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Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,*,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Mechanical Engineering,English,Mechanical Engineering English,Lesson 2,Manufacturing,机械工程专业英语,Introduction,Conversations,Reading,Exercises,Method,Teaching,Discussion,Self-studying,Question,Background Situation,Manufacturing,In its earliest form,manufacturing was usually carried out by a single skilled artisan with assistants.Training was by apprenticeship.In much of the pre-industrial world the guild system protected the privileges and trade secrets of urban artisans.,Before the Industrial Revolution,most manufacturing occurred in rural areas,where household-based manufacturing served as a supplemental subsistence strategy to agriculture(and continues to do so in places).Entrepreneurs organized a number of manufacturing households into a single enterprise through the putting-out system.,Toll manufacturing,is an arrangement whereby a first firm with specialized equipment processes raw materials or semi-finished goods for a second firm.,Background,Modern manufacturing includes all intermediate processes required for the production and integration of a products components.Some industries,such as semiconductor and steel manufacturers use the term fabrication instead.,Background,According to some economists,manufacturing is a wealth-,producing sector of an economy,whereas a service sector tends to,be wealth-consuming.Emerging,technologies have provided some,new growth in advanced,manufacturing employment opportunities in the Manufacturing Belt in the United States.Manufacturing provides important material support for national infrastructure and for national defense.,Dialogue 1,Mr.King:,Do you have any hobbies other than study?,Lily:,Oh,I like playing,rugby,.We have a great mens rugby team which won the championship in the 6th National College Students Sports Game.,Mr.King:,Do you have a plan for your own future?,Lily:,I really cannot describe my own future because there are a lot of uncertainties in the way of my growing up.What I should do is to make good use of the present and make every day count.,Mr.King:,Can you say something about some of the famous landscapes in Shenyang?,译文,Lily:,Shenyang is the center concerned with economy,culture,transportation,commerce,and trade of Northeast Area.It is the important place of heavy machine in China and reputed city of history and culture.Shenyang is the first city to be the excellent one among so many excellent trading cities.Now there are thousands of cultural,relics,underground and above the ground.There are many natural landscapes and man-made landscapes.The whole world is focusing on the EXPO in Shenyang.North,Mausoleum,,it used to be the mausoleum of Huang Taiji,East Mausoleum,the other Mausoleum for Nuer Hachi and ShenYangs Imperial Palace have been declared as a world cultural heritage.,Mr.King:,How is the food served in your college dinning rooms?,Lily:,They offer us a wide choice of food styles from Sichuan Food to Guangdong Food.Drinks and snacks are also served there.,Dialogue Two,Mr.King:,What do you think of the internet?,Lily:,The internet brings us the age of information.Internet is,altering,the style of our life.Online education,online communication and online business are available on the net.But it is also causing some negative effects while we are enjoying the conveniences.,Mr.King:,How is the climate here?,Lily:,Shenyang has distinct four seasons,concentrated rainfalls and sufficient sunshine.,Mr.King:,Can you say something about your classmates or friends?,Lily:,Zhangxue is a hard-working student.She is one of the top students in our class.Shes the teachers favorite.We are close friends.No exam has ever bothered her.,New words&expressions,rugby rgbi n.橄榄球,relics relik n.遗物,遗迹,遗产,遗体,commerce km(:)s n.商业,贸易,mausoleum .m:slim n.陵墓,heritage heritid n.遗产,继承物,reputed ripju:tid a.名誉好的,被称为.的,有.名气的,alter :lt v.改变,distinct distikt a.(from)独特的,不同的,明显的,清楚的,produce prdju:s n.产品,农产品;v.产生,生产,提出,distribute distribju(:)t v.分配,散布,capital kpitl n.首都,首府,大写字母,资产;a.首都的,重要的,organize :gnaiz vi.组织起来;vt.组织,route ru:t n.航线,路线;vt.按路线发送,schedule skedjul n.时间表,一览表,计划;v.安排,计划,预定,编制目录,dispatch dispt v.派遣;计算机 分派,layout lei.aut n.布局,安排,设计,defective difektiv a.有缺陷的,欠缺;n.有缺陷的人,Text,Modern Manufacturing Engineering,What Is Manufacturing,Maybe youve never thought about it before,but it is all around you.It affects every part of your life.What is it?In this case,“it”is manufacturing.Actually“manufacturing”is not all around you.But manufactured products are.Look around you right now.Name some things you see that were manufactured.Chairs,notebooks,blue jeans,books,floor tile,chalkboards,light bulbs,pencils,eyeglassesnearly everything around you was manufactured.,译文,The manufacturing industry is,important to our society.Its essential to our economy.An economy is a system for,producing,and,distributing,products and services.Many


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