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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Unit 1,How do you study for a test?,Section A,(1a-1c),A:,How do you study English?,B:,I,study English,by,Listening:,Speaking:,Reading:,Writing:,listening to tapes,practicing conversations with friends,reading aloud,to practice pronunciation,keeping English diaries,watching English-language movies,joining an English club,doing lots of exercises,reading English magazines,-She studies by mak,ing,flashcards,.,-How does she study for a test?,He studies by ask,ing,the teacher for help.,He studies by mak,ing,vocabulary lists.,?,How does he study for a test?,He studies by listen,ing,to,tapes.,They learn English by read,ing,the textbook.,They learn English by work,ing,with friends.,-How do they study for a test?,Other ways to study for an English test :,bygoing over the grammar notes.,by going over the homework.,by going over the vocabulary.,bydoing more English exercises.,How do these students study for a test,?,_ 1.Mei _ 2.Pierre _ 3.Antonio,a,c,b,1b,Listen and match,A:How do you study for a test?,B:I study by,A:What do you think of this way?,B:Very useful.(Great!/Its helpful.),?,2a Listen and check,(),the questions you hear:,Questions,1._,Do you learn English,by watching,English language videos?,2._,Do you ever,practice conversations with friends,?,3._,What about,listening to tapes?,4._,What about,reading aloud,to,practice pronunciation,?,5._,Have you ever,studied with a group,?,Listening practice,Questions,1,.Do you learn English by watching English,language videos?,2.Do you ever,practice conversations with,friends?,4.What about,reading aloud,to,practice,pronunciation?,5.Have you ever,studied with a group,?,d,b,c,a,Answers,2b Listen again.Match the questions with the answers.,A:,How do you keep healthy?,B:,I keep healthy by,A:,How do you keep healthy?,B:,I keep healthy by,Words And Expressions,发音,n.,抽认卡,n.,词汇,n.,出声地,大声地,adv.,使沮丧,使厌烦,v.,补充,增加,v,.,记住,v.,语法,n.,快地,迅速地,ad,v.,pro,nun,ci,a,tion,flash,card,vo,ca,bu,la,ry,al,ou,d,quickly,add,grammar,me,mo,rize,frus,trate,Words And Expressions,听录音磁带,列单词表,读教科书,制作抽认卡,请教师帮助,和朋友们一起学习,listen,to,tapes,make,vocabulary,lists,read the,textbook,make,flashcard,s,ask,the teacher,for,help,work with friends,看英文电影,看英语杂志,watch,English movies,read,English magazines,A,:How do you study for a test?,B,:I study,by,listening to radio,.,A,:What do you think of the way?,(How do you like the way?),B,:Very,useful,./Great!/Its helpful.,Pair work,A:,How do you study for a test?,B:,I study,by working with a group,.,A:,Is it a good way?,B:,Yes.I think we can learn a lot from each other.,How about you?,A:,I study,by,1c.Lets talk!,Homework,Write a short composition about,yourself,.,1.,No pains,no gains.,不劳无获,./,没有付出就没有回报。,2.,Where there is a,will,there is a way.,有志者,事竟成。,3.,Nothing is impossible if you put your heart into it.,世上无难事,只怕有心人。,4.,God helps those who help themselves.,天助自助者。,Remember the following,English proverbs,.,5.,Nothing is difficult if you never give up.,只要绝不放弃,就没有什么事情可以难得倒你。,


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