单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,商务礼仪实务英语,Practice of Business Etiquette in English,对外经济贸易大学出版社,全国高等院校基于工作过程的校企合作系列教材,模块,2,能力培养,了解商务会面礼仪、接待礼仪、乘坐交通工具的礼仪、座次礼仪、馈赠礼仪、沟通礼仪、中西餐用餐礼仪、国别礼俗。,Project 3.Dining Etiquette,就餐礼仪,Task Three Buffet Etiquette,Task Two Dining Etiquette in the West,Task One Dining Etiquette in China,Task One Dining Etiquette in China,1.Why shouldnt Chinese people stick chopsticks standing upright in the rice bowl?,2.How do you understand the Chinese saying“Fan zhuo shang bu tan sheng yi?,3.If you are a host in China,how do you arrange the culinary meals?,案例讨论,由于市场竞争剧烈,华新和亮点这两家筹划公司对某汽车公司即将进行的车展筹划都志在必得。于是华新公司的李总就约了汽车公司的王总在花园酒店中餐厅吃饭。,李总和秘书小张刚到花园酒店中餐厅的一号房间,王总也到了,双方问好就坐后,小张便叫效劳员开始点菜。15分钟后,小张点好菜对王总说:“王总,我也不知道这些菜合不合你的口味,你看还要再点些其他的吗?王总说不必了。,案例讨论,在吃饭过程中,小张为了表示热情就用自己的筷子不停地给王总夹菜,当两位老总因谈话逐渐深入时,小张把筷子随意地横放在碗上为两位老总添加饮料,由于加饮料时没有给予提示,差点把饮料泼在王总身上。,不久,李总收到了王总发来的邮件,内容是:本来我还在犹豫该选择哪家公司为我公司筹划车展的事,现在我已经决定了,我是不会和一家礼仪如此差的公司合作的。李总有些莫名其妙。,讨论:,请全班同学帮助李总分析,为什么王总认为他们不懂礼仪?,1.中国根本的餐饮礼仪,In Chinese restaurants,knives should not be seen on the table.,Chopsticks,bowls and soup spoons are the traditional table ware.,Food is always cut into bite sized pieces,whole meats such as pig,fish and poultry are cooked till they are so tender that the meat can be removed right off the bones with chopsticks.,When using chopsticks dont point them directly at people and never stick them standing upright in your rice bowl,this is a reminder of the incense burned at funerals.,Use a clean spoon solely for taking food from communal plates for yourself or others,if you serve someone with your own chopsticks,use the blunt ends that dont go into your mouth.Though you may see that Chinese people take food directly with their own chopsticks sometimes,especially it will be like that when people have meals with their families,relatives and intimate friends.If youre invited to be a guest at a meal,dont be surprised that if your host orders more food than you can have,this is the way for Chinese people to“save face and show their hospitality.And also,please dont be surprised if your host keeps serving you choice morsels of food even you dont ask for it,this is another way to show hospitality.,In Chinese customs,the inviter always pays for the meal,unless amongst friends or in an informal setting.It is polite to make an effort to pay,but expect strong resistance,that is why in many Chinese restaurants,it is a common sight to see two people arguing loudly after a mealtheyre fighting for the right to pay.When you are not so sure what to do,simply ask your guides or do as local people do.,(1),中餐的餐具,1.,杯:杯又称杯子,盛液体的器皿。