,supplies continues to be a major issue in,world public health,.,Despite substantial progress in the knowledge and application of food safety techniques,contaminated food,is the direct cause of a high proportion of,disease,.,The majority of disease agents that contaminate food are,biological, posing a wide range of health consequences, but,chemical,contamination has also become a cause for public health concern.,Access to safe food supplies c,9,Researchers in these disciplines have interacted to minimize the potential health hazards to consumers, by,establishing standards,that both guarantee the safety and nutritional value of food items consumed and,permit regulatory,and,control measures,to be implemented, thereby recognizing that good science is imperative for effective regulations, and that adequate control must be based on these regulations.,CodexAlimentarius,Researchers in these discipli,10,食品安全的现代内涵,食品安全,至今尚缺乏一个明确的、统一的定义。,食品安全的现代内涵食品安全,11,1984,年,世界卫生组织文件,食品安全在卫生和发展中的作用,“,食品安全”与“食品卫生”作为同义语,定义为:,生产、加工、储存、分配和制作食品过程中确保食品安全可靠,有益于健康并适合人消费的种种必要条件和措施。,1984年,世界卫生组织文件,12,l 996,年世界卫生组织文件,加强国家级食品安全性计划指南,食品安全性:对食品按其原定用途进行制作和或食用时不会使消费者受害的一种担保。,食品卫生:为确保食品安全性和适合性在食物链的所有阶段必须采取的一切条件和措施。,不符合社会的发展,l 996年世界卫生组织文件,13,Despite substantial progress in the knowledge and application of food safety techniques,contaminated food,is the direct cause of a high proportion of,disease,.,随着科技的进步,我们认识到污染食物造成了大部分的人类疾病。,Despite substantial progress i,14,Definition of Hazard,危害的定义,It refers to the contamination which were harmful to human health.,指能引起人类致病或伤害的污染或情况,Definition of Hazard 危害的定义,15,Contamination,污染,The situation exist naturally or by man-made, which may be harmful to people,可能会造成危害的人为或自然存在情况,Contamination 污染The situation,16,造成污染的各环节,造成污染的各环节,17,污染的来源,污染的来源,18,其他污染来源,其他污染来源,19,食品安全基本知识s课件,20,哪些物质或成分应划作有毒、有害类,?,“,不应”或“不能”代表的界限是什么?,除明显致病的以外,所谓慢性毒害、慢性病、健康隐患、对后代的后效等,如何解释?,哪些物质或成分应划作有毒、有害类?,21,美国学者,Jones,曾建议区分:,绝对安全性,相对安全性,美国学者Jones曾建议区分:,22,绝对安全性:,被认为是指确保不可能因食用某种食品而危及健康或造成伤害的一种承诺,也就是食品应绝对没有风险。,绝对安全性:被认为是指确保不可能因食用某种食品而危及健康或造,23,由于在客观上人类的任何一种饮食消费甚至其他行为总是存在某些风险,绝对安全性或零风险是很难达到的。,“喝凉水都塞牙”,由于在客观上人类的任何一种饮食消费甚至其他行为总是存在某些风,24,相对安全性:,一种食物或成分在合理食用方式和正常食量的情况下不会导致对健康损害的实际确定性。,相对安全性:一种食物或成分在合理食用方式和正常食量的情况下不,25,1,、任何食物成分,尽管是对人体有益的成分或其毒性极低,若食用数量过多或食用条件不当,都可能引起毒害或损害健康。,如:食盐摄入过量会中毒,过度饮酒伤身体。,1、任何食物成分,尽管是对人体有益的成分或其毒性极低,若食用,26,2,、饮食的风险不仅来自生产过程中人为施用的农药、兽药、添加剂等,还大量来自食品本身含有的天然毒素。,2、饮食的风险不仅来自生产过程中人为施用的农药、兽药、添加剂,27,3,、过度偏食可能使食品中某些化学成分在人体超量积累达到有害程度。,3、过度偏食可能使食品中某些化学成分在人体超量积累达到有害程,28,4,、某些食品的安全性又因人而异,如:(,1,),鱼、蟹类水产品经合理的加工制作及适量食用,对多数人是安全的,但对少数有鱼类过敏症的人可能带来危险。,(,2,)食物中某些微量有害成分的影响,也往往往对该成分敏感的人群中表现出来。,4、某些食品的安全性又因人而异,29,一种食品是否安全,取决于:,制作过程,食用方式是否合理,食用数量是否适当,食用者自身的一些内在条件,一种食品是否安全,取决于:,30,毒性:,物质在任何条件下对有机体产生任何种类,(,慢性或急性,),损害或伤害的一种能力,包括:损害正在发育的胎儿,(,致畸胎,),改变遗传密码,(,致突变,),引发癌症,(,致癌,),的能力等。,“三致”,毒性:物质在任何条件下对有机体产生任何种类(慢性或急性)损害,31,传统的看法:,评价一种食物或成分是否安全,并不是根据其内在的固有毒性,而是看其是否会造成实际危害。,传统的看法:评价一种食物或成分是否安全,并不是根据其内在的固,32,食品风险等级,安全食品 Safety food,常规食品 Conventional food,无公害食品 Free-pollutant food,绿色食品 Green Food,有机食品 Organic food,食品风险等级安全食品 Safety food,33,各地各级高风险食品,1,、国家质检总局,2,、浙江实行食品风险分级管理,3,、美国警惕:七种“风险食品”,4,、广西首次划定高风险食品,5,、福州食品小作坊将禁产,11,类产品,6,、北京将糕点、乳制品列为“高风险食品”,各地各级高风险食品1、国家质检总局,34,1,、国家质检总局,五类食品被挂牌高风险食品,分别是乳制品、肉制品、酱腌菜、食醋、饮料,国家将对食品实行分类管理,被国家重点监管。,国家质量监督检验检疫总局近日下发,关于进一步加强食品质量安全监管工作的通知,,乳制品、肉制品、酱腌菜、食醋、饮料等,5,类产品被列为高风险食品。,增加的发证检验项目具体包括:乳制品增检微生物、肉制品增检胭脂红、苯甲酸;对酱腌菜增检苏丹红、工业盐和对羟基苯甲酸酯;食醋增检工业冰醋酸;饮料增检香精香料和甜味剂。重点检验涉及人身安全健康的项目,如食品添加剂、重金属和微生物等。,1、国家质检总局五类食品被挂牌高风险食品,35,2,、浙江实行食品风险分级管理,浙江省质量监督管理局经过对食品风险程度分析后,于日前发布了食品及食品用产品质量安全分级目录(试行),把食品分为高风险、中风险和低风险三类进行管理。