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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Rainy days makes me sad.,Section A (1a2c),-By Miss Ding,Guess how they feel!,happy,sad,want to cry,angry,surprise,d,nervous /,tense/ stressed out,excite,d,annoy,ed,tired/sleepy,哇!,comfortable,Adj. about,feelings(,感觉,),bored,nervous,angry,energetic,unhappy,annoyed,uncomfortable,sad,comfortable,tense,(,紧张的,焦虑的),relaxed,excited,surprised,frightened,happy,relaxed,Brainstorm,stressed out,How do you feel about this picture?,sleepy,The picture,makes,me,sleepy,.,How do you feel about this picture?,comfortable,The picture,makes,me,comfortable,.,How do you feel about this picture?,The picture,makes,me,energetic,.,How do you feel about this picture?,The picture,makes,me,relaxed.,How do you feel about these pictures?,The tidy room,makes,me,comfortable,.,makes me,feel,comfortable.,The snake,makes,me,scared,.,makes me,cry,.,makes me,want,to eat.,The delicious food,makes,me_.,The beautiful beach,makes,me,_,.,makes me,want,to,have a holiday.,hungry,relaxed,Pairwork,:,What makes him/her,sad,?,B:,Rainy days,makes him sad.,smoking,heavy traffic,loud noise,people who keep you waiting,the movie,I Love My Family,happy sad,angry relaxed,annoyed stressed,happy tense,comfortable,uncomfortable,Lets play a game,Fill in the blanks, act it out in disorder, and let your partner guess (,the more sentences, the more candies,),My study report made me_ because I got an A.,Waiting for you so long made me _.,The story was so sad that it makes all of us _.,Loud music makes me _.,Long time studying makes us _.,Wearing two left slippers made me _.,The movie “the Day After Tomorrow” makes all people _.,The joke is so funny that it makes us_.,happy,angry,cry,dance,tired/ exhausted,embarrassed,sad/cry,laugh,Aha !,Look at the two,restaurants below,. Which would you like to go to? Why?,Listen. What do Amy and Tina think of the,two restaurants,?,The Rockin Restaurant,The Blue Lagoon,The soft music makes,Tina,The awful pictures,makes Amy,The loud music makes,Amy,The soft music,makes Amy,sleepy,relaxed,tens,sad,1.,Rainy,days,make,me sad.,雨天让我感到悲伤。,rainy,adj.,多雨的,如,: the,rainy,season,雨季,rain,n.,雨,如,: The crops need,rain,.,庄稼需要雨水。,Explanation,rain,v.,下雨,例如,: It began to rain hard.,开始下大雨了。,make,的用法,:,(1),make +,n.,例如,: make food,做饭,make the bed,铺床,make money,赚钱,(2) make sb./sth. +,adj.,使某人,(,感到,),使,处于某种状态,make,的宾语之后可跟名词,形容词,分词来充当宾语的补足语。,1),名词作,make,的宾语补足语,如,: The party,made,her a good teacher.,党把她培养成为一名好教师。,2),形容词作,make,的宾语补足语,如:,Soccer,makes,me crazy.,足球使我疯狂。,The soft music,makes,Tina sleepy.,轻柔的音乐使,Tina,快睡着了。,Loud music,makes,me tense.,过大声音的音乐使我紧张。,Loud music,makes,them energetic.,过大声音的音乐使他觉得精力充沛。,It,made,her sad.,这使她感到难过。,Waiting for her,made,me angry.,我很生气一直等着她。,可用到的形容词有:,happy,,,pleased,,,surprised,,,angry,,,annoyed,,,sad,,,upset,,,unhappy,,,worried,,,anxious,,,excited,,,relaxed,,,stressed out,,,tense,,,calm,,,scared,,,comfortable,,,sick,Make sentences with “make.”.,The snow makes backyard white.,The war makes people (the boy) frightened.,The dog makes us feel funny.,tense,relaxed,sleepy,would rather,(1,),Would ( had ) rather do :,表示“宁愿”,例如:,I would(=Id) rather stay here .,我宁愿留在这里。,Which would you rather do, go to cinema or stay at home?,你是去看电影还是待在家里?,(,2,),Would rather+,动词,+ than:,宁愿,也不,例如:,I would rather stay at home than go out.,Would rather die than surrender.,宁死不投降。