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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,广东省成人高等教育英语系列教材,非英语专业专科,英语,1,UNIT 5,学苑书业,,2012,Unit 1 Cover Page,Teaching Objectives,In this unit, you will learn:,the main idea of two texts;,the key words, expressions, structures in Text A and Text B;,useful expressions and sentences concerning daily schedule;,writing skills: How to write exclamatory and imperative sentences?,the grammar point: Numerals,Warm-up Activity,Do you think you are a well-organized person in your daily life?,Do you like to plan ahead or do you like to take life as it comes?,Do you have a clear idea of what you want to do after your time in college ?,Text Understanding,Text Organization,Language Points,Useful Expressions,Sentences to Be Remembered,Exercises,Background Information,Text ABackground Information,after-school activities (1),An after-school activity is any organized program which invites youth to participate outside of the traditional school day. Some programs are run by a primary or secondary school and some by externally funded non-profit or commercial organizations,Text ABackground Information,after-school activities (2),These after-school youth programs can occur inside a school building or elsewhere in the community, for instance at a community center, library, park, etc. These activities are a corner-stone of concerted cultivation, giving children experience with leadership and dealing with adults. Such children are believed by proponents to be more successful in later life, while others consider too many activities to indicate overparenting.,Text ABackground Information,Family,C,hore,The regular or daily light work of a household, like washing dishes, cleaning and laundry, etc.,Text AOrganization,The text is divided into three parts.,The first part is a general introduction, the other two parts give detailed information of how to make a daily schedule. The main idea of each part is:,Text AOrganization,Part 1,Part 2,Part 3,(Para. 1): Daily schedule helps us plan our time efficiently.,(Paras. 2-6): Steps in making a daily schedule.,(Paras. 7-9): Methods help our schedules to be more practical and feasible.,Text ALanguage Points,Word understanding,schedule,n. plan of what someone is going to do and when they are going to do it,Examples:,We are trying to keep to our schedule.,The next thing on our schedule is to telephone our friends.,Text ALanguage Points,近义词:,timetable,时间表,Example:,Look up the time of the next train in the,timetable,.,Text ALanguage Points,moment,n. a particular point in time; very short period of time,时刻;片刻;瞬间,Examples:,At that,moment, the phone rang,.,Could you wait a,moment, please?,That was one of the most exciting,moments,of his life.,Text ALanguage Points,近义词:,second,瞬间,(second,是“一秒钟”的意 思,此处指时间非常短,),Examples:,Ill be back in a,second,.,Just a,second,(= Wait a moment), Ill come and help.,He should be here any,second,.,Text ALanguage Points,exactly,adv. used to emphasize that a number, amount, or piece of information is completely correct; used to emphasize that sth is just the same or different,精确地,确切地;正好,正是,Examples:,Do,exactly,as I tell you.,You havent changed at all. You still look,exactly,the same.,Text ALanguage Points,同义词:,precisely,Examples:,What,precisely, does that mean?,It is difficult to know,precisely,how much impact (,影响,) the changes will have.,Text ALanguage Points,chart,n. a page or sheet of information in the form of diagrams, lists of figures, etc.,图表;示意图;曲线图或表,Examples,:,The,chart,below shows our top 10 choices.,This,chart,shows last years sales figures (,数字,).,Text ALanguage Points,同义词:,diagram,(,用图解法表示的图表、示意图等,),近义词:,figure,(,通常指带有曲线图、柱形图 、几何 图形等图标、图解的表格,),table,(,指列出事件、信息、数据等文字表述 的列表,如一览表,目录表等,),Examples:,The point may be illustrated clearly in a,diagram,of the heating system.,The results