,2、浙江实行食品风险分级管理浙江省质量监督管理局经过对食品风,36,根据风险程度,该局把食品分为高风险、中风险、低风险三类。其中,高风险,食品包括肉制品、乳制品、食品添加剂、婴幼儿食品、配制酒、发酵酒等,7,类;中风险食品包括饮料、禽蛋、蜂产品等,15,类食品和编制物品、木制品、食品用纸制品等,9,类食品用产品;低风险食品包括加工或保藏的蔬菜、水果和坚果等,4,类食品和铁、钢或铝等金属的罐、桶和容器等,3,类食品用产品。,根据风险程度,该局把食品分为高风险、中风险、低风险三类。其中,37,3、美国警惕:七种“风险食品”,根据美国科学家的最新研究成果,有,7,种食物是能够携带传染病菌的“风险食品”。,加利福尼亚州卫生服务部的公共卫生硕士维斯等研究者近日公布了他们的研究报告,向人们发出警告,有,7,种食物是能够携带传染病的“风险食品”:制作过于精致的汉堡、牛肉酱、生鱼、牡蛎、生的或未经高温处理的牛奶、半生不熟的鸡蛋、紫花苜蓿芽。,3、美国警惕:七种“风险食品” 根据美国科学家的最新研究成果,38,4、广西首次划定高风险食品,把食品及食品用产品的风险水平分为“低风险、中风险、高风险”类。其中,“高风险”食品包括肉类加工制品、乳制品、食品添加剂、婴幼儿食品、白酒类食品。,4、广西首次划定高风险食品 把食品及食品用产品的风险水平分为,39,5,、北京将糕点、乳制品列为“高风险食品”,肉制品、乳制品、饮料、蜜饯、婴幼儿配方乳粉、豆制品、糕点制品及酱腌菜被确定为“高风险食品”。,5、北京将糕点、乳制品列为“高风险食品” 肉制品、乳制品、饮,40,Who is the higher group?,Who is the higher group?,41,食品安全基本知识s课件,42,食品污染和危害因素分析,食品污染和危害因素分析,43,Where comes from the hazards?危害来自何方?,Biological,生物危害,Chemical,化学危害,Physical,物理危害,Where comes from the hazards?危,44,食品安全基本知识s课件,45,The majority of disease agents that contaminate food are,biological, posing a wide range of health consequences, but,chemical,contamination has also become a cause for public health concern.,主要危害是生物危害,但化学危害也威胁着人类健康,。,The majority of disease agents,46,Biological hazard,生物危害,Biological hazard生物危害,47,Biological hazard including bacterial, virus, and parasite,生物危害包括致病菌、病毒、寄生虫。,Resource: food material and food processing,食品中的生物危害既有可能来自于原料,也有可能来自于食品的加工过程。,Biological hazard including ba,48,Diarrhea,While traditionally it was thought that contaminated water supplies were the main source of pathogens causing diarrhea, it is now shown that up to 70% of diarrheal episodes may be foodborne.,25% of all diarrheal episodes in infants and children were caused by,E. coli,5-15 by campylobacteriosis and 10-15% by Shigellosis;,The diarrhea illness due to,Cyclosypora cayetanensis,was attributed to consumption of imported fresh raspberries,probably contaminated through water. The parasites may be transmitted through the fecal-oral route.,DiarrheaWhile traditionally it,49,Hepatitis A,Hepatitis A is common all over the world:some 10-50 persons per 100,000 are affected annually.,Shellfish grown in contaminated water have often been recognized as a source of this disease.,Food infected by food handlers and not subsequently sufficiently heated and restaurant are known to transmit hepatitis A.,Hepatitis AHepatitis A is comm,50,E. Coli,O157:H7,Outbreaks of,E. Coli,O157:H7 are causing concern in many countries( such as Australia, Canada, Japan, the United States, Scotland and Africa), because the pathogen caused severe damage to health, and even death, particularly in children.,Drinking water , cooked maize,fresh radish sprouts and cold cooked meat were the vehicle for transmission.,E. Coli O157:H7Outbreaks of E.,51,Salmonella enteritidis,In many countries, poultry meat, eggs, and foods containing eggs have been identified as the predominant sources of this pathogen.,In certain countries, up to 60-100% of poultry meat is contaminated with,Salmonella spp.,and,Campylobacter,and meat, frogs legs, chocolate, and milk have also been implicated.,In 1985, some 170,000-2000,000 persons were involved in an outbreak of,salmonellosis,in Chicago, which was caused by contaminated pasteurized milk.,Salmonella enteritidisIn many,52,Chronic health problem,Some foodborne diseases(e.g., listeriosis and toxoplasmosis) are particularly dangerous during pregnancy, as they can either be fatal to the fetus or cause severe deformation.About 3 fetus/infant of every 1,000 pregnancies are affected by toxoplasmosis.,Chronic conditions such as joint disease, immune