,EX,你最想去那两个餐馆中的哪一个?,轻柔的音乐和好看的图片让他感觉到很放松。,大声的音乐使她和我感到紧张,不舒服。,我愿意去那个远些的餐馆,因为我喜欢边吃饭边听音乐。,我同意你所说的话。,Which of the two restaurants would you most like to go to ?,Soft music and nice pictures make him relaxed.,Loud music makes her and me tense and uncomfortable.,Id like to go to the farther restaurant because I like to listen to quiet music while eating.,I agree with what you,saidhave said,.,2a Listening,2,3,4,Listen .,Number the pictures and fill in the blanks.,It was so sad that it_ us _.,_ made me angry.,Loud music _her _.,It was_ and the food was _ .,made,cry,Waiting for her,makes,tense,quiet,great,_Waiting for her made angry.,_She said that loud music made her tense.,_Loud music makes me happy.,_Loud music always makes me want,to dance.,_It was so sad it made us cry.,_Sad movies dont make me cry.,They just make me want to leave.,_It made me sad.,Listening material:,Boy:Did you and Amy _ last night , Tina?,Girl:Well, JohnYes and no. Boy: Was Amy late _ ?,Girl:Yes , she was. And _.,Boy:Where did you go?,Girl: First we went to the Rockins Restaurant , but Amy didnt want to stay. She said that _ music made her _ .,Boy:Thats funny. Loud music _ makes me _ .,Girl:Me too.So then we went to the Blue Lagoon. It was _ and the food was _. We had a good time.,Boy:Then did you go to the _ at the _ school?,Girl:No.We _ . We saw Remember Me Forever.It was _ movie, but it was _ sad _ it made us cry.,have fun,as usual,waiting for her made me angry.,loud tense,always want to dance,quiet,great,concert,high,decided to go to the movies,a really good,so that,Did you have fun with Amy last night?,Wellyes and no. She was really late.,Weather,rainy,sunny,hot,cold,cloudy,windy,foggy,feeling,sad,happy,Talk about how the different kinds of weather make you feel.,Groupwork,Task 1,Homework,A: _? I called you but your mother said you were out.,B: I went to Kentucky with my friends.,A: _?,B: Because I love the food very much.,A: But it is very crowded there.,B: _. And the noise made me uncomfortable.,A: _.,B: Yes,that makes people not stay long. So we left early. Oh, _?,A: Nothing much. I just want to know when we will meet on Sunday.,B: At 7:00 oclock. A: OK. Thanks.,And the chairs are too hard.,B. Thats right.,C. Whats the matter?,D. Where did you go?,E. Why did you go there?,GRAMMAR,make sb. +,宾语,+,形容词,使人感觉到,形容词作,make,的,宾语补足语,make sb. do sth.,使人做某事,make,后面用,动词原形,make,sb,+,adj,(,令某人怎样,),make,sb,do,sth,.,(,令某人干某事,),Loud music,makes,me,tense,.,Sad movies,make,her,want,to leave.,Waiting for her,made,me,angry.,GRAMMAR,The uses of,make,(1) make a kite / plane,制作,(2) make money,赚钱,(3) make up ( be made up of .),组成,(4) make sure,确定,(5) make friends,交朋友,(6) make faces,做鬼脸,(7) be made of / from,由,制成,(8) make noise,制造噪音,(9) make it,及时赶到,(10) make the bed,整理床铺,(11) make a decision = make up ones mind,做决定,(12) make mistakes,犯错,(13) make a speech,作演讲,(14) make breakfast / dinner,煮饭,(15) make a plan,定计划,(16) make a toast to sb.,向,sb,敬酒,(17) be made in + sp.,由某地制造,(18) make a living,谋生,(19) make a conversation with sb.,与,sb,对话,(20) make/keep + n. + adj.,使,.,怎样,make me energetic make him/them relaxed / comfortable (21) make sb./sth. Do,使,.,做,sth (22) make sb./sth. doing sth.,使,.,一直做,sth,


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