are illustrated in,figure,3.,Table,2 shows how prices and earnings have increased over the past 20 years.,Text ALanguage Points,activity,n. a thing that you do for interest or pleasure, or in order to achieve a particular aim,活动;活力,Examples,:,What kind of social activities do you enjoy?,The streets were noisy and full of activity.,Text ALanguage Points,词义比较:,act,行为,举动,(,指已经完成的一个具体 动作,),action,行动;行为,(,指需要精力和影响力 来完成的事情,军事行动等,),Examples:,It is an,act,of kindness to help a blind man across the street.,This dreadful murder is surely the,act,of a madman.,You must judge a person by his,actions, not by what he says.,He was involved in,action,in North Africa.,Text ALanguage Points,specific,a.,detailed and exact; particular,明确的,具体的,特定的,(,强调详细而精确,),Examples:,I want a,specific,answer.,Could you be more,specific,about what youre looking for?,The money was collected for a,specific,purpose.,Text ALanguage Points,近义词:,precise,明确的,(,强调准确、严谨,),particular,特定的,(,强调只是某人或某 事,而不是其他,),Examples:,It was difficult to get,precise,information.,I am not clear about the,precise,meaning of the word in this passage.,Is there any,particular,color you would prefer?,Most students choose one,particular,area for research.,Text ALanguage Points,instance,n.,an example of a particular kind of situation,例子,实例,事例,Examples,:,Let me give you some,instances,.,Can you give me an,instance,of his bad behavior in school?,Text ALanguage Points,同义词:,example,Examples:,Marys courage is an,example,to us all.,Text ALanguage Points,catch,v.,to stop and hold a moving object, especially in your hands, and not let it get away (,用手,),抓住,Examples,:,“Pass me that pen, would you?” “Here you are.,Catch,!”,“You cant,catch,me!” she yelled (,大叫,), running away.,Text ALanguage Points,反义词:,release,释放,放开;,let go (of sth),放开,松手,(,多用于口 语,),Examples:,The bears are eventually,released,into the wild.,The sudden noise made him,release,his hold on her arm.,The guard,let go,of the lead, and the dog rushed forward.,The police had to,let,him,go,due to the lack of evidence.,Text ALanguage Points,afterwards,adv.,after an event or time that has already been mentioned,以后,后来,然后,Examples,:,Shortly,afterwards, police arrived.,Her husband fell ill in June and died soon,afterwards,.,特别提示:,美国英语拼写没有,s,,为,afterward,。,Text ALanguage Points,相关词语:,forward,(,s,),向前,今后,backward,(,s,),向后,往回,Examples:,Bill took two steps,forwards,and shook Marks hand.,She pushed me and I fell,backwards,into the chair.,Text ALanguage Points,concentrate,v.,to think very carefully about sth that you are doing,全神贯注,专心致志,Examples,:,I cant,concentrate,with all that noise going on.,If you dont,concentrate,on your work, youll be dismissed (,解聘,)!,Text ALanguage Points,近义词:,focus,聚集,集中,聚焦,Examples:,Im so tired I cant,focus,on anything today.,Please,focus,your minds on the following problem.,Text ALanguage Points,adjust,v.,to get used to a new situation by changing the way you behave or think,调整,调节,(,以适应,),Examples,:,It took time to,adjust,myself to the new school.,My parents had trouble,adjusting,to living in an apartment.,Text ALanguage Points,近义词:,adapt,to,使适应;适应,Examples:,How do these insects,adapt,themselves to new environments?,Our eyes slowly,adapted,to,the dark.,She,adapted,(herself) quickly,to,the new climate.,Text ALanguage Points,colo(u)red,a.,having a particular color or different colors,有色彩的,彩 色的,Examples,:,Christmas trees were decorated with,colored,lights.,The floors were of,colored,tiles (,瓷砖,), and the walls of,colored,paper.,Text ALanguage Points,词义比较:,colo(u)rful,鲜艳的;五颜六色的; 多彩多姿的,Examples:,The male birds are more,colorful,than the females.,Charlie Chaplin had a long and,colorful,career.,Text ALanguage Points,反义词:,colo(u)rless,无色的;苍白的;乏味 无趣的,Examples,:,Her face was,colorless, and she was shaking.,He was quickly forgotten because of his,colorless,personality.,Text ALanguage Points,responsibility,n.,sth that you must do as part of your job or duty,责任;职责,义务。