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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Chapter One: An introduction to Intercultural Communication,1,Aims of this Course,1. To get a general understanding of Intercultural Communication,2. To form an open mind and be tolerant of other cultural patterns other than ones own.,3. To acquire some skills to communicate with people from other cultures,2,Requirements,To take this course, you are required:,1. to attend the class regularly,2. to preview the teaching content,3. to review the teaching content,4. to take an active part in the classroom discussion.,3,About your final score,Your daily attendance and performance will account for 20 percent of your final score,Your performance in the final examination will account for 80 percent,4,Reference books,Larry A. Samovar Communication between cultures.2000,常俊跃,吕春媚. 跨文化交际.北京大学出版社.2011,顾曰国.跨文化交际.外语教学与研究出版社.2000,胡文仲. 文化与交际.外语教学与研究出版社.1994,宋莉.跨文化交际导论.哈尔滨工业大学出版社.2002,5,Chapter Aim,After this chapter, we will be able,1. to know the key concepts in intercultural communication,2. to know the relations between communication and culture,3. to get a general understanding of intercultural communication,6,Think about the following incidents,7,中新网,11月4日电 据美国侨报报道,近日网上传出美国蒙特利公园市一名华裔妇女带着一名穿着开裆裤的小孩在公园散步,结果被白人女子报警,当警方了解到孩子穿开裆裤是为了随地大小便时,简直不敢相信自己的耳朵。,8,What is your opinion of these two incidents?,Try to support you ideas.,9,Think about the following Sentence,Good Morning!/Good night!/Good Evening!,老师好!,I love you !,A: Your house is really beautiful!,B:,您老高寿?,10,What is your understanding of these sentences?,Try to analyze them.,Suppose yourself were an American, what would be your understanding? Why?,11,What is culture,I. Culture,Culture is ubiquitous, multidimensional, complex, and all pervasive. As early as 1952, Krober and Kluckhohn listed 164 definitions of culture that they found in the anthropology literature.,Definitions of culture range from all-encompassing ones (it is everything), to narrower ones (it is opera, art and ballet).,12,Two related definitions,Culture,is “an integrated system of learned behavior patterns which are characteristic of the members of a society and which are not the result of biological inheritance.” (Hoebel and Frost, 1993),13,Culture,is a system of shared beliefs, values, customs, behaviors, and artifacts that the members of a society use to cope with their world and with one another, and that they are transmitted from generation to generation through learning.,14,中国学者将文化分成三个层次:1) 物质文化,它是通过人们制作的各种实物产品表现出来的,包括建筑物、服饰、食品、用品、工具等;,2) 制度、习俗文化,它是通过人们共同遵守的社会规范和行为准则表现出来的,包括制度、法规、以及相应的设施和风俗习惯等;3) 精神文化,它是通过人们的思维活动所形成和表现出来的,包括价值观念、思维方式、审美趣味、道德情操、宗教信仰、也包括哲学、科学和文学艺术方面的成就和产品。(戚雨村,1994),15,Cultural onion: (Hofestede),16,Cultural onion: (hofestede),The image of an onion is often used to describe the different layers of culture. Culture can be broken down into layers: The outer layers are composed of the artifacts and products as well as patterns of behavior. The next layer encompasses the beliefs, norms and attitudes of that culture. The middle of the onion represents the underlying cultural assumptions and values. As the most hidden layer, these aspects of culture are much harder to recognize and understand, but all of the other layers are built upon the centre of the culture onion. Therefore, careful analysis and a better understanding of the different layers as well as how they interact and influence each other is necessary. Intercultural training can help to understand the different layers of culture and their significance.,17,The Iceberg Model of Culture,18,II. Communication,Communication is as complex as culture, and hard to define as well. Dance and Larson reviewed the literature on communication and found 126 definitions of communication.,19,Reasons for its difficulty to be defined,the complex nature of communication &,the issue of intentionality and unintentionality,20,Complex nature of communication:,Human communication is a subtle and ingenious set of process. It is always thick with a thousand ingredients-signals, codes, meanings-no matter how simple the message or transaction. Communication becomes even more complex when add cultural dimension.,21,intentional and unintentional behavior,There are two schools of thoughts on whether communication behavior is intentional or unintentional.,The first one, represented by Miller and Steinberg describes communication as the process whereby one person deliberately attempts to convey meaning to another. We intentionally send messages to change or modify the behavior of other people, and therefore we select our words or actions with some degree of consciousness.,22,The second school of thought proposes that the concept of intentionality is too limiting and fails to account for all the circumstances in which messages are conveyed unintentionally. Scholars who support this approach believe communication takes place whenever people attach meaning to behavior, even if the sender of the message does not expect his or her actions to be conveyed.,23,III. Relations between culture and communication,Culture and communication, although two different concepts, are directly linked. They are inextricably bound that some anthropologists believe the terms are virtually synonymous. Whenever people interact they communicate. To live in societies and to maintain culture they have to communicate. Some say that they are like the voice and the echo.,24,Intercultural communication,This term was first coined by Edward T Hall in 1959. In its most general sense, intercultural communication occurs when a member of one culture produces a message for consumption by a member of another culture, more precisely,intercultural communication is communication between people whose cultural perceptions and symbol systems are distinct enough to alter the communication event.,25,Page 2. It consists of international, interracial, interethnic and interregional communication,26,Intra-cultural communication,Intra-cultural communication is often used to define the exchange of messages between members of the dominant culture. It is usually applied to communication in which one or both of the participants hold dual or multiple membership. In this case, racial, ethnic or other such factors also come into play.,27,Intra-cultural Communication is pretty much the same as Intercultural communication. The difference here is not in the term itself, but in the people it is applied on. Intercultural Communication is probably between two people from different cultures trying to get along by understanding the way each one of them perceive the world around. But for Intracultural Communication: it is between two people from the same super-culture but from different sub-cultures.,28,Intercultural awareness,The International Baccalaureate Organization (IBO,国际文凭组织) states that intercultural awarenessis concerned with “developing students attitudes, knowledge and skills as they learn about their own and others social, national and ethnic cultures. Simply speaking, intercultural awareness is a skill needed by anyone mixing with people from different cultural backgrounds.,29,Stereotype:,stereotypes are, at their most basic level, a set of assumed characteristics about a certain group of people whose actual beliefs, habits and realities more often than not disagree with the imposed assumption.,Stereotypes are usually based on factors such as exaggeration, distortion, ignorance, racism, cultural factors or even historical experiences.,30,Whenever we dont have a good understanding of a subject, say, of people or countries, then we tend to make assumptions about them. Stereotype is nothing but those assumptions that have become common knowledge. Whenever you make judgments about people without knowing them, you are stereotyping them. Stereotyping makes people generalize things. More often, they are all false assumptions.,31,Though there are both positive and negative stereotypes, a majority of them are offensive. People generally stereotype out of bias against a particular group of people or religion. Stereotyping becomes a way of conveying their dislike. Of course, stereotyping stems from a commonly held view of a particular group or race. This view may arise from an incident or false assumption, and then maybe used to color the entire community with the same brush. There are various types of stereotypes.,32,However, the most common ones are racial stereotypes and gender stereotypes. Race, nationality, gender and sexual orientation are the main factors of stereotyping. Stereotyping must be avoided at all costs, as it leads to treating groups as a single entity. Given below are examples of stereotypes that people commonly use.,33,A positive stereotype,A positive stereotype,is a positive assumption made about someone based on their looks, race, social group, economic stability or gender.,34,Discussion,Case Study 1:p6.,Case Study 2: p7,35,


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