多为圆柱状,或下端略细,主要用于盛水、酒以及饮料等。,2.筷:也叫“箸,在中餐中是夹取食物的用具。它可以是用竹子做成的,也可以是用木头制成的,还可以是用金、银或不锈钢制作而成。,筷子的禁忌,三长两短:,这意思就是说在用餐前或用餐过程当中,将筷子长短不齐的放在桌子上。这种做法是大不吉利的,通常我们管它叫“三长两短。其意思是代表“死亡。因为中国人过去认为人死以后是要装进棺材的,在人装进去以后,还没有盖棺材盖的时候,棺材的组成局部是前后两块短木板,两旁加底部共三块长木板,五块木板合在一起做成的棺材正好是三长两短,所以说这是极为不吉利的事情。,(1),中餐的餐具,仙人指路:,这种做法也是极为不能被人接受的,这种拿筷子的方法是,用大拇指和中指、无名指、小指捏住筷子,而食指伸出。这在北京人眼里叫“骂大街。因为在吃饭时食指伸出,总在不停的指别人,北京人一般伸出食指去指对方时,大都带有指责的意思。所以说,吃饭用筷子时用手指人,无异于指责别人,这同骂人是一样的,是不能够允许的。还有一种情况也是这种意思,那就是吃饭时同别人交谈并用筷子指人.,品箸留声:,这种做法也是不行的,其做法是把筷子的一端含在嘴里,用嘴来回去嘬,并不时的发出咝咝声响。因为在吃饭时用嘴嘬筷子的本身就是一种无礼的行为,再加上配以声音,更是令人生厌。所以一般出现这种做法都会被认为是缺少家教,同样不能够允许。,(1),中餐的餐具,当众上香:,那么往往是出于好心帮别人盛饭时,为了方便省事把一副筷子插在饭中递给对方。被会人视为大不敬,因为北京的传统是为死人上香时才这样做,如果把一副筷子插入饭中,无异是被视同于给死人上香一样,所以说,把筷子插在碗里是决不被接受的。,(1),中餐的餐具,执箸巡城:,这种做法是手里拿着筷子,做旁假设无人状,用筷子来回在桌子上的菜盘里巡找,知从哪里下筷为好。此种行为是典型的缺乏修养的表现,且目中无人极其令人反感。,(1),中餐的餐具,3.匙:又称勺子。在中餐中,勺子是用来辅助提取食物的,尤其是羹、汤或滑溜的食物等。,4.盘:又叫做盘子,是用来盛放食物的。,5.碗:碗作为人们日常必需的饮食器皿,在中餐里主要是用来盛放食物和羹汤的。,6.湿毛巾、餐巾、餐巾纸、牙签、水盂的使用标准。,(1)湿毛巾餐前只能用来擦手,不能用来擦脸、擦嘴。,(1),中餐的餐具,(2),餐巾的使用是为了防止衣服被弄脏,应该把它平铺在大腿上,不要把它围在脖子或别在腰带上。,(3),餐巾纸主要用来擦嘴或手。,(4),席间牙签要在万不得已的时候使用,用时注意以手或餐巾遮掩口部。,(5),水盂,即洗手碗。它是在用餐期间洗手指用的,千万别把它当清水或饮料来饮用。,2.中餐与西餐,Western dinner,Starter:vegetable salad or soup,Main course:the most typical main course would be fillet beef or chicken or fish.,Dessert:After the main course,normally some sweat food are served,which can be icecream,cakes,fruits,pastries etc.,Coffee:After the table is cleared,coffee is served.This is normally the very last course.,Chinese dinner,Tea,Appetiser/starter:Chinese starters are normally cold dishes.,Dishes:In Chinese food culture,many dishes can be ordered if a group of people sit around one table.There are eight major regional cuisines in China,each of which has a series of typical dishes of its own.Beer,wine or alcohol can be taken together with dishes.,Main course:The main course the Chinese people refer to are not dishes,but rice or wheat food like noodle or bun.,(,a major difference,),Soup:Chinese soup are served after main dishes.,Fruits:The most typical dessert in Chinese dinner are fruits,which can make one feel clean and clear in ones mouth and stomach after the meal.,A Comparison of Dinner Procedure,Serving Dishes at the Center of Table vs.in Each Ones Own Plate,Chicken Breast vs.Chicken Necks/Feet,3.商务中餐:给主人和客人的几点建议,Meals are an important part of life in China and big meals are an especially important aspect.Whether