system disorders, cardiovascular disease, disorders of the renal system, and possibly even cancer.,Chronic health problemSome foo,53,Mycotoxins,Mycotoxins, the toxic metabolites of certain microscopical fungi (molds), may cause serious adverse effects in humans and in animals, besides acute intoxication,which are capable of causing carcinogenic, mutagenic, and teratogenic effects. Currently several hundred mycotoxins have been identified.,Aflatoxin,is the most well-known and important mycotoxin from an economic point of view.,MycotoxinsMycotoxins, the toxi,54,Plant toxicants,Toxicants in edible plants, and poisonous plants that resemble them(,mushrooms, certain wild green plants,), are important causes of ill health in many areas of the world.,In some places, the poorer sections of the population eat grains known to be potentially toxic out of hunger. Seeds of plants producing pyrrolizidine alkaloids have accidently contaminated,wheat and millet, leading to acute and chronic liver disease.,In Europe,misidentification,of toxic mushrooms is by far the leading cause of illness and health in this category.,Plant toxicantsToxicants in ed,55,Where do the biological contaminants come from ?,Where do the biological contam,56,Factors responsible for the high prevalence of foodborne diseases caused by biological contaminants,In,developing,countries, food and drinking water are frequently contaminated with pathogens.,1. Lack of basic sanitation , lack of fuel for cooking , inappropriate food storage facilities, and use of of untreated night-soil as fertilizer contribute to the introduction of pathogens into the food chain.,2. People do not know that diseases such as diarrhea, hepatitis A, and poliomyelitis are to a great extent foodborne. That is ,lack of knowledge about basic food-safety measures.,Factors responsible for the hi,57,How to prevent and control the biological hazard?,生物危害的控制措施,How to prevent and control the,58,The health problems related to food contaminant often,differ,between countries and regions of the world. But the basic principles for prevention and control are,similar,.,1.,Improving,the,hygieneic quality,of raw foodstuffs at the agriculture level, by applying the principles of good agricultural practice and animal husbandry and improving the environmental conditions under which animals are raised.,The health problems related to,59,2.,Application of,food-processing technologies,. Pasteurization, sterilization, fermentation, or irradiation can increase the availability of foods by extending their shelf life and can contribute to their safety by reducing or eliminating the pathogenic microorganisms.,Application of a good food safety assurance system during operations are essential. HACCP is important, which would ensure safety of processed and manufactured foods.,2. Application of food-process,60,3.,When the above two methods fail, the third line need apply.,Education,of food handlers in the principles of safe food preparation. For example:,(1) Insufficient cooking or reheating of food.,(2)Preparation of food several hours prior to consumption, combined with inadequate storage conditions,(3)Use of contaminated raw food material,(4)Cross-contamination in the food preparation premises,(5)Infected or colonized persons charged with the preparation of meals,Especially the women and children,3. When the above two methods,61,(1). M,icrobiological hazards,致病菌危害和预防措施,Control,控制措施,:,Time and Temperature(heating and cooking, cooling and frozen,时间/温度控制(加热和蒸煮,冷却和冷冻),Fermentation/pH,发酵/或,PH,值控制,Salt and Antiseptic reagent,盐或其他防腐剂的添加,Drying,干燥,Material,来源控制,(1). Microbiological haza,62,(2,). Virus,病毒危害及其预防,Control,控制措施,:,Cooking,蒸煮,(3). Parasite,寄生虫的危害极其预防,Control,控制措施:,Controlling the diet,饮食控制,inactive/remove,失活/去除。