指工作职责或对后果承担的责任,Examples,:,The bank refuses to accept,responsibility,for the mistake.,Having children is a big,responsibility,and Im not sure Im ready for that yet.,Text ALanguage Points,近义词:,duty,责任,义务,(,指道德上或法律上的责任,),Examples,:,Its not something I enjoy. I do it purely out of a sense of,duty,.,You have a,duty,to your husband and to your children.,Text ALanguage Points,sense,v. to become aware of sth even though you cannot see it, hear it, etc.,意识到,感觉到,n. a feeling about sth; the ability to understand or judge sth,感觉;觉悟,Text ALanguage Points,Examples,:,Sensing,danger, they started to run. (,v,.),Although she didnt say anything, I,sensed,(that) she didnt like the idea. (,v,.),I had the,sense,that he was lying. (,n,.),He has a very good,sense,of direction. (,n,.),Text ALanguage Points,近义词:,feel,感觉,觉得,认为,feeling,感情,感觉,知觉,Examples,:,Can you,feel,the tension in this room?,After the accident, she couldnt,feel,anything in her left leg.,We all,felt,(that) our luck was about to turn.,My own,feeling,is that we should buy it.,Dont worry. It wont hurt my,feelings,if you change your mind.,Text ALanguage Points,predict,v.,to say in advance that sth will happen in the future,预言,预报,指预言某事将发生,Examples,:,It is impossible to,predict,what will happen.,She,predicted,that the improvement would continue.,Text ALanguage Points,同义词:,forecast,预报,预测,(,指正式的、经 过科学方法的预测,),foretell,预言,预告,(,一般用于能够 预知未来者,),Examples,:,Hurricane (,飓风,) has been,forecast,for tomorrow afternoon.,The teacher,forecast,that twenty of his pupils would pass the examination.,No one could have,foretold,such strange events.,The gypsy (,吉普赛人,) had,foretold,that the boy would die.,Text ALanguage Points,probably,adv.,used to say that sth is likely to happen, likely to be true etc.,很可能,(,发生几率较大,),Examples,:,Youre,probably,right.,Its,probably,the best movie I have ever seen.,Text ALanguage Points,近义词:,possibly,可能,也许,(,见第,4,单元,Text B,中,possibly,词条,),Examples,:,It will take three weeks,possibly,longer.,How could anyone,possibly,do such a thing?,Text ALanguage Points,extra,a.,more than or beyond what is usual, expected or necessary; additional,额外的,附加的,Examples,:,We need,extra,men for this job.,Breakfast is provided at no,extra,charge (,收费,).,Text ALanguage Points,近义词:,additional,添加的,另外的,Examples,:,We needed,additional,money for our trip.,Additional,troops may be sent to the region.,Text ALanguage Points,take control of,to have the power to make the decisions about how a country, place, company, etc. is organized or what it does,支配,控制,Examples,:,He made an attempt (,尝试,) to,take control of,the company.,Its no easy task to,take control of,a class of young children.,Text ALanguage Points,词义比较:,take charge of,负责,主管,Examples,:,John will,take charge of,the next meeting.,Youngsters need to,take charge of,their own lives.,Text ALanguage Points,take a shower,to wash your whole body while standing under a shower,洗澡,淋浴,Examples,:,Most people,take a shower,every day.,Nick rolled out of bed and,took a shower,.,Id like to,take a shower,before I go to bed.,同义短语,:,have a shower,(,英国英语,) (,见,shower,的解释,),Text ALanguage Points,for instance,for example,例如,Examples,:,What would you do,for instance, if you found somebody stealing (,偷,)?,There are some tasks which are your responsibility,for instance, taking down curtains.,Text ALanguage Points,同义短语:,for example,Example,:,Its very expensive to live in New York.,For example, I pay $1250 for an apartment.,Text ALanguage Points,fill in,to write all the necessary information on an official document, form etc.,填写,Examples,:,Please,fill in,your application form (,申请表,) first.,Fill in,the form and send it back with your cheque (,支票,).,Text ALanguage Points,同义短语:,fill out,(,常用于美国英语,),Example,:,You just,fill out,this table, then send it in to the passport