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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,初四专项训练之,英语,写作训练,(一),目前大家的,写作,“,现状,”,1)审题不清,抓不住要点;,2)单词拼写错误;,frist,belive,ture,buzy,quite&quiet,3)动词缺失;,Eg:I happy I can go to,Beijing,.,4)前后不一致(数、人称、时态、主谓不一致等),Eg:,He said he wants to have a good rest.,5)中式英语(Chinglish),Eg:I very like sports.,6)综合性错误。,包括,单词大小写,、,标点符号,以及,形容词副词,的混淆、连词的缺失误用、句子结构不完整,等。,考试作文犹如待嫁的,姑娘,如何把自己的作文打扮成漂亮的新娘,,来博得阅卷老师的芳心呢?,一、要“,养眼,”,二、要“,爽心,”,如何做到“养眼”呢,书写要工整,布局要美观,格式要正确,如何做到“爽心”呢,时态要正确,内容要完整,人称要合理,句型要无误,写作能力的引导,词汇短语,句子,篇章,词汇短语,1.,巧用精准的高级词汇,句型、词组优先,得高分的一些技巧,My father is,good,.My mother is,good,too.,My father is,hard-working,and my mother is,kind,.,Which is better?,1.我们应该努力学习来取得好成绩。,A.We should work hard to get good grades.,B.Were supposed to try our best to get good grades.,2.我们应多花时间学习。,A.We have to concentrate more on study.,B.We have to study more and play less.,句型、词组优先,3.我们不能玩电脑游戏。,A.We cant play computer games.,B.We need to stay away from computer games.,1,),He ran very quickly.,He ran,as,quickly,as he could,.,2)I will learn English well.,I will,try my best to,learn English well.,3)I cant learn English well.,I,find it(its)difficult for me to learn,English well.,句型、词组优先,2.,善用关联词,得高分的一些技巧,The water is dirty,people cant swim or fish in it.,We cant see anything in the water now.,We could see fish.They were swimming in the water.,以家乡的变化为例,We could see fish.They were swimming in the water.,We could,see,fish swimming,in the,clear,water.,1).,The water is dirty for people swim or fish in.,too to,so,that,The water is dirty,people cant swim or fish in it.,2).,The water is dirty people cant swim or fish in it.,句子,3.,活用多种句型,避免使用过分简单的句子,长短句结合(长句为主,但不能太长),得高分的一些技巧,Liu Xiang is 21.He comes from Shanghai.He is a running star.,Liu Xiang,a 21-year-old running star,comes from Shanghai.,“,多样,”,的句式变换,句子,1)合并为简单句;,Eg:My brother helped me in maths.I made great progress.,I made great progress in maths,with the help of,my brother.,2)学会使用感叹句;,Eg:She is a beautiful girl.,What a beautiful girl,she is!,3)善用复合句;,a.We need to help people.The people are in trouble.,We need to help the people,who are,in trouble.,b.We know that more and more students like pop songs.,As we all know,more and more students like pop songs.,4.,妙用格言,谚语等,得高分的一些技巧,As the saying goes,“.”,1)锻炼对学生有好处,As the saying goes,“All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.”,It is good for us students to take exercise.,2)集中注意力于学习,As the saying goes,“No pains,no gains.”,We should concentrate our mind on our studies.,其他谚语:,1.Think twice before you do.,2.Practice makes perfect.,3.Where there is a will,there is a way.4.Failure is the mother of success.,5.An apple a day keeps the doctor away.,6.All roads lead to Rome.,7.Every coin has two sides.,词不离句,句不离篇。,能够灵活自如地运用所学的词汇、短语、句型、语法,谋篇布局写出精彩的文段是训练学生写作的最终目的。,篇章,认真,审题,,,找出文章要表达的中心。,写作第一步,审,用简单的句子或短语,列出,文章要点。,列,写作第二步,加,写作第三步:,加首尾,,使结构完整,。,可以采取,总分总,结构或者,总分,结构,开头或结尾的句子应注意简洁,漂亮。,连,恰当运用,关联,词句,使得文章层次清晰,各个部分衔接自然。,写作第四步:,美,选好词句,,美化,文章。在有把握的情况下展示自己的语言功底。,写作第五步:,纠错小到标点符号,大到文章结构,逻辑次序,语序等等。比如英语中没有顿号;省略号是三个点“,”,而不是汉语的六个点“,”,;再有冒号,中文里用冒号的地方,英语中常常用逗号;英语里句号是实心点,汉语里的句号空心点。,写作第,六,步:,纠,英语记叙文的写作的方式,Beginning,(,topic sentence,主题句,),Middle,Ending,Concluding sentence 结论句,Supporting sentence 支持句例子、实事、数据或引文,记叙文写作方法:,采用“,总分总,”的写作方式 即先概括总述,再分述,最后再总述。,总述,典型叙事文举例,The ways to stay healthy,Health is the most important for any of us.In order to stay healthy,we need some common knowledge.,Firstly,we should,pay attention to the diet.,Its best to,eat lots of fruit and vegetables.“,An apple a day keeps the doctor away,”,so,fruit is good for health.,Besides,we are not supposed to,have a lot of junk food.,Secondly,exercise is necessary.,On the one hand,we are not easy to get fat.,On the other hand,we can be stronger.,Finally,wed better,have good living habits.We should sleep for about 8 hours at night,and,never work too hard.,Whats more,we must stay away from cigarettes.,In general,these are things wed better follow if we want to stay healthy.,the beginning,the ending,总结观点,表达祝愿、期望或号召等,title,引出话题,我们学校即将开展创建“文明学校”活动,请你根据下列图表所给提示词写一篇倡议书。,要求:1.语句通顺,书写规范,文章不得出现真实姓名和学校。,2.必须运用所有提示词,并在倡议书中写出两个以上自己的观点。,3.词数80=100,文章开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。,真题再现,(2008 内蒙古包头),Civilized(文明)School,good behavior,should,be polite to,be friendly to,help,shouldnt,loudly,your idea,excellent environment,try to,clean up,pick up,had better not,your idea,Dear friends,Our school is trying to set up a Civilized School.I think,1、确定话题:,创建“文明学校”的倡议书,2、确定时态:,一般现在时,3、细读要求:,内容要点,字数,4、布局谋篇,good behavior,尾句,5、本章话题句,功能句,a行为 b环境,总 分 总,6、适当运用连词,注意首尾句。,7、,首句,should,shouldnt,excellent environment,try to,had better not,Ill help clean up,I thinkfeel that.,You could,Were trying to,I would like to,写作点拨,反复修改,注意书写,80-100,两个以上自己的观点,范文赏析,Dear friends,,Our school is trying to set up a Civilized School.I think we should do what we can do for our school.First we should be friendly to each other and help each other.Also we should be polite to our teachers.I think we shouldnt speak loudly or even have words with our classmates.As for our school environment,we should try our best to cl


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