,食品安全基本知识s课件,63,What is chemical hazard?,化学危害,What is chemical hazard?化学危害,64,Chemical hazards exit any step of the food procedure,化学污染可以发生在食品生产和加工的任何阶段.,Main component, foe example, pesticide, veterinary drugs and food additives are no harmful at a suitable level, but if exceed the limit level, they are harmful.,化学品,例如:农药、兽药和食品添加剂等适当地、有控制地使用是没有危害的,而一旦使用不当或超量就会对消费者形成危害。,Chemical hazards exit any step,65,Classified,分类:,Existed naturally:,Environmental chemical,天然存在的化学物质,:环境中的污染物多氯联苯,重金属等,Classified 分类:Existed naturall,66,Environmental chemical,Polychlorinated biphenyls(PCBs),may caused acute and carcinogenic effects, Levels of PCBS found in adipose tissue of women in the united States have been associated with developmental and behavioral deficits in their infants.Two large-scale incidents occurred in Japan and in Taiwan, China,after consumption of contaminated edible oil.,DDT,has been shown to be associated with an increased risk of pancreatic cancer and breast cancer, which was widely used as an insecticide for agricultural purposes and for the control of vectorborne diseases.,Environmental chemicalPolychlo,67,Added intentionally:,food additive,有意加入的化学物质,:食品添加剂(防腐剂、如:亚硝酸盐和亚硫酸盐;营养强化剂、色素等),Added intentionally: food addi,68,加工过程中产生的化学污染物,多环芳烃,氯丙醇,加工过程中产生的化学污染物,69,Added unintentionally:,pesticide, PCBs,chemical,无意或偶尔进入食品的化学物质,Veterinary drug residues,Pesticide residues,Added unintentionally: pestici,70,How to control chemical hazard?,化学危害及预防措施,Material,来源控制,Process,生产控制,Label,标示控制,How to control chemical hazard,71,the,quantities of added chemicals,lie within the limits permitted by current legislation.,For this purpose, the primary industry (producers of the agricultural, animal, and fishery products) and the processing industries have to comply with laws and regulations and must observe the principles of food agricultural, animal husbandry, and manufacturing practices.,the quantities of added chemic,72,The second line of defense is the application of,technologies,that can,prevent or reduce,the use of chemicals in food.,For example, by drying crops to prevent mold growth and the production of mycotoxins in food during storage. Biotechnology can be used for the selection of plants resistant to diseases and in this way decrease the need for pesticide use. Food irradiation can replace the use of potentially harmful chemicals for insect disinfestation and inhibition of sprouting.,The second line of defense is,73,3.,The third line of defense is the,rigorous control and monitoring,of chemical levels in food, the responsibility foe which lies with governments and their food control agencies. The work of the food control agencies must be supported by up-to-date food legislation.,3. The third line of defense i,74,What is and How to control the Physical hazard?,物理危害及预防措施,What is and How to control the,75,Material found in food unnaturally and inherent harmfully, for example: metal, glass,物理危害包括任何在食品中发现的不正常的有潜在危害的外来物。,例如:金属、碎玻璃。