office.,Text ALanguage Points,get sth. done,to do sth, or arrange for it to be done,完成,(,某事,),;做好,(,某事,),Examples,:,We must,get this work finished,on time.,I need to,get the washing machine fixed,(,修理,).,Text ALanguage Points,同义短语:,have sth. done,Example,:,The bank will make sure to,have the money transferred,(,汇兑,) into your name.,Text ALanguage Points,glance at,to quickly look at sb or sth; read sth quickly or superficially (,快速地,),看一眼;浏览,Examples,:,He,glanced at,the menu (,菜单,) quickly.,The lady,glanced,nervously,at,her watch.,She,glanced,shyly,at,him and then lowered her eyes.,Text ALanguage Points,同义词:,glimpse (glance,通常指动作,即“瞥 一眼”,,glimpse,通常指结果,即“瞥 见”。,glimpse,作动词时无需,at),Examples,:,I,glimpsed,a figure at the window.,She,glimpsed,a group of people standing on the bank of a river.,Text ALanguage Points,stick to,to do or keep doing what you said you would do or what you believe in, even when it is difficult,不放弃,坚持,Examples,:,If you like writing, you should,stick to,it.,We must,stick to,our task till it is finished.,He promised to help us and he,stuck to,his word.,Text ALanguage Points,近义词组:,adhere to,坚持;遵守;依附,hold on to,坚持,紧紧抓住,Examples:,I will,adhere to,this opinion until contrary facts appear.,Staff should,adhere,strictly,to,the safety guidelines.,The soldiers,held on to,the bridge for three more days.,My father said that if we believe something was true, we should,hold on to,it.,Text ALanguage Points,make up,to replace sth that has been lost,弥补,补偿,Examples,:,Ill,make,it,up,to you, I promise.,Theyll have to,make up,time lost during the strike (,罢工,).,Text ALanguage Points,近义词:,compensate (for sth),补偿,弥补, 抵消,Examples:,Nothing can,compensate,for the loss of ones health.,The animals good sense of smell,compensates,for its poor eyesight.,Text ALanguage Points,Sentence understanding,Heres how to make a daily schedule for every moment of your day to take control of exactly how you spend your time,.,(,Para. 1,),第一个,how,引导表语从句;第二个,how,引导一个宾语从句,作“,take control of”,的宾语,表示“支配”的内容。,here is /are,倒装句,为固定表达结构,表示“下面是,”,、“以下是,”,。,Text ALanguage Points,See more examples:,Here is,the news,现在报告新闻,Here are,the reports from BBC.,Text ALanguage Points,It may be a good idea to schedule homework before dinner,since,afterwards you may get too sleepy to concentrate. (Para. 5, L. 2),since,为连词,句中表示原因,意思是“由于,既然,因为”,See more examples:,Since nobody has replied yet, well assume that theyre not interested.,I tell you he will go abroad, since you ask.,Text ALanguage Points, you may get,too,sleepy,to,concentrate.,(Para. 5, L. 3),too to do sth,意思是“太,以至于不能,”,See more examples:,He was too excited to speak.,She was too confused to figure out the answer.,Text AUseful Expressions,1. make a daily schedule,制作一张日程表,2.,draw a chart,画一张图表,3.,waking hours,非睡眠时间,4.make a list of all the things,罗列出所有事情,Text AUseful Expressions,5.catch a bus,赶公交车,think about,想一想,考虑,7.,give yourself a break,让自己休息一下,a little bit of,一点点,Text AUseful Expressions,9.,colored pens,彩笔,10.,family chores,家庭琐事,11. school events,学校事务,12. time management,时间安排,Text AUseful Expressions,13.,at the dentist,在牙医诊所,14.,stick to your schedule,恪守你的日程表,15. the next day,第二天,Text ASentences to Be Remembered,Read aloud the following sentences from Text A and learn them by heart.,Text ASentences to Be Remembered,Make a list of everything you need to do, from taking a shower to doing homework and after-school activities.,It may be a good idea to schedule homework before dinner, since afterwards you may get too sleepy to concentrate .,If you have an important event, adjust other things, so you can make your schedule work out .,Text ASentences to Be Remembered,Youll sense how your day is planned out just by glancing at your schedule.,Spending two hours at the dentists means you probably wont be able to stick to your schedule.,Text AExercises: Table of Contents,Vocabulary