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Who are they?,2. Where did they go?,3. How did they go?,An introduction of the book1.H,6,外研社必修5module3readingThesteamboat课件,7,Description &Prediction,What can you see in this picture?,What do you think they are going to do?,Description &PredictionWhat ca,8,Setting:,When and where did the story happen?,Characters:,How many characters are there? Who are they?,Plot:,Finish excise 2, please!,Ending:,What happened at last?,Setting:,9,When and where did the story happen?,It happened after midnight when there was a big storm and the rain poured down.,It happened on the river.,How many characters are there?,Huck & Jim,Three men,A,tall,man,A short man,A man tied up with a rope,Setting,:,characters,:,10,When and where did the story h,_the steamboat,_the steamboat,Four,stages in story:,See,plot,:,finish Ex2 On P22,Ending,:,Board,They found the boat and took it away.,_the steamboat,_the steamboat,in,leave,_the steamboat_the ste,11,Can you guess what will happen next?,Can you guess what will happen,12,From the passage, what kind of person are Huck and Jim ? How do you know?,From the passage, what kind of,13,If you were Huck or Jim, what would you do?,If you were Huck or Jim, what,14,It rained as we sailed down the river on our raft, so we stayed inside the s_. Suddenly we saw a steamboat, which had hit a rock and was s_. I was d_ to go on board, so we p_ over and climbed on. Unexpectedly we heard the voice of one man begging another not to kill him.,On,hearing this, my companion, Jim, p_ and fled. I was c_ so I stayed.,I looked around, and soon found three men. One man was l_ on the floor, while two would be m_ were standing over him. The taller of the two wanted to shoot the man on the floor, but the one with a b_ wanted to leave him to drown.,helter,inking,etermined,addled,anicked,urious,ying,urderers,eard,It rained as we sailed d,15,I decided to steal the mens boat, so that they would all have to stay on the steamboat together. Though Jim was t_, he was p_ to help me paddle the boat away. Soon afterwards I felt bad about what we had done, as I didnt want all three men to be drowned.,errified,ersuaded,I decided to steal the mens b,16,Scanning,1.We sailed on the river on a raft after we went,out of the shelter built by us.,2.When climbing on the steamboat, we were,confronted with some quiet mice so that we,should be quieter.,3.In one of the cabins, we saw one man who,was tied up with rope lying on the floor and,two others standing over him.,4.On hearing what the short man said, Jim was,so frightened that he wanted to die.,Scanning1.We sailed on the riv,17,Retelling,1.midnight-raft-steamboat,2.suggested-climbed-answered,3.one man-two others,4.save-took their boat,Retelling1.midnight-raft-steam,18,Homework,Write to continue the end.,HomeworkWrite to continue the,19,Scanning,1.,How many people are there in the story?,2.How could the boys see the steamboat?,3.Why did they board the steamboat?,4.In what way did Huck think he could save,the man on the floor?,5.Why did Huck feel bad at last?,Scanning1.How many people are,20,Activity4(P21),The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, by Mark Twain, is perhaps the most famous American novel ever written. Huckleberry Finn(or just Huck)is a teenage boy who has,run away,from home. His,companion,is Jim, a black slave who has also run away. The two of them are sailing down the Mississippi River on a,raft,when they see something in the water ahead of them,How many characters are there? Who are they?,Huck Jim,Where did they go?,How did they go?,Guess :,What did they see?,They sailed down the,Mississippi River.,On a raft,Activity4(P21) The Adventure,21,


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