,Material found in food unnatur,76,木头,木头,木头木头,77,Metal is detected by metal detector,对金属采用金属探测器探测,Control,控制措施,:,material,来源控制,process,生产控制,Metal is detected by metal det,78,How to ensure the food safe in our daily life?,日常生活中我们如何保证食品安全,?,How to ensure the food safe in,79,The WHO,Golden Rules,for Sale food Preparation,世界卫生组织(,WHO),对食品安全食用提出十大建议,告诫消费者进行自我保护,十大建议为:,The WHO Golden Rules for Sale,80,(1),Choose foods processed for safety,应选择已加工处理过的食品,例如已加工消毒过的牛奶而不是生牛奶;,While many foods, such as fruits and vegetables, are best in their natural state, others simply are not safe unless they have been processed. For example:,(1) Choose foods processed for,81,*Always buy pasteurised as opposed to raw milk and , if you have the choice, select fresh or frozen poultry treated with ionizing radiation.,*When shopping, keep in mind that food processing was invented to improve safety as well as to prolong shelf-life.,*Certain foods eaten raw, such as lettuce, need thorough washing.,*Always buy pasteurised as opp,82,(2),Cooked food thoroughly,食物须彻底煮熟食用,特别是家禽、肉类和牛奶;,Many raw foods, most notably poultry, meats, and unpasturised milk, are very often contaiminated with disease-causing pathogens.,Thorough cooking will kill the pathogens, but remember that the temperature of all parts of the food must reach at least 70,C.,(2) Cooked food thoroughly,83,If cooked chicken is still raw near the bone, put it back in the oven until its done-all the way through.,Frozen meat, fish, and poultry must be thoroughly thawed before cooking.,If cooked chicken is still raw,84,(3),Eat cooked foods immediately,食物一旦煮好就应立即吃掉,食用煮后在常温下已存放4-5,h,食物最危险;,When cooked foods cool to room temperature, microbes begin to proliferate.,The longer the wait, the greater the risk.,To be on the safe side, eat cooked foods just as soon as they come off the heat.,(3) Eat cooked foods immediate,85,(4),Store cooked foods carefully,食物煮好后难以一次全部吃完,需存放,4-5,h,应在高温,(60,左右,),或低温,(10,以下,),保存;,If you must prepare foods in advance or want to keep leftovers, be sure to store them under either hot (near or above 60,C) or cool (near or below,10,C).,The rule is of vital importance if you plan to store foods for more than four or five hours.,(4) Store cooked foods careful,86,Foods for ionfants should preferably not be stored at all.,A common error, responsible for countless cases of foodborne disease, is putiing too large a quantity of warm food in the refrigerator.,In an overburndened refrigerator, cooked foods can not cool to the core as quickly s they must.,When the center of food remains warm (above 1,0,C),too long, microbe thrive, quickly proliferating to disease-producing levels.,Foods for ionfants should pref,87,(5),Related cooked foods thoroughly,存放过的熟食须重新加热,(70以上)才能食用;,This is your best protection against microbes that may developed during storage(proper storage slows down microbial growth but dies not kill the organisma).,Once again, thorough reheating means all parts of food must reach at least,70,C.,(5) Related cooked foods thoro,88,(6),Avoid contact between raw foods and cooked foods,生熟食品避免接触;,(6)Avoid contact between raw,89,(7),Wash hands repeatedly,处理食品前先洗手;,(7) Wash hands repeatedly,90,(8),Keep all kitchen surfaces meticulously clean,厨房须清洁,一块揩布一次不超过1天,下次使用前应在沸水中煮一下,刀叉具等应用干净布揩干;,(8) Keep all kitchen surfaces,91,(9),Protect foods from insects, rodents, and other animals,不让虫、兔、鼠等动物接触食品,杜绝其微生物污染;,(9) Protect foods from insects,92,(10),Use pure water,饮用水和准备食品时所需水应纯洁干净,(10) Use pure water,93,How to ensure the food safe in food industry?,食品工业中该如何保证食品安全,?,How to ensure the food safe in,94,Prerequisite Programs,必备程序,:,Good Manufacture Practice,良好生产规范(,GMP),Sanitation Standard Operating Procedure,卫生标准操作程序(,SSOP),Prerequisite Programs 必备程序:Goo,95,The safety of raw material,原料的安全,Good Agriculture Practice,良好农业规范(,GAP),The safety of raw material 原料,96,THE END !,THE END !,97,