单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,2019/12/6,#,Part-time Jobs for Students,Introduction,In many countries it is common for teenagers to take part-time jobs while they are still in high school.,In China,high school students are expected to spend all of their time on their studies and consider schoolwork their job.But when they enter the college,some young adults choose to do some part-time jobs.,Find a job,to,Use a job search website,Friends or relatives help,Check the local newspaper,Use the phone book,Walk into local businesses,The methods of finding part-time jobs,Some coolest part-time jobs,Tutors,There are always kids who need help with homework.As long as you arent one of them,go ahead and start a tutoring service!Tutoring is flexible in terms of time,and the experience of helping out others can be very rewarding.,Sales Associate,Working at a favourite store is one of the most popular part-time job choices for teens.You always get employee discounts and a first look at new merchandise,so why not?,Library Assistant,This is a quiet job for anyone who loves a good book.Putting books in the right place on the right shelf is easy and devoid of pressure.Getting to know the library and having easy access to books may,not be a bad idea.,Kitchen Worker,Do you have dreams of becoming a top chef?If so,this position is your first step towards achieving that dream.It could be one eye-opening experience.,But notice,Dont be cheated,You wont have your money back.,Your salary may be less than you deserve.,Be legal,Do not touch the law bottom line,or it will be to late to regret.,Be safe,Nothing can be more important than your health,so youd better not accept the jobs that may be dangerous.,Have you ever done some part-time jobs?How do you feel when you are doing your part-time job,?,Why so many students choose to do part-time job?,The pressures of the,consumer culture,are driving up students expectations about the lifestyle that they should be able to support while still in full-time education.,At the same time the replacement of maintenance grants in higher education with student loans and the introduction of,university,tuition fees,has meant that many young people can expect to incur large debts should they choose to study for a degree.,Part-time employment offers one partial solution to the problem of student incomes,。,From part-time jobs:,Obtain,Money,Working experience,Sacrifice,Time,Energy,Should students take part-time jobs?Why?,Debate,Pros,Cons,Advantages Of Part Time,Jobs For Students,1.Develop time management skills,2.,Learn to know the value of money,3,.,Gain social experience and basic skills,4,.,Be accountable and responsible,Time management skills:,Advantages,According to the University Learning Center website,time management is an important skill for students to learn to help them succeed in college.,A part-time job makes them,block off time,each day for work,school and homework.They might also,create blocks in their schedule,for television watching,sports and recreation.Without a job,their schedules can be significantly unstructured.,Learn to know the value of money:,Advantages,Students might learn the importance of earning money by having part-time jobs.They should understand that they do not automatically have disposable incomes and,that money comes from hard work,.Encouraging them to,spend money on some of their necessities,.Then they can know that their day-to-day choices have a financial impact.They might begin to shop sales and look for better deals on the items they want.Having a job should demonstrate to them that smart shopping can make their money last longer.,Gain social experience and basic skills,:,Advantages,Working a part-time job allows students to,start learning about the working world,;they can learn about what employers look for in employees.They can learn how to write resumes and how job interviews work.,Many on-campus part-time jobs will give students the opportunity to,learn administrative skills,such as phone and email etiquette,office electronics troubleshooting,and meeting manners.Gaining such skills while in school will place a student-employee ahead of the curve when they enter the full-time workforce.,Be accountable and responsible:,Advantages,According to Work on the Campus:Benefits for Student and Institution by Mary Roark,Values,skills,emotional maturity,personal identity and integrity are fostered through(on-campus)employment experiences.Student-employees will,learn to be accountable for their actions,in a non-classroom or home environment,and,experience how responsibility is delegated and evaluated in an office,.,Disadvantages Of Part Time,Jobs For Students,1.Hurt students academic performance,2.,Not necessary,3.,Not safe,4.,Be exhausted and a waste of time,Hurt Students academic performance,:,Disadvantages,It is a truth that for a college student,his most important goal must be to gain knowledge.,The concern about part-time jobs arises in part from a fear that th