Exercises,Structure,Translation,Reading Comprehension,Text AExercises: Reading Comprehension,I. Read Text A and answer the following questions.,1. According to Paragraph 1, what can we benefit from a daily schedule,?,It helps us plan every part of our day, so that we will be able to take control of exactly how we spend our time,.,2. What is a good time for homework? Why?,It is the time before dinner, because after the meal, we may get too sleepy to concentrate on the homework.,.,Text AExercises: Reading Comprehension,3.,Why does the author suggest,using a different colored pen or marker to color different types of responsibilities,?,In this way, well get a good sense of how our day is planned out just by glancing at our schedule.,4. Does a daily schedule necessarily include a flexible time management? Why?,Yes, it involves flexible time management, because we cant predict what is going to happen every day,.,Text AExercises: Reading Comprehension,5.,How can we make up the lost time on the schedule,?,We can make them up by giving ourselves extra squares the next day.,1.,According to Paragraph 2, if you are awake for 16 hours each day, you will need _ squares on your schedule,.,A. 8,B. 16,C. 32,D. 48,Text AExercises: Reading Comprehension,II. Choose the best answers according to Text A.,C,A. A daily schedule will help you spend every part of your day wisely.,B. Daily time management should be flexible.,C. In your daily schedule, just list things that have a specific start time .,D. You should schedule a break.,Text AExercises: Reading Comprehension,2. Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the text?_,C,Text AExercises: Reading Comprehension,3. _ is mentioned as an example of the things that have no specific start time.,A. Getting to the bus stop,B. Taking a shower,C. Homework,D. Break,C,A. Just do everything according to the schedule.,B. Deal with it first and give up everything in the schedule.,C. Deal with it first and make it up the next day.,D. Ask for others advice and decide what to do first.,Text AExercises: Reading Comprehension,4. If an urgent(,紧急的,) thing happens, what will you do?_,C,Text AExercises: Reading Comprehension,5. This passage mainly tells us (about) _.,A. how to use a daily schedule,B. how to make a daily schedule,C. a daily schedule for school work,D. why a daily schedule is useful,B,Text AExercises: Vocabulary,Complete each of the sentences with an appropriate word or phrase from the box. Change the form if necessary.,Dont worry. Everything will _ in the end,.,Thats _ what I was trying to tell you.,We will have to _ your suggestion carefully.,work out,exactly,consider,consider,concentrate,responsibility,glance at,stick to,exactly,schedule,for instance,work out,take control of,Text AExercises: Vocabulary,consider,concentrate,responsibility,glance at,stick to,exactly,schedule,for instance,work out,take control of,4.We all need to balance work and family _.,5.David was determined to _ his decision this time.,6.Ive been very busy these days because I have a tight _.,7.Some birds, penguins (,企鹅,) _, cant fly at all.,schedule,for instance,responsibilities,stick to,Text AExercises: Vocabulary,consider,concentrate,responsibility,glance at,stick to,exactly,schedule,for instance,work out,take control of,8.Please be quiet, otherwise I cant _ on my homework.,9.Children should be encouraged to _ their own behaviors.,10.The man _ his watch very quickly and then walked on.,glanced at,concentrate,take control of,Text AExercises: Vocabulary,II. The phrase “,work out,” means differently in different contexts. Here are some of the meanings:,A. to happen with a result; to get better (as you can see in the Text),产生结果;良性发展,B. to find the answer to sth; to solve (as you can see in Text A, Unit 4),找出答案


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