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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Unit Ten,Things:The Throw-Away Society,Pre-reading Questions,After you have eaten a paper bag of apples,do you keep the bag or throw it away?If the fruit comes in a good plastic bag,how do you dispose of the plastic bag?,Suppose you have an old watch which is out of order.Would you have it repaired or buy a new one and throw the old one away?,If it is not you but your grandmother who has the plastic bag and the watch,what is she most likely to do with them?,II.Relevant Information,Los Angeles:Los Angeles is the largest city in California and the second-largest urban area in the U.S.Its population is 10,103,000(in 2004).,London:It has a population of 7,172,036(2001 census).,3.,Paris:2,107,700(2004),IV.Key Points of the Text,Paragraph 1,eminently:very;perfectly,不寻常地,非常,E.g.:The discussion is eminently practical.,讨论非常实际。,His articles are comprehensive and eminently comprehensible.,他的文章内容丰富又特别易于理解。,Paragraph 2,humanoid,:,(esp.of a machine)having human shape or qualities,似人的,有人类特点的,Eg.,The doll has a twist-and-turn waist that makes her more humanoid than before.,Paragraph 2,trade-in allowance:,a reduced price one pays when one trade in something old for a new one,以旧换新打折价,Paraphrase 1,Moreover,Mattel announcefor her old one.(para.2),Moreover,Mattel made public that,for the first time,all girls desire to buy a Barbie from its company were to be given the right of turning in their old dolls in exchange for new models at a reduced price.,Paragraph 4,iridescent:,showing changing colors as light falls on it,色彩斑斓的,彩虹般的,E.g.:Soap bubbles are,iridescent,.,肥皂泡沫呈彩虹色。,an,iridescent,novel,才华闪烁的小说,be,iridescent,with the glories of the past.,因既往的光荣事迹而灿烂发光,Paragraph 4,Man-made things enter into and color his consciousness:,His mind is filled with and influenced by artificial things.,Paraphrase 2,But increasingly,it isfor the individual.(para.4),But more and more,man-made products form a very important part in the lives of people.,Paragraph 5,deride:,laugh at or make fun of(sth considered worthless),嘲笑;嘲弄,E.g.:They,derided,his notion that man can conquer space.,Paragraph 6,clutch lingeringly and lovingly to the same doll:,hold on to the same old doll faithfully/persistently/with devotion and with love,Paragraph 6,Transient,and,temporary,are synonyms,but they are different in that,temporary,signifies“,lasting for a time,”(暂时的)while,transient,means“,existing only for the moment,”(稍纵即逝的).,“The moods were many and transient.”,“心绪纷繁但往往如过往烟云”,Paraphrase 3,Nothing could befrom sheer age.(para.6),This difference seems most noticeable between the modern girls who are delighted in replacing their out-of-date Barbies for the new ones,and their mothers and grandmothers,who are reluctant to part with their dear little dolls until they are timeworn and broken.,Paragraph 7,clip:,(infml,esp.Am.E)fast speed,E.g.:They traveled on foot at a,clip,of 25 miles a day.,他们徒步旅行,一天走25英里。,keep the economy growing at a good,clip,使经济保持高速增长,Paragraph 7,ruthlessly eliminated:,done away with/thrown out completely,The normal meaning of,ruthlessly,is“,cruelly,mercilessly,.”In this context,it means“,firmly and completely,.”,E.g.:A decision was made,ruthlessly,to carry through the reform.,Paragraph 7,She is inextricably embedded in a throw-away culture:,she becomes a part of the throw-away society from which she cannot break away,Paragraph 7,inextricably:,inseparably,E.g.:High birth rate and low life expectancy used to be,inextricably,linked in our country,but it is no longer so today.,Paragraph 7,embed:,fix firmly and deeply in a mass of surrounding substance,E.g.:He exerted so much strength that his knife got,embedded,in the chopping block.,A splinter(破片)was,embedded,in my finger.,Paragraph 8,run counter to:,conflict with;oppose;be opposite to,E.g.:The governments actions,run counter to,their election promises.,run counter to/go against the grain:,be contrary to ones inclination(,癖好,意向,)or disposition(,气质,性情,),Paragraph 8,steep in:a.,place and leave(sth)in(liquid)for a long time;,E.g.:If the clothes are very dirty,steep,them,in,soapy water overnight.,b.,give ones whole attention to and esp.learn about(sth),E.g.:I have a talk to give on the famous writer next month,so first I must,steep,myself,in,his books.,Paragraph 10,quasi-paper:,imitation paper,synthetic paper,人造纸,合成纸,quasi/,kweizai,/:,resembling;seeming,E.g.:,quasi,-liberal,近乎自由主义的,quasi,-justice,近似的公正,Paragraph 10,sumptuous:,grand and expensive,豪华的;华丽的;奢侈的,E.g.:,sumptuous,furniture/meal/evening dress,Paragraph 12,feature:,advertise as a special feature,以为特色;是的特色,E.g.:The new type engines,feature,high speed,small size and economical operating costs.,这种新型发动机以高速、小型和操作费用低为特色。,Round-the-clock service,feature,s this store.,日夜服务是这家商店的特色。,Paragraph 12,devil-may-care:,careless,and wild in behavior;reckless,不顾一切的;轻率的,漫不经心的;,E.g.:a,devil-may-care,approach to life,无忧无虑的处世态度,Paragraph 13,with respect to:,concerning,E.g.:,With respect to,your application for the job,well soon le


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